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1.  You see plants every day, but how much do you really know them?BBC documentary series The Green Planet shows the secret lives of (1)       as we have never seen before. It (2)       on Bilibili on Jan. 10th. Thanks to groundbreaking technology, the series let us see plants' lives from a new side.
  With the help of time-lapse photography (延时摄影) , lots of plants act differently in detail. For example, plants compete against each other to (3)      . In tropical forests, they (4)       for sunlight. The forest floor is like a battlefield. Some plants try to spread their big leaves to reach (5)       while other plants catch the leaves to get a ride. (6)      the video is shown in just a few minutes, it took more than a year for the team to shoot (拍摄). To shoot (7)       in the wild, the team used a computer-controlled robotic camera to help.
  Behind the wonderful (8)       of plants is a serious problem. As the series' presenter David Attenborough said, the relationship between plants and animals and humans is becoming (9)      than before. "Is it time for us to look after plants and make a better future together?" he (10)       in a TV show. What do you think?
2.  "Father, don't you want me to be clever and great one day?" said Willie to his father. "I want you, my boy, to do your duty in whatever work or task given to you. Also do not be too sure of anything," he replied. "When I see people, as the saying goes, 'never count chickens before they are hatched (孵化)', it makes me think of the famous Napoleon."
  When Napoleon was ruling over France, and had beaten most of Europe, he wanted to rule over England, too. He was so sure of beating England that he chose the day and time he would come over and enter London as the winner.
  "He got a number of his soldiers together, and had ships ready to carry them from France to England. He looked over the blue waves towards England and thought, 'I'll land in England soon, march (行进) to London, and take it.'"
  "He was too sure," laughed Willie.
  "He was so sure," said his father, "that he actually had a medal made to celebrate his success!On the medal was written in French, 'STUCK AT LONDON', which means that the medal was made in London."
  "But he never even got to England!" said Willie.
  "He made so sure of success," said the father, "that he had a medal made in celebration of beating a city that he was never even to set foot in."
  "Well, that was counting his chickens before they are hatched!" laughed the boy. "How shameful Napoleon must have felt later whenever he thought of that medal!Have you got any more stories for me, father?"
  "Yes, I have a story about a very different man from the one who STUCK the medal;it's about the Duke of Wellington..."
3.①Conflict (冲突) happens when two people disagree because of their own goals, values, or beliefs. It's not always as simple as an argument. Instead, conflict is what happens right before the argument;it's what the two people disagree about before the start calling each other names.
②Parents and teenagers have many chances to experience conflict with one another. Teenage years are a time when independence and parental influence fight, since teens are able to think on their own but still live with parents who have rules and expectations for them. Teenagers don't necessarily hold the same beliefs and values as their parents, and their goal to have fun often conflicts with their parents' goal to keep them safe.
③If kids don't come back home at the time when they're supposed to, their par will get worried. A worried parent becomes a scolding (责骂的) parent. When the kid finally arrives home, he/she will get punishments.
④Sometimes, teens want to have noisy fun while their parents want to sleep. This is a common conflict that happens every day. Also, parents and teenagers usually prefer different types of music. So when parents don't like the music the kids are listening to, they are more likely to tell them to turn it down. Then conflict begins.
⑤This may not be totally true. However, one thing is for sure:parents might use the teenager's exam results to judge (判断) him/her. Every time the parents' expectations aren't met, they will scold their kids. And the conflict happens.
⑥Knowing the reasons is the first step to solving conflict. Here are a few tips for parents and teenagers.
⑦See each other as friends in the common goals you agree on. Such goals usually include keeping teens safe and seeing them make success. Pay attention to these goals to avoid getting unsatisfied with each other.
⑧List possible solutions to the conflict together. You can try listing creative ideas, whether they seem reasonable or not. Creativity is your friend when you're solving any problem in life, including conflict with others.
