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1.Italy is ________ European country and ________ country will host the 2026 Winter Olympic Games.
  • A. an;the
  • B. a;the
  • C. the, a
2.—What books did you read last year?
— I ________ The Old Man and the Sea since last term, and now the third time.
  • A. read
  • B. am reading
  • C. have read
3.—There are mainly eight cuisines (菜系) in China. Which is your favorite?
—It's hard to say Sichuan Cuisine. I've tried Shandong Cuisine, Fujian Cuisine, Anhui Cuisine and so on, and ______ of them have their special tastes
  • A. all
  • B. both
  • C. none
4.Dr. Yuan Longping had a dream of developing rice as ______ as peanuts(花生), and farmers could relax under the big rice plants.
  • A. large
  • B. larger
  • C. largest
5.—______ nice weather it is to go bike riding, in Jincheng Park!Would you like to go with me?
—Good idea! Let's go.
  • A. How
  • B. What
  • C. What a
6.According to the rule, people from medium or high risk areas ______ report to their communities in time.
  • A. can
  • B. need
  • C. must
7.Whenever you want to give up, just think about your family and friends, then you ______ to fight on.
  • A. encourage
  • B. are encouraged
  • C. have encouraged
8.—Larry has changed a lot since he had a baby.
—Yeah. Being a parent has ______ all his love and responsibility.
  • A. taken up
  • B. brought out
  • C. made up
9.We all miss Xu Yuanchong ________ translated poetry to and from Chinese, English and French, in a very precise (准确的) and beautiful way.
  • A. which
  • B. what
  • C. who
10.—I think art should be, about creating beautiful objects.
—________. That's a very out-of-date way of looking at art. In fact, art should not be beautiful, always.
  • A. My pleasure.
  • B. You're right.
  • C. I don't agree.
11.( Mike is invited to Hi, Weekend !to talk about his job with the host. )
H: Hi, Mike!Welcome to our program. What's your job like?
M: Hi, there. I'm a professional sleeper. (1)      
H: Wow, that's cool. So who pays you to do that?
M: I work for a travel website. (2)       People read my reviews and go to the hotels.
H: (3)      
M: Yeah. I talk about the bed, the lights, the noise and so on.
H: Who read the reviews?
M: Lots of different people read them. (4)      
H: What do you do in the evening?
M: At 7 P. M. , I talk to the hotel manager. (5)      
H: Do you like sleeping?
M: Yes, I do. I'm very good at it

