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1.He found a black w      on the way, but there was no money in it.
2.      the little boy is only five years old, he can sing many English songs.
3.No one helped me. I finished the work all by       .
4.He hardly makes mistakes in his homework because he listens       in class.
5.Mom       a nice breakfast for us every morning.
6.—Mom, I want to be _______best student in our class.
—What ______great news!But you need to work harder, Bill.
  • A. a;a
  • B. a;/
  • C. the;/
7.—There _______ a football match this evening.
—Exciting news.
  • A. is going to have
  • B. is going to be
  • C. will have
  • D. is
8.—My mother will come to visit us by train tomorrow.
—If she _______, I'll meet her at the station.
  • A. will come
  • B. come
  • C. comes
9.Mount Tai is so famous that _______people visit it every day.
  • A. hundreds of
  • B. seven hundred of
  • C. hundred of
10.Jack will come back next Monday. All of us are looking forward_______him.
  • A. to see
  • B. to seeing
  • C. seeing
11.—What did you buy for your son at the supermarket?
—I bought _______because I couldn't find _______he likes.
  • A. something;anything
  • B. anything;something
  • C. nothing;anything
12._______it rains tomorrow, we'll go on a school trip.
  • A. If
  • B. Unless
  • C. Because
13.We should try our best to finish the work with ____money and ____people.
  • A. more; less
  • B. more; fewer
  • C. less; fewer
  • D. fewer; less
14.Students will study at home_______ computers _______100 years.
  • A. on;for
  • B. with;about
  • C. on;in
15.I need some onions to make vegetable hamburgers. Please help me_______.
  • A. cut them up
  • B. cut it up
  • C. cut up them
16.A:Hi, Li Hua. I visited you last Saturday, but you weren't in. (1)      
B:Oh, Chen Ling. I went to Changchun Science and Technology Museum with my parents.
A: (2)       What did you do there?
B:I saw something very special and very advanced (先进). It made me think of Shenzhou-13 manned spacecraft (载人航天飞船). I think it's the most important thing to all the Chinese.
A: (3)      , I felt great to be a Chinese when it was launched (发射) successfully on 16 October.
B:Of course. That's so amazing. And Wang Yaping is the first Chinese woman astronaut that gets out of the space station. (4)       when I grow up. I also want to work in the space station like her.
A:Wow, a great job. Hope your dream can come true. I will visit Beijing Science and Technology Museum this winter vacation. Would you like to go with me?
B: (5)       We will have a good time.
A:Great. See you this winter vacation.
B:See you.
A. one B. activities C. drove D. pretty E. when F. decided G exciting H. walk I. quite J. up K. excited L. like 

  I had a trip in the Sahara Desert (撒哈拉沙漠) last year. I love every minute of it.
  On the first morning, a young man (1)       me to the Sahara Desert. I only saw the desert on TV. I didn't think it was beautiful. But (2)       I saw it there, I couldn't believe my eyes. The yellow desert looked great against the blue sky. I felt (3)       that I walked into a picture.
  I did some (4)       with others there. Then the guide brought camels (骆驼). They asked me to ride (5)       so I got on. The camel walked for a quarter. Later, the weather was getting hot, so I (6)      to get off the camel. Then I ate some food and took (7)       a few photos.
  After a few hours'(8)       in the afternoon, I found a good place to camp. I put (9)       my tent and then the night came. It was (10)       to sleep under stars. It was like in a movie. The next day I continued (继续) my visit in the desert.
18.  In winter, skiing (滑雪) is the best way to have fun to most people of Norway (挪威), Almost everyone can ski. Children learn to ski soon after they learn to walk. Long long ago in Norway, there were no buses, trains or cars. The people had to find a way to walk over the deep snow. Skiing was the right answer! And Norwegians (威人) have been skiing ever since.
  Today most Norwegians ski just for fun. Most families-mothers, fathers and children may go together on a ski trip across the snowy countryside. Some of the best skiers in the world are from Norway. They have won many prizes.
  Although they love winter, the people of Norway are happy to see summer come. They enjoy the out-doors at any time of the year. In summer, they swim and sunbathe (日光浴) near the oceans. Some people go hiking and mountain climbing. Sail-boats glide (滑行) down the sea during the warm sunny summer months.
19.Classroom Cellphone Ban (手机禁令)
  Starting this spring term, cellphone use in classroom is banned (禁止) at all primary and middle schools across China. What do students think of this?
  Liu Haocong, 15
  I don't use my smartphone very often. I leave it at home so I can try my best to study. I can also have more time to do other things, like playing sports with my classmates.
  Every day, I use my smartphone for about half an hour at home. I will chat with my friends and look through world news. This helps me to relax.
  Xu Chengran, 17
  I was in the top five in my middle school class when I was in Grade Seven. But then, I got a smartphone. I often played with it. My grades started to slip. And I didn't go into a good high school.
  Smartphones were banned in my high school. But I could always find ways to hide it from the teachers. Last term, my phone started to ring during the final exam. The teacher called my parents. I had a quarrel (争吵) with my dad. He broke the phone in front of me. It was a wake-up call for me.
  Now I study much harder and don't bring my phone to school.
根据短文内容, 判断句子正(T)、误(F).
20.阅读材料, 选出与所给图片相匹配的选项.
21.  I like to buy books online because the price is usually lower. When I want to know something about a book, I write an email to the online shop for an answer. I am shy. (1)       I don't like to read books in real shops because the shopkeepers may come and talk to me. I don't know what to say to them. Sometimes online shops have pictures of the book. (2)       I think it is very helpful.
  (3)       I can shop at night if I want to. Real shops close at nine o'clock in the evening. Some people worry that the couriers (快递员) may lose or damage (损毁) the things they buy from the online shops, but I don't worry about that. (4)       Some people say that shopping is good because you can go with your friends and look at many different things. They call this window-shopping. I don't have any friends and I don't like to walk too much — it makes me tired.
  (5)       She cannot walk very far so it will make shopping easy for her if she shops online. My brother is very busy most of the time. I think he can shop online, too. That may help him save some time.

