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2.100 Most Influential Stars in 2021
  Time magazine just released (发布) its "100 Most Influential People" list for 2021. They have influenced the world, for better or for worse. Let's meet some of them!
 Kate Winslet, a 46-year-old actress from England, was the star of Titanic. Since her first role at the age of 13, she refused to play similar roles. Instead, she often appears in small, independent (独立的) films. 
 Bad Bunny was born in Puerto Rico, America in 1994, but he sings in Spanish (西班牙语). As a great rapper and musician in the US, he has his special style. 
 Scarlett Johansson, 36 years old, is one of the most influential actresses in the US. She has played many successful roles in Marvel (漫威) films. However, she wants to direct (导演) movies rather than just being an actress. "I want to make all kinds of movies." 
3.  I often ride bikes around Australia and am about to cycle the Nullabor to raise money for multiple sclerosis (MS, 多发性硬化症). I have MS myself, but cycling is a pain-free activity for me. I feel quite relaxed after cycling. But a not-so-kind person stole all of my bikes when I was traveling, which made it impossible for me to continue cycling at that time.
  The human kindness I have met since this happened was so amazing. A kind lady bought a mountain bike for me to continue riding. A gentleman gave another bike to me to continue training on roads. It was almost impossible to find a bike in my size because the bike I had before was very short and required an extra-small frame (框架). And there is a bike supply and demand issue (供需问题). My hometown got behind me to raise some money. With this money, I have bought a bike that is just the right size for me.
  So far, people have offered me places to stay, welcomed me into their warm homes and made sure I have enough water when riding long distances (距离). They also put money in my hands in the street to help me reach my goal. The stolen bikes turned into an interview with ABC Radio and papers in Tasmania.
  My point is that there are so many good and kind-hearted people out there. My experience is that people are mainly kind and beautiful. I could never doubt (怀疑)the fact that the world holds more good and kind people than unkind people. That, in itself, is hope! It won't be long now before I hit the road again and do my bit to give back kindness.

4.  The Torch Festival (火把节) is a traditional festival celebrated by Yi people. It usually falls around the 24th of the 6th lunar month. Certainly it is also celebrated by other ethnic groups (族群) in the southwest of China such as Bai, Lisu and Naxi people.
  The celebration of the Torch Festival lasts for three days. The first day is called Duzai, which means "welcoming the fire" in the Yi language. The first day is to worship (尊敬, 崇拜) for fire. On this day, people have to kill sheep and share them with families, friends and villagers. They build big torches and then they light the fire to worship their ancestors. On this day, young people get together for different kinds of activities such as horseback riding, bullfighting, wrestling (摔跤), and girls singing and dancing. The second day, called Duge, is the climax (高潮) of the festival. The last day is called Dusha, which means "seeing off the fire". On this day, when the night falls, everyone holds the hands of the torch and stands around a big torch, waiting for the fire to be lit.
  In the past, the Torch Festival was just celebrated by ethnic groups (族群). However, now more and more people join together to celebrate the torch festival. During the Torch Festival, some famous places of interest will introduce some activities to celebrate the Torch Festival. For example, in the Yunnan ethnic villages, besides the traditional activities like bullfighting, they also invite dancing team, Bai suona band and fighting sheep team this year. Visitors can come to enjoy and have a unique taste of the Torch Festival.
  There are a number of stories about the Torch Festival. Whatever the stories are, they all express the same idea—the Yi people are a fearless group and able to fight against everything.
5.  On August 20, Chinese astronauts Liu Boming and Nie Haisheng did the second spacewalk of the Shenzhou XII mission (任务). They set up equipment (设备) and lifted a camera outside the Tiangong space station (空间站).
  (1)      . There is no air in space, of course. And it's filled with harmful radiation (辐射). But the spacesuits (宇航服) can protect astronauts.
  A spacesuit is like a small station. (2)      . For example, China's spacesuits are filled with air and have six layers (层). The sixth layer is made of special fibers (纤维) that protect astronauts from radiation.
  Astronauts are connected to the space station with safety ropes. The suit has headphones and speakers for them to communicate. There is also a mirror on the wrist (手腕). (3)      .
  Each suit costs around 30 million yuan and it takes four months to make just one! (4)      . Zhai Zhigang wore it to carry out China's first spacewalk for about 19 minutes. The suits Chinese astronauts wear today are the second generation (代). It can support walks as long as eight hours and can be used more often. The first generation could only be used five times within two years, (5)      .
A. The first generation of Feitian suit was made in 2008
B. It has everything astronauts need when they carry out a spacewalk
C. while the second generation can be used 15 times within three years
D. Spacewalks can be dangerous
E. Astronauts can check their suits by looking at it 
6.  If you visit some villages in the English countryside, you might be lucky to see Morris dancing. People are not sure how old this kind of dancing is. Some think it started 2, 000 years ago, but most agree that Morris dancing is probably about five centuries old.
