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  • A. discuss
  • B. perfect
  • C. radio
  • D. cheerful
  • A. prefer
  • B. forget
  • C. nothing
  • D. receiver
  • A. paragraph
  • B. excellent
  • C. anywhere
  • D. apologize
4.  When I was nine years old, I found an advertisement for selling greeting cards in the back of a children's magazine. I thought to (1)       that I could do this. I asked my mother to let me send for the box. Two weeks later when the box arrived, I opened the box, got the cards (2)       rushed out of the house. Three hours later, I returned home (3)       no card and a pocket full of money shouting "Mama, all the people couldn't wait to buy my cards!" A seller was born.
  When I was twelve years old, my father took me (4)       Tony Green. I remembered sitting in that dark hall and listening to Mr. Green cheer everybody up. After the speech, I told dad, "Dad, I feel that I can do everything." When we got to the car, I turned to my father and said, "Dad, I want to make people (5)       like that. "My father asked me what I meant. "I want to be an encouraging speaker just like Mr. Green." I replied. A dream was born.
  Recently I began following my dream of encouraging (6)      . I left (7)       company where I worked for 4 years. Many people were (8)       why I would leave after earning much money. And they asked why I would do everything for a dream. I loved my old job, my friends and the company I left, but (9)       was time to get on with my dream.
  When I kept working hard on my dream, even during the hard times, the amazing and wonderful things really began to happen. Just as the saying goes, "The world always (10)       way for the dreamer."
5.  One year, before the summer began, a fire broke out. Alone, Sam couldn't fight the fire. So Sam drove to the town to call for (1)      , and his dog Dave was with him. In town, some people's houses were too (2)       to the fire. So they were finding safe places. And some people tried to get old clothes for the animals. They said they needed to (3)       the animals if the fire burned their homes.
  Sam and some firemen were getting ready to drive to the fire. They would try to put it out before it got too (4)      . "Stay here, Dave", Sam said to Dave. But Dave wanted to go with him, looking (5)      . So Dave went with Sam and the other firemen. When they (6)       the place, they turned on the water and began to put out the fire. Suddenly, Sam heard the barking from behind. He saw Dave ran into the (7)      .
  "Dave!" Sam called (8)      . But Dave didn't listen. Sam saw his best friend run into the forest. Sam wanted to go in after Dave, but he couldn't because he needed to keep the (9)       going. He was sad. Yet, he was (10)       to see Dave came back through the smoke. Dave was badly hurt. On his back, there was a little boy!Dave saved the boy!
6.  A long time ago, there lived a very, very wise King. He was so wise that he knew the ways of almost everything.
  One day, a tiny bee lost her way, and flew into the King's beautiful palace. The little bee begged the King, "Please, let me live, and I will offer you help some other day."
  The King was amused (被逗乐的) to think a tiny bee could one day help a great king like him. He let the bee go and said, "Go, be on your way, for I need nothing more from you today."
  Many days later, a queen was coming to visit from a far-away land.
  "I hear you are wise," the queen said to the king, "Would you be willing to put your smarts to a test?"
  The King agreed and the queen did her test, with puzzles, quizzes, and difficult questions. But the King solved all the problems perfectly.
  On the last day of her visit, the queen came up with another plan. She ordered the workers to produce ninety-nine fake flowers, but looking so real and natural. When finished, even the queen could not tell they were fake. She was sure the King would make the same mistake. And from the King's garden, she took just one real flower, and cleverly hid it among all the others.
  The queen then said to the King, "My workers created many beautiful flowers. Ninety-nine are fake, but one is real somewhere. Can you find that one?"
  The King smelled the flowers, but they were all so sweet, and all so beautiful. Now which one could the real flower be?The King became a bit nervous. Suddenly, he heard a buzzing sound. Something was there flying around. It was the tiny little bee he saved many days before. "I am here to repay the kindness you gave me, sir."
  The little bee quickly flew over the flowers and sopped on the real one. The King picked the flower and handed it to the queen.
  Finally, the queen had to give up and told everyone the kind was truly the wisest man in the world.
7.  Trees produce oxygen for all living things. Trees help to clean the air, soil and water, making the Earth a beautiful livable place. It's time to save trees and protect forests.
  Saving trees around you
  Every town and city have laws about protecting trees, and tell people which tree species need protecting and when and how it's OK to cut down trees. In some areas, rare or very beneficial trees are protected by law. Knowing the laws in your area will help you better protect the trees there.
  Take part in tree plantation
  As important as it is to protect grown-up trees, it's also necessary to think ahead and plant new trees. They will finally get tall enough to clean the air and help keep temperatures cool. Many towns and cities have organizations working to plant trees.
