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1._______ French enjoy spending holidays in the countryside and seaside.
  • A. A
  • B. An
  • C. The
  • D. /
2.I've been to New York and Chicago, but I don't like _______ city very much.
  • A. both
  • B. either
  • C. every
  • D. neither
3._______ complains when you listen to music with headphones. You really should get one pair.
  • A. Someone
  • B. Anyone
  • C. Everyone
  • D. No one
4.I had a headache on the train so I took some _______ and fell asleep.
  • A. note
  • B. photo
  • C. medicine
  • D. pills
5.You should try to visit my hometown. One of _______ beaches in the country is there.
  • A. popular
  • B. more popular
  • C. most popular
  • D. the most popular
6.They're trying to build positive school climates where students feel _______ to speak.
  • A. save
  • B. safe
  • C. safely
  • D. safety
7.The jacket is made _______ plastic and it can check your blood pressure.
  • A. of
  • B. by
  • C. up of
  • D. for
8.I _______ my messages when I heard a strange noise outside the window.
  • A. checked
  • B. am checking
  • C. was checking
  • D. would check
9.One young man next to me on the plane was very nervous. He _______ before.
  • A. doesn't flow
  • B. didn't flow
  • C. hasn't flown
  • D. hadn't flown
10.People come from all over to our village to _______.
  • A. enjoy
  • B. be enjoyed
  • C. are enjoyed
  • D. enjoyed
11.I like your story. _______ I'm confused by the ending. Can you explain it?
  • A. and
  • B. or
  • C. so
  • D. but
12.The government should consider _______ free parking facilities near metro and bus stations.
  • A. provide
  • B. to provide
  • C. providing
  • D. to providing
13.Don't miss the markets in Cairo, Egypt's capital city. You _______ buy almost anything there.
  • A. can
  • B. should
  • C. must
  • D. need
14.Everyone had to be at the beach an hour earlier, _______ there was plenty of time to check in.
  • A. so that
  • B. although
  • C. unless
  • D. because
15.My parents have warned me _______ my bike on busy main roads. It's too dangerous.
  • A. not ride
  • B. not to ride
  • C. not riding
  • D. to not ride
16.A. solution B. reduces C. products D. adult E. releases
  The secret to protecting our environment might just be hidden in your teacher's coffee cup! Whether it's a a wake-up cup or an afternoon cup in a coffee shop, at times it seems that the (1)             world runs on coffee! This creates a lot of waste. After they've been used to make the coffee, the grounds often get thrown away. As it rots (腐烂), it (2)            a greenhouse gas.
  Two Scottish businessmen think they have a (3)            . Their company is developing a way to recycle this waste into an oil which could replace palm oil. Palm oil is used in many different foods and (4)            . It's made from the fruit of palm trees and is thought to be efficient. This means that it's quite easy to make a lot of palm oil quickly.
17.A. room B. include C. responsible D. for the time being E. sooner or later
  However, many people believe it is (1)       for the deforestation of the rainforest, as large areas are being burnt to create (2)       for these palm trees. This is destroying the habitat of many endangered animals, such as the orangutans and tigers.
  The two businessmen hope (3)       they will be able to collect waste coffee grounds from cafes and restaurants and extract the oil from them to use instead of palm oil. The business could even win a prize! It's been put forward as part of a competition for business ideas to improve the world. Other ideas competing for the prize (4)       a plan to make plastic biodegradable (可生物降解的) and new technology to help care for bees.
18.We advertised for a a journalist in the school paper and got several      . (reply)
19.These energy sources are the key to a cleaner and      future. (green)
20.We asked a local      to come and show her work to the students. (art)
21.The campers are so      that they may cause a fire. (care)
22.A business without a      customer will surely die. (satisfying)
23.We toured the city by      instead of traveling with a guide. (we)
24.The manager of the restaurant has trained the waitress to      properly at table. (service)
25.Their advice is      listened to, but in fact, very little notice is taken of it. (polite)
26.I have never thought of staying in a floating hotel. (改为一般疑问句 )
      you      thought of staying in a floating hotel?
27.I have kept in touch with my new friends by writing e-mails at home. (对划线部分提问)
      you kept in touch with your new friends?
28.He went to Auckland and visited his cousins. (保持句意基本不变)
He went to Auckland and paid a      his cousins.
29.In the past, we didn't see as many bridges as we do today. (保持句意基本不变)
In the past, we saw      bridges      we do today.
30.The firemen put out the fire before it got serious. (改为被动语态)
The fire        out before it got serious.
31."Did you do any shopping after lunch, Susan?"asked Pansy. (改为间接引语)
Pansy asked Susan       she       done any shopping after lunch.
32.where, you, get, storybooks, can, to, tell me (连词成句)
33.Choose the best answer.
A Fun Plant Experiment to Try at Home!
Without water, plants would die. Do you know how water gets from the roots of a plant to the rest of the plant?The water travels through tiny tubes that from pathways to all parts of the plant. This is similar to how blood flows in our bodies. And here is an experiment to prove it.
a celery stick
a sharp knife
a glass of water
some red food colour
1)Put a few drops of the red food colour in the glass of water.