A. It sounds a little strange, but I love it.
B. Then, I go to my new room and go to bed.
C. Do you write about each room of different hotels?
D It pays me to stay in different hotels and write about them.
E Tourists, travel agencies, people who want to know about hotels, really 
12.  Erik Weihenmayer is an American adventurer (探险家). He was born with a medical condition that(1)       left him blind at age 13. But this has not stopped him from leading a full and exciting life. On May 25, 2001, Weihenmayer reached the(2)      of Everest(Qomolangma). With this achievement, Weihenmayer was so(3)      that he made it possible for people who cannot see to climb the world's highest mountain. Three years later, he led a group of blind Tibetan teenagers up the 7, 045﹣meter Lhakpa Ri mountain. The way to the top was very difficult. Being short of O2, some teens(4)       serious headaches. (5)      the group did not reach the top, their amazing journey was made into a movie called Blindsight.
13.Share your ideas and experiences!
  Hi, my name is Christina Baum. I'm a fourteen-year-old German student. I'm writing to tell you about an experiment we are doing at school through the year with our science teacher. At the(1)      of this school year, Frau Keller showed us films and we read articles about problems in the(2)       . One day she said, "I want to know what you think. Please don't tell me what we should do or must do. Tell me what each of you will do to protect the planet we live on. After all, (3)      speak louder than words. "
  She asked us to choose a topic, make a(4)       plan and tell the class about it. Then we had to do things to be "green" and finally write a report about our(5)      . Some students said that they thought it was(6)      for a single person to contribute to(做贡献) the protection of the planet. Someone else said that scientists should work harder to find new ways to produce energy.
  Frau Keller said that it is everyone's job to(7)      for the health of the planet. After the first week, everybody in class was excited about the project and wanted to continue to improve their results, Someone(8)      telling the other classes in the school what we were doing. Now all 768 students at Hermann Stein School are working on the project. At the end of the year, our class will write a report about what we have achieved.
  Next week I'll think about how not to waste water or make it dirty. I'm planning to use less water every day, and also not use so many of the things that make it dirty. (9)      I turn on the tap, I must think about how much water and soap I use.
  To use less water, this is what I'll do:
—take a shower, not baths;
—turn(10)      the tap while brushing my teeth;
—use less washing-up liquid (液体) when washing dishes.
  If you want to know more or join us, please write an email to the following address:k. keller@hermannsteinschool. de.
14.  Gabby Salazar takes photographs of valuable species(物种) and teaches people about them. In this interview, she answers questions about her experience with citizen (市民) science.
  What was your first citizen science project?
  Gabby Salazar:It was over 10 years ago. One of my friends in Peru was very interested in birds. So we walked around with our cameras and notebooks for a day. We saw many different species, and we took photos of them. Later, we posted all our information on eBird.
  What is eBird?
  Gabby Salazar:It's an Internet-based citizen science project at Cornell University in the United States. People around the world record information about birds they see. Today, eBird has over 590 million records of more than 10, 000 different bird species. Scientists use the information to answer important questions. For example:Where do certain birds live?How many are there?
  How can a person become a citizen scientist?
  Gabby Salazar:It's easy. First, find a project that you like online. One of my favorites is iNaturalist, which studies animals and plants. Then download(下载) the project's app and use your phone to take pictures. When you're done, send year photos to iNaturalist. It's a great way to learn about your environment, and you also support scientists with their research.
  If you can't take photos, you can still do something for citizen science. For example, you can take part in a fun project called Wildwatch Kenya. Experts hide cameras in trees and other places. When an animal moves past, the camera takes a photo. Citizen scientists then review the photos online and tell the animals they see from others.
阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容判断句子正误.正确的涂"A", 错误的涂"B".  
Tuesday 7 A. M. Roses are cut in the cool mountain air of Colombia and moved quickly to indoor cooling houses. Tuesday. 1 P. M. Workers sort the roses based on size, stem length, shape, and color. Wednesday 6 A. M. Roses are boxed and sent to Bogota Airport for the 35﹣ hour flight to Miami. Wednesday. 8 A. M. Roses are checked by officials, and then transported by truck, train, or plane. Thursday. 4 P. M. Roses arrive at large markets in large U. S. cities, where they are bought by flower sellers.  

  In the flower industry, speed is important. Getting fresh roses from Colombia to the United States in just a few days requires great effort. Pickers first out the roses in the early morning because the cool morning air stops the roses from drying out. The next morning, the roses are put into boxes and trucked to Bogota Airport to be sold to the United States. The roses arrive at markets in different U. S. cities the following day. These markets spend lots of time on the huge task of sorting them. Finally, the flowers are sent to be sold.
16.  PERU is a country on the Pacific coast of South America with three main areas:dry, flat and not wide land running along the coast, the Andes Mountains, and the Amazon rainforest.
  In the 1400s and 1500s, Peru was the centre of the powerful ancient Inca Empire. The Inca emperor lived in the now — famous city Nachu Picchu. Spain took control of Peru in the 16th century and ruled it until 1821. It is for this reason that Spanish is the main official language of Peru.
Amazon Rainforest Tour
A short flight from Cusco takes you from the Andes into the Amazon rainforest. From there, you'll spend one day travelling by boat to your homestay in the middle of the forest. You can then spend three days searching and discovering the rainforest with a local guide and the plants and animals special to the rainforest. 
Machu Picchu Tour
This four-day walking tour will take you on amazing ways through the Andes Mountains on the way to the city of Machu Picchu. After reaching your hotel, you will have a day to search, discover and be amazed by this ancient city. The Incas' dry stone method of building is especially amazing. Inca builders cut stones to exact sizes so that nothing was needed to hold walls together but the perfect fit of the stones. 

