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1.Just read quickly to get ________ main idea of the passage.
  • A. a
  • B. an
  • C. the
  • D. /
2.There is no _____ to success but hard work.
  • A. connection
  • B. ability
  • C. secret
  • D. choice
3.Betty was silent at first, _____ soon she joined the girls, talking and laughing.
  • A. but
  • B. so
  • C. or
  • D. and
4.The photo______when travelling in Beijing. My mother likes it a lot.
  • A. takes
  • B. took
  • C. is taken
  • D. was taken
5.According to the new traffic rules, people_____wear a helmet when riding an e﹣bike.
  • A. can
  • B. may
  • C. need
  • D. must
6.— All of us have to ________ our mistakes.
— Yes. And also, we should learn lessons from them.
  • A. look after
  • B. depend on
  • C. believe in
  • D. pay for
7.Saying is one thing, while doing is ________.
  • A. other
  • B. others
  • C. another
  • D. the other
8.Don't worry about being late. I_____ you up on time.
  • A. wake
  • B. woke
  • C. will wake
  • D. am waking
9.My cousin______the English listening test. She is so excited.
  • A. is passing
  • B. would pass
  • C. has passed
  • D. passes
10.— Do you know______ yesterday?
— Yes, she was ill in hospital.
  • A. why Jenny didn't go to school
  • B. if Jenny was at home
  • C. that Jenny works in the hospital
  • D. how Jenny goes to work
11.阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项.
  Do you like to go camping? Have you ever got lost in the wild?Even experienced campers (1)       get lost. To avoid getting lost, stay on marked roads. Take a notepad and a pencil with you for writing notes. Use a compass so that you can know what (2)      you are going to.
  If you do get lose don't scare. Getting into a scare is the (3)      thing you can do. People who scare have been known to walk on big circles. They don't (4)      this, of course. They make themselves so (5)      that they can't get back to the right road.
  If it is late, and others know you are out alone, stay (6)       you are. Someone will come to (7)      you soon. If it is early, and you want to try to find your way back, leave marks to show where you have been. Put some stones on the (8)       you have taken. If you have a pen and a notepad in your pack, write a note and put it on a tee. Write down the time, the date, the fact that you are lost and the direction you are now taking.
  If you are lost at night, build two camp fires close together. Two columns (圆柱) of smoke side by side are a signal for (9)      . If other campers see the smoke signal, they will come to find you.
  At the same time, put on all the clothes from your bag to keep (10)      . Be patient and wait until help arrives.
12.  "They stole my diamonds!" said the owner or Best's Diamond Store to a local policeman. "I just called my insurance company (保险公司) They're sending a man here to decide how much money to pay me for the stolen diamonds." "Tell me what happened." said the policeman.
  "I went to the store alone." Mr. Best began, "As soon as I opened the door, two men rushed in. The blond one had a gun. He looked at me angrily and told me to open the safe. I was scared, so I gave him my diamonds. Then they tied me to a chair. After they left, I tried hard to free myself from the ropes and called you."
  "What did the two men look like?" One of them was thin and the other was fat. They wore masks over their whole heads with only little holes for their eyes and mouths."
  Just then the insurance man arrived. "Don't worry." the policeman said to him, "You don't have to pay Mr. Best anything. He is lying about the robbers. He took the diamonds himself."

13.  There is an old Spanish saying, "Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week. "How many times have we put of our dreams until tomorrow?I'd say, "Too many." Our dreams should not, and cannot wait. We have to go for them now! Here are the reasons.
  Tomorrow is not promised.
  Nobody likes to talk about death, but the reality is that everybody is going to die at one point. None of us know the day, or the hour. So today is all we have. Let's make the decision to go for every dream, big or small right now. Unless you take the first step, your dreams will never come true.
  You can dream about writing a great play, but it's never going to happen unless you actually put the pen to paper. In other words, dreams don't work unless you do. They require you to get your head out of the clouds, and actually do the work to make them come true. Get to it!
  You can't let fear win.
  One of the biggest dream killers is fear. So many people could have achieved their dreams if they hadn't been afraid. Just think about all the things you've wanted to do;don't allow fear to convince (说服) you that you aren't good enough. In the movie After Earth, Will Smith said, "Fear is not real. It is the product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is very real. But fear is a choice. "Choose not to let fear stop you from-achieving your dreams. You'll be much happier if you go for them.
  Imagine how much happier you'll be if you're living the life you always dreamed about. The only thing (that can stop you is yourself. Take control of your own happiness. Don't keep your dreams waiting. Go for them today!
14.  In the long history of humans women's stories have often been overlooked (忽视). However, as modern society has allowed women to speak for themselves, more and more women are standing up to choose how to live their lives. Here are four powerful films that may help you re﹣consider what it means to be a woman.
 Hi, Mom (2021)
Director: Jia Ling
Stars (主演): Jia Ling. Zhang Xiaofei, Shen Teng
Rating on Douban: 8. 2.
The heartwarming film is about a woman who accidentally meets her mother during time travel. It became a hit this year, leading the China box office (票房) right after the Chinese New Year. 
