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1.—Is that your sister's bike?
—No. ________ is black.
  • A. Mine
  • B. Her
  • C. His
  • D. Hers
2.We plant trees in the park ________ spring every year.
  • A. at
  • B. to
  • C. in
  • D. on
3.David is weak in science, ________ he never gives it up.
  • A. or
  • B. so
  • C. but
  • D. for
4.We ________ wear masks in public places during the COVID-19 pandemic (流行病).
  • A. can
  • B. must
  • C. may
  • D. could
5.—________ do you ride a bike outdoors, Sam?
—Every Sunday.
  • A. How many
  • B. How long
  • C. How soon
  • D. How often
6.Tom thinks this book is ______than that one.
  • A. interesting
  • B. more interesting
  • C. most interesting
  • D. the most interesting
7.My father _______ as a volunteer in the community for three years.
  • A. works
  • B. worked
  • C. has worked
  • D. will work
8.You'd better take an umbrella. It _______ heavily now.
  • A. rains
  • B. rained
  • C. is raining
  • D. will rain
9.We _______ a sports test next Friday.
  • A. will have
  • B. had
  • C. have
  • D. are having
10.The phone _______ when we got home yesterday evening.
  • A. rings
  • B. rang
  • C. will ring
  • D. was ringing
11.Mobile cabin hospital _______ in Pinggu last month.
  • A. built
  • B. was built
  • C. will be built
  • D. is building
12.—Could you tell me ________?
—At 9 :00 tomorrow morning.
  • A. when the online meeting will begin
  • B. when will the online meeting begin
  • C. when does the online meeting begin
  • D. when the online meeting begins
13.Ada Falls
  Today, on the final day of summer camp, Ada and Lilly stand below the Bear Crawl , the camp's highest, hardest rope course. They watch the rope ladder, with its wooden rungs (阶梯) and rope sides, sway (摇摆) in the wind between two tall pines.
  Ada feels very (1)      , but she can breathe again to hear Lilly volunteer to go first. The camp teacher, Mark, nods and helps Lilly get ready. Then Lilly begins her frightening crawl across the rope ladder. The wind blows and the ladder sways, but she holds tight.
  "Go, Lilly, go! You're a champion. You've got this!" Ada cheers from below. When Lilly (2)       the challenge, Ada feels relieved for her friend but also nervous, it is her (3)       now. Mark checks Ada's helmet and harness, and he lifts Ada up to the platform.
  On the platform, Ada looks down at the whole camp. Lilly and Mark are so tiny! Ada stretches her arms out to the first rung on the rope ladder. Her arms feel shaky as she feels the ladder turn left or right under her weight. She carefully (4)       her hands forward to the next rung. About halfway across the Bear Crawl, Ada is starting to feel a little more confident. With every rung, she is getting closer to the opposite platform. She can do this!
  Suddenly a stronger wind makes the rope ladder sway, Ada's hand does not (5)      the wood rung. Instead, her body falls downward. Almost immediately, the harness catches her.
  Mark slowly lowers Ada to the ground. Ada can see all the other kids staring up at her, she is embarrassed.
  "Can I try again?" Ada says in a low voice, trying to hold back tears.
  Mark looks at his watch. "I'm sorry, Ada, we don't have time."
  Ada's body feels slow and heavy as the bus leaves camp. Beside her, Lilly sits silent and thoughtful.
  "Hey Ada?" Lilly says. "I couldn't (6)       without you. I got so frightened in the middle, but then you shouted my name and I kept going."
  "You got scared?"
  Lilly nods and says softly, "Super scared. I'm (7)       I didn't faint (晕倒) or throw up on everybody below. You were just unlucky such a big wind came up. It felt like a hurricane or something. I thought all the trees were going to fall over and squish (压扁) us like pancakes."
  Ada smiles. She knows her friend was just trying to cheer her up, but suddenly falling off the ladder does not seem so important any more. Having good (8)       is more important.
 Since I entered middle school, I have always wanted to become a translator. I can translate Chinese into English so that people in other countries can enjoy Chinese poems and stories. Becoming a translator isn't easy. It takes great patience and confidence. I hope that I will be able to go to college and become a real translator some day. 
 My dream is to become a successful doctor, helping those sick people and saving their lives. I hope everyone can have an opportunity (机会) to receive wonderful treatments for their illnesses without having to pay much. It is my childhood dream. In order to achieve my dream, I need enough knowledge and experience, so I work hard to improve myself. 