2)Cut the bottom of the celery stick and place the celery in the water.
3)Leave the celery stick in the glass of water for several hours.
4)Remove the celery stick and cut it into pieces horizontally, that is, across the stem (茎).
Red food colour is present in all cross sections from the bottom of the celery stick right up to the leaves.
The water, along with the red food colour, has been transported up the celery stick through the tiny tubes in it. The experiment, therefore, proves that tiny tubes in plants enable water to reach all parts of the plant. The red food colour shows where the water has travelled to in the celery stick.
34.Choose the best answer and complete the passage.
  My name is Evelyn Garrido, and I'm from the Philippines. Next month I'm going to go abroad. I've never been to another country before. I'm going to go to the U. S. as an exchange student. I'm going to live with a host family in a small town in Minnesota, in the north of the U. S.
  I started planning and preparing for my trip last year. There was a lot to do!I did some (1)       student exchange programs, and then I applied. I also applied for a passport and got a student visa. After that, I attended courses at the weekends about rules, how to survive, etc. My older sister Lucia studied abroad two years ago, so she helped me plan my trip and showed me how to (2)       my flight online.
  I feel excited, and a little scared. Sometimes I say, "Lucia, I'll probably be (3)      ." She says, "You're not alone. We'll have video chats with you every day. And you'll definitely meet new friends soon."
  My host family — the Jenses — sent me an email with information about the (4)       in Minnesota. Winters are cold!I emailed them and said, "I don't have any warm clothes!" They told me, "We'll give you some of our warm clothes!"
  I bought a good guidebook online. The information about cultural differences is really helpful. People will probably be very (5)       me because I'm from a different country. They'll probably ask me, " Do you eat hamburgers in the Philippines?" ("Yes.") "Is it cold in the Philippines?" ("Never.") I'll try to answer cheerfully!
  As an exchange student, I'll learn a lot about Americans and their culture. Lucia says I'll also learn about myself. And since I will be away from home for a long time, I'll definitely learn to be more (6)      . I hope so and I'm really looking forward to my trip!
35.Fill in the blanks with the proper words.
  Read the comments about changes in the future. How much do you agree with them?
The days, some people work at home one or two days a week instead of going to an office every day. I think in the future a lot more people will work from home all the time. And the number of offices will decrease. It's sad, because people will lose most of their (1)s       skills like the ability to connect to others. 
There won't be any paper books in the future. They might disappear (2)c       if you want to read books, you will have to download them to a portable e-reader. It will hold hundreds of your favourite books. Some e-readers might also be waterproof. So you can use them when you are having a bath or a (3)s      
I think the number of people on the planet will continue to (4)i      . There'll be less space, so we'll need to change the way we live. Maybe we'll live underground, or maybe lots of people will live together in a single house. It's horrible! Life will definitely get (5)w       than it is now! 
Our house might be (6)s       in the future. If there's an emergency, it will automatically send a message to the police or call for an ambulance. Our house might also control the heating and the air-conditioning, so we'll never feel too hot or too cold. 
Driverless cars are a new thing at the moment, but I think in the future it will be common to have one. I think it'll be a good and safe thing, because we won't have so many road (7)a      . Maybe we will stop using petrol, too. That would be good. 

36.Answer the questions.
  Sally woke with a sudden movement. She heard strange sounds;she could smell smoke. The room was full of smoke. She coughed. What was happening? Her bedroom door opened with a bang and her mother ran in, her face white.
  "Get up Sally, we have to go! Get dressed now!" Her mother disappeared back into the house.
  Sally jumped from her bed and opened the window. Screams and cries came from the streets below. Sally watched people throw their things into carts, horses threading the ground, keen to leave.
  "Hey, what's happening?" Sally yelled.
  "Fire!" her neighbour shouted back.
  "Coming from Pudding Lane! Get out now Sally!No one is safe!"
  Sally pulled her window shut and got changed as quickly as she could. Downstairs, she found her father, mother and sister jamming their things into a handcart. They watched people trying to put out the big fire with leather buckets full of water. It didn't seem to make any difference, as the Sally noticed, as the tripped over candlesticks, burnt pans and odd bits of furniture that people had dropped in the streets.
  The grocer's boy, Tom Winter, saw Sally and said, "Some people are going to St. Paul's Cathedral to stay safe. Made of stone. Won't burn like wood. " Sally nodded, but followed her parents down the dark street.
  They walked and walked. Finally, they arrived at Moorfields. It was a wide﹣open space with no buildings to burn. They were safe.
37.Write at least 60 words on the given "________ has changed me". (以_________改变了我为题写一篇不少于60 个词的短文, 标点符号不占格.) 世间瞬息万变, 凡事都在变化, 都在发展, 我们也在不断地调整、改变自己.某些人、事、经历改变着 我们的心态、行为、价值观、思维方式、生活方式等.请结合题目和自己的经历, 谈一谈自己的改变.
(注意:1. 短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名等个人信息, 否则不予评分.2. 照抄阅读语篇不得分.
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