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1.  Canton Tower is the highest tower in China. (1)      you stand on the top of the tower you can get a bird's eye view of the Pearl River. Visitors are (2)      in taking photos of the city at the tower.
  In 2005, workers (3)      to build this tower. In 2010, the colourful lights of the tower lighted up the sky for (4)      first time. It took the people four years (5)      it.
  Canton Tower is (6)      the centre of our city. It is easy to get there by bus or by underground. We also provide (提供) (7)      useful information of the tower on the Internet. For example, there (8)      a 4 D cinema in it. The tower is open from 9 a. m. to 11 p. m. There are many ways for (9)      to buy tickets.
  For people of Guangzhou, Canton Tower is work of art and a new symbol (标志) of our city. We hope our city (10)      more and more prosperous (繁荣) in the future.
2.  Winter is here. In many Chinese cities, the weather is quite cold. Do you (1)      your winter coats, gloves and qiuku?
  Qiuku is a kind of long underwear—people also call it "thermal underwear" (保暖内衣) . It keeps people (2)       in the coldest months of the year. Because of its pronunciation in Chinese, English-speaking(3)       call it "chill cool".
  In fact, in western countries people also wear long underwear, like qiuku. They (4)       them "long johns". Some people think the (5)       is from John Sullivan, a famous British boxer (拳击手). He has clothing that looks like long underwear when he is (6)      .
  (7)       young people don't like to wear long johns in these countries. They think they are not cool. They may also think they will be fine without (8)      , because they won't be outside for very long.
  However, (9)       may ask you to take care of yourself and wear qiuku in cold winter, or you may (10)       get arthritis (关节炎). So, please put on your qiuku, because it's good for your health.
3.  PED(Partial eclipse disease, (偏食症)is a kind of bad eating habit. People with PED only like or dislike some kind of food. It happens to babies and children most. Some old people have such a problem, too.
  Why does it happen?
  You are one of the main reasons. When you don't eat some food often, your children see it and soon follow you. Also, too much love from the one﹣child family makes children get bad eating habits easily. Some children with low Zn (锌) levels might have PED, too.
  What do children with PED usually do?
  When you find your children have one of such symptoms(症状), you have to take it seriously.
  *Only eat meat for a meal, leaving rice there.
  *Never eat vegetables but always eat so much junk food.
  *Enjoy all drinks such as cola, milk and yogurt and they even think of them as main food.
  *Eggs are their favorite food and they eat at least three to four eggs a day.
  How to help your children with PED?Add Zn to children's food. Try to let children eat more food with Zn such as fish, liver (肝脏), oysters (牡蛎) and other kinds of meat.
  Sometimes medicine with Zn is necessary too. Set a good example for them. You are the best teacher for your children.
4.  We can see flying cars in TV shows and movies. Many companies(公司)are trying to build them, and now the flying car has come into our life. The flying car is called AirCar. And it just finished a 35﹣minute test flight (试飞) between two airports in Slovakia.
  The AirCar was made by Stefan Klein. When Klein was a little boy, he watched a French movie. In the movie, there was a flying car and he showed great interest in it. And he dreamed of building a flying car one day. Klein flew the car himself on the test flight.
  The AirCar is expensive and it costs around £ 1. 7 million. It can change from a car into a plane in just 2 minutes and 15 seconds. So far, the AirCar has spent 40 hours in the air, including its first test flight. During these tests the AirCar's top speed(最高速度)was 190 km per hour. It can fly 1, 000 km at a height of 2, 500 meters. It can carry two people up to 200 kg.
  Dr Branko Sarh, from Boeing company, praise Klein for building the AirCar. "It is fantastic. It will be very useful in the future because it can solve (解决) the traffic problems around the world. "
  Some people hope that flying cars will one day be a big part of everyday life.
  Would you like to get one?
5.  Almost every day, we discuss (讨论) the topic of health. But what is health?
  "Health" means eating well, getting enough exercise and having (1)       healthy lifestyle. Here are some useful rules.
  Eat different kinds of food, such as fruit and (2)      . We all know that eating fruit and vegetables keeps us (3)      , but many of us only eat our favourite food. Remember that we can get what (4)       body needs by eating all sorts of food.
  Drink water and milk most often. Everyone knows that water is important. Besides water, kids also need plenty of calcium (钙) to (5)       strong bones (骨头). Every day, you should drink at least two cups of milk(6)       you will grow taller and taller. You'd better try to have drinks (7)      little sugar because too much sugar is bad for your teeth.
  Pay attention to (注意) your body. When you are eating, notice (8)       your body feels. When your stomach (胃) is full, stop eating. Eating too much (9)       you become fat and unhealthy.
  Limit (限制) the amount of time you spend watching TV and playing computer games. Try to spend more time doing (10)      , like running and swimming.
6.Dear friend,
  My name is Teresa Lopez. I live in the center of Buenos Aires and I'm twelve and a half years old. I study in a small school in the city. There are only three buildings in the school:a teaching building, an office building and a dining hall. A playground is in the middle of the school, and students and teachers can play sports there in the morning or after school. The black teaching building is between the school gate and the playground. Behind the playground, the white office building is on the left and the yellow dining hall is on the right.
  I enjoy the school life. I'm good at music and languages but I hate history. The history lessons are so boring. When I'm older, I want to be a film star or a dancer but my parents don't think that's a good idea!
  I like meeting lots of different people, and I'd like to travel all around the world. I have only been to the USA, but next summer I hope to visit China. That's why I'm looking for a pen friend in China.
  Please send me an email and tell me about your school and your life.
7.假设你是李华, 你的笔友Teresa Lopez下学期将会作为交换生来到你校学习.她发邮件向你询问有关于你们学校的情况, 请你写一封邮件回复她.
1. 介绍学校的建筑物如教学楼、图书馆、操场等, 不少于2个地方.
2. 说明课程安排, 你最喜欢的科目及原因.
3. 表达你对他到来的欢迎与期待.
1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名.
2. 语句连贯, 词数80个左右.作文的开头和结尾已经给出, 不计入总词数.
Dear Teresa,
  Hi! I'm Li Hua. How are you doing? In your last letter you asked me about my school. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
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