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1.The first group of astronauts arrived at the International Space Station ____ November 2nd, 2000.
  • A. in
  • B. at
  • C. on
  • D. from
2.Shanghai is ______ amazing city and it attracts tourists from home and abroad.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
3.Tim and his friends are planning to visit a friend of _______ in Beijing this summer.
  • A. they
  • B. their
  • C. themselves
  • D. theirs
4.It's necessary for the young generation to learn to reach out to ______ people in need.
  • A. other
  • B. the other
  • C. another
  • D. others
5.When Jane studied alone in Japan, she always hoped there was ____ she could spend holidays with.
  • A. nobody
  • B. everybody
  • C. anybody
  • D. somebody
6.—I can't decide which dress I shall take. They both look nice.
—Why not ______ them on? You will find out which one fits better on you.
  • A. to try
  • B. trying
  • C. try
  • D. tried
7._____ you eat too much junk food, it can finally do harm to your body one day.
  • A. If
  • B. Although
  • C. So
  • D. Or
8.The villagers______a way to control pollution by the end of last year.
  • A. find
  • B. are finding
  • C. will find
  • D. had found
9.When we go to a restaurant, we_____ order less food to prevent waste.
  • A. may
  • B. must
  • C. should
  • D. have to
10.A bank robbery_____ at two yesterday afternoon and the robbers escaped from the scene.
  • A. was taking place
  • B. was taken place
  • C. had taken place
  • D. took place
11.The cake will have a better taste if the baker can make it a little_______.
  • A. soft
  • B. softer
  • C. softest
  • D. the softest
12.After so many years living in England, Wang is used to____ on the left side of the road.
  • A. driving
  • B. driven
  • C. drive
  • D. drove
13.We've learnt in the science lesson that steam_______water when it cools down.
  • A. turned into
  • B. turns into
  • C. would turn into
  • D. has turned into
14.___ funny Thomas looks in his dad's suit in this photo!
  • A. What
  • B. What a
  • C. How
  • D. How a
15.—____ will get a reply from the chief editor?
—In one or two weeks.
  • A. How soon
  • B. How often
  • C. How far
  • D. How long
A. danger B. possible C. emergency D. ambulance E process 

  Have you ever seen a car without a driver? It sounds crazy, but these computer driven driverless cars will soon be filing roads near you.
  So how do they work? The cars have sensors (感应器) all around. They can help discover other cars and avoid (1)       in the road. Sensors on the wheels also help when parking, so the car knows how far it is from the other parked cars. Road signs are read by cameras, and h i-tech systems are used so the car knows how to get to where you are going. All you have to do is type in the address! Finally, a central computer system will (2)       all the information it receives from the sensors and work out when to speed up, stop and turn.
  Sitting back, looking out of the windows and even watching a film or reading a book while "driving" would be (3)       with this new technology. You wouldn't have to worry about remembering directions. In addition, computers are generally better drivers than humans. They will also drive more safely than people. They will obey the speed limit and have quicker reaction time in case of an (4)      .
A. responsible B. unnecessary C. fun D. difficulty E. allowed 

  However, there are many disadvantages of driverless cars. Computers would have (1)      making ethical (伦理的) or legal (法律的) decisions:if a child ran into the road, would the computer choose to hit the child or kill the car's passengers?Should children be (2)       in a driverless car by themselves? Or would there need to be a (3)       adult with a driving license in the car at all times? Many people would lose their jobs because of driverless cars. Bus, taxi, train and tram drivers would be (4)      .
  I'm not so sure about whether I'd want a driverless car — but it's only a matter of time before they become more common on our roads.
18.The      over there is in a bad state and it needs some repair work. (build)
19.Read through your paper and      any mistake you may find. (correctly)
20.It seems      to force Tommy to give his favorite toy to his little brother. (fair)
21.Joe was made a team leader on his      day in the summer camp. (eight)
22.It took those       nearly two hours to have the fire under control. (fireman)
23.To rescue that dying boy, doctors have done almost everything they can      think of. (possible)
24.The situation after the earthquake is much      than people have expected. (bad)
25.Jenny lives a busy       life and she joins different clubs to make new friends. (society)
26.This new pair of sports shoes cost him about two hundred yuan. (改为一般疑问句)
      this new pair of sports shoes      him about two hundred yuan?
27.Students must not carry mobile phones to school. (改为被动语态 )
Mobile phones must not      to school by students.
28.The Smiths are considering having a second child. (保持基本句意不变 )
The Smiths are      having a second child.
29.There were a few beautiful landscape paintings in the hall. (改为反意疑问句)
There were a few beautiful landscape paintings in the hall,      ?
30.The timetable tells you when you can leave your rubbish here. (改为简单句)
The timetable tells you      leave your rubbish here.
31.The students of Class Five used the conference room until the end of the day.(就划线部分提问)
      did the students of Class Five use the conference room?
32.in need, a charity sale, the school, has organized, people, to help (连词成句)
33.dear Mars Project
  The first civilian mission to the Mars is planned to take place in 2040. It's a chance for the common people to fly to the Mars. The rocket will make a month-long journey to the Mars and back.
  In 2020, a secret businessman purchased all the seats aboard the rocket. Wishing to give as many talented people as possible the opportunity to go, he plans to take I0 crew members to go with him from across the world. He will choose those who will improve "whatever activity" they are into by going to space and who are willing and able to support other crew member.
Step 1:
Pre-registration online — by August 4th 8:00 p. m Click here!
Everyone who pre-registers will receive an e﹣mail about the selection process.
Step 2:
Initial Screening (材料审查) by August 10th 8:00 p. m.
Step 3:
A particular task will be given.
Step 4:
Online Interview — by August 20th 8:00 p. m.
Step 5:
Final Interview and Medical Checkup — Late August
Step 6:
Training and Preparation

