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1.Which of the following words is pronounced /'kɒntækt/?
  • A. concert
  • B. contest
  • C. collect
  • D. contact
2.At last it seemed that the war might be coming to _______ end.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
3.Mary's got many useful _______ on her class project from the school library.
  • A. information
  • B. advice
  • C. news
  • D. books
4.The 2nd China International Import Expo was held _______ November, 2019.
  • A. at
  • B. on
  • C. in
  • D. from
5.The young people dreamed of having a flat of _______ own some day in the future.
  • A. they
  • B. them
  • C. their
  • D. themselves
6.My computer at home doesn't work as _______ as the one in the school office.
  • A. fast
  • B. faster
  • C. fastest
  • D. the fastest
7.The police are worried about the _______ of the boy who has been missing for 3 days.
  • A. save
  • B. safe
  • C. safely
  • D. safety
8._______ can make Jessica change her mind. She is a person who never gives up easily.
  • A. Anything
  • B. Something
  • C. Nothing
  • D. Everything
9.—_______ will the Beijing Winter Olympic Games be held?
—In about 2 years.
  • A. How long
  • B. When
  • C. How many
  • D. Where
10.They rushed to the hospital, _______ they were too late.
  • A. but
  • B. though
  • C. or
  • D. so
11.You are not allowed to enter the exhibition _______ you have a ticket.
  • A. if
  • B. when
  • C. unless
  • D. because
12.Christy has been in China for a few years, but she still _______ speak Chinese.
  • A. needn't
  • B. can't
  • C. mustn't
  • D. shouldn't
13.We _______ a class meeting on rubbish classification (分类) this time last Monday.
  • A. were having
  • B. are having
  • C. had
  • D. will have
14.By the end of last Friday, we _______ over 2000 tickets altogether.
  • A. sold
  • B. would sell
  • C. are selling
  • D. had sold
15.The naughty boy denied _______ the expensive vase when his parents asked him.
  • A. breaking
  • B. broken
  • C. to break
  • D. break
16.Miss Wang _______ in our school since she graduated from Shanghai University.
  • A. teaches
  • B. has taught
  • C. was teaching
  • D. taught
17._______ beautiful music! Was it newly written by Jay Chou?
  • A. How
  • B. What
  • C. What a
  • D. How a
18.Jerry, ________to form a mind picture if you want to remember the long word.
  • A. tries
  • B. trying
  • C. try
  • D. to try
19.—In my opinion, buying books online can save us a lot of money.
  • A. That's all right.
  • B. I'm sorry to hear that.
  • C. I think so, too.
  • D. It's my pleasure.
—Oh, I'll take your advice.
  • A. You'd better drink more water. You coughed a lot
  • B. You deserve to get first prize in the contest, I think
  • C. You look so attractive in your white dress. I like it
  • D. You will have a pleasant time in Beijing, I hope
A. describe B. properly C. nervous D. likely E. realize 

  Want to get ahead in life? Here are some tricks that could help.
  "If someone won't stop talking, pretend to drop something (a pen, for example). Then, pick it up and start talking yourself. It's a great way to cut others off before they (1)       it." (Jack)
  "If you're doing something that makes you feel (2)      , eat some food. It tricks a part of your brain into thinking you couldn't be in danger because you're eating." (Kate)
  "If you think someone is lying, ask them to send you an e-mail to (3)       exactly what happened. People are less (4)       to lie by e-mail because their words are recorded. " (Pete)
A. practice B. now and then C. skill D. independent E. all the time 

  "If you act really happy and excited to see people, the next time they meet you, they'll probably do the same.
  Dogs play this trick on us (1)      !" (Bob)
  "If you're having trouble in encouraging yourself to do something like learning a (2)       (a sport, a language, etc. ), tell yourself that you'll do it for just five minutes. A lot of the time, you'll end up going for much longer, but even if you don't, you've still had five minutes of (3)      ." (Sebastian)
  "If you want your friend to carry something like a bag of shopping, keep talking while handing them the bag.
