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1.I will try to keep a ______every day to improve my writing skills.
  • A. test
  • B. pet
  • C. team
  • D. diary
2.—Didn't you see the sign on the wall?You can't swim here.
—Sorry, I ______out of here and go home.
  • A. get
  • B. got
  • C. will get
  • D. have got
3.—Would you like some potato chips?
—No. I _____eat them. I think they are bad for my health.
  • A. seldom
  • B. already
  • C. almost
  • D. still
4.Some people had to work at home to ______the disease from spreading.
  • A. realize
  • B. beat
  • C. stop
  • D. refuse
5.I've always wanted a new bike, ______today I finally get one from my father.
  • A. or
  • B. and
  • C. but
  • D. if
6.—Did you watch the basketball game between China and America at eight last night?
—No, I didn't. I ______on the Internet at that time.
  • A. was studying
  • B. have studied
  • C. am studying
  • D. study
7.—What do you think of the movie?
—It's awful. I've never seen a_____one.
  • A. bad
  • B. good
  • C. worse
  • D. better
8.—I hear that our sports meeting ______next Monday.
—Really? I can't wait for it.
  • A. hold
  • B. have held
  • C. were held
  • D. will be held
9.  People give each other flowers all the time on birthdays, anniversaries and celebrations. Although flowers are popular, not everyone knows the (1)      behind each kind of flower.
  Roses are probably one of the most well-known flowers and usually symbolize (象征) (2)      But different colors of roses express (3)      meanings. Red roses(4)      express love, but they are also used to express respect and admiration. On the other hand, white roses are(5)      to new beginnings because white is the color of purity (纯洁). Yellow roses mean joy and warmth(6)      blue roses reflect the desire.
  The lily (百合) is another kind of very popular(7)      and usually symbolizes purity as well. Similar to roses, color also (8)      an important role in lilies. White lilies are the most common, and they represent solemnity and purity. Yellow lilies symbolize joy.
  On (9)      Day, many people buy carnations (康乃馨)for their mother. This kind of flower symbolizes respect and love. Red carnations (10)      love and admiration, and pink carnations express the love for a woman or a mother (11)      most white flowers, white carnations symbolize pure love. However, yellow carnations mean disappointment, which is the (12)      why we do not see yellow carnations often in flower shops. Some other flowers people give as (13)      include bird of paradise(堂鸟), peony and sunflower.
  In a word, different flowers have different meanings behind them, and sometimes colors are also (14)      to their implications (含义). It's important to learn about what each flower symbolizes so as to(15)      the right gift.

  Engineers in the US have created a group of robots. They are (1)      enough to work together to deal with obstacles (障碍) successfully.
  "When ants collect or transport objects, if one meets an obstacle, the group will work (2)      to deal with that obstacle, "explained Dr Yasemin Ozkan-Aydin of the University of Notre Dame, who led the research. "If there's a break (缝隙)on the road, for example, they will create a (3)      . So the other ants can travel across and that is the (4)      for this study."
  Ozkan-Aydin and (5)       partners 3 D printed a group of four-legged robots which are 15 to 20 centimeters long. They were fixed (6)      touch sensors (传感器)at the front and back, so that they could feel and connect to other robots in the group. The robots were then tasked with finding their way over different surfaces, (7)      grass, floors and carpets. Ozkan-Aydin also built stairs for them (8)      up using plastic or wooden blocks. Whenever a robot met difficulties, it would (9)      a signal (信号) to the other robots, before connecting together through their touch sensors.
  Ozkan-Aydin hopes this (10)      could be used to make more robots to help in search and rescue operations (救援行动), transporting objects and space study in the future. However, in order to make that become a reality (现实), she says battery (电池) technology will need to improve so that the robots can ideally work for up to ten (11)      without running out of power.
SUMMER CAMP~CANADA~UNIVERSITY in OTTAWA for 10-to-19-year-olds in 2022 "English-in-Canada" is an English language summer camp. Each summer over the past 40 years, 400 international students had fun and made new friends here.