 I love to become a great Fashion Designer. Fashion designing is so much of fun and creative. If I design a costume and have my signature (签名) on it, the recognition I achieve will go worldwide. Fashion designing does require lots of study and research and I need to be myself unique (独特的). I must work hard to be ready for the competitions and challenges. 
 My dream is to be a lawyer. Some people think lawyers are simply out for money, but I believe lawyers have a desire (愿望) to help others, especially those who are unable to defend (维护) themselves. I know becoming a successful lawyer will take much preparation and hard work. I am willing to do what it takes to make my dream come true. 
15.  Anil froze when he saw the poster at school. Culinary Academies of America presents Junior Cooking Camp. He had to go!But he needed money to get there.
  So, the next morning on Saturday, Anil started to make cookies. Then he put the cookies into bags. Last he wrote Anil's Cookies on each bag.
  "Now," Anil said, "I'll make my dream come true." He knocked door-to-door, trying to sell the cookies. He told each neighbor, "I need money for cooking camp. I want to be a chef." "Just bought some cookies ," one neighbor said. "On a diet," the next one said. "No money,"the third admitted.
  After Anil came home with a lot of good luck wishes but no money, his grandma, Nana, suggested him to drive to John's Indian Grocery Store.
  "Cookies?" Mr. John waved his hand. "No sweets. Too many sweets." He pointed toward some shelves with desserts from India.
  "But those are canned," Nana argued. "These are fresh!"
  "It takes too long to make a fresh paratha (flat bread) and aloo (potato) nowadays." Mr. John shrugged (耸肩).
  Anil went back home with Nana. He didn't want to give up his dream. He thought about how traditional paratha shapes were so boring. Circles, triangles, nothing fun. Why couldn't he use cookie cutters on paratha dough?As he worked, Nana picked up his parathas one by one. "A car. A cat. A flower? What kind of parathas are these?" After some silence, she said, "I should like eating the cat." "Maybe other people will like them, too." Anil said.
  Anil hoped the Indian store would buy some. So they cooked the parathas and brought them to John. He tore off (撕下) a piece of paratha and put into his mouth.
  "These are more fun for kids. "Anil said.
  "Parathas for kids?"John slowly nodded his head, "Something new. And delicious. We'll try them."
  A few days later, John called Anil.
  When Anil hung up, Nana asked, "Well? What did John want?"
  Anil grinned (咧嘴笑) before hurrying to the kitchen. "Fifty parathas each week!Kid love them!Camp, here I come!"
16.  Did you know that some people don't do their reading assignments?It's shocking, but it's true. Some students don't even read short texts that they are assigned (布置) in class. There are many reasons for this. They may be distracted or bored. They may be unwilling to focus. They may be unconfident readers. Whatever the reason, it has to stop today. Here's why.
  Reading stimulates (刺激) your mind. It is like a workout for your brain. When people are old, their muscles begin to get weaker and their strength leaves them. Exercise can prevent this loss. The same thing happens to people's brains when they get older. Brain power and speed decline with age. Reading strengthens your brain and prevents these declines.
  You can benefit from reading in the near-term too. Reading provides knowledge. Knowledge is power. Therefore, reading can make you a more powerful person. You can learn to do new things by reading. Do you want to make video games?Do you want to design clothing?Reading can teach you all this and more. But you have to get good at reading, and the only way to get good at something is to practice.
  Read everything that you can at school, regardless of whether you find it interesting. Reading expands your vocabulary. Even a"boring"text can teach you new words. Having a larger vocabulary will help you better express yourself. You will be able to speak, write, and think more intelligently. What's boring about that?
  Do not just discount pay attention to a text because it is unfamiliar (不熟悉的) to you. Each time you read, you are exposed to new ideas and perspectives (视角). Reading can change the way that you understand the world. It can give you a wider perspective on things. It can make you worldlier. You can learn how people live in far away places. You can learn about cultures different from your own.
  Reading is good for your state of mind. It has a calming effect. It can lower your stress levels and help you relax. You can escape from your troubles for a moment when you read, and it's a positive escape. So do yourself a favor:the next time you get a reading assignment, take as much as you can from it. Squeeze it for every drop of knowledge that it has. Then move on to the next one.
17.  Did you know that humans aren't the only species (物种) that use language?Bees communicate by dancing. Whales talk to each other by singing. And some apes talk to humans by using American Sign Language.
  A female gorilla, Koko, was born at the San Francisco Zoo on July 4th, 1971. Koko learned sign language from her trainer, Dr. Penny Patterson. Patteron began teaching sign language to Koko in 1972, when Koko was one year old. Koko must have been a good student, because two years later she moved onto the Stanford University campus with Dr. Patterson. Koko continued to learn on the campus until 1976. That's when she began living full﹣time with Patterson's group, the Gorilla Foundation. Patterson and Koko's relationship has blossomed ever since.
