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1.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others?
  • A. What have you learned from the story?
  • B. Teaching and research are both important.
  • C. Early birds catch more worms.
  • D. He bought his son a lovely Teddy Bear.
2.A: Excuse me, could you please tell me the way ______ the light rail station?
B: Go along this street, and you'll see it on your right.
  • A. with
  • B. to
  • C. at
  • D. for
3.______ people gathered to pay respect to the firefighters who died while putting out the fire.
  • A. Huge amounts of
  • B. Quite a lot
  • C. A great number of
  • D. A great deal of
4.The more careful you are, ______ mistakes you will make in the final examination.
  • A. fewer
  • B. the fewer
  • C. fewest
  • D. the fewest
5.They are looking forward to having an opportunity ______ society for real-life experience.
  • A. explore
  • B. to explore
  • C. exploring
  • D. explored
6.A: Would you like to see the hit film called "Lost in Hong Kong" or go shopping this weekend?
B:______. I prefer to visit the new museum.
  • A. Either
  • B. Both
  • C. None
  • D. Neither
7.In my opinion, Chinese is ______ any other language in the world because Chinese has the most number of speakers.
  • A. as important as
  • B. so important as
  • C. the most important
  • D. more important than
8.Yuanxiang Lake looks pretty ______ in the moonlight. I often take a walk around it.
  • A. wonderfully
  • B. famous
  • C. beautiful
  • D. until
9.Mrs. White walks a dog in the park nearby every morning ______ it's rainy or windy.
  • A. since
  • B. because
  • C. unless
  • D. until
10.A:Would you please tell me ______ the video conference will be held?
B: In two weeks.
  • A. how long
  • B. how much time
  • C. how soon
  • D. how often
11.She had to practise ______ in various weather conditions before she passed the test.
  • A. drive
  • B. to drive
  • C. driving
  • D. to driving
12.—When did the classroom have a power cut?
—This morning, while we ________ a physics lesson.
  • A. have had
  • B. were having
  • C. are having
  • D. will have
13.The student's won't start the experiment until the teacher ______ them how to do it.
  • A. will show
  • B. show
  • C. showed
  • D. shows
14.All the boys ______ into five groups to complete the group activities just now.
  • A. divide
  • B. have divided
  • C. were divided
  • D. will be divided
15.______ excellent speech our monitor made! I enjoyed every minute of it.
  • A. What an
  • B. What
  • C. How
  • D. What a
16.______ a hole in the door. Otherwise, he couldn't see what happened inside the room.
  • A. It happened to be
  • B. There happened to have
  • C. That happened to have
  • D. There happened to be
17.The class teacher asked the students ______.
  • A. why doesn't Jack come for the picnic
  • B. why didn't Jack come for the picnic
  • C. why Jack doesn't come for the picnic
  • D. why Jack didn't come for the picnic
18.Johnson and his partner didn't attend the meeting because he had ______ to do last Friday.
  • A. something urgent
  • B. anything urgent
  • C. urgent something
  • D. nothing urgent
19.—Only those who have a lot in common can get along well.
—_______. Opposites sometimes attract.
  • A. I hope so
  • B. I think so
  • C. I don't care
  • D. I don't think so
20.A:Would you like to go to the cartoon show with me this afternoon, John?
B:______ But I'm busy writing my graduation thesis.
  • A. I'm sorry to hear that
  • B. It sounds like fun.
  • C. I'll take your advice.
  • D. It's a pleasure.
A. developing B. adventure C. basic D. accident E. rewarded 

  It is not always easy to discover yourself. From a young age. I had a strong sense of who I would become, but an (1)       changed everything.
  To me, skating was more important than anything else in the world. Nothing else filled my heart with so much joy. I spent 24 hours a week (2)       my skills. I had no social life or interests other than skating. But I was (3)       with first place medals in nearly every competition.
  Unfortunately, during one competition. I fell and was badly injured. The doctor told me that I couldn't skate anymore. The pain in my back was hard to bear and even (4)       daily tasks became difficult.
