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1.  There is a man (1)      Rubik who invented a special cube. He called it Magic Cube (魔方). It has become one of (2)      puzzle games (益智游戏) all over the world.
  Rubik was born in Hungary (匈牙利) (3)      World War Ⅱ. Rubik's family was very interesting. His mother was a poet. She was a free thinker who put her thoughts of life to paper. His father was an aircraft engineer. When Rubik was a child, his thoughts had to be very special and exact. Rubik was (4)      by his parents. He loved sculpture (雕刻), and went to college to study art and sculpture. After (5)      , he wasn't (6)      . He went back to college and studied architecture(建筑学).
  Rubik (7)      his famous cube in 1974. It was not his plan to create a new toy. He was only (8)      in how to design things himself. Rubik said, "It was wonderful to see how the colors became mixed after only a few turns. After a while, I thought it was time (9)      back, so I want to put the colors back in (10)      . And it was at that moment that I faced the big challenge: What was the way home?" Thus (因此), the first Magic Cube was invented.
2.  Teenagers usually experience changes at all levels-physical and emotional (情感的). Some may feel uncomfortable when in new situations, such as talking to strangers. But with a small talk, you may easily fit into the new environment.
  A small talk is a light conversation for social occasions (场合). Although it usually doesn't have much detail, it is the starting point for friendships.
  Children can use a small talk to start a conversation in many different ways.
  Asking open questions is one of the most useful ways. For example, you are at someone's birthday party, but you know few people. How do you break the ice? You can start a conversation with "This is a great party. How do you know the host?" This way is also helpful in many other situations, such as school clubs or picnics.
  Sometimes, simply an introduction works, especially to help find common ground with others. For example, when going into a new environment, you can introduce yourself by saying "I am in Class 2. My math teacher is Mr. Black. " The other person may say, "Oh, really?He is also my math teacher. He is very strict …" See? A good conversation begins.
  The third way is to find your strong point and show it to others. This is useful when you want to join a group. For example, you see boys playing soccer on the school playground. Just say, " Do you need more players?I am a very good goalkeeper."
  So next time, don't be nervous when meeting strangers. Just try a small talk. A stranger may become your next friend.
判断正误(根据短文内容, 正确的选A, 错误的选B)
3.  Mother's Day is considered as the special time for people to say "Thank you" to moms, maybe with nice gifts. In most countries, people celebrate Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May every year. Have you ever prepared anything special for your mother to express your gratitude towards her on that day?
  Not long after knowing about Mother's Day, some artists in China expressed their love to their mothers through brushes to celebrate the day. Let's take a look at some art works (作品) about mothers.
  Watercolor painter Cheng Wenzheng remembered that when he was little, he always woke up at night, seeing his mother doing needlework (针线活) by the weak light of an oil lamp. A day in 2007, when he saw the scene again, Cheng picked up his brush and created this painting. When his mother saw it, she was very happy, saying "That's me" like a child. This may be the best expression of love to his mother for Cheng.
  A painter, Zhang, made a picture of her mother at a not-so-beautiful moment. When Zhang's mother was sick in 2005, Zhang stayed with her every day. One day when her mother fell asleep while having an intravenous drip (输液), Zhang, realizing that her mother might leave the world anytime, drew her mother's image on the canvas (帆布).
  So, your DIY works, with deep love and best wishes, may be the best gifts for your mother, although they are probably far away from perfect.
4.  Riding a mobike in the street, you might hear people speaking Chinese. Turning to the right, you see a Sichuan-style restaurant. After walking into a store, you see that Huawei smartphones are on sale. But you are not in China. You are in Manchester in Britain. In fact, you might see similar things in many cities. Chinese products have been going global.
  Chinese food has been enjoyed in Western countries for a very long time. To meet local people's tastes, Chinese restaurants make some changes to the dishes. "One example is the meat, "said Yin Hang, who is studying at the University of Wollongong in Australia. "We Chinese like to eat meat with bones in, but people here don't. So Chinese restaurants provide big meat without any bones, even for fish."
