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1.—What _____ amazing news it is that several new subway lines will be put into use this year.
—Surely it is ____ unusual event for the city's public transport.
  • A. the;a
  • B. a;an
  • C. /;an
2.My grandfather, like many other old people, prefers to_____fishing as one of his hobbies in his old age.
  • A. pick up
  • B. look up
  • C. take up
3.Our business will improve_____we make efforts to provide better service.
  • A. even though
  • B. as long as
  • C. as if
4.—Dad, ______I attend the online course today?I am not feeling well for the moment.
—Dear, you__________. Just go to your room and have a good rest.
  • A. should;mustn't
  • B. must;needn't
  • C. can;needn't
5.If I____to the costume party, I will dress up as a Spider Man.
  • A. invite
  • B. am invited
  • C. will be invited
6.—Hi, Peter, you speak so_______that I could hardly hear you!
—Sorry, there is something wrong with my throat.
  • A. loudly
  • B. quietly
  • C. patiently
7.—I know little about this product.
—Surf the Internet, and you will get much _________about it.
  • A. information
  • B. message
  • C. suggestion
8.The prince comes from one of______countries in the Middle East which produce about one third of the petrol of the world.
  • A. wealth
  • B. wealthier
  • C. the wealthiest
9.—Excuse me, can I park my car here?
—Yes. You can park on ______side of the room.
  • A. both
  • B. neither
  • C. either
10.—Excuse me, could you tell me_______?
—Certainly. It's about ten minutes' walk.
  • A. where the nearest shop is
  • B. how far the nearest shop is
  • C. how I can get to nearest shop
11.(Betty meets Mary before the English exam of their entrance exams. )
A: Hello, Mary!
B: Hello, Betty!Finishing the exams this afternoon means that our middle school life is over.
A: (1)      
B: I'm going to do something special.
A: Something special?(2)      
B: Sure, I plan to make breakfast for my parents every morning as they have done for n these years.
A: You're right.
B: (3)      
A: I've planned to play with my classmates from morning to evening every day. (4)       I will stay with my parents as much as possible.
B: I agree.
A: Oh, it's time to take the exam. I hope you will get good grades!Good luck.
B: (5)      
A. Can you tell me more?
B. The same to you.
C. What are you going to do this summer vacation?
D. But now I want to change my idea.
E. What about you? 
12.  In most cultures, when you meet people you know for the first time during a day, it is normal to greet them.
  A young woman (1)      Britain went to Hong Kong to study. When she first (2)      she knew nothing about the Chinese culture of language. On her way to school one day, she went to the bank to get some money. To her surprise, the bank clerk asked her (3)      she had had her lunch. She was surprised at such a question, because in the British culture it would (4)      invitation to lunch. Between unmarried young people this kind of question could also mean that the young man was (5)      in dating the girl. Did the bank clerk mean he wanted to invite her to lunch?Since he was a stranger to the British girl, she was very puzzled and quickly answered that she had eaten already.
13.  One year ago, I worked at a Chinese traditional medicine store. Business was not bad. Every day we mixed medicinal herbs for (1)       so the store was always (2)       a strong herbal smell.
  After I had worked there for a time, a boy of 13 or 14 started coming and sitting on the stairs outside the store for a while every day. It seemed (3)       to me.
  "Do you like the herbal(4)       ?" I asked him one day. "I grew up (5)       this kind of smell," he said. He told me that his mother took herbal medicine for (6)       , so he could mix herbs for his mother when he was very young. He mixed the herbs with deep love, hoping his mother would get (7)       as soon as possible.
  "Is your mother well now?" I asked.
  He shook his head. "My mother (8)       three years ago. "Looking up into the sky, he went on "When I first passed by here and smelled the herbs, I thought of my mother. It is comforting to (9)       those days when she was alive. So I come here every day to sit for a moment. When I sit around this smell. I feel (10)       my mother is still alive and is waiting for her medicine in her room."
14.阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容判断句子正误.正确的涂"A", 错误的涂"B".
  Many people may have thought that the world population World population will just keep rising, haven't they?
  But the findings from the latest study in a December magazine may seem surprising. It predicts that the world population will go down in the next century.
  According to Stein Emil Vollset, a leading expert of the new study, if the recent result of the survey is correct, it will be the first time for us to see an unexpected drop in global population, driven by low birth rates.
  Because of low birth rates and aging populations(人口老龄化), the number of people in some countries, including Japan, Thailand, Italy, Spain, Portugal and South Korea, might go down by more than 50 percent by 2100.
15.The 17-day 2022 Winter Olympics from Feb. 4 through Feb. 20 in Beijing saw many cool things that made things much easier for fans and sportsman. Now, let's look at some of them.
Many sports are held outdoors at the Winter Olympics. Will fans freeze in the cold weather?Don't worry. Researchers have made amaterial to help heat special outdoor chairs. The material uses graphene (石墨烯). It can be made into cushions (坐垫) for people to sit on. Once powered on, it can heat up and raise the temperature by 40 degrees within 10 seconds, even when the outside temperature is -20°C. If sensors are put inside, the chairs can become "smart". They will only get warm when people sit down. This can help save energy. 
For most people, clothes are to keep us warm and looking good. That's not enough for sportsmen. Their uniforms are expected to help with their performances. For example, the uniforms for some Chinese sportsman are made with graphene. According to the designers, this material can collect sportsmen's body heat and keep them warm for as long as they wear it. Also, the material is quick-drying. 
On cold days, when people have to make payments, it's quite troublesome for them to take out their phone and scan a QR code. Digital (数字的) money devices (设备) can help solve this problem. According to Bank of China, people can use a digital renminbi wallet. It is lighter than a coin and can be put into smart watches and cards. While going shopping, people just need to put these wearable devices near a pay zone (区域) on vending machines to finish payment. The digital wallets have been tested in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. 
For a perfect performance, athletes need to train hard. That's why many wearable devices are designed to help sportsmen better prepare. For example, the Beijing Institute of Technology designed a wearable device for a skiing training. This device has 17 sensors, which are put on the skiers joints (关节) before they start training. When they move the sensors record their movements. Coaches can give advice to the skiers according to this information. 
16.  The painter Craigie Aitchison was born in Scotland. He came to London planning to study law but went to art school instead. There he found the traditional drawing classes difficult, but still keep on painting.
  In his late twenties, he was given money by the Italian government to study art in Rome and liked early Italian artists, which shows in some of his works. He loved the greens and browns of the Italian fields and the clear light there, and wanted to put this light into his paintings.
  This led him to paint colors thinly one on top of another from light to dark, but he insists he never sure what the results will be. He says, "It's a secret — because I don't know myself. I don't start by painting yellow, knowing I'm going to put anything on top. "Like most talented people, Aitchison makes it sound easy. "Anyone can do the colors — you can buy them. I simply notice what you put the colors next to."
  Unlike some artists, he never does drawings before he starts a painting, as he feels that if he did might get bored and not do the painting afterwards. Instead, Aitchison changes his paintings many times before they are finished. This explains why his favorite models are people who don't ask to see their pictures while he's painting them. "If I feel they're worried and want to look at the painting, I can't do it."
  Since moving to London years ago, he has not felt part of the Scottish painting scene. He says he doesn't want to follow any tradition, but just paints the way he can. However, his work still influences young British painters.
17.L       back at the past three years in No. 3 High School, I don't leave any regrets.
18.The Chinese government a       on May 31st, 2021 that every family could have up to three children.
19.According to the rubbish sorting system in Chengdu, batteries(电池) should be put into dustbins marked H      Waste.
20.The victory of our National Women's Football Team has been an e      for young footballers to stick to their dreams.
21.As a junior three student, you should be r       for yourself first, not always waiting to be pushed.
22.在对话的空格中填上适当的单词, 使对话完整正确.一空一词(含缩写词).
A:You look sad, Amy!
B:Yeah. We are at the end of our junior high and it's time to say goodbye to everyone. I just feel sorry to be(1)       from my friends and teachers.
A:How time flies!Who would you most like to thank in the past three years?
B:I'd like to thank(2)       groups of people.
A:I guess your friends must be one of them.
B:Yes, sure!I've learnt the importance of(3)       .
A:You(4)       have had a wonderful time with your friends!
B:Of course. We've worked hard, and we've even faced some hard times, but we've also had a lot of fun. Many of us will go to different new schools. But we'll always keep in touch together.
A:A life without friends is(5)       a day without sunshine. But friends don't have to see each other all the time. Sometimes the friends you value most are the friends you see(6)       often. What about the second group?
B:They are my parents. They provide a clean and comfortable environment at home for me where I feel both safe and relaxed and where I can(7)       myself for my school days .
A:Yes. When we are disappointed about study, they always cheer us up.
B:I also thank my teachers, (8)       friends and parents, I can never pay them back for their kindness and their patience. They are so(9)       that I believe there are no questions that they can't answer. Sometimes they've been strict with us. But they went out of their way to make me understand more and my exam scores doubled.
A:I agree. I will forever thank them for not giving up and pushing me on to the(10)       I could.
man usually she traveler happy impossiblecall invent another passenger child work 

