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1.  Chang'e is a famous character in ancient Chinese stories. Almost every Chinese knows about her stories.
  This character now is closely connected with China's space industry. From 2007 to 2020, China has (1)       launched (发射) five Chang'e lunar probes (月球探测器). Today, we're going to meet Cui Yihan (2)       took part in the launch of Chang'e-5.
  Cui Yihan was born in the late 1990s. She (3)       to work at Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site (航天器发射场) in early 2018. She does data (数据) work. Her position (4)      as the nerve center (神经中枢) in the launch site. She takes her work seriously. Her hard work provides strong support for (5)      . And Cui is proud of what she does.
  When she is off work, she likes (6)       traditional Chinese clothing. It gives her different experiences, (7)       she needs to wear uniforms hours during work. Before the launch of Chang'e-5, Cui dressed up (8)       Chang'e in the ancient stories to express her best wishes. Her clothes caught people's eye. They called her a "modern-day Chang'e".
  Like Cui, (9)       large number of young people are fighting for Chin's space industry. They work hard together with their seniors. Thanks to all of them, we're getting a much (10)       understanding of space.
2.  When I was a child, my father helped me find my interest and my job. He would (1)       me to art museums, give me books I couldn't understand at that time, and let me know that the world is big.
  When I became (2)       in astronomy (天文学) as a teenager, he bought me my first telescope (望远镜). He would go out with me even on cold nights when the sky was very (3)      . He would tell me something like"Sara, you must get a job where you will support yourself and not (4)       any man. "He would say this almost in an angry (5)       because he'd seen in his own family that women would just get married.
  For some reason, I always loved the stars. I didn't really pay attention to science at all until I (6)       my junior year of high school because my grades were always good. I (7)       I was really good at science.
  At about 16 years old, I decided to become a scientist and try my best to enter the university so that I could be a(n) (8)       in the future. When I told my father, he was extremely pleased. He said, "Dear, you can do what you want to do and I will (9)       you all the time. I feel happy to know that you will be different from anyone in our family. "I was so thankful for what my father said, not only because he could say yes to my (10)      , but also because he taught me to be independent. So I could be who I am now.
Eat According to Your Blood Type
by Eric Carle

Dr. Carle believes that the food people eat has some chemical relationship with their blood types. If people follow a diet according to their blood types, they will get more energy, become healthier, and even lose weight.
◆Blood Type O
People with blood type O can digest meat and vegetables well. They should eat more beef, chicken, and fish if they want to lose weight. However, only eating rice and beans isn't helpful to them at all.
◆Blood Type A
People with blood type A should eat more fruit and vegetables if they want to lose weight. Meat isn't digested easily in their bodies, so they should cat less meat.
◆Blood Type B
People with blood type B should cat fewer noodles because they easily make them fat. Meat, milk and vegetables are good for them to lose weight.
◆Blood Type AB
About 9% of the people around the world have blood type AB. The number is much lower than types A, B, and O. It is healthier for them to eat vegetables, fruit and eggs to go on a diet but they should cat less meat. 
4.  The Yangtze River is the longest river in China. For thousands of years, a lot of people have made their living along the river. Many of them are fishermen.
  However, since January 1, 2020, China has begun a 10-year ban (禁令) on fishing in conservation areas (保护区) along the Yangtze River. And from January 1, 2021, fishing is not allowed in all natural waterways of large lakes connected to the Yangtze such as the Dongting Lake and Poyang Lake for 10 years.
  The Yangtze River used to have high biodiversity (生物多样性). However, human activities such as overfishing and pollution have made fish fewer and fewer in the river. In recent years, the number of fish caught every year from the Yangtze has fallen greatly from more than 420,000 tons in the 1950s to less than 10, 0000 tons. Fish from the river used to take up 60% of the county's total fish production. But now the number is less than 0. 2%. So the fishing ban is a key move to protect the river's biodiversity.
  The fishing ban will a (影响) about 280,00 fishermen along the river. The government has taken action to help those fishermen. For example, it provides them with money and job training so that they can find new ways of living.
  Yang Zhiming, a fisherman in Hunan Province, now manages business at a local market. Yang bought a place at the market with 20, 00 yuan from the local government years ago. "Now, the 10-year fishing ban has started. My family don't have to worry to much because we can do some business at the market," he said. "The Dongting Lake is home to us fishermen. We stop fishing to protect our home."
5.配对阅读.左栏是五位年轻人在防控新冠居家隔离期间对放松方式的需求, 右栏是给他们的一些建议.请为左栏中的每个人选出适合的建议, 并将答题卡对应题目所选的选项涂黑.
