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1.Which word doesn't have the sound/ɔɪ/?
  • A. boy
  • B. toy
  • C. buy
  • D. toilet
  • A. bus
  • B. this
  • C. his
  • D. desk
3.Look! This is ______ alarm clock. It's____useful clock.
  • A. a, an
  • B. an, an
  • C. an, a
  • D. a, a
4.Look at those ______. They are ______.
  • A. photos; her
  • B. photos; his
  • C. photos; her
  • D. photoes; his
5.His family____very big and his family____all fine.
  • A. is, are
  • B. are, is
  • C. is, is
  • D. are, are
6.—Can you____it in English?
—Yes, I can. It's "pen".
  • A. speak
  • B. say
  • C. spell
  • D. see
7.My room ____tidy, ____my brothers room is not. He always puts things everywhere.
  • A. always is, but
  • B. is always, and
  • C. always is, and
  • D. is always, but
8.—I can't____my English book.
—I think it's in our____room.
  • A. find, parent's
  • B. lost, parents'
  • C. find, parents'
  • D. lost, parent's
9.It′s a fine day. What about____ shopping with ____?
  • A. go, I
  • B. going, mine
  • C. go, me
  • D. going, me
10.Now, I live in____. I have many_____ friends.
  • A. China, Chinese
  • B. China, China's
  • C. Chinese, china
  • D. China, Chinese'
11.  Hello! I am Tom, and White is my (1)       name. I'm in (2)      . It is a great city. I love it.
  I go to the West Lake every week. I'm thirty years old. There are (3)       people in my family — my wife Lily White, my son Lucas and my (4)      , Betty. Lucas is five and his (5)       is two. (6)       are lovely.
  I am a teacher in a (7)      . Lily does housework at home. She likes cooking and watching TV. She likes fruit, so she often buys (8)       and apples. She doesn't want to be fat, so she doesn't eat much meat. Lucas likes cakes, (9)       Betty likes them, too. They have two eggs and some milk for breakfast. They love sports, and they want to be sports stars. We always (10)       some fruit and meat in the fridge. Healthy food makes all of us healthy.
Music teachers wanted for No. 1 Middle School
We want two music teachers for our school Music Club. You need to be able to play the guitar or the violin and be good with kids.
Time: 3:20 p. m. ﹣4:20 p. m. Monday to Friday every week.
Pay: 100 yuan an hour.
Phone number: 372﹣3966
Email address: No.1 middleschoolmc@126. com
Address: 326 Bridge Street. (Take No. 121 Bus. ) 
Art teacher wanted
Can you paint? Can you draw? Do you like kids and want to be with them? Then you can be in Yixiu Art Club.
Time: 8:00 a. m. ﹣10:00 a. m. Saturday and Sunday every week.
Pay: 80 yuan an hour.
Phone number: 693﹣8925
Email address: yixiuartclub @163. com
Address: 165 Zhangshan Road. (Take No. 212 Bus. ) 
13.  Our class visited an old people′s home last Saturday. The weather was warm and sunny. Our teacher Miss Li went there with us. We met at our school gate in the morning and Miss Li told us what we should do at the old peoples home. Then we went there on the school bus.
  The old people there were happy to see us. In the morning, we played games with them. At noon, we had lunch there. We had dumplings and soup in the dining room. They were delicious. After lunch, some old people told us interesting stories. The stories made us laugh again and again.
  At the old peoples home, we met Wan Yi. The boy was telling jokes. Well, do you know Wan Yi?He is a young writer from Sichuan. I was very lucky to get his autograph(亲笔签名). At about three o' clock in the afternoon, we said goodbye to the old people and went back home. On the way, Miss Li told us the old people were anti Japanese heroes(抗日英雄). We all said that we would often visit the old people later.
14.  Do you Know English people' s family names?Everyone(每个人) has a family name. But what does it mean(意思是)?What do family names come from?
  First, some family names are from the place(地点) of people′s homes. If a man lives on or near a hill, his family name may be Hill. In England, people's family names may be Wood or lake, because they live near the wood or lake(树林或湖). Second, family names are from a persons job. If a person is a cook, he may be Mr. Cook. Third, many people get their family names from their fathers' given names. If you hear the family name"Jackson", you will know that he is the son of Jack.
15.  In fifty years, everyone will live in a smart house (智慧型房屋). (1)      In the morning, your bed will "stand up" and wake you up(唤醒你), (2)       After you wash your face and then go into the kitchen, your breakfast is ready. (3)       The smart table does.
  (4)      But you can still know what is happening in your house. Is there anyone(任何人)visiting you? (5)      You can watch all of these on your phone.
  When you go back home in the evening, the lights will"know"and they will turn on themselves. What a cool house!
A. So you won' t need an alarm clock (闹钟).
B. You will spend all day in your office.
C. There will be a lot of smart furniture (家具) in it.
D. Who cooks it?
E. Does your dog do well alone at home? 
name , school, first, These, Who, a, last, son, see, aunt 

  This is my family photo. You can (1)      my family in it. (2)      are my grandparents. They have(有) a (3)      and a daughter. My father's (4)      name is Eddie. His (5)      name is Brown. My father has (6)      sister. Her (7)      is Mandy Brown. She is my (8)      . She is a teacher in a middle (9)      . Look at the boy! (10)      is he?It's me!I love(爱) my family!
17.  Jim (1)       I are twin brothers. We look the same. We are (2)      Australia. We are in No 6 Primary School. But we are not in (3)       same class. Jim is in Class Two, and I am in Class Three. We (4)       a very good friend. His name is Wang Jun. He is thirteen and he speaks English very (5)       .
18.They are oranges. (改为单数句)
19.Are those her boxes?(做否定回答)
No,       .
20.This is my dictionary. (改为同义句)
      dictionary is        .
21. Mr.Miller is my English teacher?(划线部分提问)
      English teacher?
22.You help me, thanks. (改为同义句)
      you for        me.
23.A:Good morning !
B:Good morning !
A:(1)      ?
B:I'm Linda. And you?
A:My name is Paul. Hi, Linda ! (2)      ?
B:Oh, it's a computer.
A:(3)      ?
B: C﹣O﹣M﹣P﹣U﹣T﹣E﹣R.
A: (4)      ?
B:No, it is not mine. Maybe(可能)it's John's. Let's call John.
A:(5)      ?
B:It's 268-6399.
A:Thank you!
B:You're welcome.
24.请以"My Good Friend"为题, 根据下列提示写一篇短文, 可适当发挥, 以使行文连贯.
(1)我有一个好朋友, 名叫Bob.
(2)他喜欢运动, 在床下面有三个排球, 一个足球, 二个篮球;桌子上有一台电脑.
(3)他最喜欢的学科, 颜色, 食物以及他的业余爱好等等.
注意:文中须包括提示中的所有提示内容;文中不能出现考生和学校的真实名称, 否则不赋分.
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