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1.  Google and Toyota have worked together to create a new smart car. It can run on the road without a driver. It drives itself. The self-driving car hasn't been on sale to the public, so we don't know how much it costs. Another thing most people want to know is whether it will be safe enough to run on the road.
  The self-driving car uses electricity as its power, and it can't drive very quickly — the top speed would be 25 miles per hour. It is actually controlled by a computer system on the car. The system keeps on collecting information by some video cameras inside the car and a LIDAR sensor (激光雷达传感器) on top of it. A computer processes the information and decides what to do. "The self-driving car has only buttons for go and stop, so it's very easy to use, "an engineer of Google says. "And what's more , it will make car accidents less and make the world a safer place." The self-driving car has driven hundreds of thousands of miles in California, and it has only gotten into two accidents by human mistake.
  According to CNN , self-driving cars will also help to reduce the number of cars in big cities. "Self-driving cars would be able to send you to the workplace and then pick up another person instead of stopping in a parking lot."
2.①Many people believe that toys are mainly made for kids. When we grow up, we should put away such childish things.
②But now many grown﹣ups are getting them out again.
③According to data from the market research firm NPD Group , toys bought by people over the age of 12 account for 23 percent of the European market. Among them, adults are still the main force. In 2019, Beijing's Toy Show attracted tens of thousands of visitors, including many grown-ups.
④But why are adults interested in these seemingly "childish" things?
⑤Toys can "bring back happy childhood memories", noted website SWNS Digital. Many adults are under a lot of pressure at home and at work. Items that they were familiar with in childhood can remind them of easier times.
⑥Rob Willner, 25, is one such person who finds solace in items from the past. At his home in London , he keeps two boxes of loose childhood Lego tucked away under a bed , as well as various large "sentimental" models on shelves in his house.
⑦When he comes home after a hard day, he often plays with the toys. "It reminds me of the playful side of life, but also helps me to keep perspective. Lego isn't great, but it's fun, and helps you to think about what's really important, " he told The Telegraph.
⑧There is another reason for the rise in popularity of toys among adults. This pastime offers pressure-free creativity. Even hobbies such as baking and painting can be shadowed by the worry that the results will fail to please other people. Dressing up a doll or playing with a model train set doesn't come with a lot of pressure to please others.
⑨It seems that adults are no longer taking their childhood freedom for granted. After all, just as UK artist David Hockney said, "Play is serious."
3.  Vocational education (职业教育)is hoped to grow rapidly in China as the government continues to encourage high-quality development.
  In a recent report, President Xi Jinping said vocational education has a "bright future and great development. "He called for speeding up the development of the vocational education system in order to train more skilled technical professionals.
  China Youth Daily did a survey on April 29 , 2021. They asked 1000 parents about their attitude towards vocational education. The results show that 66 percent of parents are willing to let their children receive vocational education.
  At present, there are 11, 300 vocational schools across China with 30. 88 million students, forming the world's largest vocational education system , according to China Daily. However , although China has millions of workers, there's still a great need for high﹣level technicians such as AI technicians (人工智能技术人员)、Electric businessman (电商人才) and Data analyst (数据分析师).
  There have been a series of measures to improve vocational education , The Ministry of Education (教育部) plans to set up a separate entrance examination system for vocational students. Colleges and universities are also making changes to their majors(专业)to train modern skilled workers.
  This year, 18 colleges and universities in Beijing are adding 46 vocational majors. Most of the new majors focus on cutting-edge (尖端的) fields. For example, the Beijing College of Finance and Commerce will have a major in AI technical services.

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4.  In the cafeteria at Hengyang No. 1 Middle School in Hunan Province, new banners (条幅) are put up:Who knows that each bowl of rice is the fruit of hard toil (谁知盘中餐, 粒粒皆辛苦)? Clear your plate;refuse to waste food.
  This is part of a nationwide campaign to cut down on food waste in China. The cafeteria's manager told engyang News that they used to waste 100 kg of food every day. But this amount has dropped by 75 percent, as students are encouraged to take just the amount of food they need.
  Many restaurants in China are also joining in. They encourage people to order dishes using the "N-1" formula (公式). "N" stands for the number of dinners at a table. So if there are six people at your table, you should order just five dishes. If people can't finish their meals, they are encouraged to take the leftovers home.
  In fact, food waste has been a big problem for a long time around the world. According to a study by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese restaurants wasted 17 to 18 million tons of food a year from 2013 to 2015. That could feed 30 to 50 million people for a whole year. The UN says there are 820 million people around the world who live in hunger.
  By cutting down on food waste , we could help put food on the empty plates of many hungry people.
5.  When you have a cold, your friends can't visit you because they don't want to get a cold. When you are part of a family, if one of you gets a cold, often all of you get it.
  (1)      . Below are four ways to help stop a cold spreading and to feel better again.
●Wash your hands.
  Washing your hands is the most important way to stop the spread of colds. Cold germ (病菌) are spread by touch. The germs get onto your hands and from there into your eyes , nose and mouth. Wash your hands carefully using soap and hot water. (2)      , they will be much less likely to get the cold.
●Cover your nose and mouth.
