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1.—Do you think colors can make us happy?
—Yes, they have the _______ to influence our feelings.
  • A. secret
  • B. power
  • C. idea
  • D. experience
2.Mary went to hospital and she _______ about the importance of brushing the teeth every day.
  • A. told
  • B. is told
  • C. was told
  • D. has told
3.Air is one of the _______ needs. Everyone needs it.
  • A. basic
  • B. easy
  • C. difficult
  • D. large
4.—What about going hiking this weekend?
—I'd like to, but the test is coming. I _______ to prepare for it.
  • A. achieve
  • B. discover
  • C. refuse
  • D. prefer
5.—Are you going to the airport by taxi?
—No, I choose to take the subway. It's _______.
  • A. slower
  • B. cheaper
  • C. the slowest
  • D. the cheapest
6.—Did you see Joan? She just came back from the school.
—Yes. But she _______ someone, so I just nodded to her.
  • A. calls
  • B. is calling
  • C. was calling
  • D. has called
7.—Do you have any ideas for the coming holiday?
—Yes. I _______ my grandparents.
  • A. visit
  • B. will visit
  • C. have visited
  • D. was visiting
8.Write down these notes, _______ you'll get bad grades.
  • A. and
  • B. so
  • C. but
  • D. or
9.  Working hard is always important. If you are (1)       and weak, you will never taste success. You love eating persimmons (柿子), but you can't get (2)       until autumn. If you, try them before the right time, they will probably (3)       bad.
  In Grade Six, my grades were very (4)      . So my parents were worried that I wouldn't be able to get into an excellent middle (5)      . They pushed me to study harder, (6)       I didn't really understand why they were so anxious.
  Summer came and I studied hard. The hot weather made me (7)       and I couldn't concentrate on my textbooks. But every time I wanted to stop (8)      , my dad would sit down beside me. And he would say, "Think about your (9)      . If you don't work hard, you will (10)      . "I had to sit back down again. But all I (11)      was playing with my friends.
  My dad would say to me, with a serious look on his (12)      , "If a persimmon tree doesn't grow in summer, it can't bear fruits in autumn! (13)      by working hard can you get good results. "I began to study hard. A few months later, I succeeded(14)       entering the key middle school. I was so happy. My dad was right. I worked hard and I enjoyed the (15)       of my hard work!
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  In July, China introduced. the"double reduction (双减)"policy. It hopes to reduce schoolwork burden (负担) on primary and junior high school (1)      . The policy calls for reducing homework and after-school classes.
  According to the policy, children below the third grade will not (2)       homework anymore. It should take no more than 90 minutes for junior high school students (3)      their homework. After- school training institutions (校外培训机构) are not allowed to (4)       extra education courses or advanced (超前的) teaching on weekends, holidays to (5)       winter and summer vacations. One month has passed since the new semester began. How do students feel about this new policy?
  "Our homework is clearly less than before," said 13-year-old Shen Yuzhe from Beijing. According to Shen, students have (6)      time to process new knowledge now. "Our teachers are also giving us more chances to do experiments and learn from (7)      life," said Shen. "For example, we went to research earthworms (蚯蚓) in a field during a biology class. This is a much better (8)      to learn things than just hitting the books. "
   Shen also pointed out that when burden is lightened, self-discipline (自律) becomes the (9)      . "Some students now spend more time having fun (10)      homework is finished early. But if you use all the free time to relax, you might(11)      behind other students," he said
11.  Know More about the Winter Olympic Games
 In 1921, the International Olympic Committee decided to hold the 1924 International Winter Sports Week in Chamonix, France, and two years after the event ended, the International Olympic Committee officially recognized the event as the first Winter Olympic Games. The athlete Charles Jutlau from the United States won the first gold medal in the history of the Winter Olympics in the men's 500-meter speed skating. 
 The last Winter Olympic Games was held in Pyeongchang, South Korea, in 2018. Short track speed skater Wu Dajing won the only gold medal for China. The Chinese delegation won a total of nine medals, second only to the 2010. Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Chinese athletes have achieved the best results in history in many sports. 
