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1.—Why did you get up so early today, dear?
—I got up early _______ the heavy traffic on the road.
  • A. avoid meeting
  • B. to avoid meeting
  • C. avoid to meet
2.— I want to know why Mr. Chen divided us _______ six groups.
— _______ doubt, he wants to find out if the group teaching is better.
  • A. into;In
  • B. from;Without
  • C. into;Without
3.Mr. White _______ over the years at all. He still looks exactly the same.
  • A. has changed
  • B. hasn't changed
  • C. didn't change
4.I find _______ not good that he doesn't wear a mask even if he catches a cold.
  • A. it
  • B. that
  • C. this
5.Ms. Zhang is popular with everyone. She _______ for her kindness and patience.
  • A. looks up
  • B. is looked up
  • C. is looked up to
6.— Can you tell me where cotton _______ in China?
— Well, people in the north of China _______ a lot of cotton.
  • A. grows;are grown
  • B. is grown;are grown
  • C. is grown;grow
7.— What do you think of this book?
— It's great. I'll buy it _______ how much it costs.
  • A. even though
  • B. ever since
  • C. no matter
8.—Was table tennis invented by the Chinese?
—No. It _______ in China until the start of the 20th century.
  • A. wasn't played
  • B. was played
  • C. didn't play
9.—Ted has completed all his subjects in the university by himself.
—_______ excellent boy!
  • A. What a
  • B. What an
  • C. How
10.—Can you tell me _______?
—I used to be quiet and shy, but now I am very active.
  • A. what you used to be like
  • B. what did you use to be like
  • C. what you used to like
11.  It was Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Klein came into the classroom when the bell rang. After saying hello to the students, she told them to (1)       a picture of something to show their thanks. She knew that most of the class would draw pictures of turkeys or Thanksgiving (2)       with lots of food.
  What made Mrs. Klein surprised was Douglas's picture. Douglas was such a (3)       boy that he always stayed away from the others. Douglas's drawing was (4)       this:a hand. But whose hand?The class became (5)       his picture. "I think it's the hand of a (6)      ," said Frank, "because he or she raises the turkeys."
  "It looks more like a policeman's hand, and it (7)       us, I think." said Lavini.
  Mrs. Klein was very happy to see that the class showed so much interest in Douglas's picture. When the others were at work on another project, she walked over to him and asked whose hand it was. Douglas answered in a very low voice, "It's (8)      , Teacher."
  Then Mrs. Klein remembered that she had taken Douglas by the hand from time to time. She often did that with the children. But that had so much (9)      to Douglas.
  Perhaps, she thought, this was her Thanksgiving, and everybody's Thanksgiving — not the things we receive, but the small (10)       to give something to others.
12.  Inventions usually make a big difference to people's lives. Do you have any inventions at home?Do they help you a lot?Here is one of the most useful inventions in families.
The Mopping Robot
People who may need itIt is popular with people who are too busy to do housework. It is more popular with office women. What it can doClean dust (灰尘) and hair easily. What people can getWith the help of it, people don't need to spend much time on housework. They can enjoy a more relaxing life after work.
13.  The following gives us a general introduction to some articles in the magazine Reader's Digest. Read it and find out what interests you most.
Cover StoryYour Amazing Body
What do fingerprints say about your health risks?Why do you have a runny nose when you catch a cold?Science has many of the answers — but not all. 
Drama in Real Life
My Friend
The Timber Wolf
Deep in the Alaskan forest, the writer comes upon an injured wolf mother and her hungry little babies. .. 
Fascinating Facts
Great Ocean Secrets
Scientists are still searching for the truth about many creatures and features (特征) of the deep ocean. 
HumorReally Practical Jokes
Some jokes just make you laugh, but some punch lines (妙语) can make you stop laughing and actually think. 
14.  This was an unusual graduation ceremony (毕业典礼) in Jiangsu Province. As the "students" were moving across the stage to receive their diplomas (毕业证), the sound of motors could be clearly heard.
  Ye Meilan, the headmaster of Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, smiled as she "greeted" the graduates.
  However, the "students" were two human — like robots with screens. The real students can communicate with the headmaster through the video.
  This amazing ceremony was held at the university on May 22, with more than 1, 500 students receiving their diplomas. A small number of students were chosen by the university to attend the graduation ceremony in person, while a large number of graduates and their parents could only watch the ceremony at home because of COVID-19.
  The two robots used in the ceremony were made by students from the university's robot club. The club members spent nearly three weeks turning the robots into human — like forms taking the place of the real graduates.
  "It was really memorable to attend my graduation ceremony this way, " one of the graduates told Pear Video, a popular app, "I will remember it forever."
  One Internet user wrote that watching the ceremony seemed kind of strange, "Like something from a scary movie." However, he added, "The university is great because it wanted to let every student experience their own graduation ceremony."
15.  There's a new sight in the sky these days — the newly — discovered Comet (彗星) NEOWISE is flying past the sun. This is the first time since the 1990s when people have had a chance to see a comet with their bare eyes (裸眼).
  A comet is basically a ball of dirty ice that moves around the sun. As a comet comes close to the sun, the sun melts (融化) some of the ice, which makes a tail behind the comet as it flies through space. Most comets move around the sun in a circle. Comets spend most of their time moving slowly, far away from the sun. As they pass the sun, they speed up.
