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1.  My parents always taught me to have respect for other people. I remember one day when we were travelling on a bus and (1)      sat down while other people were standing. My mother shouted at me, "(2)       immediately!You have young legs and you don't need to sit down." At that time, I felt embarrassed about being told off (3)      , but now I understand. I think children nowadays have (4)       that respect and it really makes me angry if I see young people sitting down while (5)       people are standing.
  One area in which we had a lot of rules was table manners. For example, we weren't allowed to start our meal until the oldest person had started. We had to say "thank you" when our food was (6)       and eat everything on our plates before we could leave the table. We couldn't make any noise when eating. Worse than that, we were only allowed to have sweets at the weekend, as a special (7)       if we had been good.
  Although my upbringing (养育) was perhaps a bit (8)      compared with modern children, I'm very thankful to my parents for giving me a clear (9)       in life. Even though I was sometimes (10)      , I think it has made me a better person. In my view, children need clear rules, but more than that they need to learn how to get on with other people and realize they are not the center of the world.
2.  Spring has arrived. What comes with it is the feeling of tiredness during the day. This is commonly known as "spring fatigue (春困)" Let's take a closer look.
Why are we sleepy in spring?
Circadian Clock (生物钟)
The biological clock has not been adjusted in accordance with (依照) the seasonal change of day and night.
Lack of enough blood in the brain In spring, the capillaries (毛细血管) relax. More blood flows to the surface, while comparatively less goes to the organs (器官) and brain. 
Who is most prone (易受的) to spring fatigue? 
●People who like to eat raw (生的) and cold food.  ●People who stay up late. 
Physical exercise helps drive away spring fatigue.
Jogging, swimming, ball games and even steam baths can help adjust someone's metabolism (新陈代谢) and Increase blood flow. This sends more oxygen to the brain and relieves sleepiness.
A healthy waking and sleeping schedule are important in fighting this kind of fatigue. 
3.  Katelyn Clarkson, an 11-year-old girl, loves baking very much. Three years ago, when Katelyn first saw her uncle cooking cupcakes, she became interested in baking and started to bake. In her spare time, Katelyn often cooked cupcakes for her family and friends.
  A few months ago, Katelyn's teacher had a serious disease. Soon Katelyn had an idea of helping her teacher by selling cupcakes. Katelyn told the idea to her best friend Mattie who also loved baking cupcakes. She agreed with the plan. They spent the whole afternoon making over 60 cupcakes and sold them to their friends and relatives. Their teacher was moved when she received money from the two little girls.
  Within days, the two girls got the idea of Cupcakes for a Cure. They would like to sell cupcakes to raise money for people with different health problems. They were excited about their idea.
  Katelyn and Mattie later found they also needed someone to manage the money. They found Charlie.
  Charlie was happy to join them. He wrote down where the money was from and even set up a bank account (账户). Also, Charlie made a website for their work. On their website, they posted pictures of the cupcakes and videos on how to make cupcakes. Of course, they made advertisements about their money-raising activities and called on people to join them.
  Last month, they held their first money-raising activity. It was really a big success. Katelyn and Marie baked more than 300 cupcakes. All of them were sold during the two﹣hour activity.
4.  China welcomed three heroic astronauts home on April 16. The re-entry module (返回舱) carrying Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu landed safely at the Dongfeng Landing Site. This ended the Shenzhou XII astronauts' six-month space mission.
  This return marks a major breakthrough for China's efforts in space. Let's look at some of the technical details of the mission.
  Speed record
  The mission set a new speed record. The Shenzhou XII return capsule (返回舱) revolved around the Earth 11 times over 24 hours, before returning on Sept 17, 2021. This time Shenzhou XII shortened the time to about 9 hours, moving around the Earth five times.
  The Shenzhou XII mission was simplified to only five orbits and was designed to return more efficiently, according to the Chinese Academy of Space Technology.
  Temperature control
  Another challenge for astronauts returning to the Earth is traveling through the atmosphere. After the re﹣entry capsule enters the atmosphere, there is fierce friction (摩擦) with the air, The surface temperature of the capsule can reach thousands of degrees.
  To solve this problem, the researchers designed a heat-resistant coating (防热涂层) on the surface of the Shenzhou XII return capsule. They also laid a layer of ablative material (烧蚀材料) to take a lot of heat, according to People's Daily Online.
  The re-entry capsule landed upright (直立的) in the designated (指定的) area. Such a landing position is rare in China's space flight history, So far, only Shenzhou VI and Shenzhou XII have achieved an upright landing. To achieve this, astronauts must operate and let go of parachute (降落伞) with precise timing. A small mistake may cause the capsule to be pulled down by the parachute.
  Landing upright is the ideal way to land, ensuring astronauts have the softest landing, Pang Zhihao, a spaceflight researcher in Beijing, told Science and Technology Daily.
