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1.Robert is good at playing _____ piano although he is only _____ 11-year-old boy.
  • A. /, the
  • B. the, an
  • C. a, /
  • D. the, the
2.They will ______ the airport on time. Don't worry.
  • A. arrive at
  • B. get
  • C. reach to
  • D. arrive in
3.If you want to visit France in summer, you can go to the southern part of France and try ______ in the wonderful sea.
  • A. swim
  • B. swimming
  • C. to swim
  • D. to swimming
4.______ a talent show in our school next week.
  • A. There will be
  • B. There will have
  • C. There is
  • D. There
5.This shopping bag does harm to the environment because it ______ plastic.
  • A. is made in
  • B. are made from
  • C. is made of
  • D. are made of
6.—Mom, look at all the clothes I bought online.
—Again? You shouldn't ______ so much money ______ clothes.
  • A. take;on
  • B. cost;in
  • C. spend;on
  • D. spend;in
7.The town lies ______ the coast, and it's famous ______ its wonderful beaches.
  • A. in;for
  • B. on;for
  • C. in;as
  • D. on;as
8.—Who's the boy ______ glasses?
—Do you mean the boy ______ the black clothes?Well, he is my brother, Tom.
  • A. with;in
  • B. in;with
  • C. with;with
  • D. in;in
9.—I don't have any plan this weekend.
—______ climb the mountain with us?
  • A. Why don't you
  • B. Why don't
  • C. Why about
  • D. What about
10.—Could I borrow your dictionary? I need to look up some new words.
—Wait a moment! I ______ it.
  • A. used
  • B. use
  • C. am using
  • D. will use
11.  Do you get on well with your parents?Sometimes you may feel that it is very hard because of the generation gap (代沟). (1)       they are probably your best teachers in life. Here're some tips for you to improve the relationship if you find that you and your parents can't get on well.
  ●Spend time with your parents. Your parents won't be always with you, so spend time with them while you are able to. This doesn't mean just sitting (2)       the TV together. Instead, you can find some common interest and do some activities together.
  ●Talk with your parents. To know your parents better, you should try to have (3)       talk with them. Use this time to learn about their different hobbies and opinions.
  ●Listen to them (4)      . This may seem easy, but it is often (5)       than you think. When you are communicating with your parents, make sure you are listening. This means looking at (6)       eyes when they are talking, and speaking politely when responding (回应). If you're not sure what they mean, ask them (7)      . By doing so, they're more willing to discuss (8)       you.
  ●Make your parents feel proud of you. There (9)       many ways that you can make your parents moved. For example, you can help them with the housework.
  Follow these ways of (10)       your relationship with them, and you'll get along with them better.
12.The Lost City of Pompeii
  Every year lots of tourists from all over the world visit Pompeii, Italy. They see the sights — its stadiums (体育馆) and cinemas. And people also visit its (1)       and restaurants, where they can buy things and eat something delicious easily. However, the tourists don't see Pompeii's people, because Pompeii has no people. No one has lived in Pompeii for many centuries.
  Once Pompeii was a (2)       city of 22, 000 people with crowded streets. Mount Vesuvius, a volcano (火山), was not far from the city. It was dead for centuries, so people thought the volcano was (3)      . But it wasn't.
  On, August 24, AD 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted (喷发) suddenly. And a huge black cloud (4)       twenty miles into the air. When the eruption (5)      , Pompeii was full of stones and ashes (灰). Almost all of its people were dead.
  After a while, the thick ash turned everything black — people couldn't even see the (6)       in the daytime. It was dark everywhere. Some people (7)       from the city, while others stayed in their homes. But the city was full of ashes and rocks. Soon stones and hot ashes began to fall on Pompeii.
  Pompeii was lost for nearly 2, 000 years, and then in the year 1861, an Italian named Giuseppe tried to find out the (8)       of Pompeii. Slowly and (9)       Giuseppe and his team dug to find out more about the lost city. Thanks to excavations (挖掘), which are still going on today, scientists have been able to know clearly what happened on that (10)       day.
13.  Many children were not able to go to school during the pandemic (疫情). They stayed at home all day long.
  Brigitte Xie, a Chinese-American girl, began to play the piano as a way to pass the time in lockdown (封锁). Her father signed her up for online piano classes when she was 3 years old. He didn't wish his daughter to be a prodigy, who is super smart. To his surprise, he was happy to see that happened.
  Last December Brigitte became the youngest winner of the Elite International Music Competition, and then in March this year she won the first place at the American Protege International Competition. It won her an invitation to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York City in November 2021. However, the performance is now put off to November 2022 because of the pandemic. At that time, she is only 4 years old.
  Her mother said, "I told her she was going to perform in front of many people and she looked excited because she liked performing."
  Brigitte learns from an online teacher. She practices for just 45 minutes a day. Brigitte learns to read music by herself, and she even learns to play a piece of classical music from Beethoven.
  Brigitte is showing a great talent, but her mom is not going to push it on her. "As a parent, I'm still open to everything, and I don't tell her that she must be a pianist. I'm not worried about her future. Whatever she wants to be is fine!"
14.  Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Money and success alone do not bring lasting happiness. Aristotle, a Greek thinker, said, "Happiness depends on ourselves." In other words, we make our own happiness. Here are a few suggestions to help you be happier.
  The first step of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. Too often, we spend so much time thinking about the future — for example, getting into college or getting a good job — which we fail to enjoy the present. You should enjoy life's simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, listening to your favorite music, or spending time with close friends. People who have several close friends often live happier and healthier lives.
  Another secret to living a happy life is to be active, and have hobbies where you forget your problems and time. Many people experience this by dancing, or playing a sport, such as swimming. You can forget about your problems, and only think about the activity.
  Finally, many people find happiness in helping others. Studies show that people feel good when they spend their time helping others. If you want to feel happier, do good things for someone. You can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping to buy food for an elderly person, or simply help out around the house by washing the dishes.