  So come and experience what Peru has to offer:everything from the ancient Inca culture to deep rainforests, high mountains and a beautiful coastline.
  For more information about other group tours around Peru, e﹣mail us at tourinfo@travelperu. rg.

17.We will meet many difficulties in our lives, and sometimes we may fail, but we can't lose c        or confidence.
18.Yangge Dance has s       into city parks, streets and squares, and it has developed into a kind of popular exercise for city people.
19.If there is something h       in the air, tears protect your eyes by covering them.
20.As all the tickets for the men's short programme had sold out, the teenagers went away d      .
21.In Chinese culture, tigers are r       fearless animals, so in China you can often see pictures of tigers on the walls of houses.
22.L:Lin Hui
L:Hi, Eric. Did you watch the Winter Olympics?
E:of course:it's, without(1)      , the hottest topic during the winter vacation. I watched the opening ceremony with my family. It was fantastic.
L:Yeah, I really admire the director Zhang Yimou, who was also in charge of (负责) the opening ceremony of the 2008 Summer Olympics. He and his team always have endless(2)       ideas.
E:You mean they come up with something new and special?I find the 24﹣ second countdown is different. My parents and I did wonder why there were numbers and poems.
L:They use 24 solar terms(节气to count down. The last picture is the beginning of spring. It(3)      to be the date of the ceremony.
E:Oh, I see. I'll(4)      that to my parents. They are both interested in Chinese culture. The ceremony has(5)      additional Chinese culture and shown it to the whole world. By the way, who is your favorite player?
L:Gu Ailing. She is so cool. In the first event﹣women big air, which she is not very good at, she could keep her cool and try her best. She didn't care much for the medal(奖牌). (6)       , she enjoys the sport itself and has fun.
E:For her, she just wants to challenge herself. What do you think brings about her success?
L:Hard work. Her success doesn't come(7)      There is an old saying"Chances favor(厚爱) the prepared mind. " She never considers herself as a genius(天力). She also manages her time to be a student and player. She takes after﹣﹣school classes, too. She also faces hard times.
E:Gu is very (8)      to own mother. She says she has the best mom. Her mother helped to discover her (9)      in skiing and encouraged her all the time. Do you have documentaries about her?
L:Yes. I can (10)      some to you on the Internet.
E:Thank you.
bad blind continue develop divide he live low prevent quiet stick while 

  For the past 30 years, Richard Sears, also known as "Uncle Hanzi" by the Chinese, (1)      to one thing:telling the stories behind Chinese characters.
  His interest in Chinese characters goes back to 1972, when he was studying physics at university in the US. "I wanted to see the world (2)      . But then I realized only 7% of the world's people speak English as their mother language. So I decided to learn another one," this American man recalled.
  By 1990, Sears spoke Chinese quite well, but he still could hardly wrote it. To Sears, Chinese characters were difficult. "I'm a physicist, so I don't like (3)       memorization. I knew that Chinese characters came from pictographs(象形文字), so I wanted to know the stories behind them."
  In 2002, he set up his website and named it Chinese Etymology where visitors can check for free the (4)      of Chinese characters. For example, the Chinese character jia, which means home, has a rooftopin the upper part and a big pig in the (5)      part. A long time ago, a building(6)      into two parts. The upper part was for people to live(7)      the other part was the place to raise animals. Such a building(8)       room foods(洪水) and wild animals. It is the earliest jia.
  In September 2021, Sears set up his studio in Nanjing(9)       which focuses on making a set of videos to tell stories of Chinese culture and character origins(起源). " For young Chinese and foreign learners of Chinese characters, these videos not only are (10)      and interesting, but also show the origins of Chinese characters in a clear way, " he says.
24.  Recently, a group of four"common" people were sent into space in the first space mission(任务) with no professional astronauts. (1)      
  The mission, called Inspiration4, is the idea of Jared Isaacman, who has long been interested in flying. Mr. Isaacman is a pilot who has flown many different kinds of airplanes. (2)       That's an organization which works to help children who have cancer.
  The four are carried into space in the same SpaceX Crew Dragon capsule(太空舱) that carries NASA astronauts to the International Space Station(ISS). The capsule has room for four members, including Dr. Sian Proctor, a college professor who was nearly chosen as a NASA astronaut in 2009, Chris Sembroski, who used to be part of the US Air Force and now works for an airline company, (3)      
  Though this is the first"all amateur(外行)"fight, it's clear that the members have a lot of knowledge and experience. (4)      The Inspiration4 mission orbits(沿轨道运行) 575 km above the earth. That's about 150 km higher than the ISS. Inspiration4 doesn't have professional astronauts running the mission and the whole trip is run automatically(自动地).
  (5)      Though it costs too much;many people still hope to have a chance to fly into space.