  There is a saying that "coughs and sneezes spread illness". (3)       when coughing and your nose if sneezing. That way , the cold germs won't get onto your hands and spread to things you touch such as doorknobs, tap handles or cups and plates.
●(4)      .
  Cold germs are spread very easily. You can use a disinfectant (消毒的) cleaner to clean doorknobs, taps, toilet handles. Be sure to use only your own towel, toothbrush and cup.
●Take care of yourself.
  (5)      . Eat healthy simple foods such as soup or rice. Get enough rest and sleep. Stay in bed, read a book. Do your schoolwork and practice your English!
Remember that a common cold only lasts a few days. You will feel better soon.
A. Some cold medicines can help stop aches and fever
B. Cold germs can be spread by coughing and sneezing
C. If all the members of your family wash their hands too
D. Always use a piece of soft paper to cover your mouth
E. When you wash your hands every half an hour
F. Clean your house
G. There is no good method of treating the common cold
6.  I was a happy kid until the day I fell down. I (1)      on a piece of glass and it cut my eye badly. If the eye were (2)      , my face would look ugly. As a result, my scarred (有疤痕的) and sightless eye lived on with me.
  People often asked me questions which made me (3)      . When kids played games, I was (4)      the "monster". I knew that everyone looked down on me.
  Yet mom would say to me, "Hold your head up high and face the world. "I listened to her. As a child, I (5)       what mom meant was, "Be careful, or you will fall down because your eye is sightless. "
In high school I (6)      became a monitor, but I still felt like a freak (怪物). I really wanted to look like everyone else. When things got too bad, I would (7)       to my mom. Then she would look at me with loving eyes and say "Hold your head up high and face the world. Show them your (8)      inside."
  My mom's love (9)       me. I had faced a lot of problems and learned to accept myself. Now "Hold your head up high" has often been heard in my home. I say it to my children, too. The gift my mom gave me (10)      on.
7.  During the last summer vacation, I visited New Zealand with my parents and my younger sister who was born two years later than me. It's my (1)      (one) time to travel there. In a small town, we visited (2)       Chinese restaurant and we were so surprised to find delicious Sichuan food abroad. The owner of the restaurant is a 50-year-old man from Sichuan. He moved to the town 15 years ago and opened (3)      (he) restaurant. He has ingredients (原料) shipped (4)      (direct) from Sichuan so that he can provide delicious food for people. I (5)      (praise) him for his behavior in my heart. (6)      he has to deal with language problems and sometimes there aren't enough ingredients, he still tries to make Chinese food. "I just want (7)      (guest) to have more chances to eat food from my homeland." The man said.
  This man has helped to spread Chinese culture by bringing Sichuan food to New Zealand. It's the (8)      (good) food I have eaten. Culture shouldn't be (9)      (separate). I think Sichuan food plays an important part (10)       Chinese culture. I really enjoyed it!"
8.阅读表达 根据短文内容, 用符合语意及语法规则的词填空.
  Many students think about how to make the best use of their time while studying. But what comes before study can be important too — especially if you want to improve your memory of what you have learned.
  Doing aerobic (有氧的) exercise before you study may help you better remember what you learn. Other studies suggest the importance of different kinds of exercise.
  A study shows that a group of young people who did 15 minutes of high-intensity (高强度的) training remembered more words. Some studies have also shown high﹣intensity exercise can help improve the memory of old people. High﹣intensity exercise may be so helpful. Both long, slow exercise and high-intensity exercise may have good influences on memory.
  Location is also important for improving your learning. While it is good to have a desk or a special study area, someone suggests that changing the place where you study could help you remember more of what you study. The reason is that our memories sometimes depend on things in our environment. For example, a book might make you think of something interesting or strange when you read it. You do not have to change locations every day, but try to at least sometimes.
  A third way you can improve your study is taking a pre-study test. It is one of the best ways if it's difficult for you to remember new information. In 2018, research workers found that those who took a pre﹣study test before they learn a new material did much better than after studying the material. The students failed on the tests. But they were better able to remember the material than those who were only asked to read the information.

Title:Ways to (1)       your memory of what you have learned 
Exercise ● Aerobic exercise may help you remember what you learn (2)       .
●High-intensity exercise can help improve the old people's (3)       .
●(4)       both long, slow exercise and high-intensity exercise have a good influence on memory. 
Location ●(5)       the place where you study could help you remember more of what you study.
●Things in your environment influence our memories (6)       time to time. You'll find that a book might make you think of something interesting or strange when (7)       it.
●You (8)       change locations every day. 
Pre-study ●Pre-study tests are the best way because they can help you remember new information (9)       .
●Students who had a pre-study test remember the material better than those who teachers (10)       to read the information . 
9.成长过程中, 压力无处不在(父母的期待, 同伴的竞争, 频繁的考试, 重大的比赛, 全新的挑战……).对你而言, 哪件事情曾让你很有压力?你是如何应对这个压力的?就此话题, 请你结合自身经历, 分享你应对压力的经验和感悟.
要点提示: *What made you stressed?
• When did it happen?
• How did you deal with the stress?
• What have you learned from the experience?
1. 词数:100 词左右;
2. 短文首句仅供选择使用, 不计入总词数;
3. 文中不得出现真实的校名和姓名.
短文首句:In my life there was one thing that made me very stressed.
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