Size:181 MB
MeituPic is one of the apps developed (研发) by Xiamen Meitu Technology Co. , Ltd, and it also produced MeituPic, BeautyCam and PosterLabs. The app has 52 million active daily users and 270 million monthly active users. You can use this tool to beautify yourself with only one click and smooth the skin and whiten your skin. 

Makeup Plus
Size: 132 MB
Makeup Plus is the perfect app to give yourself a full virtual makeover (虚拟化妆) — from lipstick, and eyelashes, to brows and hair colour to find a look you love, right from your phone's camera!It is developed by Meitu Inc, our first app on the list. 

Size:124 MB
Tian Tian Pi Tu is a beauty app developed by China's Internet giant (巨人) Tencent. Pitu has 106 million monthly users. Though the number is not as large as that of MeituPic, some people think it will attract more users because of its company Tencent. 

Size: 54 MB
Mew MewMew~ Turn yourself into the most lovely little cat. FUNNY, LOVELY, PRETTY, with more than 300 kinds of stickers in FaceU, you will always find one you like most. Enjoy the motion stickers with special effects and the face recognition technology (人脸识别). 
16.  All over the world, people enjoy drinking tea. (1)       In different countries, people have very different ideas about drinking tea.
  (2)       People all round the country always have tea when they get together. And they drink it at any time of the day at home or in tea houses. They would like to have their tea plain, with nothing in it. Guangzhou people like tea-drinking, especially in the morning. Teahouses are often crowded with people before 11:00 a. m.
  The Japanese have a special tea ceremony (仪式). This tea ceremony is very old and meaningful. In the ceremony, everything must be done in a special way. (3)      
  Another tea-drinking country is England. In England, the late afternoon is "teatime". Almost everyone has a cup of tea then. They usually make tea in a teapot and drink it with milk and sugar. (4)       It's a break for them to relax.
  In the United States, people like to drink tea mostly for breakfast or after meals. Americans usually just put tea bags in their cups to make tea. (5)       In summer, many Americans drink cold tea, called "iced tea". Sometimes they drink iced tea from cans, like soda.
A. They also eat cakes, cookies and little sandwiches, and chat with friends.
B. In China, tea becomes the national drink.
C. Some people even have a special room for it.
D. It is faster and easier than making tea in teapots.
E. But tea does not mean the same thing to everyone. 
17.His father is a        businessman and he owns several companies. (success)
18.The young lady        a new novel these days. (write)
19.The supermarket doesn't allow pets        in. (get)
20.He forgot        the medicine this morning and now he is feeling worse. (take)
21.Jackie Chen is one of the most famous        in China. (act)
22.  Rebecca is my best friend. She kept a naughty cat named Billy. Billy used to live in the street. On a cold rainy night, the cat (1)a       near Rebecca's house waiting for help. Rebecca was so (2)k       to take the poor cat in her house and gave it some food. From then on, the lovely cat lived with Rebecca. However, it had a bad habit. He scratched (抓) her sofa all day and all night. (3)F      , the sofa was broken. Rebecca had to go to a department store to buy a new one. She looked around the shop and saw a lot of (4)f        there. It took her a few hours to find the (5)p        sofa:it was the best-looking, the most comfortable and the cheapest in the store. Rebecca hoped Billy would love the new sofa and stop his bad habit.
23.在我父亲的帮助下, 我成功解决了问题.
      , I successfully solved the problem.
My father       my studies.
Jack        read books before he       .
Li Ming thinks that it is        for       to school by bus.
Teenagers should learn how to      of themselves.
28.《广州日报》(Guangzhou Daily)收到外国读者的来信说对广州的木棉树很感兴趣, 现在向我校初一级学生征文, 优秀作品将刊登在该报的Natural World专栏.请根据以下思维导图写一篇征文.
1. 必须包括所给内容要点, 并有适当拓展;
2. 不得出现姓名、学校等真实的个人信息;
3. 词数70个左右, 开头已经给出, 不计入总词数.

Kapok Trees
  Welcome to the Natural World!I am glad to hear that many people are interested in kapok trees. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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