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1.—Jack, what's the matter?
—I have ________ toothache.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.—Mario, you are so kind.
—I guess I take after my father. ________ loves to help others.
  • A. He
  • B. Him
  • C. She
  • D. Her
3.—I like looking ________ newspapers at breakfast.
—Me too. I can read some news.
  • A. after
  • B. up
  • C. through
  • D. above
4.I borrowed an art book ________ the library last week.
  • A. to
  • B. from
  • C. for
  • D. of
5.—Are you going hiking tomorrow?
—Yes, that's the plan ________ the weather is really bad.
  • A. unless
  • B. so
  • C. if
  • D. as soon as
6.—Mom, ________ you please buy some snacks?
  • A. must
  • B. may
  • C. could
  • D. should
7.—The small village develops a lot.
—Yes, there are lots of great ________ these years.
  • A. changes
  • B. force
  • C. chores
  • D. skills
8.When Nancy saw a snake ________ on the road, she was scared.
  • A. lie
  • B. lies
  • C. lay
  • D. lying
9.—Students now have more time to exercise, right?
—Yes. I ________ doing sports after school.
  • A. have to
  • B. used to
  • C. am used to
  • D. want to
10.My pet dog is so ________ that he is able to understand my words.
  • A. silly
  • B. clever
  • C. weak
  • D. ill
11.Daming Lake is one of the most famous ________ to visit in Jinan.
  • A. place
  • B. places
  • C. country
  • D. countries
12.—Dave, pass me the salt please.
—OK, mom. ________.
  • A. I don't agree
  • B. That's strange
  • C. Here you are
  • D. You're welcome
13.—Linda, I called you at eight yesterday evening, but you didn't answer then.
—Oh, I ________ a shower.
  • A. took
  • B. will take
  • C. take
  • D. was taking
14.Jimmy ________ money after buying food for homeless animals.
  • A. ran out of
  • B. cleaned up
  • C. put off
  • D. turned down
15.—Do you know ________?
—It's about a little girl who was eaten by wolves.
  • A. what the book is about
  • B. who wrote this book
  • C. how much is the book
  • D. where the book is
16.  I started volunteering at a soup kitchen several years ago. The original reason why I was going was to (1)       community service hours for school. My plan was to just go there a few times and get my service hours, but it taught me a lot. The volunteer there served (2)       to people.
  Basically, I was working for serving bread and juice to whoever wanted it, which was a (3)      task. Some of the people were homeless, and some of them were too poor to feed their families. All of them were people in need of a hot meal and a place to (4)      for an hour or several minutes. (5)       some of them looked like they weren't polite, we always took care of them.
  The first time I went there was the day before (6)      . For the people coming to the soup kitchen, it was not a (7)      time. Unlike them, most people were enjoying their big Christmas dinner. As for me, I had a nice home and I didn't suffer from cold or hunger. How (8)       I was!At that time, I decided that I surely wanted to go (9)      . I couldn't (10)      them much, but I could always volunteer my time and effort.
  The experience also gives me a feeling of (11)      . I go there, people are thankful that I (12)       again. They know that I am happy to (13)       them. It truly feels good to know that you can brighten someone's day. I've realized that the feeling of doing good for people can be a better reward (奖励) than (14)      . You can't buy that feeling. So I will continue my volunteer work and find more ways to show my (15)       to people in need.
17.Kate: Hello, Ben. (1)      
Ben:Well, I am stressed out recently.
Kate: (2)      
Ben: My parents are always giving me too much pressure about school.
Kate:Why do they give you so much pressure?
Ben: (3)      
Kate: But life shouldn't just be about grades. (4)      
Ben:You are right. But what should I say?
Kate:You could tell them you won't get good grades if you have too much stress.
Ben: OK. (5)      
Kate:You are welcome.
18.  It was Sunday and Tom was staying home. After breakfast, he went out into the garden and played quietly by himself. There were no kids around and he always played alone quietly. He played with Bobby, the dog. He climbed up and down the tree. Sometimes a bird would come down to stand on top of the doghouse. Then Tom would have the greatest fun by throwing a stone or something at it. Though he never made it, he really liked doing this kind of things.
  Then Tom had been in the garden for half an hour. Suddenly a crack sound was heard and the little boy began crying.
  "What's the matter, Tom?" his mother looked through the kitchen window.
  Tom ran into the kitchen.
  "Mum," he sobbed, "I broke Bobby's plate, I didn't know it was so easily broken."
  His mother put her arms round him and said, "Don't feel too bad, Tom. We have other plates for Bobby. But how did you break that one?"
  "I threw this at a bird but missed, and it went straight to the plate."
  In Tom's hand was his father's gold watch!
Driver wanted
Driver for busy restaurant and weekend work. All meals are free. Tel:3333﹣5678 
House for Sale
¥15, 000, built in 2005. The house has 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, a kitchen and a breakfast room. It's on the south side of the city. 
Ocean Supermarket
The biggest supermarket in our city will be open on June 1st, 2022. Everyone with today's Daily will get a small present that day. Tel:2798﹣4321
Add:No. 6 Bridge RoadApril 21st, 2022 
Rose's Special Concert
Time:2 pm, May 23rd.
Place:People's Theatre
Ticket: ¥150 for adults, ¥70 for students. 