A. wasting B. taken away C. rebuilt D. taken up E. failed 

  My passion (激情) had been (1)      . I lost heart and had no idea what I would become. After eight months of suffering, something had to change. Instead of sitting around and (2)       my days. I began to work with local community service projects. By volunteering as a swimming teacher and summer reading assistant or kids. I got an idea of who I wanted to become. After a few months. I found a new interest. Little by little, I stepped out of the shadow and (3)       my confidence.
  Sometimes, challenges in life will get in our way. We can choose to stay behind or try to get past these challenges. My suffering was a challenge that (4)      to stop me from reaching success. Today, I'm a very confident and optimistic (乐观的) person.
23.Could you please pass me the        dictionary from the left on the shelf. (five)
24.I'm quite sure our team will        in winning the basketball match. (success)
25.It is also        to eat Jiaozi on New Year's Eve in the north of China. (tradition)
26.After a six-month research, each group came to a similar      . (conclude)
27.Jenny should        for her being late because the other group members had to wait for a long time. (apology)
28.Mr. Wang said the two boys need to take        for the mistake they made. (responsible)
29.Those who smoke       should remind themselves of health, the bad smell and the feelings of other people. (heavy)
30.She cut the bananas into pieces before making a banana milkshake. (改为一般疑问句)
      she      the bananas into pieces before making a banana milkshake?
31.They will get up early in the morning to see the sunrise in the mountains. (对划线部分提问)
      they get up early in the morning?
32.Visitors showed great interest in the Steam Courses in our school. (保持句意不变)
Visitor were      the Steam Courses in our school.
33.Jack never returns the library books and magazines on time. (改为反意疑问句)
Jack never returns the library books and magazines on time,       ?
34.Mary sent some postcards to her friends in China after she arrived in London. (改为被动语态)
Some postcards      to her friends in China after Mary arrived in London.
35.Jessica asked her husband, "Have you repaired the washing machine?"(合并为一句)
Jessica asked her husband      had repaired the washing machine.
36.much, it, send, cost, study abroad, the parents, to, money, the girl, to (连词成句)
37.  Many children like reading detective stories. They enjoy going behind the scenes with the main character:a detective. Here are three of the most popular.
  Best Detective Stories for Teenagers
  Nate the Great (Book 1 of 26)
  Nate the Great has a new case!His friend Annie has lost an expensive picture. She wants Nate to help her find it. Nate must get all the facts, ask the right questions and narrow the list of suspects. Join the great detective as he solves the mystery, will you?
  Paperback:$5. 39 >> Buy it on Amazon
  Encyclopedia Brown, Boy Detective (Book 1 of 28)
  Encyclopedia Brown is a ten-year-old boy genius who puts his talents to work fighting crime in the small town of Idaville. He solves mysteries for the neighborhood kids. His dad is the chief of the Idvaille Police Department. Every night, Encyclopedia helps him solve his most difficult cases. There are ten cases in each book. Not only does Encyclopedia have a chance to solve them, but the reader is also given all the clues.
  Paperback: $4. 99 >> Buy it on Amazon
  The 100-Year-Old Secret:The Sherlock Files (Book 1 of 4)
  Xena and Xander Holmes have just found they're the great — grandchildren of Sherlock Holmes. They are given Sherlock's unsolved casebook. The two set out to solve the cases. Can two 21st-century kids succeed where Sherlock could not?
  Paperback:$7. 79 >> Buy it on Amazon
38.  Books have magical power. They contain knowledge and knowledge makes our human become wiser and stronger. Between their pages, readers can be transported to anywhere imaginable and become just about anyone …or anytime. (1)       , many children all over the world don't have access to books.
  For several years now, Maria Keller, a teenager from Minneapolis, Minnesota, has been trying to change that fact.
