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A blockbuster with warmthIf you're a movie fan, why not come and enjoy the hot movie﹣Hi, Mom.
•Date:June 25﹣28
•Time: 9:30, 14:30, 19:30
•Place:Guang Ming Cinema
•Price: Adult: ¥ 50.
Teens with school ID card: half price.
For more information: Tel: 0971-8666666
Viewing the Louvre on line
Visiting Louvre without booking a trip to France can be an amazing experience.
•480, 000 works of art are available to look through.
•Date:June 26 — July 2
•Free viewing via computers and smartphones. Scan the QR code for logging in
Food Festival is on the way
Come and taste hundreds of nice Qinghai local food for foodies all over the world.
•Date: June 25 — July 24
•Time: 2:00 — 24:00
•Place: Tang Dao 637, Xi'ningCool light show from 9:00 to 10:00 every night. Don't miss the chance!For more information, visit www. xnfoodfestival. com.

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2.  When we first moved here, we didn't have a garden. Mike and I talked about making a large vegetable garden somewhere in our yard, but we couldn't agree on where. Before we went ahead and dug up the grass, we spent some time thinking about where it would work best. At last, we chose an old sandbox in our front yard to become our garden.
  We dreamed about a lively garden with lots of vegetables. We asked many people what we should do to turn this sandbox into a space, then plants can grow in it. And they gave us lots of ideas. My sister was the most knowledgeable, so we listened mostly to her. At first, Mike made a wood fence and I painted it with the kids. We chose a darker color because it would fit our light grey house.
  Next, Mike dug 17 holes. Then we filled them with soil. It was still too cold to plant anything, so for days I just stared out the window at these holes. To me, it looked much too untidy. I advised to fill those holes back and dig new ones. This time we ended up with 10. Much better.
  Over the next few weeks, I worked on getting everything planted in my garden. I started by planting green onion. But I was too excited and planted it too early. Right away it was clear that it wasn't going to survive. I had to give it up and try something else. Then my next door neighbor gave me red roses to put in my garden. A few days later we went to a greenhouse and came back not with green onion but peppers, tomatoes and so on. Clearly the vegetable and flower garden was slowly becoming our dream garden. Oh well!
  I love the way it turned out. This garden will always remind me of my sister.
3.  Duan Jiayang, a 12-year-old student of a primary school in Yinchuan, Ningxia, learns the skills required to take care of vegetable fields.
  "I learned how to place the mulch film (地膜)," he says, "It's not easy."
  In China, many parents place a heavy focus on their children's good results, but vocational (职业的) skills have little been cared.
  "Some parents do everything for their children," says Yan Mei, an official with the primary school, adding that many students are short of the basic skills needed in their daily lives. For example, Yan say, some parents would do the school's general cleaning instead of their children.
  Since March last year, the governments have launched a lot of policies, requiring that colleges, middle schools and primary schools pay more attention to teaching students practical skills.
  Following these policies, the primary school launched an"agricultural(农业的)class base" on one of its schoolyards. Students plant fruit and vegetables on an area of land about 4, 000 m2 in size.
  In the lays coning up to the May Day holiday, students of various grades at the school worked together in the fields, says school principal Yang Bo. They planted watermelon, carrot and corn. May Day, also known as Labor Day, is celebrated on May 1st in China.
  The school hopes that students will understand the food is quite precious so that they will better realize the difficulties that their parents went through.
4.  I can't wait to introduce my idol (偶像) to you. (1)      .
  The positive energy she spreads has made her popular on the Internet.
  (2)      . Firstly, she is patient and always able to find the beauty in everyday life. For example, she once wanted to take a perfect picture of snow. (3)      And she pressed the shutter (快门) of her camera hundreds of times until she got the picture she wanted. Secondly, although Li has been faced with all kinds of challenges (挑战), she has never stopped working hard for a brighter future. What's more, her filial piety has deeply touched me. (4)      . And upon hearing that her grandmother was ill, she hurried back to her hometown in the countryside without any hesitation (犹豫). While she was there, she took good care of her grandmother every day and step by step her grandmother became fit and well again.
  (5)      . After learning about Li's life, I have learned to find the beauty in my daily life and to show filial piety to my parents and grandparents. I hope you can also learn a lot from Li and your own idol.