20.  Nature has created many ways to protect animals' eyes. The most common protection is the eyelid (眼睑) — a fold of skin that closes over the eye, protecting it from hurt. Eyelashes are useful for keeping out dirt and other things, and tears wash away any small pieces that get through the other defenses.
  Some animals, including most birds, have three eyelids. The upper and lower eyelids act like human eyelids and keep out little tree branches, dirt, and sand. The third eyelid, however, is a semitransparent tissue(半透明组织) that crosses over the eye from the inside corner to the outside corner. Because of this, birds hardly have to blink. They close their eyes only when they go to sleep. For ducks, this third eyelid serves as an underwater mask that helps the ducks find food.
  Most fish and snakes have no eyelids at all. Instead, a hard glassy covering protects their eyes. For fish, water sweeps away dirt from the covering. And a snake's eyesight (视力) is usually so bad that a little dirt obscuring (使模糊) its vision does not trouble it greatly.
  Eyelashes protect the eye by keeping it from strong light. They also act like mini brushes to remove dirt. Camels have eyelashes that are four inches long to protect their eyes from wind﹣blown sand in the desert.
21.  Think about what you like to wear on the weekend. You probably like to put on a pair of blue jeans. At any moment, about half of the world's people are wearing jeans. But according to a new study, our love for jeans may be bad for Earth. Denim(牛仔布) may be putting some sea animals in danger.
  Every time we wash our jeans, very small bits of denim will flow out of our washing machines, down into the rivers, lakes and oceans.
  You might wonder:Isn't denim made of cotton, a natural material?How can it become a danger to nature?Well, when people make jeans, denim is treated with many kinds of man-made chemicals (化学物质). Some improve its durability. A pair of jeans may be worm for many years. Others give jeans their blue color. It makes jeans fashionable.
  Scientists studied the Great Lakes in America and the Arctic Ocean in northern Canada. They found denim waste in all of the samples(样本). In the study, the scientists also washed jeans to see how many bits of denim each pair would drop each time to wash. The answer was terrible:About 50, 000. Not all of them make their way into the environment. Some good plants hold back 83 to 99 percent of them. This may sound pretty good. However, one percent of 50, 000 bits are still 500 per wash. Now think about the number of jeans around the world and the times each of them gets washed.
  Does this mean we shouldn't wear jeans?Probably not. "We need to buy fewer jeans and only wash them when we truly need to do it, says Sam Athey, one of the scientists. "You don't need to wash your jeans after wearing them only several times."
22.If in stories that interested
  When I was young, my parents told me many touching(1)      about the CPC. The spirits of Hong Yan, Jinggangshan and Yan'an moved me so much. From that time forward, I became(2)      in the Party(党). Many years have passed, I have read lots of books and watched movies that show the spirits of the CPC. What's more, I have joined(3)      many activities that are about the Party in order to learn more about it. Now I am a League member(团员). I believe that before long, I will become a real Party member. (4)       I become a member of the Party, I will do as much as I can to help others. I'm looking forward to (5)       day!
23.understand be buy go decide
  I am so glad that I (1)       to spend the holiday here in Spain. I arrived here on July 6th. The weather has been very nice although it's a little bit hot. In fact, I(2)       to the beach and swam in the Mediterranean Sea(地中海) earlier today. I am living with a very welcoming host family. I have my own bedroom. On Sundays, we have a big home﹣cooked paella for lunch. In Spain, lunch (3)       usually the biggest meal of the day. Now I feel like(4)       this country's culture well.
  Next Friday is my host family's big day—the father's birthday. I (5)       a nice gift for him, but I am not sure what to buy yet. Could you give me some advice?
24.  Every time you're online, pictures, articles, links and videos come out and try to tell their stories. (1)      
  Read these tips, and don't get fooled by fake(虚假的) news!
  1. Check the source(来源)
  (2)       Does it look real?Is the news written well?Fake news websites(网页) often use addresses that sound like real newspapers, but don't have many real stories about other topics.
  2. Watch out for fake photos
  Many fake news stories use pictures that are PSed or taken from an unrelated site. Sometimes, if you just look closely at an image, you can see if it has been changed. Or use a tool like Google Reverse Image Search.
  3. (3)      
  Look to see if the story you are reading is on other news websites or newspapers that you know and trust. If you do find it on many other places, then it probably isn't fake.
  4. Look for other signs
  There are other ways that fake news uses. These include that lots of ads that come out when you click on a link. (4)       If the news story makes you angry, it's probably designed to make you angry.
  If you know these things about online news, and can use them in your everyday life, then you have the control over what to read and what to believe. If you find a news story that you know is fake, the most important advice is: (5)      
A.Check if the story is in other places.
B.Unluckily, not all of these stories are true.
C.Don't share it to others!
D.Fake news stories often go faster.
E.Also, think about how the story makes you feel.
F.Find the website where the story comes from.
G.Nobody will believe it.
25.A:What were you doing at this time yesterday?
B:       .
26.A:What can you do for the sick kids?
B:       .
27.A:Frank,       ?
B:Sure, mom.
28.A:I have a sore throat. What should I do?
B:       .
29.A:Which character do you like best?
B:       .
30.假如你是李华, 你学校的英语杂志社正在征集以Family Relationships为主题的文章.请你写一件你和家人相处时的事情, 并谈谈青少年应该怎样与家人保持良好关系.
1. 要点齐全, 并适当发挥;
2. 文中不得出现真实姓名与校名;
3. 100词左右.
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