  Some Chinese brands are also becoming more popular. In many cities in Europe, stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and many other Chinese products, according to Reuters. More than half of US﹣owned drones (无人驾驶机) are Chinese models, according to China Daily. They are not only in China, but also designed and developed in our country.
  In the past, most Western people thought Chinese products were cheap and unreliable (不可靠的). But now, things changed greatly. "Made in China" becomes cool. More people trust Chinese products. "They are beautiful and offer unique features (独到之处) that local products don't have," an article on CNN once said about Chinese smartphones.
5.  We used to plant trees in spring, but now trees can be planted through mobile phones all year round. "Ant Forest" on Alipay (支付宝) makes it possible to grow virtual (虚拟的) trees and turn them into real ones.You can collect "green energy" to grow the virtual(虚拟的) tree by walking instead of driving, buying tickets online, taking public transport and so on. People are welcome to protect the environment by leading a low-carbon life. But how do they turn the virtual trees into real ones?
  The company has been working with non-governmental organizations, such as SEE (阿拉善SEE生态协会). Alxa, or Alashan in Chinese, is an area at the western part of China. The "Ant Forest" provides money and technical support for local farmers in Alxa to plant trees in the desert.
  Nie Yusheng, a 52-year-old farmer in the Alxa Desert, is now planting trees for "Ant Forest" and SEE. Nie says the project is helping to improve the local environment while providing jobs for the local people. "I plant trees in the grasslands, which used to be a desert. I'm very happy about it." More than a million trees have been planted in the Alxa region because of the project.
  Now 230 million people are planting virtual trees on their mobile phones. Bai Xue works for "Ant Forest", and she says, "We believe everyone wants to protect the environment. We make their wishes come true with modern technology." Within China, the project has so far planted more than 10. 2 million trees. That helps to cut down 1. 22 million ton carbon dioxide emissions.
around beauty color disappear down go 
hold keep luck paint work 

  A boy thought that he was the most unhappy person in the world. In his opinion, he was (1)      because almost everything bad always happened to him. So he wanted to find the secret to happiness. He walked a long way and finally came to a (2)       palace. There, he met the king.
  After learning why the boy had come, the king suggested that he should look around the palace and come back in two hours. "At the same time, I want you (3)      this spoon with milk,"said the king. "As you walk around my palace, carry this spoon without spilling (溢出)the milk."
  The boy (4)      his eyes fixed on the spoon and began to walk around the golden palace. After two hours, he came back to the king. "Well, "asked the king. "Did you see the wonderful (5)      in my dining hall?Did you see the (6)      flowers in the garden?"The boy felt sorry because he saw nothing. He only paid attention to the milk.
  "Then go back and see the beauty of (7)      world", said the king. This time the boy saw all of the (8)       of art on the walls. He saw the great gardens and mountains all around. When he came back, he described everything he saw.
  "But where is the milk?"asked the king. Looking (9)      at the spoon he held, the boy saw the milk was (10)      . "Well, there is only one piece of advice I can give you, "said the king. "The secret to happiness is to see all the beauty of the world and also keep an eye on the milk on the spoon."
7.We study by      (watch)English-language videos.
8."Help       (you) to the fish. " Mr Smith said to the boys.
9.Richard is a       ( Europe ) boy. He is very friendly to everyone.
10.When did people start the tradition of       (share)mooncakes with their families?
11.The coats over there are those       . (Italy)
12.John asked if I       (can) look after his pet dog.
13.I want to know where       (buy) some medicine.
14.The number of the league members in our school       (be) four hundred.
15.English        (speak) in the world widely.
16.The Spring Festival is one of the most important       (tradition) festivals in China.
17.发明改变世界. 不少青少年都梦想成为发明家, 他们怎样做才能实现梦想呢?
请根据下面的提示, 以"How to become an inventor?"为题, 用英语写一篇短文(80词左右), 谈谈你的观点.
提示:1. Learn a lot.
2. Have an interest.
3. Be creative.
4. Never give up.
How to become an inventor?
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