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1.I learn English_______ making vocabulary lists.
  • A. by
  • B. in
  • C. on
  • D. at
2.It's ________ for my son to go to school from here. It only takes five minutes on foot.
  • A. interesting
  • B. dangerous
  • C. convenient
  • D. difficult
3.Most young people find ____ exciting to watch football games.
  • A. one
  • B. this
  • C. it
  • D. that
4.Never ____, and your dream will come true.
  • A. give away
  • B. give up
  • C. give out
  • D. give back
5.—Tom finds it's easy to remember all the English words.
—_______ smart child he is!
  • A. What
  • B. What a
  • C. How
  • D. How a
6.Candy used to ________ coffee, but now she is used to ________ Chinese tea.
  • A. drink, drink
  • B. drinking, drinking
  • C. drink, drinking
  • D. drinking, drink
7.These kites are made______ paper. And paper is made______wood.
  • A. of; of
  • B. of; from
  • C. from; from
  • D. from; of
8.I _______ to the class meeting every week because they want to listen to my advice.
  • A. invite
  • B. will be invited
  • C. was invited
  • D. am invited
9.________ you are, _______ you'll make.
  • A. More careful;fewer mistakes
  • B. The more careful;the fewer mistakes
  • C. The less careful;the fewer mistakes
  • D. The more careful;the more mistakes
10.—Excuse me, could you tell me _______?
—Well, there's one on your left.
  • A. when the bank opens
  • B. where the bank is
  • C. how far is the bank
  • D. how can I get to the bank
11.  Do you know of anyone with a disability (缺陷) who did amazing things?Helen Keller is a good (1)       of that.
  Helen Keller was a healthy baby. But when she was 19 months old, she had a sudden fever. The fever disappeared, (2)       she became blind and deaf. Because she couldn't hear, it was difficult for her to learn to speak. As she grew, she was angry and frustrated (沮丧的) because she (3)       communicate. She became wild, throwing things and kicking and biting.
  When Helen was seven years old, a teacher, Anne Sullivan, came to live with Helen's family. First, Anne taught Helen (4)       to talk with her fingers. Helen was excited when she (5)       that things had names. Then Anne taught Helen to read using the braille system (布拉耶盲文系统). Helen learned these skills quickly. However, learning to speak was (6)      . Anne continued to teach Helen patiently. Finally, when Helen was ten years old, she could speak (7)       enough for people to understand her.
  Helen was very clever. She went to a school for blind students and did very well there. Then she went to college and graduated (8)      honors (优异成绩) when she was 24 years old. After that, Helen traveled all over the United States, Europe, and Asia with Anne to give speeches as a way to (9)       money to build schools for blind people. Her main (10)       was that like everybody else, disabled people want to live life fully and naturally.
12.Dear Nicole,
  How are you? Do you enjoy your summer holiday? I'm sure you do.
  It's been two weeks since I returned to New Zealand, but I'm still thinking of the exciting city life in Hong Kong. In New Zealand, life is totally different. I miss the delicious sweet soup so much.
  The weather has been bad these days. Yesterday I got a cold and didn't go to school today. I hate taking medicine but I have to take it. I must get well soon because I will have tests on science and geography next week. I must prepare for the tests this time so that I won't fail again.
  I remember that you like our local hand cream (护手霜), but it is quite expensive in Hong Kong. I bought you some last weekend and I am sending it to you. It's much cheaper here than in Hong Kong.
  It's almost the end of August. It's time to pack (收拾) your school bag and get ready for the new school term. Take good care.
With love,
13.  A father sat at his desk and looked at his bills when his young son rushed in and announced, "Dad, because today is your birthday and you're 40 years old, I'm going to give you 40 kisses, one for each year!"
  When the boy started making good on his word (履行诺言), the father shouted, "Andrew, don't do it now. I'm too busy!" The boy's tears fell from his blue eyes. Feeling sorry, the father said, "You can finish later." The boy said nothing but quietly walked away. That evening the father said, "Come and finish the kisses now, Andrew!" But the boy didn't.
  A few days later after the father's birthday, the boy had an accident and died. His sad father wrote, "If only I could tell him how sorry I am for my bad words, and how much my heart is hurting."
  Love is a two-way street. We must warmly accept any loving act, or others will take it as a "NO" and it can leave a scar (伤痕). If we don't receive love, our life will lose its true meaning. Nothing is more important than accepting love from those who are dear to us.
Do you find it easy to change ? 
Alex Two months ago my doctor told me I needed to eat less salt. Before then I put a spoonful of salt on almost everything I ate. I thought food was tasteless without it. At first it was difficult, but now whenever I eat out, I feel the food tastes too salty. 
