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1.  Responsibility means to do your duty well. The responsibility of teachers is to inspire (1)      to learn. The responsibility of the police is to (2)      people's life. The responsibility of parents is to set (3)      examples and keep their children on the right track (轨道).
  As for me, a middle school student, one of my most important responsibilities (4)      to study hard. To be responsible, I listen (5)      teachers carefully and take part in activities actively in class. Instead (6)      watching TV or playing games, I do my homework first when I get home. As a result, I have made great progress in my studies.
  (7)      responsibility I have is loving my parents. I spend my free time with them, telling them about things (8)       happened at school or just watching our favorite movies together. What's more, as a citizen, I must be responsible for my actions. No matter (9)      I am, I behave properly and follow the rules.
  I have gradually learned the importance of taking responsibility for (10)      and taking my life in my own hands. I don't see responsibility as a burden (负担). And I see it as a way to contribute (为. .. .做贡献) to both the family and the community.
2.My best friends (3 persons)
A: Hi, guys! (1)      
B:Yes, of course. Math is my favorite subject.
C: It's useful but difficult for me.
A: In fact, I wasn't interested in math before. (2)      
B: @ Monica What did you do in the math festival?
A: Many fun activities, such as speeches and performances about the knowledge of math.
C: Sounds interesting! (3)      
A: Yes! Especially on the third day, the senior students made rocket models with plastic bottles and flew them on the playground.
B: So cool! (4)      
A: @Sam The most successful one flew as high as the second floor of the teaching building!
C: Amazing! (5)      
B: Great! I believe you can do it! @ Emma

A. Do you love math?
B. How high could they fly?
C. What's your favorite subject?
D. You must have a great time!
E. The math festival is on March 14.
F. But I began to love it after the math festival.
G. I'll try to learn math well and make my own model. 
3.  A couple in Florida, USA have found a great way to spread joy and kindness in their community. They call it "the Door of Kindness".
  When Jessa and Tim moved into their new apartment in August 2021, they spent much time making a difference in their neighborhood. They set up a small table with post — it notes (便利贴) and pens outside their front door and left a note, (1)       neighbors to write positive (积极的) messages. Within hours, notes began to appear on their front door. As days went by, the door was (2)      with positive notes.
  Jessa said her (3)       of "the Door of Kindness" came from the pens she used while working in a restaurant. On the pens read messages, including "Your past does not decide your future", "You're valued" and "You're beautiful". "It was a small way to let the customers know that they were (4)      to the restaurant," Jessa said. So, when the couple moved into the new apartment and realized people would (5)      their door every day, Jessa put the pens to use again." People can take a pen and leave a positive message. (6)       someone's having a bad day, he can come to read these notes," Jessa added.
  So far, the couple have received hundreds of messages from their (7)      . "Many of them told us that they have left note s(8)      , though none of them would ever say which one was theirs. And they have told us how wonderful our door is and what a great idea it is," Jessa said.
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5.  Where the Forest Meets the Stars is a magical novel. It follows the story of Joanna Teale, or "Jo", who is a bird expert. She has recently lost her mother and is also fighting with cancer (癌症). Jo researches birds in the forest at night and seldom talks to other people.
  One night, a young girl shows up at her door. Actually, she is an alien named Ursa, and will return home after she sees five miracles (奇迹). Jo takes in Ursa with the help of her neighbor, Gabe, who also has difficulties in his own life. Strangely enough, many good things happen to Jo after she meets Ursa. While taking care of Ursa, Jo and Gabe become like a family. And Ursa teaches them how to love and trust again.
  The writer Glendy Vanderah of the book has had a passion (热情) for animals since she was child. Like Jo, Glendy researched birds at university. But Where the Forest Meets the Stars is far deeper than a simple story about birds. As we turn the pages, we meet Ursa. We watch how Ursa peel away Jo's and Gabe's bad feelings.
  The story is part fantasy (幻想) — Is Ursa really from the star? But at the same time, it is also deeply real. Where the Forest Meets the stars teaches us that everyday life can be magical. Reader will understand this as Ursa discovers the five miracles she hopes for. We also learn that no matter how challenging life can be, all difficulties can be overcome. Most importantly, it teaches us that we can find trust and love even when it is least expected. It is a powerful story that will both warm you heart and make you cry.
6.  Time is of great importance to our lives. English is full of expressions describing the passage of time. There is an expression "beat the clock", which means finishing a task quickly in order to meet a deadline. However, many years ago there were no clocks. (1)       Over the centuries, people have developed different ways of telling the time.
  About 5, 500 years ago, the Egyptians invented the sun clock. (2)      Its shadow (影子) showed the movement of the sun. So people were able to know midday. After that, the Egyptians made a sundial (日晷) about 3, 500 years ago. It was smaller and could let people know the time for half a day. And the ancient Chinese also invented the equatorial (赤道的) sundial to tell the time about 3,000 years ago. But on cloudy days or at night it was impossible to tell the time with a sun clock or a sundial.
  (3)      The idea is simple. Water flows from one bottle to another. When the water reaches a certain level, it shows the hours. The Egyptians used water clocks about 3, 400 years ago. These clocks were popular in the Middle East and China. But they filed to make people know the exact time.
  In the 13th century, the mechanical (机械的) clock was invented. This was more exact, but it was expensive to make one. Over the next few centuries, it was developed. In 1927, the first quartz (石英) clock was created. (4)      It became possible for common people to own a clock. People began depending on the clock more and more to run businesses, markets and so on. More recently, in 1956, came the digital clock. And nowadays, satellites send our mobile phones the time to the exact second.
  There has been a lot of progress in timekeeping. (5)      Many of us still have trouble getting out of bed on time and not being late for school or work.
A. It was a tall stone building.
B. Clocks became cheaper to make.
C. So knowing the time was not so easy.
D. People also used burning candles to tell the time.
E. Water clocks were the first clocks not to use the sun.
F. Clocks are always changing but some things never change. 
7.  You're probably familiar with FOMO. That's short for "Fear Of Missing Out". But there's another FO you need to know about. It's FOBO, short for "Fear Of a Better Option (选择)".
  We live in a world of countless choices. Even some decisions that used to be simple, like choosing a restaurant or make shopping lists, are now filled with overthinking. You've experienced FOBO when you've try to choose just one from a group of acceptable results.
  Luckily, there is a way to overcome FOBO. With any decision you make, you first have to decide the risks. You only really face three types of decisions in life:high risks, low risks and no risks. Let's start with no﹣risk decisions. These are small things of life, where there is almost never an incorrect answer. So spending more than a few moments on FOBO is a great waste of energy. When it comes to no﹣risk decisions, the key is to outsource (外包) them to the universe (宇宙), For example, you can cut down your choices to just two and then flip a coin (掷硬币).
  Then, let's make low-risk decisions. There are plenty of acceptable results but no one of them is earth-shaking. You can also outsource decision-making. As there are some risks, some thinking is required. And you can outsource them to a person. Choose someone to present his or her advice.
  Finally, you'll need to deal with high-risk decisions. These are things like "which house should I buy " or "which job should I accept". Since the risks are high and there is long-term influence, you really want to get it right. It's best to make a few basic rules to guide you through the process. First, think about what really matters to you. Second, collect facts with care. And third, compare each of your options, one by one. Each time, choose the better of the two and give up the other one.
  If you follow this system, you will usually end up with a decision on your own.

