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Library Activities for ChildrenCity Public Library offers a lot of fun and SIGN UPeducational activities for children all year round. The activities are all free. Please click (点击) on the link (链接) on the right to sign up to get more information and never miss an event! 
Creative Kids: After-school Art Activity
•4:30 pm﹣5:30 pm
•the 3rd Thursday of each month-Story Rooms A &B
•School﹣age kids from 2nd to 5th grades are welcome to take part in this after﹣school art activity. 
Read to a Pet
•1:00 pm﹣2:30 pm
•the 2nd and last Saturday of each month
•Children's Area, the 3rd floor
This program is a relaxing way for young readers to improve their reading skills. Visiting dogs and cats have been trained by Paws for Love and they are nice and friendly. 
Monthly Lego (乐高) Party
•2:00 pm﹣3:00 pm
•the 3rd Saturday of each month
•Story Rooms, the 3rd floor
Kids with grown﹣ups are invited for an hour of Lego play. Lego is provided. Bring your imagination! This creative activity is for children aged 4 and over. 
Discovery Room
The Discovery Room gives children chances to think creatively, use their imagination and learn while playing. The theme (主题) of the Discovery Room changes four times a year. Discovery Room hours often change, too. 

2.  Once there was a milkman named Deenu. He had built his hut far away from his village in the woods. He preferred the quietness of the woods to the noisy village.
  Deenu was an honest man. He treated every person fairly, but sometimes he got cheated. He thought the world was full of bad people.
  One evening, Deenu was returning home after selling milk in the village. He saw an old man sitting under a tree meditating, so he walked up quietly.
   "Can I help you?" the man asked with his eyes closed.
  "Yes, I want to know how to change the world. Everything in nature is so beautiful, but there are so many bad people who only care about themselves. What can I do?" Deenu
  The man smiled and said, "I can see that you are a responsible man. Answer a few questions first. Did you smile at all the customers who came to today?"
  "Sometimes, but not all," Deenu replied.
  "When you smiled, did they smile back?" the man asked.
  "Yes, they were very nice people."
  "For those people you don't like, did you show them a smile first?"
  "Not really — why should I?" Deenu asked.
  "What if you gave them a smile as well?"
  "Well, they... they might smile back," Deenu said.
  "That's it. If you really want to do something for the world, you can start with yourself. You can't decide how other people think or act, but you can decide what you do. " the old man said patiently.
  This made sense to Deenu. He thanked the man and walked home. He changed the way he saw the world.
Word ban
khut 小屋
meditate 冥想 

3.  Most people have a place to call home on Earth. What about in outer space?The International Space Station (ISS) became our first "home" in space in 2000. It welcomed its first workers that year, The ISS is a large spaceship that flies around Earth, circling Earth 16 times a day. Fifteen countries, including the US, Russia. Canada and Japan, worked together to finish building it. Six astronauts can live and work inside.
  "When being there, you just have this feeling that we're all people of not a country, but of the planet, " former NASA astronaut Scott Kelly told National Geographic about working in       . " We're all in this thing called humanity together.
  Over the past 20 years, the ISS has mainly been used as a science lab, hosting 241 people from 19 countries, according to NASA. They have gone on spacewalks, done research on how space influences the human body, and even grown plants in space.
  The station's development has also been useful for people on Earth. For example, the station's water purification technology has been used in poor areas to provide clean drinking water. The station also helps to warm us of natural disasters , such as earthquakes.
  However, after being our home in space for over 7, 000 days, the station is starting to get old. It has leaked air a few times. Scientists think that the station can keep working until 2024. After that, scientists will bring it down to Earth. It is believed that Earth's atmosphere will burn up most of the station. Other parts will fall into the Pacific Ocean.
  In the future, space will be home to more stations like the ISS. NASA is building a space station that is smaller than the ISS near the moon. Also, China will have its own space station up and running in 2022.
Word Bank
purification 净化
leak 泄露
atmosphere 大气 