  If your town or city doesn't have organization like that, why not start one yourself?Tree by tree, you can make a difference.
  Reduce paper use
  It's important to start seeing the connection between the trees you love and the products you use. If you're crazy about saving trees, look for ways to use fewer paper products in your daily life:
  ● Use cloth towels instead of paper towels. It's a simple change that can reduce a lot of unnecessary waste.
  ● Use reusable containers instead of paper lunch bags.
  ● If you must use a paper product, always buy the recycled one.
  Choose the paperless ways for bills. This simple change will make your life better and reduce the number of dead trees.

  19 November to 10 December 2022
  New Hope Educational Foundation invites university students to help promote mutual understanding and friendship between China and Greece by taking part in the 2022 New Hope Educational Foundation Study Tour of Greece.
  The 21-day study tour will take Chinese university students through different cities of Greece, Providing chances to learn about Greek culture, history & business, as well as take part in a number of people﹣to﹣people exchanges. All plane tickets, transport, meals and accommodation will be paid by the New Hope Education Foundation.
  Past participants (参加者) said:
  ● This trip has been life-changing. I now have lifelong friends as a result of my experience of the New Hope Educational Foundation study tour.
  ● I now have valuable memories that will stay with me for the rest of my life. It has been a truly amazing experience.
  ● Visiting the museums, parks, castles and gardens also brought the ancient history of Greece and many of the world-famous works of art in front of us.
  ● The time we spent with different kinds of Greek people such as the teachers of cookery schools, the junior high school students, the home stay families and our tour guides, was the most interesting part of the tour.
  For more information, please see:http://www. newhope. com/au/en/csr/. html
9.  This happened two years ago but remains a lively memory. We sang My Motherland and Me before a huge stage in Beijing Grand Theater. It was my first time in a gathering attended by local officials. (1)      I was so excited.
  (2)       I was on a local bus when I first heard it. I couldn't understand the words but I could follow the tune from memory. (3)       We just practised My Motherland and Me until we could remember the Chinese words.
  The day of the event we all wore red and stood on stage. (4)      Our performance would be followed by a group of children who sang Be Brave, a pop song. I love that song too. After the program, all the performers were called back to the stage. The head of the local community gave each of us a prize. I went home with my prize, bags of fruits and candies than my two hands could carry. When my mother arrived home from work, I greeted her, "(5)      
A. For several days, we didn't have lessons.
B. Before singing, we were introduced and warmly welcomed.
C. You're not going to believe what happened to me today!
D. My Motherland and Me is a song with beautiful melody.
E. It was also my first time to taste tanghulu, candied haws on a stick. 
10.  Dr. Zhong Nanshan is one of the most famous medical scientists in China. He is a very patient and (1)h       doctor.
  After COVID-19 broke out in Wuhan, he took a high﹣speed railway there at once. He said that it was possible for the whole country to (2)f        against COVID-19.
  He often (3)e        the people to do more exercise and wash hands often. He is also (4)s       with himself about doing sports, so he stays very healthy now though he is over 80 years old. He sets an (5)e       to us all, so we should learn from him.
11.当她生日那天早上醒来的时候, 发现自己床上有一只玩具熊.
She found a toy bear on her bed when she       on her birthday morning.
Alice often        me        to make me laugh.
       tourists visit China every year.
Many tables and chairs are        stones in the park.
Tony and his friends believe they can complete the challenge       .
Where do you prefer       this year?
17.The leaning tower of Pisa
  The Tower of Pisa is one of the most beautiful bell (1)      (tower) in Italy. It leans to one side. Today it's known as "the Leaning Tower of Pisa".
  The building of the tower (2)      (begin) in 1173. It took nearly 200 years (3)      (complete). In 1178, when the building got to (4)      (冠词) third floor, it started to lean. The builders tried to make tower straight again when they (5)      (build) the upper floors, (6)      (连词) failed.
  Experts have done a lot of studies and tried to "rescue" the tower. In 1990, it was (7)      (close) to the public for safety (8)      (reason). After a lot of effort, (9)      (代词) reopened in 2001. (10)      (hopeful) it will be safe for at least the next 300 years.
18.赠人玫瑰, 手有余香.请根据提示内容写一篇英语短文, 叙述你帮助他人的一次经历.

1. 参考提示内容, 可适当发挥;
2. 语句通顺, 意思连贯, 书写整齐;
3. 文章不得出现任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名);
4. 词数:不少于70词.(开头已给出, 但不计入总词数).
  In our daily lives, it's good for us to help those who are in trouble. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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