  In the 1920s and 1930s, the airlines were just beginning. It was (1)       for people to travel by air because it was expensive and dangerous. In those days, there were no flight attendants to look after the passengers. Young men, or "steward", helped the passengers onto the airplane and carried the passengers' luggage but they did not provide food and drinks. But then1930, a woman called Ellen Church, (2)       the "stewardess".
  Ellen Church was born in 1904 on a farm in Iova. She was a different child. She didn't want to work on the farm or marry a farmer — she wanted a more adventurous life. Ellen studied to be a nurse at the University of Minnesota and then got a job in a hospital. For the next few years she stayed at the hospital but also took flying lessons and got (3)       pilot's license.
  Ellen was twenty-five years old when she first got in touch with Boeing Air Transport. She loved flying but she understood that airlines were a(4)       world. Although women like Emelia Earheart were becoming famous, she realized it was impossible for a woman to have a job as a pilot. But she had another idea. Most people were scared of flying because flying was still a very risky way (5)       . It often crashed or was put off and the bad weather made many passengers sick:Ellen thought nurses could take care of passengers during flights and Boeing Air Transport agreed.
  The young woman from Iowa and seven(6)       nurses became the first air stewardesses. At first pilots were unhappy because they did not want stewardesses on airplanes, but passengers loved the stewardesses. In 1940, there were around 1000 of them(7)       for different airlines. The early"stewardesses" had to be under twenty﹣five years old, single and slim. When a woman joined an airline, she had to promise not to get married or have(8)       . It was a hard job and not well paid. They worked long hours and made $1 an hour.
  In the 1970s stewardesses worked(9)       in their job and airlines had to make some changes. Since the 1970s, "stewardesses"(10)       flight attendants. They are well paid and work fewer hours than in the past.
24.文据文内容, 从后的A﹣F选中出的选项补全短文.
  It's now common for doctors to do human organ (器官)transplants (移植). But what happened if doctors put a pig's heart into a human?Recently, American doctors at the University of Maryland Medical Center not only made it but made it big. (1)      
  It was my last choice, either die or do this transplant. "said David Bennett, who couldn't receive a human heart transplant because of heart failure, and was given a pig's instead.
  Transplants usually come from people who have died. (2)      For example there are about 110000 Americans on the waiting list. More than 6000 patients die each year before getting one. (3)      This is hard because the human body almost always rejects (排斥) something that isn't its own.
  So, why did doctors choose to use a pig's heart rather than other animals?Because pigs, bodies are similar to humans in many ways. (4)      But there's a problem:Pig organs have a special chemical that causes human bodies to reject them. To solve the problem, scientists have changed the pig's DNA, and even added some things normally found in human DNA.
  Three days after receiving the new heart, Bennett seemed to be doing very well. Experts say it still needs time before operations(手术)like this become normal. (5)      Doors are starting to open, which will lead to major changes in how we do organ transplants.

