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1.—Would you like some juice?
—________ I like juice best.
  • A. Yes, I would.
  • B. No, thanks.
  • C. Yes, please.
2.—We all hope our team can ________ the football match tomorrow.
—Let's go and cheer them then.
  • A. play
  • B. win
  • C. watch
3.Lei Feng is always ready ________ other people.
  • A. to help
  • B. helping
  • C. helps
4.—Hi, Mary. You got the best score in English again!
—Yes, I always work hard ________ it.
  • A. in
  • B. at
  • C. to
5.________ a Chinese, I'm looking forward to ________ Mars (火星) one day.
  • A. For;visiting
  • B. As;visit
  • C. As;visiting
6.—Potter, can you this word in Russian?
—Yes, I can a little Russian.
  • A. speak;say
  • B. say;speak
  • C. read;tell
7.Everyone ________ to the playground for PE lesson next class.
  • A. went
  • B. goes
  • C. is going
8.________ does Tony want to join the music club?
  • A. What
  • B. How
  • C. Why
9.—________ will Mr. Strange go to visit Disneyland in Hong Kong?
—In a week.
  • A. How soon
  • B. How often
  • C. How long
10.There will ________ a new sports center in our city.
  • A. is
  • B. have
  • C. be
11.Helen entered ________ her room without ________ anything.
  • A. in;take
  • B. into;to take
  • C. /;taking
12.Kobe lives in a small town ________ the west coast of America.
  • A. on
  • B. to
  • C. in
13.—Look!Is this ________ new watch?
—No.________is on the table over there.
  • A. her;Her
  • B. her;Hers
  • C. hers;Hers
14.________ sad day today!We lost two great scientists.
  • A. How
  • B. What
  • C. What a
15.—Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Shihao Shopping Center?
—_______ Go along Panlong Road, it's on your right.
  • A. Sorry, I new here.
  • B. Sure.
  • C. Yes, I can.
16.  New York, London and other big cities are good places to live in. There are(1)       interesting things to see and to do. You can go to(2)       kinds of museums, see plays and movies. You can also do shopping to(3)       things from all over the world.
  But there are many(4)       in big cities, too. The cost (花费) of living in big cities is high, and there are too many people in some places of the big cities. Every year many people come to the cities because they think they can(5)      find jobs there, study at good schools and go to good hospitals. But(6)      these people can't find work or a good place to live in. Also too many people in a city make it hard to keep (保持) it (7)       and clean.
17.  Children today have many things to play with. They can watch TV, go on the Internet or play video games. (1)       do you know what children did for fun in the past (过去) ?They read books!
  Maybe some of you will ask, "Are books really fun?" It's true that books have many things that televisions or computers cannot. Most books use words (文字)(2)       a story, and they can let you make progress ( 进步) in your imagination ( 想象力) . You can(3)       the characters ( 人物) and the background (背景) in your head and imagine(4)       the characters feel.
  The words and sentences in storytelling are also very interesting and usually we cannot(5)      them on television or on the Internet. They are sometimes so beautiful and moving (感人的) that they can(6)      tears (眼泪) to your eyes.
  Books also help us to think harder. When we read more, we think more, and we'd like to ask ourselves questions and try to find out(7)      .
  These are why books are so fun to read and(8)      people always look forward to good books.
  Remember:the more you read, the faster you grow.
Dear students,
We'll have an English talk in the school hall from 4 to 6 p. m. on March 7. Li Ping from Peking University(北大)will give us a talk. It is about "How to learn English well. " You may ask questions about learning English during the break. If (如果) you are interested (感兴趣), please join in the talk on time (准时) .
English Club March 1, 2021 
Dear all students,
March 12 is Tree Planting Day. We decide to go and plant trees that day. All students in our school must (必须) go. We are going to meet at the school gate at 7:00 tomorrow morning. And then, we will take our school buses to West Hill. Please don't be late. Safety is the first during the planting. Please wear sports shoes.
Students' Union March 10, 2021 
I found a coat on the playground on March 1. It is a new black coat. There is a key in it. The owner can come to Room 301, Building 2 to get it. Li Lin
Class 3, Grade 7 
19.  Anne and Joseph are talking about an interesting question. Why do some people change (改换) their names?Hamma changed her name to Anne because she thought it would be easy to remember. On the other hand, Joseph is thinking about changing his name, because he wants to be cool.
  People have a lot of reasons (原因) for changing their names. Movie stars, singers and sportsmen often change their names because they want their names to be different or to have special sounds. They also choose the "new names" for good luck.