A. The four remained in space, circling the earth for three days.
B. They also need to afford a lot of money to achieve their fight dreams.
C. Mr. Isaacman sees this mission as opening up space for common tourists.
D. He hopes to use the trip to raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
E. Besides, they have also had astronaut training courses to help prepare themselves.
F. Haley Arceneaux, who was a cancer patient when she was a child as well as Mr. Isaacman. 
25.  Do you have trouble sitting through a movie without checking your phone?Does your family complain about your continuous social media habit?If your answer is yes, you may be experiencing FOMO.
  FOMO is short for fear of missing out, which actually is a worry that others might be having better experiences without you. In other words, people are always interested in what others are doing.
  Researchers have found that FOMO makes us check social media more often. In fact, it is a kind of bad cycle that can be hard to break. As a result, it can make you feel depressed(沮丧的), lonely and bored. Your feelings will be easily influenced by others and your life starts to be controlled by the outside world. So what should we do?Let's see some useful tips.
  ●Change your focus.
  Rather than focusing on what you don't have, try noticing what you have. Everyone owns their own success. Try to reduce your screen time, focus on building your own way to success and do what you like. Live in the moment, and you will find nothing is missed out in your life!
  ●(4) .
  You can try to record fun memories and experiences, either online or on paper. The diary can change your focus from public admiration to private appreciation(欣 赏) of what makes your life great. It can sometimes help you to get out of the cycle of FOMO.
  ●Find real connections.
  You may find yourself looking for a greater connection when you are feeling worried, and this is healthy. Rather than trying to connect more with people on social media, why not meet someone in person?You can choose to talk with families, make plans with a good friend and create group outing. They can help you shake that feeling that you are missing out.
  Let's put down our phones and spend more time on offline life. Forget FOMO and try to experience JOMO﹣﹣joy of missing out!

Title: (1)       
Problem Effects 
●FOMO is short for fear of missing out.
●People are actually worried that others might be having better experiences without you.
●It's a strong feeling of (2)       with what others are doing. → 
● It makes you check social media more often.
● It can(3)       such as depression, loneliness and boredom.
●Your mood and life will be easily influenced or controlled. ↓ 

Change your focus ●Rather than concentrating on what you don't have, try noticing what you have.
●Try to make your screen time less, concentrate on building your own path to success and do what you like. 
(4)       ●You can try to record fun memories and experiences, either online or on paper.
●The diary can change your focus to private appreciation of what makes your life great. 
Find real connections ●You may find yourself looking for a greater connection when feeling worried.
● Compared with trying to connect more with people on social media, it's a(5)      to meet someone in person. 
26.文化名城成都, 将举行第31届大运会( Universiade).为让更多国际友人了解成都文化, 你校英文网站以"Cultural Symbols of Chengdu"为话题, 面向全校师生征稿.请从下图中选择三种成都文化元素, 做简要介绍, 并说明推荐理由, 写一篇推文投稿.

1. 每种文化元素需包含两点推荐理由;
2. 文中不能出现真实校名和姓名;
3. 字数100词左右.
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