A. The more times they practise the speech, the more comfortable they are discussing the topic.
B. Another way of dealing with public speaking fears is using the audience's positive energy.
C. So there is no need to fear public speaking any more.
D. All in all, these two ways are sure to help with fear of public speaking.
E. Speakers need to speak loud enough to make themselves heard by the audience.
F. Luckily, this fear can be overcome (克服) with two simple methods:practice and using positive energy from the audience. 

  According to several recent surveys, some people fear public speaking more than anything else. (1)      
  Practice for a speech is essential. After the task of writing the speech is complete, speakers must practise. (2)       Using objects such as mirrors or video recordings as they practise can show speakers what they look and sound like to the audience. Video is particularly helpful as it can be watched many times, with the presenters (演讲者) focusing on one part at a time. (3)       Speakers need to remember that the audience wants them to succeed. Something as basic as a small nod or a smile from a member of the audience should give confidence to the presenters behind the podium (讲台). While it is easy for nervous speakers to focus only on getting through the presentation, using the audience's good will (意愿) helps much in making a speech better.
  (4)      With proper practice and audience empathy (共鸣) it is possible to overcome the rear of public speaking and deliver a wonderful speech. (5)      
6.下面的材料A—F分别介绍了六个俱乐部.请根据Vince, Jason, Rosa Danny和Donna的个性特征, 选择最适合他们参加的俱乐部.
A. Siyuan Club
Founded in September, 2016, our club aims at bringing students into traditional Chinese culture and classical literature. We have had some outings for visiting cultural relics and watched art movies related to Eastern and Western ancient cultures.
B. View Forum
This club aims to explore students' global view in politics. Students are encouraged to focus on the happenings in the world and build their own opinions.
C. Mathematics Club
It is an academically-oriented club organized by students who are interested in mathematics, who are strong or even weak at mathematics. It is like an extended stage to continuously study mathematics outside the classroom.
D. Photographic Club
It was established by a group of shutterbugs (摄影爱好者) with the purpose of promoting an interest in photography. Students can learn how to take and edit photos using professional software and have the opportunities to exhibit their works.
E. Youth Club
Founded in October, 2018, it aims at making students' spare time more colorful. Our club mainly organizes trips for both individuals and organizations.
F. Harmony Club
Established in November 2017, this club is to teach traditional English songs;and deliver English culture and music. You are welcome to join it.
(1)      As a freshman in university, Vince enjoys a lot of spare time and has big plans for himself. He will use the first year to travel around to broaden his horizon.
(2)      Having traveled a lot, Jason realized the need to keep the beautiful scenery forever in his mind. So he saved money and bought a camera. Now all he needs is the skill to catch the breathtaking moment.
(3)      Smart and pretty, Rosa is a popular singer in her university. Besides, like an English-majored student she speaks fluent and beautiful English.
(4)      Danny has dreamed of becoming a diplomat (外交官) since childhood. So he likes to read the books on politics, economy and foreign affairs. His classmates thus gave him the nickname "Mr. Know Everything".
(5)      Donna spent her childhood mostly in her father's study, where she did a lot of readings about Chinese classical literature. Now as college student, she thinks she should make full use of her free time to read as many literary books as possible.
7.  Everyday (1)       (hero) are ordinary people who are working to build a better world. They may not be well-known to the public, but they do (2)      they can to help improve people's lives. Among them is Robert Lee.
  As Lee's family was not rich, he learned the (3)       important of avoiding the waste of food at his early age. In college, being part of a student group, he and his team gave out leftover food to homeless people. This experience made him realize the serious problem of food wastage.
  After university, Lee and his friend set up (4)       organization called Rescuing Leftover Cuisine (RLC). Its purpose is (5)       (collect) unsold food from restaurants. Volunteers pick up the food from restaurants around the city and hand it out to those in need in shelters.
  RLC operates as the followings. Using the phone App developed by Lee's team restaurants report how much leftover food they have each day. Then volunteers near that area (6)       (send) to get it. The distance is usually short, (7)      volunteers can just walk from the restaurants to the shelters. The homeless here can get the food in a few (8)       (minute) time.
  So far, Lee and his team have not only saved over 150,000 kilograms of food (9)      (success), but provided almost 3000,000 meals (10)       people in need. Lee has shown that a small action can have a greater influence than we imagine.
8.中共中央、国务院印发了《关于全面加强新时代大中小学劳动教育的意见》 (A guideline on hardworking spirit education) (以下简称《意见》), 提出了中学生应该树立劳动最光荣、劳动最美丽的劳动精神. 英语报纸以此为主题举行英语征文比赛, 请你根据下面提示, 写一篇英语短文, 向其投稿, 谈谈你对劳动教育的看法, 并提出建议.
(1)你对《意见》的看法 支持、赞同、觉得非常有必要…… 
(2)你自己参与劳动实践的情况 举例说明在家做家务和在学校参加的劳动实践…… 
(3)中小学生应该如何培养劳动精神 上劳动教育课, 学习基本的生活技能、提高认识:(补充一点) 

参考词汇:劳动教育课labor education classes
(1)80个词左右.开头已给出, 不计入总词数内;
(2)必须包括以上全部要点, 可以适当发挥;
(4)条理清楚, 语句通顺, 意义连贯, 观点正确, 书写规范.
  A guideline on hardworking spirit education came out recently in order to help more students of different ages to get hardworking spit. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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