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1.  At noon that day, I got home early. Just as I entered the house, a sound of my violin came from upstairs.
  I (1)       upstairs. As expected, a boy was petting my violin. His oversized coat seemed filled with something. I looked around (2)       and found a new pair of shoes missing. He was surely a thief. Seeing his eyes full of fear and (3)      , my anger disappeared. I asked, "Are you Mr. Ram's nephew Michael?He's not in. I'm his (4)      . I heard his nephew would visit him. It must be you."
  In great (5)      , the boy responded rapidly and said, "Well, I think I'd better go out for a walk and come back later."
  I nodded and saw him put down the violin. "You like it?" I asked.
  "Yes, but I'm too poor to (6)       it."
  "Then, take this one."
  With an uncertain expression, the boy (7)       the violin. Before leaving, he suddenly saw a huge photo of me on the wall. He trembled (颤抖) and ran out. Clearly he had (8)       everything because nobody would decorate (装饰) the room with a photo of the housekeeper.
  A few years later, I was invited to judge the final in a music competition. A violin (9)       called Merritt won first prize. After the award ceremony, Merritt ran to me with a violin box. He asked in a(n) (10)       voice, "Mr. Ram, do you still remember me?You gave me this violin several years ago. Now I can give it back to you. "It turned out that he was " Mr. Ram's nephew Michael"!
  Tears welled up in my eyes.
2.  What's the very first thing that comes to your mind when you see crows?Most people might immediately think of them as a sign of bad luck. However, these birds are amazingly smart.
  Scientists have done a lot of research on the brainpower of crows and believe that they are about as smart as a 7-year-old child. Compared to their small size, their brains are very large, so they've got a lot going on up there!
  Crows remember faces. They don't just remember mean people and hold grudges (怨恨). They also recognize (识别) people who have been kind to them. It was reported that a crow kept on bringing gifts to a little girl that kept on feeding it.
  Crows don't just take tools and use them;they can also make them. If they accidentally drop their tool, they'll try to get it back. It seems that they value the effort they put into making the tool.
  Crows are highly observant (善于观察的) birds. They throw nuts on the road so that cars would crush and open them. They also watch traffic lights to avoid getting hit.
  Crows are excellent planners. Even more impressively, they can change their plans. For example, if they're about to store seeds and see another bird watching, they'll pretend to store the seeds, but they're actually hiding those in their feathers. Then they'll fly off to find another place.
  Next time you see a crow outdoors, you'll know that you're looking at one of the smartest non﹣human creatures on earth.

3.  When I was ten, I worked part-time as a paperboy. Mrs. Stanley was one of my customers. She would watch me coming down her street, and by the time I had biked up to her doorstep, there would be a drink waiting. I would sit and drink while she was talking.
  Mrs. Stanley talked mostly about her dead husband. "Mr. Stanley and I went shopping this morning," she would say. The first time she said that, juice went up my nose.
  I told my father how Mrs. Stanley talked as if Mr. Stanley were still alive. Dad said she was probably lonely, and that I should sit and listen and nod and smile, and maybe she would get it out of her system. So that's wha            I finally gave up delivering newspapers and didn't see Mrs. Stanley for several years. Then we met again and she looked happy. Years before, she had to offer her paperboy a drink to have someone to talk with. Now she had friends. Her husband was gone, but life went on.
  I live in the city now. My paperboy is a lady named Edna. Every time I feel down, she hears me out. Community isn't so much a place as a state of mind. You find it whenever people ask how you're doing because they care, and not because they're getting paid to do so. Sometimes it's good to just smile, nod your head and listen.
4.  Researchers have developed an artificial intelligence (AI) system called Ithaca to help fill in missing words in ancient writings. Ithaca is designed to help historians restore (复原) the writings and identify when and where they were written.
  Many ancient populations used writings, also known as inscriptions, to record different parts of their lives. The inscriptions have been found on materials such as rock, ceramic and metal. They often contained valuable information about how ancient people lived and how they built their societies.
  But oftentimes, the objects containing such inscriptions have been damaged over the centuries. This left major parts of the inscriptions missing and difficult to identify and understand. In addition, many of the inscribed objects were moved from areas where they were first created. This makes it difficult for scientists to discover when and where the writings were made.
  Ithaca serves as a technological tool to help researchers repair missing inscriptions and judge the true origins (起源) of the records. The researchers, led by Alphabet's AI company DeepMind, said it trained Ithaca on the largest collection of data containing Greek inscriptions. Feeding this data into the system is designed to help the tool use past writings to predict missing letters and words in damaged inscriptions.
  "When historians work on their own, the success rate (率) for restoring damaged inscriptions is about 25 percent. But when humans teamed up with Ithaca, the success rate jumped to 72 percent, " said Assael, a research scientist with DeepMind.
  The team is now working on other versions of Ithaca trained on other ancient languages. DeepMind has launched a free tool based on the system for use by researchers, educators, museum workers and the public.

