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1.I have eraser. It's black.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
2.—Look, are these your books?
—No, they aren't ________. They're Linda's.
  • A. yours
  • B. mine
  • C. hers
3.— Where is the baseball?
— It's ______ the chair and on the floor (地板).
  • A. in
  • B. on
  • C. under
4.In the next picture is my ________, my aunt's daughter.
  • A. sister
  • B. son
  • C. cousin
5.— ________ is the cup?
—It's red.
  • A. What
  • B. What color
  • C. How
6.—Does Amy have a ping-pong ball?
— ________. But she has ping-pong bats.
  • A. Yes, she does
  • B. No, she doesn't
  • C. No, she isn't
7.—What's that in English?
—________ a bike.
  • A. It's
  • B. That's
  • C. This is
  • D. That is
8.Miss Lin found a dictionary this morning. You can______her at 45297402 e@123. com.
  • A. call
  • B. email
  • C. ask
  • A. How do you spell "quilt" ?
  • B. What's this?
  • C. Is it a quit ?
10.—Let's play soccer!
— _______
  • A. Have a good day!
  • B. Sounds great.
  • C. Thanks.
11.A: Hi, mom. (1)      
B:Where's it?
A: (2)      
B: OK.
A: (3)       I need my tablet, too.
B:Where's your tablet? (4)      
A: No, it isn't. It's in the bookcase.
B: OK. (5)      
A: Thanks. Mom!

A. Is it on your bed?
B. Oh, wait a minute.
C. Meet you at your school.
D. It's in front of the clock on my desk.
E. Could you bring my flash drive to school?
12.  My uncle and aunt are teachers in my school. They always (1)      me. I really thank them. They are sports fans. They like playing basketball very much. Their daughter Jenny (2)      many sports things. In her room, you can see six baseballs and nine basketballs in his bookcase. She doesn't have a volleyball. But her father has (3)      . She always brings it to school. So at school we can play with our (4)      together (一 起). She likes doing many sports. But she likes (5)      best. Her parents like it too. So she plays it every day with them.
13.Dear Lin Yue,
  How's it going? I'm (1)       here in England. And I have a good friend here. She's Helen (2)      . This is Helen's room. A white hairbrush is on her white bed. You (3)       see a big desk and two chairs. And they are all white. There are some books, a white radio and a white clock on the desk. Under the books (4)       a tape. Here are some (5)       on the wall. In the biggest (最大的) one is her dog — Cici. Cici is white, too. You (6)       most (大部分) of her things are white. White is her favorite color, because her last name is White. Helen's room is not big (7)       nice. What about (8)      ? Well, this is my desk and many books are on the desk. Books are my good (9)      . I can learn (学习) a lot from them. You can see them here and there in my room, on the desk, on the floor. Some books are on the bed, too. I think I need to have a big (10)       for them. There is a map of China on the wall. This is my room. Do you like it?
14.阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容判断句子正误.正确的写"A", 错误的写 "B".
  My name is Alan. I'm an American boy. I'm a student of a middle school. I'm in Class 4, Grade 9. Xiao Ming is my friend in the class. He is 15. Here is a picture of his family!Let's look at it. His father, the one behind the tree, is a policeman. His mother, the one in the red hat, is a teacher of Chinese. Xiao Ming loves his parents very much. He has two sisters. They are twins (双胞胎). Their names are Ling Ling and Li Li. They have a cat. Its name is Coco. Look! It's under the table. The twins are middle school students, too. They are in different classes. Ling Ling is in Class 2, Grade 7 and Li Li is in Class 3, Grade 7. We are good friends.
My brother lost his schoolbag this morning in the school library. It's black. He must find it. My phone number is 478-28498. Thanks!
I lost my school ID card. My ID card number is 2389048. My name is Jack Miller. Please call me at 389-9283. Thank you so much! 
This morning, I found some keys in classroom B 701. Are they yours?Call Lucy at 390-87639. Linda:Is this your red phone?Come to classroom A3006. I'm here. Gina 
16.  Hello, my name is Anna. Do you know my last name? You can guess. It's my brother's favorite color. He likes it very much. I'm 13 years old. I'm from England. I am in No. 10 Middle School in Chengdu. I like English, so I have many English books. They are in the bookcase. I like white, so my pens, my erasers and my ruler are all white. They are in my pencil box in the schoolbag. I like sports, too. I have two volleyballs, three ping﹣pong balls and two ping-pong bats. They are under my bed. You can't see them.
  Jack is my brother. He likes black. He has many black things — black jackets, black pens, black notebooks... His pens are in the pencil box. His pencil box and notebooks are in his schoolbag and his schoolbag is in the bookcase. Look at those four basketballs in the bookcase. They are his Jack plays basketball every day after school with his friends.
17.I have two English d      . They help me know about English words (单词).
18.There are two bedrooms in my house. This is my bedroom. And that is my p      .
19.My brother has a ping﹣pong bat. Let's go and g       it from him.
20.U       Tom is my mother's brother.
21.W       the girl on the sofa?Is she your sister?
22.A: Mom. I can't find the red tape. Do you (1)      where it is?
B: Is it in your bookcase?You(2)       put your tapes in it.
A: No, it isn't.
B: You listen to the tape every evening. Is it in your (3)      ? Maybe you forget (忘记) to take it out.
A: No. I looked for it(4)      in my room this morning. I still can't find it .
B: Is it so important (重要的)?
A: The tape is my (5)      . He says it's a gift (礼物) from his grandpa. I (6)      find it.
B: You sister found (7)      on the floor in the living room. And it's red, too. You can (8)       her about that. Maybe it's yours.
A: That's so great. I can give it back to Bill.
B: Who's Bill?Your new (新的) friend?
A:Yes. He is really nice. So he is (9)      in our class. Everyone likes him.
B: Please put your things in the right place. Don't ask me for (10)      again. I can't help you all the time.
A: Sorry, mom.
find; have; lose; that; they; think; meet; name; play; boy; ask; be 