4.  On January 14, a dance show entitled"Poetic Dance:The Journey of a Legendary Landscape Painting" (只此青绿) was staged at Chongqing Grand Theater, to show respect to the famous painting "A Panorama of Mountain and River" (千里江山图), by Wang Ximeng, a genius painter from the Northern Song Dynasty. It became a great success judging from the comments of the audience, many of whom travelled a long distance from neighboring regions to experience the beauty of the dance show.
  When modern people meet a Northern Song young painter.
  The"poetic dance"brings people the inner world of the ancient painter Wang Ximeng from the view of a modern researcher of the Palace Museum who unfolds the painting scroll, making the audience lost in the charm of legendary traditional Chinese artwork.
  According to Xie Suhao, who plays the character, it is not to tell people how great the painting is, but to guide people into an immersive (沉浸式的) and exciting experience of the painting and the traditional Chinese culture. The dancers also hope to create a sincere performance to show respect to the cultural relics protection workers who have made great effort to protect ancient artworks.
  A rewarding experience for the performers of the poetic dance
  Which kind of body language can express the characters most correctly?According to Zhang Han, who plays the character of Wang Ximeng, to capture the essence of painting Wang Ximeng in a natural, lively way, he went to a teacher expert in Chinese blue﹣green landscape painting to learn how to draw "A Panorama of Mountains and Rivers". From line drawing to coloring, he gradually felt a stronger and deeper connection with the character. "Sometimes, I failed to get myself out of the character and just cannot stop crying. Such immersive experiences make me even more deeply respect the character, " said Zhang Han.
  As Ximeng painted in the center, more characters appeared on the stage, presenting a painting that starts with and ends in charming shades of blue and green. Thus, "A Panorama of Mountains and Rivers" painting has been given a new lease of life.
5.阅读以下短文.从下列方框里六个句子中选出五个还原到短文中, 使其意思完整、连贯.
A. Animals are the best friends of the human beings.
B. Many of those visitors are children, whose lives are already surrounded by animals' images.
C. Perhaps that disappointment is the best gift a zoo can offer.
D. But now they want animals that look and act like humans.
E. Yet, it was not until the Industrial Era that animals became part of childhood.
F. In prehistoric times, there had been no zoos, as animals were a real part of the human world. 

  Why do we go to zoos?Millions of people around the world visit zoos each year, but the reason is hard to explain. (1)      But the animals they see in zoos are little like the toys, cartoons, and decorations that fill their homes. For such children, meeting with real animals can be confusing, even upsetting.
  The great interest that children have in animals today might lead one to suppose that this has always been the case. (2)      That was also when zoos became an important part of middle-class life. (3)      They lived together with our ancestors (祖先) in a shared natural environment. In the Industrial Era, the human domination (支配)of animals could be seen in the popularity of real-looking animal toys. Children rode rocking-horses that had realistic features, and they slept with bears, tigers, and rabbits that looked and felt almost real. The Twentieth Century marked a further development — the change of animals into people.
  This was the age of Babar the Elephant, Hello Kitty, and the Lion King. Parents and children had previously wanted animals that looked like animals. (4)      
  In a zoo they hope to see the living breathing versions of their character friends. They find instead unfamiliar creatures who cannot speak, smile or interact with them. For this reason, a visit to the zoo can be disappointing for children today. (5)      Meeting real animals reminds us forcefully of the boundary(界限)between imagination and reality. When we visit animals in a zoo, perhaps we will recall our true relationship not only to animals but to the entire world.
6.随着科技的迅速发展, 房屋的设计越来越多样.左栏是五个人对房子的需求, 右栏是六种新型房子的简介.请为他们选择最合适的房子, 其中有一项为多余项.
(1)Ken worries that there will be less and less space on the ground if people keep on building houses. It is bad for human to cut down so many trees for houses.       
(2)Cindy is interested in houses with new technology, because it takes less time and costs less to build this kind of house. And it is better for the environment.       