  Most people will take it in an automatic way without thinking. Some may become confused (4)      ." (Rachel) Have fun! (259 words)
23.Liao Changyong is an excellent Chinese      who has held many concerts. (sing)
24.The snake can reach a      of one hundred centimeters. (long)
25.I guess the gentleman with a pair of glasses must be in his early       now. (fifty)
26.Several recent      showed 75% of those questioned were in favour of the plan. (survey)
27.The jacket is available in      colours. You can choose what you like. (variety)
28.Every morning the students greet the teachers      with a smile at the school gate. (polite)
29.I've just bought my new car, so I make up my mind to      my old one. (sale)
30.Mike's classmates aren't satisfied with him because he is always      . (honest)
31.My cousin Jack watches TV at the weekend. (改为否定句)
My cousin Jack      TV at the weekend.
32.Kitty rarely went to bed after 11 o'clock. (改为反意疑问句)
Kitty rarely went to bed after 11 o'clock,      ?
33.We'll get up early tomorrow in order to catch the first train. (保持句子意思基本不变)
We'll get up early tomorrow      we can catch the first train.
34.Mr. Lee has run 10 kilometers during 2019 Shanghai International Marathon. (对划线部分提问)
      has Mr. Lee run during 2019 Shanghai International Marathon?
35.Mary's desk-mate chose that pair of trousers because of its design. (改为被动语态)
That pair of trousers      by Mary's desk﹣mate because of its design.
36.Miss Green asked Dick. "When will you plan to visit London?"(合并为一句)
Miss Green asked Dick        he        plan to visit London.
37.to communicate with, sometimes, find, parents, difficult, their children, it (.) (连词成句)
38.  Nina is reading a book which described 37 endangered natural and cultural treasures in the world. The writers want the book to be a hopeful call to action. Let's visit some of these places.
  The ancient city of Venice, Italy has long been threatened(威胁)by rising sea levels. The situation is made worse by the fact that its ancient buildings, built on a body of water, are slowly sinking. When the city was founded about 1600 years ago, the level of the Adriatic Sea was almost 2 meters lower than it is today.
  Mount Kilimanjaro
  Mount Kilimanjaro in northeastern Tanzania, is the highest point in Africa, measuring almost 6, 000 meters. The mountain supports 5 plant areas and many kinds of animals. The ice glaciers on the mountain are disappearing very quickly. This will have a bad effect on the mountain's ecosystems(生态系统)and on Tanzania's travel industry.
  Also, a valuable record of thousands of years of weather history will also be lost if the ice melts.
  Glacier National Park
  In the United States, the icy blocks in Glacier National Park may soon completely disappear because of weather change. In 1850, there were about 150 glaciers(冰川). There are 26 glaciers remaining today. Scientists estimate that the glaciers will be gone by 2030. Warm temperatures are also threatening the many kinds of plants and animals that live in this mountain ecosystem.
  Great Barrier Reef
  The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the largest coral reef( 珊 瑚 礁 )system in the world. Rising sea temperatures are greatly harming the reef. In some areas, healthy yellow, brown and green reefs have become white. The coral whitens when it is in warmer temperature. Sick or dying coral affects the whole ecosystem of this special underwater area. Water pollution and visits by careless swimmers and divers also threaten the reef.
39.When is the best time to …
Drink coffee
A recent study shows taking a very small amount of coffee each time is best done early in the day. Drunk later, it can reset your body's clock and(1)      sleep. You may try not drinking the coffee for a few weeks to see what a night of truly good rest feels like.
It's best to eat your biggest meal early, against a common American day. A chemical in your body called insulin reaches the highest point in the first half of the day, then slowly(2)      . So your blood sugar is less possible to skyrocket after a big breakfast than after a comparable dinner.