  The 24th Winter Olympic Games in 2022 is held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou. Beijing is the first city to host the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics. The ice project is held in Beijing. The image ambassador (大使) for this Winter Olympic Games is Shen Xue. The opening ceremony is held at the Bird's Nest. China's first participation in the Winter Olympics was the US Lake Placid Winter Olympics. China's first gold medalist at the Winter Olympics was Yang Yang. 
12.  Andrew Carnegie spent almost twenty years giving his wealth away. He believed that those who became rich should return what they didn't need to society. He once said, "A rich man dies disgraced (不光彩地) if he does not give his money away for the public good during his lifetime."
  He began to use his money to build free public libraries. By 1919 it was said that he had built almost 3, 000 libraries with his money, valued altogether at over sixty million dollars. Most were in the United States, but some of        were in Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, and even as far as the Fiji Islands.
  A gift of four million dollars was made to Carnegie's hometown, Dunfermline, Scotland. It was used to build parks and playgrounds for the people of town. Pittsburgh in which he made his fortune (财富), was given a music hall, a museum, an art gallery, and a public library.
  Andrew Carnegie's public gifts cost three hundred and thirty million dollars. He gave one million, five hundred thousand dollars to the Peace Palace at the Hague in the Netherlands. After the war began in Europe in 1914, he gave his home, Skibo Castle in Scotland , to the British Government for use as an army hospital.
13.  Most people who move to a foreign country may experience a period of time when they feel very homesick and have a lot of stress. This feeling is often called "culture shock". It is important to understand it and learn how to deal with it if you want to adapt successfully to your new home's culture.
  Generally speaking, there are four stages that you will experience after you move to a foreign country. The first stage is usually referred to as the "excitement" stage. When arriving in a new environment, you'll be interested in the new culture;everything will seem exciting and everyone will seem friendly.
But it won't be long before you move from the "excitement" stage to the second stage. The excitement you felt before changes to stress. It seems that everything is difficult. The language is hard to learn, friends are difficult to make, and even simple things like shopping have become a challenge. It is at this "stress" stage that you are likely to feel worried and homesick. This is the stage which is referred to as "culture shock".
However, culture shock doesn't last for very long. If you are one of those who manage to overcome it, you'll move to the "recovery" stage. At this stage, you start to understand and accept the way things are done and the way people behave in your new environment.
The last stage is the "home" stage. This is the stage when you start to feel at home in the new culture. You start to learn from your new home and to like certain aspects of the new culture better than those of your own culture.
Culture shock is normal. Everyone in a new situation will go through some form of it. Continue to be brave!And overcoming culture shock will be a piece of cake.
14.  Do you get angry when your friends sing loudly or when your best friend does not wait for you after school?
  If you do, you need to control your feelings and stop getting angry so easily. Getting angry easily can make you lose friends.
  Gary Egeberg, an American high school teacher, wrote My Feelings Are Like Wild Animals to help you control your feelings. It tells teens how to stay cool when bad things happen to them. The book says that getting angry only makes problems worse. It cannot make them better. "Getting angry is not a natural way to act," the book says. It is just a bad habit, like smoking. The book says you can control your anger easily, and all you have to do is to tell yourself not to be angry.
  When a baby falls over, it cries only when people are watching it. Like a baby, you can only get angry if you are sure it is the right thing to do. If you get angry easily, the book gives many suggestions to help you. Read carefully and learn to be happy every day. Here are the top four:
①Keep a record. Every time you get angry, write down why you are angry. Look at it later and you will see you get angry too easily.
②Ask your friends to stop talking to you when you get angry. This will teach you not to be angry.
③Do something different, When you get angry, walk away from the problem and go somewhere else.
④Listen to some soft music. It can help you feel relaxed and get away from anger. Try to laugh!
