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1.  Hi, I am Bob! Nice (1)       you! Here (2)       my classroom. It's small (3)       tidy. A bookcase, a desk, two tables and some (4)      are in it. A computer is on the desk. Over(在……上方) (5)       computer is a clock.
  You can (6)       a big blackboard in the classroom, too. Ms. Wang writes and draws (画) pictures on it. We (7)       draw pictures with our colored pencils. Look, a box of colored pencils and some paper (纸) are on the table!
  Now Ms. Wang can't find (8)       book. I want to help her. (9)      the book?Can you see it?Oh, it's (10)      the table.
2.Hello, I'm Kate, a girl from No. 1 Middle School. I'm in Class 5, Grade 7. I have (有) a (1)      . Her name is Jane. She is in Class 5, (2)      . But her Grade is 8. We live (居住) in one room I'm (3)      , but my sister is not.
One day, it's 7:30 in the (4)      and it's time to go to school. Jane can't (5)      her schoolbag again (又一次).
Jane: Kate, where is my (6)      ?
Kate: Is(7)       on the sofa?
Jane: No, it's not there.
Kate: Your schoolbag is (8)      , right (对吗)?
Jane: No, the yellow one is my friend Betty's. (9)       is blue.
Kate: Oh, I see it!It's under the bed.
Jane: Thanks.
Kate: Let's go now!
Jane: Wait! Where (10)       my keys?
Kate: Again...
3.  My name is Sally. I'm a middle school student, In my school, I have two nice classrooms. The first one is Classroom 7 E. It is big. Walls are green. Desks and chairs are white. Well, you can see a map of China on the wall, and four pictures of students are on the wall, too. A computer and a telephone are on the teacher's desk. It's good to have classes in it
  Look at our "classroom" for art (美术)! It's a yellow and green school bus (公交车). It is welcome!On it, you can see some desks, but there are no chairs. Red desks are for students and that yellow one is for our teacher. This classroom is messy (凌乱的). You can see pictures everywhere on the bus.
  I like the two classrooms very much. Do you like them?
4.  It's 3:00 in the afternoon. The home is quiet (安静的). "(1)      " Grandma says to her four-year-old grandson.
  Grandma comes to Jack's room. (2)      But his model plane is on the bed. Grandma comes to Jack's parents' room. Jack likes to play with his father's tape player. (3)      
  Grandma comes to her room and Jack isn't there.
  Grandma looks for (寻找) Jack everywhere, but she can't find him. (4)      
  Grandma gets the phone and calls Jack's parents.
  "What's that?" Grandma sees a brown thing under the sofa. (5)      It is sleeping (睡觉) there. What is next to the dog?It's Jack!Jack is sleeping too.
A. But he is not in their room.
B. Jack, where are you?
C. Oh, it's Jack's dog.
D. He goes to the school with his dog
E. Grandma is very happy.
F. Grandma thinks Jack is lost and she is worried (担心的),
G. He is not on his bed 

5.妈妈, 我的棒球在哪里?
Mom, where is my       ?
6.快点, 迈克!我们迟到了!
      , Mike! We are late!
I see        keys under the sofa.
8.打扰一下, 这块橡皮是你的吗?
      , is this eraser yours?
9.鲍勃, 你的笔记本在书架里.
Bob, your notebook is       .
10.ask , be, box, he, girl, Jack, key, one, some, that
  Hello, boys and girls. My name is Anna Green. Anna is my (1)      name. Green is my last name. I am 10 and I am a tidy (2)      . This is my bag. It is on the desk. These (3)      my tapes. They are in the bookcase. I have a brother. (4)      name is David. He is 13. David is nice, but he is not tidy. He always (5)      me for help.
  One day, David and I are at the door (在家门前). I have a ruler, two pens and (6)      books in my hands (手). David has a map, two (7)      and a bag in his hands. He asks me, "Where are my (8)      ?" "Are they in your bag?" "No, " he says. "What are (9)      in the blue box?" "Hmm... keys. But they are not mine. They are my friend (10)      !"
 Can you see the schoolbag in the picture?It is blue and brown. Do you know what's in it?Well, some books, a pencil box, an English﹣English dictionary and a blue jacket are in it. In the pencil box are three pens, two pencils, two erasers and a ruler. This schoolbag is from (来自)Paul. 
The schoolbag in the first picture is for Bob. Here is a photo of him. Bob is seven. He wants to go to school, but his family is poor. Paul wants to help Bob.  

Do you want to help Bob, too? Please call me (Mrs. Miller)! My telephone number is 792~9303.
12.A: Hey, Jenny. (1)      ?
B: It's a clock.
A: A clock?(2)      ?
B: It doesn't have numbers. Can you see 12 wrinkles (褶皱) on it?
A: (3)      .
B: Well, they stand for (代表) 12 numbers.
A: I see. (4)      ?
B: No, it isn't. It is Li Dan's.
A: (5)      ?
B: She's my friend. She's from China.
13.假如你是Jenny, 你的书包丢了.请根据下面的信息写一则寻物启事.40词左右.
 丢失物品: 书包
颜色: 红色
装有: 三支铅笔、一把尺子和两个笔记本
丢失地点: 802教室
电话号码: 472~6987 

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