Around 8 or 9 p. m. , our bodies start to cool down, and we sleep better when we have a low body temperature. But how much shut﹣eye is ideal? Studies show that those who get six and a half to eight hours are less possible to die too soon. Eight hours seems to be(3)      .
Some people believe in early ﹣ morning running. But muscle tone(肌肉张力)is highest around 5 p. m. .(4)      professionals get an increase: West Coast NFL teams won more often in matches after 8 p. m. on the East Coast. Still on Pacific time, their bodies were ready to play.
Research suggests the development of language starts with late ﹣ night talks. So save the short story you've been meaning to write for a dark and restless night, and many different ideas may come up.
Do math
Scientists think we reach the closest attention between 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. , with a highest point around noon.
For the first new hours after we wake, our brains have a(an) (6)      to use some more energy.
40.  Hello, everyone. I arrived in China a few months ago. Like every other foreigner, I had to f(1)      a few "culture shocks". Here I would like to share a few of such culture shocks.
  It is known to all that China holds 20% of world's total population but even then it comes as a s(2)      when one steps outside into public areas and sees a flood of people who at first look almost the same, all dark haired with dark eyes.
  The next on my list is the language problem. When one first decides to go to China the first thought that crosses a(3)      mind is "how am I going to communicate?!!?" Although most Chinese are very interested in the English language, the fact remains that except the major cities like Beijing and Shanghai, the English language knowledge of most Chinese is very poor if not zero. L(4)       , you would always be able to find help.
  The third is the silent but keen interest of Chinese towards the foreigners. There are times when you would be sitting in a bus or just passing by and you would n(5)      someone trying to take picture.
  Now the next one is my f(6)      one. Chinese have the same love … FOOD. You start walking anywhere in China and after every 5 steps you will come across a food stall. Honestly, I have never seen a food place empty in China no matter what is being sold there.
  But frankly speaking, no matter what a foreigner goes through, life in China can be a total adventure and one thing is certain that the Chinese are the most h(7)      and the most sweet﹣natured people one could ever come across anywhere in the world. Whenever I meet with difficulty, I am sure to get a hand from the strangers to solve my problem.
41.  Some people are standing at a group of low hills in West Texas. Suddenly, they observe glowing reddish ﹣orange lights. Are they the headlights of cars on the highway?Are they the lights of campfires?The people shout and point because the lights are moving!But they aren't moving the way cars move. They shoot up in the air. They fall back to the earth. And then …they simply disappear!
  Every night, people go to observe the famous Marfa lights. The lights are named for the town of Marfa, Texas, where these lights can be seen in the distant hills east of the town. Over the years there have been many beliefs about these strange lights. One theory is that the lights are the headlights of cars driving down the road.
  But that could not be true. Settlers in the 1880 s wrote about the lights long before there were cars with headlights. At that time, pioneers thought the Marfa lights were the campfires of Apaches2 in the hills. When the pioneers would ride into the hills, they could find no evidence3 of campsites of fires. Later, the settlers learned that the Apaches, too, could see the lights. They thought the lights were stars that had come down the earth.
  Some people say that the lights are moonlight shining on metal in the hills. Others say they are made by gases from swamps4. Some scientists have tried to prove that lights from planets or starts reflect5 in a strange way on the hills. That doesn't help us understand why the lights "dance". They move up and down, slow down and speed up. These dancing "stars", the Marfa lights, stay a mystery.
Word Box
1 theory:thoughts or beliefs about a set of facts
2 Apache:a member of a Native American people
3 evidence:something that shows proof
4 swamp:land that is always very wet or covered with a layer of water
5 reflect:to return light
42.Write a passage of at least 60 words about the topic "_____in my memory". (以"我记忆中(的)_____" 为题, 写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文, 标点符号不占格)
回顾初中几年的学习生活, 你的记忆中一定有许多难忘的人、事、物或地点, 请选取一个角度谈谈你的想法或感受.
1. 在答题纸上将题目补充完整.
2. 短文中不得出现任何真实人名、校名及其他相关信息, 否则不予评分. )
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