4.  The skills we use to manage our emotions and react well are part of a bigger group of emotional skills called emotional intelligence(EQ). (1)       But these are two skills anyone can practice:
  Emotional awareness. This skill is all about being able to notice and identify (识别) the emotions we feel at any given moment. (2)      Sometimes, just naming the emotions we feel can help us feel more confident to control our emotions.
  (3)      Understanding emotions means knowing why we feel the way we do. It helps to view our emotions as understandable. We might think to-ourselves, "No wonder I feel left out﹣it's natural to feel that way in this situation. "It's like giving ourselves a little kindness and understanding for the way we feel. (4)      We know they're reasonable, and it's OK to feel whatever the way we feel.
  Accepting emotions means noticing, identifying, and understanding our emotions without blaming (责备) others or judging our feelings. (5)       It is also not good to judge our emotions and think "I shouldn't feel this way. " or "It's awful that I feel this way! "The goal is to acknowledge our feelings without letting them run away with us.
  Practicing these basic skills will help us get over difficult emotions faster.
根据材料内容, 从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项, 使文章意思通顺, 内容完整.
A. It is the most basic EQ skill.
B. This helps us accept our emotions.
C. Understand and accept emotions.
D. People who react well are already good at some basic EQ skills.
E. It's not helpful to tell ourselves that how we feel is someone else's fault.
5.  A 70-year old Chinese woman has been called "Super Grannie" after it was reported that she is (1)       about running and has completed over 100 marathons (马拉松)so far.
  Most people (2)       to take it easy after they retire (退休), but Wang Guilan, from Liaoning, is (3)       not one of them. She only started running at the age of 50, as a(4)       to keep in shape, but soon realized it was her passion (酷爱). She ran her first marathon in 2004 and hasn't (5)       since then. From 2005 to 2017, she completed the Beijing Marathon thirteen times, and this year she set a new record, becoming the (6)      person to ever complete the 168﹣kilometer Liaoning marathon.
  "This lady is as old as my grandmother, how can she run so fast? That's (7)       , " a runner in his twenties said after seeing Wang compete(8)       the Liaoning marathon in April. Last year, she ran for the 110 km version of the marathon with her(9)       . It was reported that she waited for her friend to catch us for about 5-6 hours(10)       they could cross the finishing line together, but this year she took part in the marathon by (11)       , and chose the longest distance.
  So (12)      can a 70﹣year﹣old stay in good condition to complete a marathon, while most people half her (13)       couldn't finish?One reason, according to Sina, is that Wang Guilan runs at least 20 kilometers every day. And she (14)       running on mountain roads in her native Liaoning, but in winter she runs on asphalt (沥青) roads.
  Wang Guilan(15)       believes that age is just a number, and plans to continue running and enjoying the sunset of her life for as long as her health allows it.
6.阅读短文, 从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空, 使短文通顺、意思完整.每空限填一词, 每词限用一次.
I at communicate butterfly hold different include practice become tradition 

  Known as the birthplace of kites, Weifang in Shandong province has a long history of making kites.
  According to local artisans (工匠), Weifang kite-making dates back to 2, 000 years ago. At first, they were used by the army for measuring distance (测量距离) and (1)      . During the Ming Dynasty, kites (2)      popular among ordinary people for entertainment.
  Made from bamboo and decorated with (3)      Chinese paintings, Weifang kite-making was included in the national﹣level intangible cultural heritage list in 2006. The International Kite Festival has been (4)      in Weifang each year since 1984.
  Yang Hongwei, 56, is an inheritor (传承人) of the Weifang kite-making technique . Born into a kite﹣making family, Yang learned the technique from her grandfather (5)      the age of 16. After (6)       the technique for 10 years, she started her own shop in 1992.
  On Yang's kites, people can see not only common patterns like (7)      and swallows , but also some prints telling Chinese myths , legends and history. She once made a kite showing a phoenix (凤凰) that was lined with pictures of 50 famous women from Chinese history on each side.
  Yang said that the women have many (8)       in look, clothes and makeup style. To create their portraits, she made lots of effort to check historical records and talk about details with professionals.
  In her free time, she travels to different countries (9)      Germany, Australia, and New Zealand to tell people stories of Chinese kites and the traditional ways they are made. "It is an important job of (10)      , to spread our heritage around the world and on to the next generation," she said.
7.阅读短文, 根据语篇要求填空, 使短文通顺、意思完整.每空限填一词.
  It's not usual that you can feel the warmth in an icy train station. After all, it's the place where people walk quickly from one end to the other for their trains with impatience. Just there, (1)      a cold morning, I saw something that moved me to tears.
  While I was walking to the hall of the station, I saw a young women put something next to a sleeping homeless man. She put it down silently and left in a hurry. I wondered (2)      she had put some money there. Instead, it was a sandwich lying on the man's bag. I suddenly realized that a sandwich was probably (3)      the man needed most.
  I (4)      help thinking of it many times when I helped by others. I also thought about all the other little acts of kindness that happened every day. Even the smallest thing can make (5)      big difference. And what a gift it is when you get to see the moving moments.
8.A: Hello, Betty. What are you doing here?
B: I'm watching a video on Bilibili.
A: (1)      ?
B: It's about the traditions of the Qingming Festival.
A: Oh, I see. What did you do during this Qingming Festival?
B: I went to my hometown with my parents and made offerings to our ancestors.
A: En, it's an important tradition for our Chinese.
B: (2)      ?
A: I just stayed at home because my hometown is far.
B: (3)      ?
A:Yes, of course. I spent most of my time preparing for the tests.
B: I haven't got ready for the tests. I have some difficult math problems to be solved.
A: (4)      . We can study together now and solve them.
B: Good idea. When we finish the problems, we can watch the interesting video together. Thanks a lot for your help.
A: (5)      .
9.我们周围有很多充满正能量的人值得我们敬佩, 他们有的乐于助人, 有的刻苦勤奋, 有的勇敢坚韧. .. 请以"The person I admire most"为题, 用英文写一篇短文.
1. 谁是你最敬佩的人?
2. 你为什么敬佩他/她?
3. 你从他/她身上学到了什么?
要求:1. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;
2. 词数100词左右.
The person I admire most
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