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1.  Mrs. Black is in the supermarket. She is (1)      some gifts for the Browns. The Browns moved into a new house. Yesterday Mrs. Black got their housewarming invitation, and she (2)      it.
  Mrs. Black first gets some candles. She hopes the Browns' new house will (3)      be filled with light. Different shapes of candles are (4)      here. She puts some heart-shaped ones into her basket. Then Mrs. Black takes broom (扫帚). (5)      the gift, the Browns will always have healthy and happy life, (6)      it can sweep (扫) both dirt and bad luck away. Next, Mrs. Black takes bottle of (7)      . She wants the Browns' life to be as sweet as it.
  Finally, Mrs. Black decides to (8)      some bread after she gets home. The delicious gift will be great, because it has good (9)      , too. The people living in the new (10)      will never go hungry.
  Mrs. Black believes that the Browns will love her gifts.
2.  Are you looking for quick, simple and delicious dinner?Spaghetti (意大利面) and rice are always (1)      , and many people like to eat them. Now let's learn (2)       to make them.
  How to make spaghetti?First, cook the spaghetti in hot water for 20 minutes. After that, you can start to make the sauce (调味汁). (3)       an onion. Pour little oil (油) into pepper, beef and other things. Next, add gravy and some (4)      , and cook them for few minutes. Then put the spaghetti (5)       a plate. Finally, pour the sauce over the top and (6)       them together. Now, you can start to eat.
  How to cook (7)       with a rice pot?Put water and rice in the pot and close the cover. Turn on the rice pot and it will start to cook the rice. It (8)       takes about30 minutes, so you can cook vegetables and meat during this time. You will (9)       a special sound when the rice is ready. (10)       you should wait about five minutes before you open the cover. It will make the rice more delicious.
3.  I'm Jenny, I'm a movie lover and I want my kids to like movies, too. The first time I took my daughter, May, to the movie theater, she was 6 and the movie was Bambi, I chose it because I thought a cartoon movie would be good for her.
  Everything was going just fine and Bambi was so lovely. However, when man killed Bambi's mother, my daughter became very sad and asked to go home. So we left in the middle of the movie. Later I chose movies more carefully and my daughter watched many great ones. Luckily, she likes movies as much as I do now.
  My worry is:Are cartoons really safe (安全的) for kids?
  Once I sat on the sofa to watch a cartoon with my 8-year-old son, Nick. I got dumbfounded when I saw a cartoon character was bleeding (流血) in front of us. The cartoon was like an action movie for adults (成人)!
  The next time you take a kid to the movie theater, be careful. Maybe a cartoon isn't the best. You should take the time to watch it first (It's a habit with me. ). Or the kid may get messages he or she isn't ready to get yet.
4.  There are many different places to eat in Switzerland. There are some fast-food restaurants, self-service restaurants and family restaurants. There are also some nice and expensive restaurants. Choosing where to eat is an "experience".
  Food is more expensive in Switzerland than that in most of other countries in Europe. It is much more expensive than in the USA. In Switzerland if you go to fast﹣food restaurant, you may easily spend up to 10 CHF (瑞士法郎) for hamburger, a soft drink and cup of coffee. In a family restaurant, a meal usually costs you between 15 CHF and 50 CHF. Self﹣service restaurants are less expensive. At a nice restaurant, one person can pay as much as 1, 000 CHF just for a bottle of wine.
  In Switzerland a usual dinner always has all kinds of noodles, vegetables, meat, fish and seafood. Potatoes are used in many different ways. Vegetarian meals (素食饭菜) are also popular now. This means that salads are very popular. The most important part of dinner is the dessert. Cheese, cakes and cookies are the most popular desserts.
Problems   Solutions 
(1)      Some people always smoke in public places.
(2)      The No. 16 bus is always late.
(3)      Some people always drop litter everywhere in our neighborhood.
(4)      Some students talk loudly in the library.
(5)      My parents want me to stay at home and study all day, even on weekends. 
 A. Tell them that you need to relax after studying for a long time or ask your teacher for help.
B. Tell them politely to keep quiet.
C. Put up posters to ask them not to litter. If someone is found dropping litter, punish him badly.
D. We could say politely, "Excuse me, could you please put out your cigarette?
E. Call the bus company and ask for the better service. 
6.  Hi, boys and girls!My name is Jim. I am a (1)       (report) of our school newspaper. There was a great talent show in our school hall. Many teachers and students went to watch it. There were fifteen (2)       (act). I thought Linda was the best act. She is a pretty good piano player. (3)       is the best one of the music club. She played some beautiful music. The nice music made me (4)       comfortable and I lost myself in it. Steve and his dog were (5)       (fun). They sang a cute song together, When they sang, I couldn't (6)       laughing. Vera was (7)       (creative) act for sure. She played the guitar upside down. But I thought Dennis was the (8)      . He was terrible and kept dropping the balls (9)       he played carefully!The best performers were the math teachers. They (10)       a nice song. They sang pretty well, and they were really the loudest, too. Everyone had a good time there.
7.  On New Year's Day, my family decided to climb Mount Song. We hoped it could bring good luck to us for the whole year. It was cloudy in the morning. My grandparents, my parents and I had some dumplings for breakfast and then drove to Mount Song. At nine, we arrived at the foot of Mount Song and began to climb the mountain. It was cold, but we were all excited at first. We chose a road that visitors seldom took because we thought it would be fun. After two hours we found that the road conditions (路况) were getting worse. At half past twelve, we got to the top of the mountain. But it began to snow!All of us were cold and hungry. Soon we got to a small restaurant. It only sold instant noodles (方便面). One bowl of noodles was ten yuan and we had to pay for the hot water!Each of us had a bowl of noodles and gained some strength. There were no cable cars, so we had to walk down the mountain. Four hours later, we finally got to the foot of the mountain. What an unusual day!
8.假如你们镇上有三家较大的饭店, 请根据表格内容, 写一篇80词左右的英语短文, 对它们进行介绍, 并给出自己的观点.
Name Food Price Service 
Juyou Restaurant nicest expensive good 
Park Restaurant bad cheap not good 
Manyi Restaurant nice cheapest best 
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