5.请阅读下面的短文, 并从下列方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文中, 使原文的意思完整、连贯.
A. Imagine yourself succeeding
B. If you know the reason behind the rules
C. Start with easy problems in your homework
D. When you understand the importance of memorizing
E. Self-doubt and fear of failure are weights on your shoulders
F. For example, if you like sports, use sport-related word problems 

  Time for math. Your heart starts racing. (1)      . You hear this fixed mindset:I can't do math;I don't like math;math is too hard;I'll never use it in the "real world" ... You are not alone. Math anxiety (焦虑) affects students around the world. These tips below may help you deal with it.
  ● (2)      .
  Athletes use this to prepare for major competitions. Picture yourself being relaxed doing math and confidently solving the problems.
  ● Build up your confidence.
  (3)      . It'll help you relax when you work on the harder ones. Review your homework carefully and focus on correct answers rather than mistakes. You'll be confident step by step.
  ● Try to understand the "why" of math concepts (概念) instead of memorizing.
  Math is not just a set of rules. (4)      , you will remember the concepts better and be able to apply them in many different types of problems.
  ● Make math fun.
  One way to do this is to connect math to your interests. (5)      .
  ● Reward yourself for hard work.
  After a difficult exam, it's time to give yourself a break. Have a chocolate ... or a party!
6.下面的材料A~F分别介绍了六个经营不同物品的商店.请根据Eric, Sam, Rebecca, Sarah, Benny各自父亲的特点, 推荐最适合他们购买父亲节礼物的商店.
A. Shop now at one of the latest suppliers of chess sets, pieces, boards and other supplies. We offer the best prices in town!
B. A tie can say a lot about the person who wears it. High quality silk ties for men are on sale in our store. You can always find one here to match your suit.
C. A smart watch helps you stay connected at all times with smart notifications for texts, calls, reminders, and alarms. Explore the latest technologies in our store!
D. Suffering from eye fatigue?Get the perfect eye massager (按摩仪) for your tired eyes! You can choose from different types of products to find the perfect one!
E. Looking for tools for Chinese painting? Check out the Four Treasures: brush, paper, ink, and ink stone here! We have everything for both beginners and professionals!
F. Sunglasses make you look cool. Get a pair which suits your need and personality in our store. From classic style to modern ones, you will never be left out of fashion. 
7.  Alpine skiing (高山滑雪) is one of the most dangerous sports at the Winter Olympics. If there is an accident, ski doctors are required to reach an injured person as (1)      (safe) and as fast as possible.
  Four years ago, China's (2)      (one) team of ski doctors was set up, "Since 2018, we (3)      (visit) a resort for ski training for four weeks each year.
  We need to carry a medical bag (4)       weighs up to 15 kilograms." said Li Man, a team member. She added that they have been given medical training as well as online (5)       offline English training. She was happy and excited to see the team surprise the world with professional performance (专业表现) and the ability to communicate confidently with foreign athletes (运动员) and (6)      (work).
  "We saw many athletes fall on the courses. We are (7)      (worry) because we can't immediately spring into action. We need to wait for the "all-clear" from (8)       control center to make sure there are no other athletes on the course and no other hidden dangers. So every time I get the official go-ahead, I can't wait (9)      (rush) to the athletes."
  "There are pities, but no regrets or complaints. We are proud (10)       what we do." Li said. She hopes that China's ski medical rescue system will continue to grow and more doctors will join.
8.2022年北京冬奥会的主题口号是"一起向未来", 它告诉我们全世界人民应该携手共创美好未来.假如你是九年级的学生代表, 将要参加学校举办的"Let's Work Together for a Better Future"主题演讲比赛.请你根据以下要点提示写一篇演讲稿, 号召同学们提升综合素养, 共创美好未来.
a. 学习知识, 掌握技能;
b. 健康饮食, 加强锻炼;
c. 志愿服务, 关心他人;
d. ……
1. 80词左右, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数内;
2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;
3. 可适当增加细节, 以使条理清楚、行文连贯;
4. 标点正确, 书面整洁.
Let's Work Together for a Better Future
Dear fellow students,
  The official motto of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics is "Together for a Shared Future". It tells us the whole world should join hands and create a better future. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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