  Dr. Patterson says that Koko has mastered sign language and known over 1, 000 words, and that Koko makes up new words. For example, Koko didn't know the sign for ring, so she signed the words finger and bracelet. Dr. Patterson thinks that this shows meaningful and constructive use of language.
  Not everyone agrees with Dr. Patterson. Some argue that apes like Koko do not understand the meaning of what they are doing. Some people who don't believe that say that these apes are just performing complex tricks(戏法). For example, if Koko points to an apple and signs red or apple, Dr. Patterson will give her an apple. They argue that Koko does not really know what the sign apple means. She only knows that that if she makes the right motion, one which Dr. Patterson has shown her, then she gets an apple. The debate is unresolved, but one thing is for certain:Koko is an extraordinary ape.
  It seems like Patterson and Koko have a good relationship, but not everyone agrees with it. Some people believe that Patterson is humanizing the ape. They think that apes should be left in the most natural state possible. Even Dr. Patterson struggles with these feelings. When she was asked if her findings could be duplicated by another group of scientists , she said, "We don't think that it would be ethical (道德的) to do again. "She went on to argue that animals should not be kept in such unnatural circumstances.
  As for the future , Dr. Patterson and the Gorilla Foundation would love to get Koko to an ape preserve (保护区) in Maui, but they are having trouble getting the land. So unless you have a few million dollars to spare, Koko's going to be spending her time in Wodland, Califomnia with Dr. Patterson. Koko probably doesn't mind that. If she moved to Hawali, she'd have to give up her Facebook page and Twitter feed, and she's got like 50 thousand"likes". Some may deny (否认) that she knows sign language, but nobody says that she doesn't know social networking.
18.Touch down to Earth
  China welcomed three heroic astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu home on April 16. This returm ended the Shenzhou XIII astronauts' six-month space mission. It also marks a major (重大的) breakthrough for China's efforts in space.
  In order to return home safety, they did a lot of preparation before leaving the space station.
  If you are coming home after a long journey, you have to pack up. For astronauts in space, besides their personal belongings , they"packed"experimental data (数据) and samples, so they would be further researched on Earth.
  The astronauts had to tidy up a large number of materials, including goods on the Tianzhou 3 cargo (货物) spacecraft, according to Zhong Weiwei, a researcher at the China Astronaut Research and Training Center.
  Since the space station had no room service, the three astronauts needed to"clean the house"themselves. They collected a great amount of waste. This included leftover foods, sanitary (卫生) waste and waste from in﹣orbit experiments. The waste was then put into the orbital module (轨道舱), which burnt up as it reentered Earth's atmosphere.
  They also had to put all equipment in place correctly since there would be a gap of more than one month before the astronauts of Shenzhou XIV enter the space station, according to Zhong. They needed to make sure some items, such as gym equipment, were fixed to the walls to avoid floating and sipping (滑落).
  Astronauts experienced microgravity for long periods of time during their stays on the space station, which had an effect on their bodies. This included a loss of fluid(体液) , muscle atrophy(萎缩) as well as bone loss.
  To ensure their safe and sound return, the three astronauts had been doing physical exercises to train their muscles for the return to Earth. Based on their in﹣orbit physical examinations and data, experts had customized (定制) exercise plans for each of them to ensure a safe landing.
  Just like a house that will be vacant (空着的) for a long time must have it's water and power switched off, astronauts checked everything before they left. Based on experience at home and abroad, they checked and adjusted 40 to 50 items to ensure that the space station could transmit valid parameter (参数) to the ground during subsequent unmanned missions.
19.假如你是李华, 在端午节即将来临之际, 你的笔友Peter想了解这个中国传统节日.请你用英语写一封邮件, 向他介绍端午节.内容包括端午节的时间, 庆祝端午节的意义, 以及你们如何庆祝这个节日.
提示词语: lunar, traditional, memorize, poet, race
●When is the Dragon Boat Festival?
●Why do you celebrate it?
●What do you usually do on the festival?

Dear Peter,
  The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua 
20.生命在于运动, 运动可以使我们拥有强健的体魄, 坚韧的精神.
某英文网站正在开展以"我是运动达人"为主题的征文活动.假如你是李华, 请用英语写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈你最喜欢哪项体育运动, 你是如何锻炼的, 以及坚持锻炼给你带来的好处.
提示词语:spend, keep, healthy , relax, confident
● What is your favorite sport?
●How do you exercise?
●What can you benefit from it?
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