(3)Carrie lives near the sea. Sometimes her house will be blown down by the strong wind. She really hopes that her house can be kept away from the wind.       
(4)Mary's son is a super ball fan. He is crazy about ballgames. He even dreams that he can live in a ball.       
(5)Nancy is an environmental protectionmember. She hopes that she can build some houses with used things like plastic, bottles and so on.        
A. The 3 D printed houses will be made by ICON in Texas. The company can print a 60-square-meter house in just 12 to 24 hours. The walls of the house look like cream. Each house costs $10, 000 (about 69, 000 yuan). The materials can be used again.
B. Some houses have been made in a shape like a ball. The walls, ceiling (天花板) and floor are all in a house with this shape. The wind moves around the outside of the house. Ball-shaped houses can be hung from things or float on water.
C. Some people live in windy places. Big winds can blow houses down. A dome (圆顶) house is made of triangle(三角形)shapes to let the wind go around it. There is no wind in a dome house, so it is safer in a fire.
D. A house in a tree doesn't use any space on the ground at all. No trees have to be cut down to make room for these houses. And the tree house can be built in the shape of bee nest. Such a house doesn't take very long to move to a new place.
E. Some people have made a house that can walk. The house has six legs. It can walk over any ground. When it walks, three legs are always on the ground. A walking house will be very good if there is a flood or a fire.
F. Some scientists are trying to turn used plastic into bricks (砖头). These bricks are designed well and can be used to build houses for the poor families in some parts of the world. 
7.阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.并将答案写在答题卡规定的位置上.
  Yasuhiro Sato, the famous Japanese ski instructor, plays an important role in Su Yiming's sports career. Su Yiming (1)      (know) Yasuhiro Sato since he was a child. But he was not able to become his student until the age of 14 when he was determined to become a professional (2)      (ski).
  The first meeting of master and apprentice (徒弟) went very (3)       (smooth), and a tacit (默契的) understanding (4)      (found) soon. In 4 years, from the initial 540, 720, to the later 1800, until the record﹣breaking 1980 action, Su Yiming made rapid progress with the help of Sato.
  In fact, not only Su Yiming, but Rong Ge, who won the qualification for the Winter Olympics for the first time on the World Cup stage, was also discovered by Yasuhiro Sato. Born in Jilin, Rong moved to Canada with his mother, and fell in love with snowboarding. After (5)      (be) discovered by Yasuhiro Sato, Rong entered the national training team last summer and made great progress. She won the (6)      (five) place in the women's ski jumping competition.
  After the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics, Sato was invited to be (7)      head coach of the Chinese snowboard big jump and slope obstacle skills teams. He agreed and served (8)       part of the Chinese sports delegation(代表团) for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.
  In an interview with the media, Sato said that he hesitated before accepting the position coaching the Chinese team, (9)       he finally made up his mind when he saw that the students trusted him so much. He also said, "Let sports become China-Japan friendship. There is nothing better than this bridge."
  Su Yiming won one silver and one gold at the Beijing Winter Olympics, which is the best feedback for (10)      (he) coach.
8.最近全国不少地区疫情严重, 当地政府倡导全民每日核酸, 大家积极抗疫.但社会上还存在对防疫志愿者态度恶劣的现象, 如果你就读的学校学生会打算面向全校同学写一封倡议书, 呼吁大家尊重他们.请你根据以下要点帮助学生会完成这封倡议书内容.
原因:1. 防疫志愿者放弃休息时间;
2. 不顾危险、不求回报;
1. 做核酸时主动出示健康码; ……
要求:1. 词数80个左右, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数;
2. 内容必须包括要点, 可适当发挥, 使短文完整、语言流畅;
3. 可自由发挥一到两点自己的建议.
参考词汇:a nucleic acid test(核酸检测), health code(健康码)Dear friends,
Dear friends,
  We're writing this letter to call on everyone to show respect to the health volunteers. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Student Union
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