A. But this is a turning point.
B. A pig's heart is a perfect match for humans.
C. And it's also easy to raise pigs, and they grow quickly.
D. However, there are far more patients who need organs.
E. It was the first time this operation had ever been done successfully.
F. For years, scientists have been trying to find out how to transplant organs from other animals into humans. 
25.完成图表, 根据短文内容, 完成图表中所缺信息.
  On March 21, MU5735 crashed in Guangxi province. After the accident, workers have been searching hard for the black box. Airplane accidents are few. When they do happen, however, they could mean a large number of deaths. People want answers in order to know why their loved ones lost their lives. And that is where the black box comes into play .
  A black box is an electronic recording device placed in an airplane to help record information of flying accidents. There are two different flight recorder devices. The flight data(数据)recorder( FDR)records the recent history of the flight through the recording of plenty of data collected several times per second;the cockpit(机舱)voice recorder(CVR)records the recent history of the sounds in the cockpit, including the conversation of the pilots. The two devices may be combined in a single unit. A black box is the size of a shoe box.
  The name black box was a World War II British phrase. In the war many secret electronic devices were placed in black boxes or housings. That's why it's called black box. But actually the recorders inside are bright orange so that workers can find them more easily in the remains after an accident. EDR and CVR are usually kept in the tail of an airplane where they are more possible to survive a crash.
  These are highly resilient (有韧性白勺) pieces. Before being put into use, they are tested to see if they can stand a crash into a wall at 750 kilometers per hour a pressure of 2. 25 tons for at least five minutes and a maximum temperature of 1100° for one hour.
  However, a CVR can store only two hours of cockpit voice recording. It looks increasingly possible that the little black box will be replaced by satellite sending all important data directly to a ground﹣based station, which help to avoid the difficulty of searching for the box and save time. The scientists face challenges such as data recording speed and the length of battery life.

26.你校英文校刊就"美育进中考"这一新闻开辟专栏, 展开讨论.请以"Should high school entrance examination include music and art?" 为题写一篇短文, 并向该栏目投稿.
Opinions (1)for this change Opinions (2)against this change 

A: As PE has increased from 50 to 60 points in Zhongkao, why not also put them in Zhongkao?
B: It certainly improves our skills of them.  

A: Both of them need talents, but I am not talented.
B: I have to prepare 10 subjects for Zhongkao already. Now I will have two more! 

a. 请先在答题卡上填写表中空格.
b. 写作内容需要包含图中所含信息, 要转速, 不能完全照抄.
c. 表达你的观点以及2点理由.(与图中理由需要不同)
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