34.  The bus was filled with excitement. Students were talking and laughing, but there was also a bit of (1)       energy in the air. As the bus pulled into the parking lot at the television studio, Mr. Osaka cleared his throat.
  "I want to thank each one of you for your hard work. I know that many of you have had to put other activities on hold for the training. Whether or not our Sunshine Middle School wins today's competition, I'm proud of you all," Mr. Osaka continued. "It's a great honor just to be on Quiz Power. Just do your best and enjoy yourselves today. No matter what, we're all going home (2)      ."
  The members of the team (3)       as Mr. Osaka finished his speech. As they headed for the doors of the bus, several students stopped to thank Mr. Osaka for his commitment to the team. The students knew they were ready for almost any question the quizmaster might ask. They couldn't wait to get started.
  Inside the studio, the students were met by Anna, the show's executive producer. Anna was a tall, friendly woman.
  "I am sure you've already heard this a hundred times today," she told the room of expectant students, "but the most important thing you can do during the competition is to relax and have fun. Do your best to ignore the cameras and the audience. Once the host has finished asking a question, you will want to ring your buzzer (蜂鸣器) as soon as you think you have the answer. (4)       , you may not ring in until the entire question has been read. People are likely to speak more quickly when they are nervous, so just try to answer slowly and calmly when it's your turn." Ann paused and smiled at the students who were beginning to look tense. "Do you have any questions before we begin?"
  Gabriel, a seventh-grader from Sunshine, waved his hand. "Will the winning team come back to compete for the championship (冠军赛)?" he asked (5)      , with hope in his eyes.
  Ann nodded. "The championships are held in the spring. The winning team in the final will receive $1,000. The winning school will also receive two brand new computers."
  "Any more questions?" Ann asked. The students were silent, (6)       the task ahead of them.
  "Then, let the game begin!"

35.Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺, 每空格限填一词, 首字母已给):
  Hundreds of thousands of people often see their faces on the TV screen. They may be speaking "live" from the scene of an earthquake or interviewing a famous person. They look confident as they present stories or give regular updates on an important news event. They are TV reporters.
  To many of us, TV reporters seem to have an(1)e       job. After all, they will be among the first to know about major local and world events and they often get to watch these events happen right before their eyes. They (2)e       have many opportunities to meet well-known people and top leaders.
  Actually, reporters not only have to put in a lot of hard work, they must also develop different skills and have the right personality for the job.
  TV reporters must tell an interesting story so that people will want to watch and pay attention to it. To get the news to their viewers as quickly as possible, TV reporters have to work long and irregular hours. They often work nights, weekends, and (3)h      一 when people in most other jobs are taking their days off. Reporters must always be ready to get to work right away. During sudden news event, TV reporters may have to put down some notes and start reporting (4)i      . In such a situation, they may not have the time to get back to the TV station and write down their story. Sometimes, a reporter has to (5)c       a news story that he has been working on because another news story may seem more important.
  When TV reporters study for their job, they have to learn to write news stories that go with the video the cameraman has shot. Writing for TV is very different from writing an (6)o      report.
  In order to attract their viewers, they must learn to dress professionally and smartly. TV reporters must speak clearly and appear relaxed. They must learn to look into the camera and smile. Besides, a TV reporter's (7)v       is key to his or her success on the job. When training for the job, students learn to speak at the right volume to deliver their news story in such a way as to keep their viewers interested.
36.Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题):
  During meal times, more and more young people take out their mobile phones, choose a favorite show, and eat while watching and burst into laughter now and then.
  Liu, a 19-year-old student studying in Beijing, is one of them. A foodie and a video lover, she is happy to eat while watching food programs on her cellphone. A show she has been recently watching is about two Chinese girls traveling around Japan to find delicious food, and the show has been viewed more than 26, 000 times on China's top microblog platform.
  "I like Japanese food. The food in the show looks really attractive," Li explains. Besides this show, she also watches many other online food programs.
  Keyi, a 26-year-old woman working in Shanghai, recently fell in love with one popular food program and usually watches it in bed before she goes to sleep.
  "It's not unexpected," said Adrien from France, who has been living in Beijing for seven years and is a huge fan of Chinese food. "China and France are both keen on cooking and eating. In France, we also have food reality shows."
  Irina from Russia also loves Chinese food programs very much. She watched a reality show with friends. In the show, some Chinese stars cooked seafood and crabs. "I was attracted to it at first sight They cooked the seafood differently from us, but the dish they made looked very delicious," said Irina.
  Beautiful pictures, ______, _______and the famous stars — are what make food programs a perfect meal companion for younger Chinese people, even when they are far away from home.
  "After I left China and started my life in the Netherlands, I found myself always watching A Bite of China during supper," Manling, a student studying in the Netherlands, said.
  She added that she has only been living there for two months and she has already missed the home flavor of China. "Chinese flavors are like the comfort zone that gives me a sense of safety," Manling said.
37.Suppose you are interested in dearMars Project, and you send an e﹣mail to dearMarsproject@****. com based on one of the given situations.
Situation 1:You want to be one of the crew members to the Mars. You write to apply for a seat
in the rocket.
Situation 2:You want to know more about the project, hoping to get more detailed information.
假设你对dearMars 的项目感兴趣, 你选择所给情境之一完成一封发送给dearMarsproject@****. com的电子邮件(不少于60词) .
(注意:邮件中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息, 否则不予评分.标点符号不占格)
Dear dear
Mars Project,
Yours sincerely,
中考模拟试卷 最新试卷 上海试卷 徐汇区试卷 2021年试卷 初中试卷 九年级试卷 英语试卷
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