  Some people have another reason for changing their names. They have moved to a new country and want to use a name that is usual there. For example, Rasheed Shyyab from Turkey (土耳其) changed his name to Ran Shide when he moved to China. He used Ram at his job and at school. For some people, using different names makes life easier (更容易) in their new countries.
  In many countries, a woman changes her family name to her husband's after she gets married (结婚) . But today, many women are keeping their own (自己的) family names. Sometimes, women use their own names in some situations (情况) and their husband's in other situations.
20.  Many people love eating pancakes (煎饼) . But do you know there is a festival called Pancake Day in England?
  Pancake Day happens every year, but not on the same day. It's between February 2nd and March 9th, 41 days before Easter (复活节) . It has a long history. On that day, people eat up all the food:milk, sugar and eggs, because they can't eat them the next day. So women often make pancakes with all these things in a pan (平底锅).
  On Pancake Day people also join in the pancake race (竞赛) . What is the pancake race?Traditionally, it's a race for women only. But now, everyone can do it. They throw (扔) and catch pancakes when they are running. People are happy to see who is the first and who is the last.
  For most people today, Pancake Day is an interesting festival, and people enjoy eating lots of pancakes and having fun. It is a favourite of children. Some other countries like France and Australia also have this interesting festival too.
A. His friend did as what Twain said
B. Twain gave him two tickets
C. He liked telling funny stories
D. He likes to lie on the floor under the seat
E. His friend was very sad 

  Mark Twain was an American writer. (1)      , and he also liked to play jokes (玩笑) .
  One day, a friend of his lost his wallet and asked Twain to buy a train ticket for him. Twain said, "I'm sorry, but I have very little money with me. I don't have enough ( 足够的) money to buy two tickets. "(2)      . "But, " said Twain, "You can get on the train with me, and when the conductor(列车员) comes for the tickets, you can hide ( 躲藏) under my seat. "(3)      .
  But when the conductor came, (4)      . One is for himself and the other is for his friend under the seat. Then in a loud voice (大声地) , so that everyone in the train could hear him easily, Twain said, "My friend is a very strange man. When he rides on a train, he doesn't like to sit on the seat. (5)      . "
  Of course, everybody then looked at the poor (可怜的) man under the seat and laughed at him.
22.Eric doesn't like Chinese and I don't like it, e      .
23.Eric was very hungry, so he f       all the food very fast.
24.There are many t       visiting our city during the May Day holiday.
25.Go along the street and turn right at the       (第三) street, you'll see the park.
26.When we arrived at the museum, we were very       (兴奋的).
27.Who       (写) The Yellow River in 1939, Xian Xinghai or Nie Er?
28.His little daughter liked       (挥手) to say goodbye.
29.Don't       (带来) any food or drink into the lab next time.
30.Last year, the old woman       (支付) a lot of money for the homeless cats.
31.I'm sorry that I wasn't       (能够)to call you yesterday.
32.  Once upon a time, there(1)       a swan (天鹅) . She lived in a lake. A woman lived in a small house by the lake(2)       her two daughters. They had a hard life. They usually(3)       (not have) money to buy food. The swan was sad(4)      (see) that. She(5)       (decide) to help them. Every day she came and left a golden feather (羽毛) without(6)       (say) anything. The woman sold the feather to buy lots of food. The woman and her daughters were very happy(7)      their life was better ( 较好) than before.
  But, a few(8)       (day) later, the woman became greedy(贪婪). One day, when the swan came, the woman(9)       (catch) her and took all her golden feathers. But very soon, the golden feathers became the common ( 普通的) ones. The swan said, "I came to help you, but you wanted to hurt(伤害)(10)      . I'll never come back again!Never be greedy!" Then, the swan flew away.
33.假设你的学校将举办一场英语演讲比赛, 内容是人物介绍.请根据下列提示, 完成一篇不少于60词的演讲稿, 开头和结尾已经给出, 不计入总词数.
袁隆平(Yuan Longping) 
生逝 1930年9月7日, 北京;2021年5月22日. 
简历 1949年在重庆上大学;1953年开始在湖南工作. 
爱好 游泳, 读书, 拉小提琴. 
荣誉 世界著名科学家:杂交水稻之父. 
你的观点 …… 

提示词:1. 科学家scientist;2. 上大学go to college;3. 杂交水稻hybrid rice
  Good morning, my dear friends!Today, I'd like to talk about a very great people with you. His name is Yuan Longping. .
  Thanks for your listening!
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