  When she was 8 years old, Maria already loved reading. She also noticed that some of her classmates didn't read as much as she did. When she asked her mother why that was, her mother said that they might not be able to (2)       books. Maria had never thought of this. She couldn't believe that some children didn't have bedtime stories read to them, and she became (3)      to change this.
  With her mother's help. Maria created a non﹣profit organization which is dedicated (致力于)to collecting and distributing books to children (4)      .
  During the early stages of Read Indeed, Maria set the goal of collecting and distributing 1 million books by the time she was 18.
  It didn't take long to reach that goal. Up till now, she has collected over 2. 4 million books and has shipped them to many states and countries around the world.
  She said, "I cannot live without books. As I continue my mission (使命). I have learned that the number of kids who have no books is in the hundreds of millions. So I just can't (5)      . even after reaching my original goal of 1 million books. "
  She recently set a new goal:to distribute donations to kids in need in every state in the US, and every country in the world. She keeps records of her (6)       on a large map at the warehouse (仓库) where her books are stored and sorted.
39.  Do you remember when you wrote a letter last time? If the answer is "not recently", don't worry. You are not a(1)      .
  A survey of 1, 000 teenagers around the world done by a French company BIC found that a third of today's teenagers had never written a letter, half had not written a thank-you letter, and a quarter had not even written a birthday or Christmas card. In fact, 58 percent of teenagers c(2)       that handwriting was "too slow" and 17 percent believed it was "outdated".
  These results have caused w(3)      that the art of handwriting may one day die out.
   "Hand-writing" is one of the most c(4)      art forms we have and should be given the same importance as other art form such as painting, or photography, " Jonathan Skyrme, general manager at BIC UK & Ireland, told the Daily Mail.
  The New York Times once explained that a handwritten letter sends a message in a way that o(5)      messages can never do. "When you get an email, you can never be sure that you are the o(6)       person to have received it — or even that it was written by the person who sent it," said the newspaper.
  As US author Simon Garfield once wrote, "Emails are a poke (蜻蜓点水), but letters are a loving touch." So imagine the powerful message you send when you actually write out your thought by hand, buy a stamp, take it to a mailbox, and wait days for your special s(7)       to receive it.
40.  Do you think you're a lucky person?Let's see what Professor Richard Wise-man, a famous psychologist (心理学家), has discovered about luck:
  Ten years ago, I set out a research on luck. I wanted to know why some people are always in the right place at the right time, while others always experience ill luck.
  Many people volunteered for my research. Over the years I interviewed them, watched their lives and had them take part in my experiment.
  I carried out a simple experiment to discover why there were differences in their ability to find opportunities. I gave both lucky and unlucky people a newspaper and asked them to look through it an tell me how many photographs were in side.
  I had secretly placed a large message halfway through the newspaper saying. "Tell the researcher you have seen this and win $50."
  This message took up half of the page and was more than two inches high. It was staring everyone straight in the face, but unlucky people tended to (倾向于) miss it and lucky people tended to spot it.
  Unlucky people are just more nervous than lucky people. They are busy looking only for what they need and this stops them from noticing the unexpected. As a result, they miss out on opportunities.
  Lucky people tend to be more relaxed and open. They can see everything that is in front of them, rather than just what they are looking for.
  My research shows that lucky people live by several principles (原则). Here are some of these principles:
1. Opportunities are always given to those who are prepared.
2. Be open to new experiences and break your normal thought patterns (模式).
3. Spend a few moments each day remembering things that went well.
4. See yourself being lucky before an important meeting or phone call.
41.Write at least 60 words on the topic "_____ help(s) me grow" (以"_______ 助我成长"为题, 写一篇不少 于60 个词的短文, 标点符号不占格).
生活中的很多事或人能帮助我们成长. 理想、品格、老师、亲人、朋友……都为我们的成长助力, 请选取一个方面, 结合发生在你自己身上的经历, 来写一写他(它)是如何助力你成长的.
(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息, 否则不予评分)
The following is for reference only(以下表达仅供参考)
encourage sb. to do …
do sb. a favour
with the help of …
make great progress
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