A. I admire Li for many of her good qualities.
B. She started cooking with her grandmother at a very young age.
C. An idol plays an important role in our lives.
D. She spent nearly eight hours in the heavy snow.
E. She is Li Ziqi, a popular short video creator. 
5.  Now, the smart mobile phones are getting more and more popular not only with the young but also with the old. The phones are now very useful (1)       you can download all kinds of new apps. With these apps, you (2)       play games, watch movies, chat with friends and so on. For example, many people like using WeChat to communicate (3)       others. They even send WeChat Lucky Money to their friends.
  In fact, it is really difficult for people to (4)       apps. They need lots of knowledge that you don't know. But some middle school students are inventing their own apps. (5)      an app competition for middle school students was held in Shanghai, China. A group of middle school students from around China (6)       their inventions at the competition.
  Zhang Shaolin, a student from WFLMS, has invented an app (应用程序)called (7)      Helper. His app is very useful. It tells people when and (8)       to do exercise every day. It can tell you to exercise on time when the mobile phone rings. Zhang Jichen is a student in Grade Nine from Beijing. The air in Beijing is often (9)      , so he invented an app that can calculate (计算) PM 2. 5. In this way, he can know whether the (10)       is bad or not by his mobile phone before he goes out, and he is able to choose the right clothes (11)      the app.
  "It is not easy to make an app. You have to be really (12)       and patient. Sometimes, you have to (13)      again and again. But I enjoy doing it," said Zhang Yuqi, (14)       student from WFLMS. Many interesting apps have (15)       a deep impression (印象) on the engineers at the competition. What kind of app do you want to make?You may try to make one, too!

  Jane Goodall is a well-known British zoologist (动物学家). She was (1)       in London on April 3, 1934. She loved animals very much, especially chimpanzees (黑猩猩). When she was just over one year old, her father gave her a toy chimpanzee. Jane's friends warned her to stay away from it. They said that such a gift would make her have bad dreams at night, (2)      Jane didn't mind their words. She gave the boy a lovely name—Jubilee. Jane loved it so much that she carried it with her everywhere.
  (3)      a young girl, Jane dreamt of(4)       to Africa to see chimpanzees in the wild someday. She spent some years saving money for a trip to Africa. When she was 23, Jane (5)       had enough money for a visit to a friend in Kenya, an African country.
  Jane fell in love with Africa and decided to stay there. She was (6)      to meet famous British archaeologist (考古学家) Louis Leakey there. What's more, she was (7)       a job studying chimpanzees with him. Jane became his (8)      and then moved to the Gombe Stream National Park in Tanzania. She watched chimpanzees carefully there.
  Jane wrote several articles and books about her (9)      with chimpanzees. She has (10)       much of her later years protecting chimpanzees and their habitats (栖息地).
7.  I used to have many difficulties in learning English, (1)       I tried to overcome them and had made much progress.
  The spelling of words and the meaning of them were (2)       first difficulties I met, but I have found my own ways to deal (3)       them. As for spelling, I never write a new word again and again to remember it, but I try to practice its pronunciation. As for the meaning, I hardly ever recite (背诵) a word's Chinese meaning, but I put it into a sentence to learn its meaning. So, if you use a word quite often, its spelling and meaning won't (4)       difficult. After all, to learn English is to use it.
  Grammar may be another difficulty. But I (5)       also dealt with it. I haven't read lots of grammar books, but I often spend much time reading the articles written by native speakers. By doing so, I have got a good sense of the English language.
8.A:Tom, you're great. You got an A in English last term. (1)      ?
B:I learned English by working with a group.
A:Sounds great. Then how can you get the pronunciation right?
B:(2)      .
A:Well, I will listen to tapes, too. (3)      ?
B:Oh, yes. I take lots of grammar notes.
A:(4)      ?
B:Well, you should find a pen pal to practice writing with.
A:(5)      . I can't understand people who speak too fast.
B:Well, you can try to listen for the most important words, not every word.
A:OK. I'll try. Thanks.
9.在你成长的过程中, 你一定收到过不少礼物, 想必最多的肯定是爸爸或妈妈给你的礼物吧.请以"A present from my father/mother"为题写一篇短文, 记叙一下父母给自己买的最让你钟情的礼物.词数要求100个左右.
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