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Art Class
This design and art course (课程) starts in early February and ends in late April. In this course you will learn to draw pictures of persons.
When: From 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm every Wednesday
Where: Room 415, People CC
Who: Children from 7 to 12 years old
Cost: $180 for the whole course
Please call Moon at 6978899 for more information.
A Day Trip Hydroponies Farm
Visit Healtheliff Hydroponics Farm. Learn how vegetables grow without soil (土壤). You can buy vegetables at bargain prices too. I'm sure you can pay less for what you want. The one-day trip is on February 8th, from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Cost:$20Please call Hoon at 6297998 for more information. 
2.  Zhou Yan, a Junior 3 student, wishes he never got a mobile phone. Last week, he went to see a doctor because his arms and fingers were in pain. The doctor told him that he had a "mobile phone disease (疾病)". A growing number of teenagers are getting a "mobile phone disease" because most of them are using mobile phones.
  Zhou got his mobile phone five months ago. He sent messages to his friends with it all the time.
  Zhou started to do badly in the exams because he spent much time playing with his mobile phone. His mother got very angry with him. He didn't stop playing with the mobile phone until his arms and fingers got painful.
  Yang Ling, a doctor, says that if someone, like Zhou Yan, uses the mobile phone too much, he might get a "mobile phone disease". If teenagers find their arms or fingers painful, they should go to see a doctor as soon as possible. Yang Ling said students should try to use their mobile phones less, especially at school.
3.  The high school years are a key period. The things we learn during this time really shape our lives.
  Liu Changming , principal of Beijing No. 4 High School made 18 suggestions for students just starting high school on how to get the best out of high school. Here are ten of them.
1)Read 50 books. But choose them from ten different fields.
2)Help a person. Look for a classmate, an elderly person, in fact anyone who could benefit (获益) from your help. You'll find you benefit too!
3)Research. Research a particular area, such as science, history or art.
4)Make a foreign friend. Try to befriend someone from a foreign country. It's an ideal way to learn about a foreign country.
5)Publish (出版) an article. Whether it appears in a newspaper, your school magazine or in your own blog, an article will be something to look back on in pride in later years.
6)Take up a new sport. Choose one you've never played before. If you find you like it, you'll have a hobby for life.
7)Join a club. Working hard in a club or other activities will give you a life outside of your studies.
8)Find a part﹣time job. Try and do the job for at least a month.
9)Find a person to learn from. Choose someone with unusual experience or special talent. Try to learn all you can from him or her.
10)Learn to cook four Chinese dishes. Learning how to cook is not only a practical skill but a way of building a bridge to other people.
4.  Don't talk with strangers. This is what my mother told me when I was a child.
  That day my mother and I were at a supermarket. A man went up to me while my mother was busy (1)      the shoes that could match her dress. When my mother saw me speaking to a stranger, she shouted at me and (2)      me at once.
  In the following days she spent a lot of time telling me never to talk to a (3)      , never to get into a stranger, and not to (4)      anything a stranger told me.
  My mother's words impressed me so much. When she then introduced me to her friends, to my (5)      , I even couldn't say a word to these "strangers".
  I think there's no harm in telling this to a child who's naturally (6)      , but for a child who is already shy for me, I think this is bad.
  A good parent should try to (7)      a naturally shy child to be more outgoing, and never make the situation worse by putting fear into his or her mind.
5.  In the last few months, many people have moved us to tears. Among them are famous (1)      experts like Zhong Nanshan, great artists like Han Hong and tens of thousands of anonymous (不知名) (2)      . They have all tried their best to fight against COVID-19. Today's hero is one of them, and his name is Zhang Dingyu. Today he is the deputy (副职) director of Hubei Provincial Health Commission.
  Not familiar with him?Keep reading. Zhang is a superman for many patients in Wuhan...
  (3)      in Wuhan in 1963, Zhang was ever the head of Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital. Graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, this 57-year-old man is proud of being a doctor and always does his (4)      . He joined the medical team to help save lives in the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. In 2011, he worked in a hospital in Pakistan to help local patients. And after COVID-19 hit Wuhan, he worked day and night for weeks on end. It was quite (5)      for him to sleep only two hours a day!And there is one thing you might not know:he is an ALS (肌萎缩性脊髓侧索硬化症) patient. However the (6)       never stops him from working. Under the careful guidance of him, Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital has done a great job in their fight against COVID-19.
  Zhang does things fast. He says, "My life is counting (7)       I have to run, racing against time to complete important missions (使命)... "
  Zhang's story has touched lots of people. (8)      , a remedy (解决办法) for his illness can soon be found. So he won't have to race against death himself.
6.根据短文内容, 从短文后A — E选项中选出适当的选项补全短文
  Gloria is a famous hostess of a TV station. When she was 15, she happened to walk into a bookstore in her hometown and began looking at the books on the shelves. The man behind the counter, John Smith, asked if she'd like a job. She needed to start saving for college, so she said yes.
  Gloria worked after school and during summer vacations, and the job helped pay for her first year of college. During college she would do many other jobs:she served coffee in the student union (学生会), was a hotel cleaner and even made maps for the Forest Service. (1)      .