  Hello, everyone! My name is Tom. It's nice (1)       you! There is a Lost and Found Case in our school! It's in Room 111. There are many (2)       things in this room. A very nice teacher, Mr. Smith is here. He is about 40 years old. When (当) we find some things in school, we give (给) (3)       to Mr. Smith. When we lose some things, we (4)       him for help, too.
  Here (5)       some boxes and a bookcase. In the bookcase, you can see many books. Some students don't write (写) their (6)       on the books. So we don't know who lost them. Look, these are English books, and (7)       are Chinese books and notebooks... In this big black box, you can see some jackets, hats and shoes. I think they are (8)      . In the next box, there are some pencils, pens, erasers and pencil boxes. ID cards, keys, tapes and clocks are in the last white box. Wait! The tape? Let me (9)      . Oh! I remember (记得) it is Eric's. He (10)       one like (像) this. I'll call to tell him about it.
24.  Hello, I'm Dave. (1)      What can you see in it? Look! A bookcase, a bed, a sofa and a chair are in it. Some tapes and a computer game are in the bookcase. The computer game is brown. (2)      Jack is my classmate.
  What's on the sofa?Oh, it's a pair of sunglasses. (3)      They are mine.
  A purple jacket is on the bed. It's Helen's. (4)       Can you see the chair?On the chair is an umbrella. It's Tony's. He is my brother.
  (5)      It's a yellow baseball. It's mine. I like it very much.
A. It is Jack's.
B. They are white.
C. Helen is my sister.
D. Where are my pencils?
E. What's under the chair?
F. This is a picture of my room.
Dear Jane,
Linda calls me to take (带去) her things to school. She needs them this afternoon.
But I can't help her. I must go to work. Please take these things to Linda:one tennis ball, a tennis racket, two baseballs, three pens, a notebook and two rulers. Her baseballs, tennis ball and racket are under the desk. Her pens and rulers are in her bookcase. Her notebook is on her desk. Thank you, my honey!
Dear Mom,
I see Linda's tennis ball and rackets.
They're under the bed. But I can't find her baseballs under the bed or desk. The rulers are in the bookcase. Her pens aren't in the bookcase. They are on her desk, next to the notebook. The things are here and there in her bedroom. It's not easy (容易的) to help her find the things. Sorry, mom.

 The (2)       The item The location 
Linda's(1)       One Tennis ball Under the bed 
One Tennis racket Under the bed 
Two (3)         
Linda's school things Three Pens Next to the notebook 
One Notebook (4)       
Two Rulers In the bookcase 
Jane's opinion (看法): Linda's bedroom is (5)      
26.假如你是 Tom, 请根据下面的图片和表格介绍你的房间和你家人所拥有的体育用品.
要求:1. 根据房间内的家庭照片介绍家庭成员;
2. 介绍房间里除照片外的四样物品及其位置 (包含一个复数物品);
3. 谈谈你对你房间的看法;
4. 语句通顺、句式多样.

父亲 3 个篮球 
母亲 2 个乒乓球拍和 3 个乒乓球 
弟弟 2 个排球 
我 …… 
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