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1.—What's your ________, Lisa?
—To be a musician one day.
  • A. dream
  • B. job
  • C. rule
  • D. race
2.Some students are talking and laughing to the classroom. It's a little ________.
  • A. noisy
  • B. strict
  • C. quiet
  • D. shy
3.Linda often talks to her friends ________ the phone.
  • A. by
  • B. from
  • C. on
  • D. with
4.—We don't see Kate for a long time.
—Yeah! And I ________ her very much.
  • A. think
  • B. miss
  • C. see
  • D. know
5.—The dishes in that restaurant are delicious. So let's ________, mom.
—That sounds good.
  • A. eat out
  • B. talk to
  • C. get up
  • D. get lost
6.—Why does he want ________ the chess club?
—Because he can ________ chess well.
  • A. to join, plays
  • B. joins, play
  • C. to join, play
  • D. join, play
7.In the evening, I either watch TV _____play computer games to relax myself.
  • A. but
  • B. and
  • C. nor
  • D. or
8.It's five o'clock. The students ______ an English class.
  • A. have
  • B. having
  • C. is having
  • D. are having
9.— _______ does it take you to get to school?
— It's about 10 minutes.
  • A. How
  • B. How far
  • C. How long
  • D. How much
10.—Can you go to the movies with me, Jenny?
  • A. You're welcome.
  • B. Good luck!
  • C. Sure, I'd love to.
  • D. Thank you.
11.  Hello, I'm Steve. Today I want to tell you something about my school (1)      . I always get up at 6:30 in the morning. My home is not very (2)       from my school. When the weather is fine, I usually walk to school. I like walking to school (3)       I like to find some new things on the way, like a new store or some new plants. When the weather isn't good, I go to school (4)       bus. Taking a bus to the school is (5)       interesting. I can meet some of my friends on the bus. We always (6)       a lot when we are on the bus.
  At school, we have to (7)       many subjects. All of them, I like English best. The English teacher Jason is very (8)      . He always makes his classes interesting and I like him a lot. After school, students (9)      do their favorite things. Some go to their favorite clubs. Some go to the (10)       to read books or do their homework.
12.The No. 1 International School
You must You can′t 
Arrive at school by half past seven every morning. Wear jeans. 
Hand in your homework by eight. Eat or drink in the classroom. 
Look clean and tidy. Bring MP3 to school. 
Be quiet in the library. Run or shout in the school buildings. 
Stay on the playground at break time. Talk loudly in the hallways. 
Stand up when a teacher comes into the classroom. Fight. 
13.  On a small farm in Mexico, there are no schools. A bus is the school. The driver of the bus is the teacher. It's a school bus, but it doesn't take the children to school. It just goes round from place to place, and sometimes it comes to this farm. The bus will stay here for three months. The farmers call it a school on wheels.
  Every time when the bus comes. the farmers will come running to it, shouting and laughing. They warmly welcome the school bus.
  When the bus is on the farm, in the morning. the teacher teaches the small children. In the afternoon, the bigger children come to have their lessons because they must work in the morning. At night, the fathers and mothers come to school. They want to learn, too. How the farmers hope that some day they can have a real school on their farm!
14.  Many people have pet dogs now, because they think dogs are very smart.
  My good friend Bob has a small dog. He is black, so his name is Black. Black looks so cute. Every Sunday afternoon, Bob takes his pet dog for a walk in the park. Black likes walking very much. He can walk on two legs.
  It's Sunday today. In the morning, I do my homework. I come to Bob's home after lunch. We want to play basketball. But Bob can't find his ball. So we play computer games in his room. One hour later, I see Black running in the room and he always looks at us. But I don't know what he wants to do. I go on playing with Bob. At last, Black goes out of the room and comes back quickly. He has one of our shoes in his mouth. Oh!It's time for Black to go for a walk. So we take Black to the park. We have a great time there. What a smart dog!
15.  Today is Sunday. What are people doing?
Hi, I'm Kate. I love my students. I often tell them funny stories. It's Sunday today. I don't have any classes. I'm taking a bus to the zoo. 
My job is a little dangerous, but I love it very much. I have to go to work every day. Now I have no time to talk to you. I'm running after two thieves. 
I'm 22 years old. Sunday is my busy day in a week. There are many people eating and drinking. I'm busy coming and going to offer them food and drinks. My job is a little boring. I want to be an actor. 
I'm singing a beautiful song. All the people are shouting. How happy I am! Bang, bang, bang, I wake up only to find some women knocking at the window of my car. They are going to the shopping mall. Oh, I'm too tired. 
16.  Hi, I'm Lily. Welcome to my school!It is new and modern. I learn lots of things here.
  I usually go to school by bus. I think it is fun to take the bus and always listen to music on the way to school. Sometimes my father drives me to school. It takes us about 20 minutes.
  I have many classes at school. I like Chinese and math a lot. The kind and beautiful Chinese teacher knows a lot. She often tells us stories. My math teacher is fun. She often helps me a lot. And my favorite subject is English. My English teacher is very humorous. Students all like his lessons.
  There are a lot of after-school clubs in my school. They have activities twice a week. I am in the Sports Club because I like running, football and volleyball. I'm good at running. I have many new friends there.
  I like my school very much. I have a great time at school.
(1)题完成句子, (2)—(3)题简略回答问题, (4)题找出并写下第四段主题句, (5)题将文中划线句子译成汉语.
17.  I'm (1)       middle school student. I have too many (2)r       at home. I have to get up early in the morning. I have to practice (3)      (read) English every day. I can't (4)      (visit) my friends after school. And I have to go to bed at 9:00 (5)       weekend. I have to (6)      (clean) my room and do the (7)      (dish). I have to go to the Children's Palace to learn the violin. There are many rules in our school, too. We can't be late (8)       class. We can't eat in class (9)e      . I think these rules (10)      (be) strict, they are good for us.
18.is, dancing, sister, at, your, good
19.interesting, of, are, kind, pandas
20.kill, people, for, their, elephants, ivory
21.books, don't, leave, your, bedroom, in, your
22.does, what, get dressed, he, time
23.请根据下面提示, 介绍一下新来的女同学Nancy的个人情况, 要有适当的发挥, 字数60词左右.
个人信息 12岁, 来自澳大利亚 
兴趣爱好 唱歌跳舞, 喜欢画画, 踢足球 
生活习惯 六点起床, 骑自行车去上学…… 
最喜爱的动物及原因 …… 
这些天做的事情 These days… 

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