  One day a woman came into the bookstore and asked Gloria for books on cancer. The woman seemed anxious. Gloria showed her practically everything they had and found other books they could order. The woman left the store less worried, (2)      .
  Years later, as a television hostess, Gloria heard about a child who was born with problems with his fingers and hand. His family could not afford an operation, and the boy lived in shame, hiding his hand in his pocket all the time.
  (3)      . After the story was broadcast, some doctors called, offering to perform the operation for free.
  Gloria visited the boy in the hospital after the operation. The first thing he did was to hold up his repaired hand and say, "Thank you." (4)      . At Smith's bookstore, Gloria always realized she was working for the customers, not the store. (5)      . The TV station pays her, but she feels that she should work for the people who watch the programs, helping them understand the world better.
A.Gloria persuaded (说服) her boss to agree to let her do the story.
B.What a sweet sense of satisfaction Gloria felt!
C. and Gloria has always remembered the pride she felt in having helped her customer. (顾客).
D.Today it's the same.
E.But selling books was one of the most satisfying jobs.
7.The thief       (偷) my wallet and mobile phone. I was so sad.
8.I'll do more exercises to a      making mistakes in grammar.
9.It's a good       /tʃɑːns/ for you to practice your spoken English.
10.It's a good       /tʃɑːns/ for you to practice your spoken English.
11.The       /klɜːks/ in the bank are very friendly.
12.He is so busy that he hardly has       /'praɪvət/ time.
13.Whitcom Judson invented the zipper, he was a great i      .
14.The number of the cars in China       (增加) in recent years.
15.The p        of basketball has risen around the world and it was played by over 100 million people in more than 200 countries.
16.When the t       lights turn red, you can't go across the road.
17.These flowers shouldn't be      (浇水) often. They'll die.
18.Happy Harvest Day
  People from many countries around the world celebrate harvest festival. Many harvest festivals are in the autumn. Some Asian countries celebrate the Mid-autumn Festival. It is on the (1)      (eight) month of the Chinese lunar calendar. It is at the time when rice is harvested. At that time, (2)      moon is very bright. Family gather together. They share a big meal and (3)      the moon.
  (4)      (America) celebrate Thanksgiving in November. But Canadians celebrate it in October.
  Both Canadians and Americans enjoy turkey (5)      Thanksgiving Day.(6)      (they) families have big meals. They eat and talk together.
  In Britain the harvest is (7)      (celebrate) in September. The harvest festival is a time (8)      (give) thanks for a good harvest. After the farmers finish the harvest, they enjoy a big meal at home with their families. Then they play games to celebrate end of the harvest.
  People also decorate churches with baskets of fruit and food. Later the church give these to poor people.
  Not all harvest festivals are in autumn. The Chanthaburi Fruit Fair is in Thailand. It happens during the summer fruit harvest. People can taste Thailand's most popular fruits. People can watch (9)      (tradition) Thai music and (10)      (dance). There is also a parade with floats made from thousands of tropical fruits and vegetables.
19.  With the development of the social media tools, taking selfies (自拍照) has become more and more popular. No matter who you are and where you are, as long as you have a smart phone, you can take selfies and then post your selfies online. But why do people feel the need to take them? And are they doing us more harm than good?
  According to Dr Pamela Rutledge, psychologist (心理学家) and director of the Media Psychology Research Center in the US, posting a selfie online shows a biological need for self-validation (自我验证).
  Receiving positive feedback (反馈)on a selfie you have posted online can be the same as being complimented (称赞) on your appearance in the street.
  The act of taking a selfie also outs you in a position of power. You are creating your own work of art. It helps people feel in control of their self﹣image and can be a powerful tool.
  But can it go too far?
  Psychologists warn that too much time spent on selfies can affect people's confidence, especially in teenagers. If you are spending a lot of time choosing the perfect clothes or finding the right angle (角度), then there could be a problem.
  Meanwhile, posting selfies online can harm your personal relationships. UK studies found that many people find it hard to understand people who are often posting selfies online.
  So next time you take a quick selfie with your smart phone, it may be better to drop it straight back into your pocket.
Opinions on taking and (1)      selfies online 
(2)      Feedback 1. You will feel pleased after you receive nice words about the selfies. you post online.
2. The act of taking a selfie can make you (3)      Your own work of art.
3. Taking selfies is a powerful tool for people to(4)      their self-image. 
NegativeFeedback 1. Spending too much time on selfies can affect people's confidence, especially in teenagers.
2. It is (5)      for your personal relationships when you post selfies online. Maybe it is difficult for some people to understand you. 
20.如今的你已进入初三的学习生活, 回首在龙文走过的两年时光, 你各方面都在慢慢改变.请根据图表提示, 以"How I have changed"为题写一篇短文.

要求:1、词数80﹣100词左右, 开头已给出, 不计入总词数.
3、语句通顺, 语法正确, 可适当发挥.
4、常用表达:used to

How I have changed _________
  How time flies! I have studied in Long Wen Middle School for two years. I have changed a lot in the last two years. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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