(1)Jack lives alone and he loves sports. But now he can't play any outdoor sports because he has to stay at home for health. What sports can he do?       
(2)Lisa used to be too busy studying to communicate with her family. Now she wishes to communicate with her parents in a relaxing way.       
(3)Tony enjoys travelling when he is free. Now he can't visit anywhere interesting, but he still wants to learn about more interesting places.       
(4)Kate doesn't want to spend all her time on homework. Dancing is her hobby. She'd like to move her body with her family to keep healthy.       
(5)Paul can't stand sleeping or watching TV all the time — either is boring and meaningless. He wants to do something helpful. What can he do?        
A. It must be a good choice to read some books in your free time. No matter what books you have read, you can learn something from them. Books are good teachers sometimes.
B. Why not do chores with your family? It's a great chance to communicate with your parents and learn more about them. You can share your life with them, too.
C. The dining hall is the best stage (舞台) and you can dance with your family members. Remember not to play too loud dance music.
D. If your sitting room is big enough, you can play ping-pong. It's a great sport to relax. But if you live alone, you can play it with the wall of your room.
E. Why not keep some animals or fish at home?You can play with them and learn how to look after them, which can spare your boring time.
F. It's a good chance to talk with your friends who you haven't seen for a long time. You can spend much time caring for your friends and sharing your feelings.
G. You can search for some books, magazines, TV shows and movies which introduce many interesting places. With them, you can also visit many places. 
6.请用适当的词完成下面的短文, 并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上.每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词.
  A few months ago I moved to a house with a beautiful lawn (草坪). One Sunday, I decided to deal with the growing grass. I didn't have much (1)      , so I preferred to mow (割) the lawn by myself instead of paying a lawn mowing company.
  Before starting my work, I decided to buy an ice cream. Three young boys (2)       were about 10 were playing in front of the shop near my house. It was sunny and very (3)       outside, so I bought each of the boys an ice cream. They were very happy.
  When I left the shop, I (4)       he shopkeeper say, "How kind the lady is! Boys, (5)       forget to thank her." I smiled as I went back.
  However, I had to stop dealing with the lawn because (6)       a sudden rain. And I left for work that evening and didn't return (7)       Tuesday morning. As I got off my car, I realized (8)       was different. Yes, my lawn had been mowed. Immediately, I knew my neighbors had done this for me and went to (9)       them right away.
  Their kindness made (10)       big difference to me. It encouraged me to act further and set up a website about kindness in our community.
7.请阅读下面这篇文章, 根据所提供的信息回答5个问题.要求所写答案语法正确、语义完整, 并把答案写在答题卡指定的位置.
  Nowadays our life is getting more convenient because of more and more smart inventions. So in the near future, which new inventions will probably appear?
  Solar (太阳能的) paint. As renewable (可再生的) energy, solar power will be widely used, but the challenge is how to reduce the cost. The invention of solar paint will solve the problem. This kind of special paint is used for taking in sunshine and turning it into useful energy.
  A smart coat. People usually choose different clothes to wear in different seasons, Now scientists are trying to develop a kind of coat for all seasons. A smart system hidden in the coat can change the temperature inside according to the weather condition outside, making you feel warm in cold winter and cool in hot summer.
  Intelligent home appliances (电器). Although many of our home appliances are smart, they can't be rally connected to each other. So imagine one morning the window will be opened by itself after you get up, and that on your way home, the air conditioner (空调) has been turned on to make your house cool or warm.
  3 D food printing machine. If you hate cooking, buy one 3 D food printing machine. The future invention can be used to produce all the food you are imagining. What's more, this kind of food will be as delicious and healthy as that human cooks make. It will be a pretty useful invention.
8.未来充满无限可能, 科技正在改变一切.假如你是李华, 你认为未来还会出现什么更智能的高科技产品呢?你梦想中的最新发明是什么呢?请结合下表提示以"My dream invention"为题写一篇英语文章介绍你梦寐以求的发明﹣﹣Flying bicycle.
 材料 和制造普通自行车的材料类似 
用途 用于上下班, 也可帮助锻炼身体 
优点 停放方便, 环保节能, 安全实惠 
不足 空中飞行时间短, 速度慢 

要求:1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名.
2. 语句连贯, 词数80个左右.作文开头、结尾已经给出, 不计入总词数, 也不必抄写在答题卡上.
My dream invention
  In the future, there will be many great inventions that can change our life. The flying bicycle will be my dream invention. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  I'm sure the flying bicycle will go into every home in the near future.
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