  Many agree that it celebrates traditional English farm life on holidays. Morris dancers wear traditional clothes. Usually this is a white shirt, a bright jacket, a hat and small bells called "jingle bells". There are different styles of Morris dancing from different places around England.
  In Cotswold Morris, the dancers usually carry white handkerchiefs(手绢)and sticks, which they hit as they dance. Each dance has six men dancers in Cotswold style, with a musician who plays a pipe (管乐器) or a violin.
  Morris dancing styles from the north of England often use swords (剑) instead of sticks and dancers can look a little like soldiers, which is different from southern styles. It is common in this style for men and women to dance together. Border Morris comes from the west of England, near the border with Wales. Dancers in this style usually wear normal clothes with pieces of colorful paper, and sometimes they put black paint on their faces.
  Morris dancing is an old English tradition but it's facing a big crisis (危机). As the years go by, fewer and fewer young people join Morris dancing groups. To pass down the tradition, the government calls for more young people to do something to change the situation.
7.  One day, a teacher went into her classroom with a glass of water. She wanted to explain stress management (管理) to her students. First, she asked her students, "How (1)       is this glass of water?"
  They gave many (2)       answers. Some students said it weighed 200 grams, others simply said they didn't know.
  She smiled and replied, "Actually, the weight of the glass doesn't matter. It (3)       how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have a(n) (4)      in my arm. If I hold it for a day, I'll have to call an ambulance (救护车). In each case, it's the same weight, but the (5)       I hold it, the heavier it becomes."
  She continued, "That's the way it is with stress. (6)      we carry our burdens (负担) all the time, sooner or later, they will become heavy. We won't be able to carry on."
  "Just like putting down this glass of water, you have to put your stress down for a while and rest before (7)       it again. When we're refreshed (精神振作的), we can carry on with our burdens more (8)       each time."
  As this teacher said, we shouldn't carry our burdens around all the time. (9)       them down today and pick them up tomorrow. No matter (10)       burdens you're carrying now, put them down for a moment and get some rest. Your mind will thank you for it.
8.  Welcome home!On Sept. 25th, Huawei's Chief Financial Officer (首席财政官) Meng Wanzhou arrived (1)       Shenzhen, Guangdong, after being illegally held (非法拘押) in Canada for nearly three years. Her safe return shows China has the ability (2)       (protect) Chinese people and companies. On Dec. 1st, 2018, Meng had to stay in Canada (3)       the US charged (指控) her and wanted to take her to the US. Meng pleaded not guilty (不认罪) to the charge and finally left Canada (4)      (safe) on Sept. 24th. It was (5)       hard time for her which was full of struggle in Canada. But when she (6)       (land) at Bao'an International Airport, the (7)      (warm) of home almost made her cry. She waved her hands to the crowd while she (8)      (walk) down the plane. She expressed her thanks to the Chinese government and also Chinese people. She said it was a valuable experience in (9)      (she) life. As the saying goes, the (10)      (big) the difficulty, the greater the growth.
9.  In July, China introduced the "double reduction (双减)" policy. One month has passed since the new semester began. How do students feel about this new policy?
  "Our homework is clearly less than before, " said 13-year-old Shen Yuzhe from Beijing. "(1)We are not required to take many examinations anymore, and the exercises are mostly from the textbook. " According to Shen, teachers now teach at a much slower pace (节奏). Students have enough time to process new knowledge. (2)"Our teachers are also giving us more time to find the secret to learning by ourselves. " said Shen. "For example, we went to research earthworms (蚯蚓) in a field during a biology class. (3)This is a better way to learn things than just hitting the books. " Hitting the books means you are studying hard, which used to be a popular way to get good grades.
  For 13-year-old Zhang Hangming from Tianjin, the best thing about "double reduction" is the increased time in after-school activities. (4)"通过参加各种俱乐部, 我们能学到更多.I have joined a group called 'leadership development '(领导力发展) where I can learn all kinds of skills beyond academic (学业的) study," said Zhang.
  They also pointed out that now self-discipline (自律) becomes the secret to learning. "After finishing homework, (5)一些学生花更多时间放松自己." But if you use all the free time to relax, you might fall behind your peers (同龄人)," he said.
10.假如你是李华, 本学期已步入九年级.本周你将在班级主题班会上发言, 谈谈自己进入中学后两年多的变化.你打算写一篇演讲稿, 并从以下方面进行分享.
 过去 现在 
性格变化(1点) … … 
外貌变化(1点) … … 
学习变化 1. 成绩有了显著提升. 
2. 提升成绩的3个具体方法. 

1. 80词左右(文章开头已给出, 不计入总词数);
2. 文中不得出现真实人名和校名;
3. 包含所有要点, 可适当发挥.
Dear classmates,
  It's my great honor to be here to give you a speech. Today I'd like to ______________________
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