Vicki  We've got a new baby. Just two weeks old. We love him very much but he doesn't sleep through the night. We used to have at least eight hours' sleep. Now we' re lucky if we get two hours' sleep before he wakes us up. We used to stay in bed until mid-morning at the weekend, but now we don't have a weekend anymore ! 
Chloe I've just started my first job after university and life is not so nice. At university I got up at about nine o' clock and now I have to start work then. I used to work when I felt like working. But now, my boss says when I should work and when I can have a break. 
John My family moved to Canada earlier this year and we've found it difficult to adapt to (适应) the cold winters. We used to live in New Mexico, USA where the winters weren't so cold. The best piece of advice I was given was to buy a very warm coat and hat ! 
15.  As we all know, learning a foreign language well is very important for us. Here is some advice to help you learn a foreign language.
◆Spend the time
  The more time you spend, the faster you'll learn the language. This doesn't mean sitting in class looking out of the window, nor listening to other students who don't speak well, nor getting explanations in your own language about how the language works. This means spending time on things that are connected to the language you're learning.
◆Listen and read every day
  Listen to read things that you like, things that you can mostly understand, or even partly understand. If you keep listening and reading, you'll get used to the language. One hour of listening or reading is more effective than many hours of class time.
◆Pay attention to words and phrases
  Remember words as many as you can, because you'll need lots of them. Start to notice words and how they come together as phrases. Learn these words and phrases through your listening and reading. Read online and use online dictionaries. Step by step you'll be able to use them.
◆Be responsible for your own learning
  Don't wait for someone else to show you the language or to tell you what to do. Discover the language by yourself, like a child growing up.
◆Relax and enjoy yourself
  Don't worry about what you can't remember, or can't yet understand, or can't yet say. The language will become clearer in your brain step by step. So enjoy it.
16.  Knowing the best way to study will help you to be a better student. By using your time properly, you can do your homework more quickly. Learning to study is not difficult.
  The first thing to remember is that you must be willing to learn. It doesn't mean that you must always like the subject. It does mean, however, that you must be willing to learn whatever is necessary. Try to understand why it is important and how it will help you now and later and learn other things. Knowing mathematics facts will be useful in your whole life. Knowing how to spell makes any kind of writing easier. Sometimes the subject that you think is going to be uninteresting will be exciting when you begin to work at it and understand it more clearly.
  Make good use of your class time to listen to everything the teachers say. Listening carefully in class means less work after class.
  Look around your house and find a quiet place with good light for study. Have everything ready before you sit down to study, a dictionary, a pen and books. Reviewing the important points that were mentioned by the teachers in class will consolidate what you have learned. Previewing the lesson that the teacher will teach next day will help you understand it more easily in class and you will remember it longer.
  These ways may help you with your study. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these. The way fit for you is the best.
(1), (2)题完成句子, (3)题简略回答问题, (4)题找出并写下全文的主题句, (5)题将文中划线句子译成汉语.
17.  Wang Wei is (1)       middle school student. He lives in Shanghai. He has (2)      (live) here since he was three years old. Every day he (3)       (go) to school by bike. He has a very beautiful bike. His uncle gave it to him on his (4)       (ten) birthday. He has had it (5)       five years. He hasn't been to a foreign country before. Next week he will go to England with his parents. He is worried about his English. Now he often practices English (6)       listening to the tapes.
  He has an English friend (7)      (name) Jim. He often writes to Jim. He plans to visit England this summer, because June is one of the (8)      (good) seasons for vacation. Jim loves China, especially (9)      (China) products. There are so many Chinese products in the local shops.
  They plan to stay in England for a week. "Traveling to England is a dream for me for a few (10)      (month)," Wang Wei said to Jim. " It comes true soon."
18.glasses, used, I, wear, to
19.of, the, what, made, are, shirts
20.boats, the, how, dragon, were, pretty
21.I, English, listening to, by, learn, tapes
22.could, where, restrooms, you, me, tell, the, are
23.你是英语校报编辑李华. 校报收到初一新生Ben的来信, 他提出了所面临的两个问题.
请你根据以下提示写一封回信, 说明Ben的问题, 提出你的建议并陈述理由.
注意:1. 回信应包括所有要点; 2. 词数80左右(信的开头和结尾已给出, 不计入词数);
3. 不得透露学校、姓名等任何个人信息, 否则不予评分.
Ben's problems Your advice and reasons 
朋友少, 感觉孤单 1. 参加学校社团 (club) — 结识更多朋友2.? (请你补充) 
英语单词难记 1. 多阅读英语故事、新闻一在运用中学单词2.? (请你补充) 

Dear Ben,
  I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble getting used to life in middle school. In your letter you said that ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Good luck with everything!
Li Hua
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