How to overcome FOBO 
You have to decide the risks (1)       you make any decision. 
No-risk decisions Don't waste time on them, because the options are almost all (2)      . The key is to outsource them to the universe, for example, flipping a coin. 
Low-risk decisions Because there are some risks, you can outsource them to a person. For example, asking someone for (3)       
High-risk decisions ①Think about what really matters. ②Collect facts (4)      . ③ (5)       each of your options one by one;each time, choose the better one and give up the other one. 

8.  This is the third time Wang has taken part in a space lecture. During the Shenzhou X mission in June 2013, she carried out the nation's first space-based lecture to more than 60 million Chinese students. It made China the second country, following the United States, to have given a lesson to schoolchildren from space. In early December, Wang and her crewmates gave the country's second space lesson from the Tiangong station.   On March 23, astronauts Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu gave the second lecture from China's Tiangong space station!It was livestreamed (直播) worldwide.

Fun experiments
A bridge of water It's hard to build a "bridge" with water on Earth. But in the space station, with little gravity (重力), it's quite easy! Wang Yaping first made two water balls on two plates, and then she tried to let them touch each other. Next, the plates were gently pulled apart, and the water between them didn't break. It became a "bridge"! Oil-water separation If we mix oil and water in a bottle on Earth, they will quickly separate because they have different densities (密度). Gravity brings the water down while the oil stays on top. However, if you do this in the space station, with little gravity, the oil and water will blend (融合) together. 

Chart Ⅱ
Students talk about the lecture 

Zhang Kexin, 13,
I did the "oil-water separation" experiment years ago, on Earth, of course. So, I know that the oil and water will separate easily. But they don't separate in the space station. That is amazing!The lecture ignited my passion (热情) for going to space one day. I want to study how to grow vegetables and fruits in space so that astronauts will never need to worry about food. 

Zhang Hangming, 14,
The experiments really shocked me!They helped me better understand the knowledge behind them. Also, it's the interesting experiments that made me fall in love with science. From now on, I will study hard and have fun, since studying can be so fun! 

  In the future, more lectures will be held based on the country's manned spaceflights and will also be presented by Chinese astronauts. These activities help spread knowledge about manned spaceflights and ignite passion for science among young people.
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  If shelter (收容所) dogs could speak or write, what would they say?
  42 second-graders at St. Michael's Episcopal School in Richmond (1)      heartwarming letters and drawings for 24 dogs and one cat at a local shelter. They were waiting for adoption (收养). A letter reads, "Hello, my name is Sunday Special. I would love to be adopted. If you do adopt me, I will brighten up (2)      Sundays like the SUN!"
  The activity was organized by Kensey Jones (3)      has been teaching second graders at the school. She came up with the idea (4)      her students improve their writing skills.
  According to Jones, her 7-and 8-year-old students were (5)      to deal with their writing assignment (作业) after meeting Snow, a 10-week-old dog. " They wrote these paragraphs (6)      , "she said.
  Since the students' works (7)      , 20 of the 24 dogs and the cat have found their homes. Danielle Petroski, one of Jones' students, said that she was very happy (8)      she helped the dogs find warm homes.
  Jones added that through this assignment, the students have been able to see what a (9)      they can make in their community and how powerful their voices can be. What's more, they have learned how to use more descriptive words to build beautiful and longer (10)      . She hopes to repeat the assignment next year with a new group of students.
10.在生活或学习中, 我们曾取得过不少进步, 生活技能的获得、学习方法的掌握、良好习惯的养成. .. .作为我们成长的重要内容, 这些进步增加了我们的自信, 丰富了我们的生活.
请根据以上内容, 结合图片信息, 写一篇英语短文.
1. 从以上提示中选择一个方面, 谈谈你对它的理解;
2. 结合自身经历, 谈谈你在这方面的进步;
3. 这个进步对你的影响.
1. 词数不少于80词;
2. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名.
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