阅读短文, 将下面方框中的句子还原到文章空白处, 使文章内容完整、通顺.
A. They can show me some pages (页码) from the book too.
B. I think it is hard to damage (损毁) a book and the couriers (快递员) are very careful.
C. It is difficult for me to talk to the real shopkeepers in real shops.
D. Online shops are always open.
E. I am teaching my grandmother how to shop online.
22.  How about having a class by the sea?Sounds like a dream, doesn't it?Well, a school in Spain (西班牙) made this dream come true for its students, by moving the classroom to the beach!
  Outside the school, children sit at desks on the sand. The lessons are part of a plan called"Fresh Air". It wants to help kids get better air during COVID-19 (新冠).
  Many of the students enjoy staying on the beach. They said, "We study happily and excitedly here!"Of course, the teachers are taking good care of the students. They make sure that all the kids are safe. "The children are enjoying themselves." said an English teacher. "They don't forget what they learned here."
  A class by the sea is more than just a trip to the beach. Some fishermen showed the students their fishing nets. The students also learned how to catch fish from the fishermen. Children can learn and play well in this great nature classroom!

(1)       by the sea 
Where They sit at desks (2)       
Why Because this plan can help kids (3)       during COVID-19. 
How they feel Many students feel (4)       to study there. 
What to learn Some fishermen showed the students their fishing nets and they also (5)       the kids how to catch fish. 

23.  I am an American Chinese. My name is Jackie Lee. Let me tell you about my grandfather's life story.
  My grandfather was born in 1932 and grew up in a poor village in Fujian, China. At the age of 14, he first heard of America. It was said to be the land of gold and poor people could easily become rich there.
  So, my grandfather came to America. "I thought it was easy to make money in America." he told me. "But when I got to Los Angeles, I found it was not true. I couldn't find a good job because I spoke little English. I wanted to go to a language school to learn English, but I didn't have enough money. Later, I worked in a small restaurant, serving the guests, cleaning up the tables and washing the dishes. I was such a helpful and honest worker that my boss was pleased with me. I was popular with my workmates, too. Life became easier and in the end I went into an evening school to learn English."
  My grandfather kept working hard, and finally made his dream come true. Things do not come easily in life. That is what I learned from my grandfather.
根据短文内容, 回答下列问题.
24.白雪覆盖的世界对于孩子来说是最快乐的天堂, 这一周学校因为雪休放假.今天是星期一, Linda邀请Sonia在有空的时候一起去北大湖赏雪、堆雪人……可是Sonia这个星期每天都很忙无法赴约.请看Sonia回复的电子邮件, 帮她完成想要表达的内容, 每空词数不限.
Dear Linda,
Thanks for (1)      . I'm sorry I can't make a snowman with you this week. I'm really busy. This evening, I'm going to my cousin's birthday party. And tomorrow, I have to go to the dentist. On (2)      , I have tennis training with the school team. And I have to (3)       my English test on Thursday. On Friday evening, I'm going to look after my little sister. So I am (4)      to play with you this week. Why not ask John?I think he is free this week. I hope you can (5)      .
25.德国电影《英俊少年》中的插曲中唱到"小小少年很少烦恼, 眼望四周阳光照!"
是啊, 有多少人羡慕你的青春正好, 可有的青少年却在成长过程中, 遇到了烦恼.比如:与同学、老师以及父母相处方面:学业方面等等!你今天在朋友圈看到同学May发的一条动态信息.(如下图所示)请以Problems and worries为题写一篇作文.

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