•For many young students, this will be the first time away from home. They will be in a friendly and safe environment.
•Two students live in a room. Girls and boys are on different floors. New bed sheets weekly. There are washing machines on each floor. Three meals daily, seven days a week. All kinds of foods and drinks, including salads and fruits.
•There are twenty-five hours of English teaching weekly. Students learn English in the mornings. They are more relaxed in the afternoons because they have activities and games. Classes are limited (限制) to 15 students. 
4-week course: $5, 500/personJuly 9 to August 6, 20223-week course: $4, 500/personJuly 9 to July 30, or July 16 to August 6, 2022 
•Email:lisbeth. graverholt@gmail. com
★Welcome to one of the best English language camps in Canada! 
12.  Franz Schubert was a music giant (巨星). He wrote several symphonies (交响乐) and operas, over 600 songs, and had many other musical works.
  Schubert was born into a musical family in Vienna on January 31, 1797. His father was a teacher, and he taught young Schubert to play the violin. One of Schubert's brothers also gave him piano lessons.
  Schubert had a talent for singing, too. That made him get into a good school and join the boys' choir(合唱团)in 1808. He learned a lot about music there, and he was really good at writing all kinds of music. However, Schubert's voice changed when he turned 15, so he had to leave the school.
  Back at home, Schubert started working at his father's school in 1814. He didn't like teaching, though. So he spent most of his free time writing music. During that time, he wrote his first full symphony and opera. He also wrote many famous songs.
  In 1818, Schubert gave up teaching to make music full time. It was a good change. People liked his music, and they even paid him to write music for them. Schubert finally made money from his musical works, but they didn't make him rich.
  Even so, Schubert still worked very hard. Sadly, his health got worse, and he died at the age of 31 on November 19, 1828. Schubert and his music touched many people during his time. His works still touch people today.
13.  When answering questions through text messages (短信), people are more likely to tell the truth because they have more time to think. It also includes sensitive (敏感的) information that it is hard for common people to get. This is a great way to get real answers from friends.
  Studies have shown that people are more likely to let out (泄露) sensitive information in a text message than in a voice interview. "This is a bit surprising, since many people believe that texting reduces (减少) the possibilities of letting out sensitive information because it leaves a record that others might see on your phone, "the researcher Fred Conrad told us.
  When people text a message, they are more likely to give real answers. We think it is because they are under no time pressure. ___△____
  For the study, researchers interviewed about 600 people online last month and offered them rewards if they took part in the interview. Their goal was to see if asking the same question in text or voice influenced the answer. They found that people were more likely to provide honest answers through text messages.
14.  Second only to water, tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. But how much do you know about it?Let's see if you're a real tea master.
  Although there are thousands of various types of tea, they all come from one plant﹣Camellia sinensis, a bush (灌木) native to East Asia. The differences come from where the plants are grown and how their leaves are treated after harvest. Leaves used to make green tea are processed-for example, they can be lightly steamed (蒸) or oven-dried while those used to make black tea are left to dry.
  It's true that the British have the reputation (名声) of being great tea lovers, but they don't drink as much tea as the people of Turkey. A single Turkish citizen uses more than three kilograms of tea leaves per year, which is enough to make over 1, 200 cups of tea!
  Tea came to the UK from China in the seventeenth century, but it was so expensive that only rich people could afford it. It was not until the first tea shop opened in 1717 that common people started to drink tea. By the middle of the eighteenth century, nearly everyone in the UK was drinking tea.
  In the 1700s, many common British people didn't have the sturdy (坚固的) tea sets that rich people used. Their thin cups often broke when boiling water was poured inside. Adding milk first helped cool the tea and thus(从而) prevented the cups from breaking.
  Now tea becomes one of the most popular drinks. While tea lovers will argue endlessly about how to make a great cup of tea, there's only one rule. The perfect cup of tea is the one that tastes best to you.