  The size and shape of a comet's moving way can influence how long it takes to finish its one circle. Halley's Comet is a famous comet coming around once every 75 —76 years. But the last time Comet NEOWISE was here near the sun was about 6, 800 years ago. Because of the long time it takes to finish its one circle, NEOWISE was only just discovered some months ago. It was seen in March with a special space telescope run by NASA.
  The name of the telescope system that first saw the comet is NEOWISE, so that's how the comet got its name. NEOWISE is easy to see now because it is close to the sun. At its farthest, NEOWISE will be 630 times farther away from the sun than the earth is.
  Even at its closest — which was on July 23 — the comet was still as far away from the earth as Mars was. But it was still bright enough to see, even without a telescope.
16.  To many people, art is a human expression of creativity. But in recent years, you may have read news about AI creating its own art, such as painting or writing poems. (1)      .
  However, this worry seems to be unnecessary, at least for now. Many artists today are turning AI into a useful tool. Instead of replacing artists, AI is bringing artists more possibilities.
  A piece of music created by AI caught people's attention. AI was used to turn the novel coronavirus into a piece of music according to its protein structure (蛋白质结构).
  Besides creating imaginative works, (2)      . For example, in the comic and animation industries, there are now AI tools that can automatically (自动地) color in black-and-white line drawings. "The results require artists to do a clean-up. (3)      . It did it by cutting down the time it takes to color each drawing." said a famous animator.
  As Peter Ward wrote for The Culture Trip, art of every kind has always been influenced by technological development. AI can become a useful tool to bring change to the art world if people don't fear it and try to welcome it.
  What else can AI do?
  AI can learn different music styles and create music.
  AI makes web design faster by creating starting points and giving suggestions.
  (4)      . For example, it can learn a style of painting, and then recreate paintings in the same style.
A. AI can also do some easy work for artists again and again.
B. AI can also learn different styles of paintings.
C. Some people worry that AI might replace artists someday.
D. AI can help collect information and facts for news writing.
E. However, it could give the artists time to test other things. 
17.  It's reported that the main structure (结构) of the National Speed Skating Oval (国家速滑馆) has been successfully completed. The National Speed Skating Oval will host speed skating competitions during the Beijing 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.
  "The skating hall of the National Speed Skating Oval has an ice surface of about 12,000 square meters, making it the largest speed skating stadium (体育场) in Asia," introduced Wu Xiaonan, chairman of Beijing's National Speed Skating Oval.
  The National Speed Skating Oval has the newest technology including energy-saving and low-carbon emission (低碳排放) technologies. It is the first time in the Olympics' history that carbon dioxide direct cooling technology has been used to cut down on carbon emissions. It makes the National Speed Skating Oval green and environmentally friendly.
  By using AI in the ice-making system and indoor environment control, the National Speed Skating Oval will be able to exactly control the temperature and thickness of the ice. It's expected that players will be provided with great skating conditions. At the same time, the temperature of the seating area will be kept around 16℃, making the watching experience comfortable.
  Further building of the National Speed Skating Oval will soon be over to meet the needs for test events. The National Speed Skating Oval will become a landmark in Beijing, just like the Bird's Nest and the Water Cube.
18.  Let me take you on a journey to an amazing land whose culture had not changed for centuries. Most of the people had small farms. (1)But there was no electricity or no schools, and cars could seldom be seen. According to other countries, the people were quite poor but they lived in peace and felt happy with their style of life.
  Then as the tourists came, everything changed. The tourists could not live in poor conditions so the first hotels were built in Purura, the capital. The hotels were followed by bars and shops. (2)Power stations (发电站) also appeared because people required electricity to run touring facilities (设施). The government built roads for trucks to carry things. Some local people had good ideas and became quite rich. (3)政府需要教育人们这些改变, 所以学校被建了.
  The families who still work on the farms have been left behind. Sometimes the tourists see these local people in their strange costumes and take photos of them. (4)A number of farmers no more feel proud of their culture and start moving to the capital to find work. But there isn't enough work or housing for everyone in the capital, so homeless people are everywhere on the streets. There have been a lot of changes and you can't turn the clock back.
  (5)那儿的土地仍然保持原样.However, has there been any progress?
19.A: Mom, what's this?I have never seen it before.
B: It's an Airfryer (空气炸锅). It arrived just hours ago.
A: (1)      ?
B: It is used for making chicken and chips.
A: (2)      ?
B: It uses air to make food instead of oil.
A: Sounds interesting. Have you already used it?
B: (3)      . I just used it to make the potato chips.
A: (4)      ?
B: It took about half an hour to make the potato chips. Come and taste them.
A: Wow, (5)      . I love the chips.
B: The food made by the Airfryer is good for our health. It is a great invention.
20.假如你叫李华, 最近你的美国笔友Jimmy写信想了解你家乡长沙最著名的传统艺术之一的铜官窑 (Tongguan Clay Art), 请你从铜官窑的历史 (1000多年)、材质、外形、制作过程和象征来给Jimmy回信.
1. 语句通顺、语法正确、句式多样;
2. 100词左右.
Dear Jimmy,
Li Hua.
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