15.  Invented in 1974 by Erno Rubik, a Hungarian professor, the Rubik's Cube won huge popularity within ten years. But almost as quickly as it caught on, the craze (狂热) died out as few people could actually solve the difficult puzzle (迷).
  Luckily, the Internet helped to bring back the Rubik's Cube by connecting the lovers around the world. Some people shared methods of solving the cube faster by showing others how to do it online. Within a few years, the Rubik's Cube was as popular as it had ever been. It is now the world's best﹣selling puzzle game in history.
  In many people's opinion, _______ In fact, it's good for you in many other ways. For example, it helps you develop your ability to perform something quickly without making mistakes.
  Today, the World Cube Association organizes competitions around the world every year. Recently, Florida 2019 took place in the US. It was a well﹣organized event with more than 100 competitors. One of the competitors Tommy Cherry was only 13, but he could solve the 3 × 3 cube in less than 10 seconds. Besides the well﹣known 3 X3 cube, this event had 16 other competitions, including the 4 ×4, 5 ×5, 6 × 6, 7× 7, and solving the puzzle with one' s feet.
  In a word, as a puzzle and toy from the 1970s, the Rubik's Cube has puzzled and excited people for more than thirty years.
16.  About fifty years ago, when television first came out, people thought that radio was no longer useful. (1)      It is much more real and interesting to watch television than to listen to the radio.
  However, fifty years later radio is still very popular and it will be here for a long time. One reason is that we don't need to see pictures when we listen to the music on the radio. In fact, listening with your eyes closed is the best way to listen to a piece of music. (2)       In other words, you can create your own images.
  Moreover, while listening to the radio, you don't have to take your eyes off your work. (3)      Or you can read a book and listen to the radio. Television, on the other hand, doesn't have this advantage.
  (4)      You can take a radio anywhere and turn it on anytime you want. In a quiet place you can use, headphones to listen to the news or music on the radio. In this way you won't disturb anybody. Also, a radio is much cheaper than a television. (5)      Which is better, radio or television?
A. Radio doesn't have pictures but sounds.
B. Television has both sounds and pictures.
C. A radio is much smaller than a television.
D. You can put yourself in a sofa, eat snack and listen carefully.
E. For less than $20 you can buy a small radio and have fun with it.
F. You can think yourself on a sandy beach or up high on a mountain.
G. For example, you can listen to the radio and drive at the same time. 
17.(Jack and Reem are talking in front of the library. Jack=J Reem=R)
R: Hi, Jack. I hear that you're learning Chinese culture. How is it going?
J: Hi, Reem. Pretty well. I've just learnt the history of paper. (1)      
R: So it is. Can you tell me something about paper?I'm really interested in it.
J: (2)      
R: An amazing number. What is it made from?
J: (3)      It was Cai Lun who invented paper in the second century.
R: That is to say, paper has a history of about 2, 000 years. How did Chinese make paper at that time?
J: At that time people put the outside covering of a tree and old pieces of cloth into water, and a few days later they took them out. (4)      
R: When did other countries know how to make paper?
J: In the ninth century. There was a war between China and foreign countries. (5)       By the way, the world's earliest paper was found in Gansu in 1986.
R: Well, we can't imagine what our life would be if there was no paper. Thanks for telling me so much.

A. They are famous inventions.
B. Wood, rice, cotton and other plants.
C. Don't you think they are very useful for us?
D. I think it's the greatest and the most useful invention.
E. Then they made these and other things into pieces of paper.
F. Can you believe that there are almost 7, 000 kinds of paper today?
G. Soon after that the foreign countries knew the art of making paper. 
18.面对文化冲击, 为了增强我们的民族自信心, 请你按以下写作要点及要求, 写一篇英语短文, 向西方读者介绍我们中国的文化.
1. What is Chinese culture?
2. What do you learn from Chinese culture?
3. How to protect Chinese culture?
1. 短文应包括提示词中所有的写作要点, 条理清晰, 行文连贯, 可适当发挥;
2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称;
3. 80~120词.
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