15.  We all know the plastic pollution is serious in the world. Five trillion plastic bags are used every year. One million plastic drinking bottles are bought every minute.
  What if we could use plastic waste to build roads?This is exactly what Toby McCartney has done.
  In 2019, McCartney's UK-based company, MacRebur, built the world's first plastic road in Elgin town, Scotland. The plastic waste was made into grains (颗粒) and then mixed with bitumen (沥青). The road looks just like any other road. But it has improved strength (强度) and is more stretchy (有弹性的) thanks to the plastic.
  "Our technology can not only help solve the problem of plastic waste but also produce roads that deal better with changes in the weather, reducing cracks (裂缝) and potholes (路面的坑洼)," MeCartney told the BBC.
  McCartney's idea came from a trip to India. "I saw people in India put plastic waste into potholes and burn it. The plastic would melt down (熔化) and form a seal in the hole," said McCartney.
  "I knew that there must be some similarities between the plastic and bitumen, which both come from oil. That's how I started to think about mixing them," he said.
  After lots of testing, McCartney found the perfect recipe (配方). And now his company has built many plastic roads around the world, from Australia to Europe. A one﹣kilometer stretch of road uses about 684, 000 plastic bottles or 1. 8 million plastic bags. The road itself can be recycled at the end of its lifespan (使用期限). The materials can be reused to build new roads. "We're just a small part of ending the plastic problems, but it's nice to be part of it, "McCartney said. "I just don't want my daughters to live in a world where there are more plastics in our oceans than fish."
16.  Seven-year-old Fatima lives with her parents, two brothers and two sisters in a small house in a village in Egypt. Her father didn't agree that girls should get much education. (1)      And her sisters dropped out of school and got married at an early age. Fatima had no hope for her life.
  One day, Save the Children opened an early childhood care and development program in her village. (2)       Although her father didn't want to send his daughters to school, Fatima was allowed to attend at last.
  After a short time, both Fatima's mother and father were touched by the changes in their daughter. (3)       "My father changed his idea when he saw the huge changes in me. (4)      " said Fatima.
  "Save the Children has changed my life. I want to be a very famous doctor and to treat the children of the poor for free. And my father also wishes me to become a doctor one day. (5)      " said Fatima, "I wish all the children could join the program so that they can have a better life like me."
  For Fatima, and girls like her around the world, it takes so little to make such a big difference.

A. His father didn't want to go to school.
B. Her mother never attended school.
C. So he promised to let me continue my studies.
D. I want to make my father's dream come true.
E. This made a big difference in Fatima's life.
F. This can also make boys' life change a lot in the future.
G. As a result, Fatima successfully persuaded her father and completed the program. 
17.(Tom and Mike are talking in front of the house. Tom=T Mike=M)
T:Hello, Mike. You look tired. (1)      
M:I didn't sleep well last night. In fact, I often have trouble sleeping.
M:I usually read some blogs written by my friends on my mobile phone.
T:I think it is the reason why you can't sleep well. (3)      Bright screens can influence your sleep.
M:You're right. What should I do then?
M:Anything else?
T:You can also read a book. (5)      
M:OK. I will do as you told me. Thanks a lot.
T:You are welcome.

A. You can listen to some soft music.
B. Did you go to the doctor?
C. What's the matter?
D. What did you do last night?
E. What do you usually do before going to bed?
F. Before going to bed, avoid phones, computers or TV.
G. These quiet activities can make you relaxed and sleepy. 
18.汉语是世界上使用人数最多的一种语言.现在世界上不同地区的人学习汉语的热情越来越高涨了, 越来越多的人在学习汉语.假如你是林华, 请根据以下要点, 写一篇短文.
1)What do you think are the reasons for this phenomenon (现象)?
2)Do you think this phenomenon will continue?
3)How to learn Chinese well?
1)短文应包括提示中所有的写作要点, 条理清楚, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥;
3)词数不少于80, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
  In recent years, more and more foreigners are learning Chinese. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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