 Leap (2020)
Director: Peter Chen
Stars: Gong Li, Huang Bo
Rating on Douban :8. 4.
This film about the Chinese national women's volleyball team presents their history from 1981, when they won the Women's World Cup, to the year 2016. Actress Gong Li stars as the legendary volleyball player Lang Ping. 
 Mulan (2020)
Director: Niki Caro
Stars: Liu Yifei, Gong Li, Donnie Yen
Rating on Douban: 5. 0.
The real-version of Mulan is based on Hua Mulan inancient Chinese history. She goes to a war instead of her father and has become a well﹣known hero. 
 The Joy Luck Club (1993)
Director: Wang Ying
Rating on Douban: 7. 5.
Based on the novel
The Joy Luck Club, the film tells the stories of four Chinese women and their daughters who were all born and lived in the US. The differences between traditional Chinese culture and American culture can also be seen in the film. 
15.  Five years is a rather short time in the long history of China. But for digital (数字的) development, a lot of changes have taken place in many aspects of our life.
  Nowadays, it's normal for people to communicate on WeChat, the most popular mobile social media platform in China. People take less cash (现金) with them because most of the stores and hotels accept WeChat Pay and Alipay.
  In China, holding a mobile phone means having the world in your hands. You can shop, travel, communicate, have fun by using a mobile phone, and all of these tasks can be completed with a few finger taps. Without mobile phones, life would seem dull.
  By the end of 2016, there were 695 million mobile phone users in China, an increase of 12 percent on year-on-year basis. The average mobile Internet data traffic reached 172 megabytes per month, which was far more than the global average.
  At the two sessions (两会), Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that in 2017 the speed of mobile network would be increased and the cost would be reduced greatly. Mobile rates for domestic roaming (国内漫游) and long distance calls would be cancelled (取消).
  Meanwhile, the TD-LTE 4 G communication technology developed mainly in China has been accepted and widely used across the world.
  In 2020, China's 5 G network is in service. It helps China's mobile telecommunication overtake(反超)the international community's.
16.  Chinese astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping aud Ye Guangfu gave a science lecture from China space station to students on Earth on December 9th, 2021. The class began at 3:40 p. m. , with a total a 1, 420 students attending the lecture from five classrooms across China. The primary classroom is in Chin Science and Technology Museum. Classrooms have also been set up in Nanning. Wenchuan, Hong Kong and Macao. Tens of millions of students across China watched the hour long televised event.
  Shenzhou-13 members gave the students a tour of the space station. They showed the students how to increase their strength with their exercise equipment (设备), introduced a specially designed spacesuit and performed experiments. Ye, who is on his first spaceflight, showed how he moved in the weightless environment. They also answered questions from students during the lecture.
  It was the first lecture of the Tiangong Class. More lectures will be held and presented by Chinese astronauts. Such activities are held to spread knowledge and encourage a love for science among young people.
  Shi Yi, a physics teacher in Beijing. said the space lecture was an eye-opening experience that would tgnite (点燃) students' interest in science.
  Wang Yihan, a fifth-grade student, said, "The experiments rally surprised me. I have great interest in spacefi. ght and would like to take part in our country's space program in the future. "
  Vincent Wong, headmaster of Hong Kongs PuiKiu College, said the event gave Hong Kong students an opportunity to communicate with the astronauts. "It also helped to strengthen their national identity (认同) as they saw the rapid development of our country's space technology," he said.
17.  Teachers are like"second parents" to us. They can make a big different on (1)       (we) lives.
  Scott is my favorite English teacher. He has lived in China (2)       about five years. He has short curly hair and bright blue (3)      (eye). He is the youngest teacher among all oy lcachers.
  I really like English classes. The first reason is that his class is relaxing. The (4)      (two) reason is that Scott is friendly. He always (5)       (smile) at us and never gets mad. Lastly, he speaks English beautifully. He has good pronunciation and (6)       (fun) body languages. We enjoy having his classes.
  He likes traveling. Once, be told us about his traveling experiences in Europe when he was eighteen. He said he went there all by (7)       and (8)      (meet) many interesting people.
  He is also a gentleman. I still remember that on (9)       icy day last winter, he was wearing just a T-shirt. He said he gave his winter coat to Patty, another teacher who was sick.
  Scott is the (10)      (good) teacher I've ever had. I really admire him.
18.a, had, trip, we, wonderful
19.umbrella, to, don't, an, forget, take
20.will, meeting, there, a, be, tomorrow
21.often, he, drink, low, does, milk
22.lives, a happy life, she, what
23.日前某校进行了题为"有压力向谁说"的问卷调查(结果如图), 请你根据要求写一篇英语短文参加该校的征文活动.

1. 简要描述调查结果;
2. 你喜欢向谁倾诉压力?为什么?
3. 提出2条缓解压力的建议.
1. 文章必须包括所给要点, 但不要逐条翻译, 可进行适当拓展;
2. 书写规范, 80﹣ ﹣100 词, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数;
3. 文中不得出现真实校名、人名.
  When teens have stress, they will talk about their stress to different people. Here are the results about our survey. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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