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1.  A man in black clothes jumps high into the air. Before he lands, he strikes a pose. His dance is eye﹣catching, often attracting lots of people. He is a Chinese (1)       Ma Jiaolong. Since 2020, he's made short (2)       of himself dancing in London. The 35-year-old man has nearly 5 million followers on Douyin, where he shares his videos.
  Ma (3)       dancing at 12. "For the first time, I was completely attracted by the dancers who play (4)       heroes like Huo Qubing through the movements of classical Chinese dance." said Ma. As a teacher, he has been (5)       classical Chinese dance classes at Goldsmiths, University of London since 2019.
  Two years ago, Ma had to teach online because of COVID-19 pandemic. In his small home, he could only make (6)       moves. One day, he took his wife's suggestion and danced at Greenwich Park, a popular tourist place. They made the video, added music and sent it to (7)      . "Surprisingly, all of our friends loved it, which inspired me to (8)       it online," said Ma.
  Later, Ma shared more short videos online. People are often (9)       about his performances. He received messages from people around the world like "How do you do these beautiful and skillful movements?" "Now, (10)       and sharing short videos has become a part of my life. More importantly, a great way to introduce classical Chinese dance to more people, especially overseas viewers," said Ma.
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3.  Yi Yangqianxi, a singer, dancer and movie star from Hunan, becomes famous at a young age. As the youngest speaker in the show From Strength to Strength, A Decade Ahead (向上的力量•未来十年), Yi said, "In the coming decade, China will play an even more important role on the world stage, and we younger generation (一代) will be an important strength in its role."
  Born in 2000, Yi showed his face in the show business (演艺界) at the age of 13. He was also lost sometimes. But as he grows up, he learns that the works he has created speak clearer than words. He finally finds his way to get on with the world.
  When Yi was a child, he took many interest classes. He lived in the suburbs of Beijing, so he had to spend almost four hours a day going to take these interest classes and back. To save time, Yi had meals and did his homework on the bus. Because of his childhood experience, he became more mature (成熟的) than other teenagers and more hard﹣working in his acting career. "He stayed at the shooting site (拍摄现场) almost every day," said Gong Jinguo, an actor of Nice View, "He took part in over 270 of the movie's 290 scenes (场)."
  Yi has become the first movie actor born in the 2000s earning an overall box office (票房) of over 10 billion yuan. He believes that nothing is impossible as long as you try your best. So hold on your dream and never give up.
4.New discoveries
  Better way for us to fly
  NASA developed a plane that makes flying more environmentally friendly. The X-Plane is an experimental all﹣electric aircraft. Instead of fuel-powered engines (引擎), the X-Plane gets its power from batteries. The aircraft is also quieter than fuel-powered planes, as its electric components (部件) change the way it sounds. It has 14 electric motors (发动机) and propellers (螺旋桨), allowing it to fly more efficiently. It will begin testing next year.
  Can potted plants help?
  It was long thought that keeping potted plants in your home can make the air fresher. New research says that this is not true. US researcher Michael Waring reviewed (研究) a NASA study that said that potted plants could remove pollution from the air. However, the NASA experiment was done in a sealed chamber (密封室), which is different from a typical home. Keeping a couple of windows open is a better way to keep the air fresh in your home.
  New way to fight germs (病菌)
  Researchers in Hong Kong have found a way to stop superbugs, which are bacteria (细菌) that are highly resistant (有抵抗力的)to most medicine. The researchers have created a new class of antibiotics (抗生素). These antibiotics work by stopping two proteins (蛋白质)that bacteria use to grow. Older antibiotics don't work as well as they used to because bacteria have learned how to resist them.
5.  Some Western countries have loosened (放松) their pandemic measures. (1)       It was because they think that Omicron — the dominant variant (变异毒株) in China's latest COVID-19 outbreak — has become milder (轻微的).
  Liang Wannian, head of the National Health Commission's COVID-19 leading task force, said that for the time being, China needs to stick with the policy of continued vaccination (接种疫苗), targeted (精准的) epidemic control and dynamic zero-COVID.
  "If there are a large number of people infected (感染的), the number of severe (危重的) cases and deaths in the population as a whole will be high. (2)      " Liang stated the reason as above.
  (3)       On March 15, the National Health Commission brought out a pilot edition (试行版本) of the ninth COVID-19 diagnosis (诊断) and treatment guidelines.
  Many changes aim to lighten the load (压力) on the health-care system and make sure that people can lead a normal life. (4)       Also, recovered cases can now be monitored (监测) at home, and for a shorter time.
  In China, the vaccination rate is not high enough to provide a strong protection for the vulnerable (脆弱的), including the elderly.
  "(5)       The government and the Communist Party of China always put people's lives first, so they will never give up." Liang added.

A. As a result, living with COVID-19 is not a choice for China because it does harm to people.
B. That can still cause great harm and we cannot afford it.
C. Some people wonder whether China could do the same thing.
D. It is a great challenge for Chinese people to get enough medical care during the outbreak.
E. For example, COVID-19 antigen tests (抗原测试), which can be done at home, are now available (可获得的)
F. Meanwhile, China has changed its measures to treat the new COVID-19 cases.
6.  This year is the Chinese year of the tiger. The tiger is called "the king of the forest". It's scary and people don't dare to get close to it. But Sun Simiao once saved a tiger, and the tiger is very (1)       (thank) to him. Do you know the story between them?
  Sun Simiao, a medical (2)       (science) in Tang Dynasty, was known (3)       "the king of medicine". One morning, Sun Simiao went to a hill (4)       (find) herbs. On the way, a tiger came to him. It kowtowed(磕头) to him and opened its big mouth. Sun found the tiger was very thin. "It must be ill," he thought. He moved (5)       (slow) to the tiger and saw its swollen throat.
  "There (6)       (be) a bone in your throat," Sun said to the tiger. "No worries, I'll help you." By (7)       (use) a ring, Sun kept the tiger's mouth open. He took the bone out and put some herbs in its throat.
  After he removed the ring, the tiger ran away. He smiled and went on walking. He spent half a day (8)       (go) down the high hill. Suddenly, a tiger came to him. It put something in front of him, lowered its head many (9)       (time) and then walked away. Sun picked up that thing. It was a good herb!He looked at the tiger's back. It was (10)       same tiger he had helped in the morning.
7.教育部发布"力争全面实现美育中考"的新闻后, 引起很多老师、学生以及家长的关注.上周你班同学就"音乐、美术是否应该纳入初中毕业生学业考试"展开了相关讨论, 同学们各抒己见.请你根据下面表格内容, 用英语写一篇短文, 汇报讨论结果, 并谈谈自己的想法.
  More chances to study music and artImprove our skills 
  More subjects to prepare forFeel too much pressure 
Your opinion  (请至少给出两条理由) 

1. 短文内容必须包含表格所提供的要点, 可适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名及地名;
3. 词数80左右(短文开头已给出, 仅供选 择使用, 不计入总词数).Last week, we discussed whether the high school entrance examination (中考) should include music and art.
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