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1.Jim is a very kind boy. We all like ______.
  • A. me
  • B. him
  • C. her
  • D. you
2.I have dancing classes every Saturday. They start ______ 8 o'clock.
  • A. at
  • B. on
  • C. in
  • D. to
3.We didn't enjoy the day ______ the weather was so bad.
  • A. if
  • B. or
  • C. but
  • D. because
4.—______ do you play tennis?
—Once a week.
  • A. How soon
  • B. How often
  • C. How much
  • D. How many
5.Excuse me, sir, you ______ smoke in the forest. It's dangerous.
  • A. wouldn't
  • B. couldn't
  • C. mustn't
  • D. needn't
6.—Which is ______ season to visit Yuyuantan Park?
—Spring. It's fantastic.
  • A. good
  • B. better
  • C. best
  • D. the best
7.—Mum, my friends and I ______ to the cinema tonight.
—Oh, lovely! I hope you enjoy the film!
  • A. go
  • B. will go
  • C. went
  • D. have gone
8.If it ______ sunny tomorrow, we will have a picnic near the river.
  • A. will be
  • B. be
  • C. is
  • D. was
9.I ______ Sarah since she moved to England.
  • A. won't see
  • B. didn't see
  • C. haven't seen
  • D. wasn't seeing
10.When the telephone rang, I ______ cookies.
  • A. make
  • B. made
  • C. will make
  • D. was making
11.Smoking ______ in public places in China.
  • A. allows
  • B. doesn't allow
  • C. allowed
  • D. isn't allowed
12.— Tom, can you tell me ______ to Lao She Tea House tomorrow?
— By subway.
  • A. how will you go
  • B. how did you go
  • C. how you will go
  • D. how you went
13.Anna's Talent Show
  It was very late, but Anna was still awake. She lay on her bed, thinking about the coming talent show tryouts (选拔赛).
  As the organizer, she had thought the talent show would be exciting, but she had not been prepared for the (1)      . For the past week, many students had been trying to convince (使…信服) her of their talents and hoping to (2)       her decisions about who should be in the show.
  Anna knew who really had talent, but some of them were her friends. If she chose them, some students might doubt whether her decisions were fair.
  "I'll just tell everyone not to talk to me until after the talent show," she thought. "I'll explain that I have to remain neutral (中立的) and make sure the best acts are chosen. And everyone will (3)       me. Won't they?" With that thought she fell asleep. As soon as Anna arrived at school the next morning, Josh rushed up to her.
  "I've been practicing on the guitar," he told her. "You'll love my new song!" Anna smiled weakly. "Thanks, Josh." she said in a quiet voice and (4)       turned away.
  Just then Patti came up and said, "I'm working on a new monologue. You'll love it!" Anna sighed. She believed Patti, but if she included everyone, the whole school would be in the show. Anna asked her closest friend, Margaret, for (5)      . Margaret thought for a few moments. "Maybe you can find teachers to be the judges for the tryouts. But remember to keep their names secret so that students won't (6)       them." "You've saved the day, Margaret. Thanks!" Anna took a deep breath and smiled. "That's the perfect (7)      . Early the next day, Anna visited several teachers. They were all happy to help. Anna then spread the news that anonymous (匿名的) judges would decide the winners of the tryouts. Her worries were gone, and she felt (8)       again.
We need a babysitter to look after our boys aged 5 and 7 after school from 4 p. m. — 6 p. m. , Monday to Friday. £40/week
Call Mary on 678345211 
Munchies Cafe. We're looking for breakfast and lunchtime waiters and waitresses to work in our cafe on Sundays. Call Bella on 612398745 (8 a. m. —4 p. m. ) 
Holiday job. Do you want to make some extra money this summer? Do you speak another language? We need French, Spanish or German speakers to work for us in the City Museum shop from Tuesday to Friday. Send your CV to citymuseum@shopjob. Ikj 
Newspaper round. We need young people to deliver (送) newspapers on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings before school. The paper round takes 30 minutes in the village of Clanbrook. Papers must be delivered before 8 a. m. , and you must have your own bike. Interested? Send your CV to postoffice@clanbrook. com 
15.Unexpected but Good
  What a fine day! Mansor was sure that he would see his birthday present on the dining table. It had been like this for the past 15 years. Whatever happened, his parents would place the present next to his glass of milk on that day. He had given various hints (暗示) about what he really wanted, and even silently put a picture of the mobile phone into his mother's handbag. It was impossible that she didn't get the message.
  To his surprise, there was nothing on the table this time. The family gave morning wishes to each other as usual and talked as if there was nothing special about the day. His mother only reminded him to clear his writing table.
  Mansor quickly ran out of the house as he did not want his parents to see he was sad that they had forgotten his birthday!He would feel better if he joined his friends at the Old People's Home. As he did not want to stay around the house any longer, he got into the first taxi he saw. He was still sad while he was in it.
  He got down from the taxi and realized how fine the weather was. The sun was shining brightly as if to give him joy. The chirping of the birds lightened his heart. He walked with a spring in his steps to Old People's Home. As he looked around, he saw people laughing and enjoying themselves. These old people didn't get much care or attention from their busy children, yet they were happy. Why should he be sad?A mobile phone was not quite a big deal after all.
  Then he decided to go home. After getting home, he started to tidy his table, knowing that his mother expected him to do so. Wait!What's this? An air ticket to Pulau Redang (热浪岛) for a scuba diving course! "The mobile phone is nice, but we prefer that you learn something rather than have the latest mobile phone. Hope you will like our present."
  With tears of excitement, Mansor realized that he should have known that his parents would never forget his birthday.
16.  Sports, drama, and all kinds of organizations keep students busy during high school. Where do they get the money to do these things? Not everyone gets it from parents. Most have to work for at least some of the money to pay for these activities. Some adults question if high school students should have jobs. I say yes, they undoubtedly should.
  Some people worry that teens with after-school jobs will have difficulty finding time for schoolwork. Actually, having a job helps teens make better use of their time. Many jobs take only a couple of hours on weeknights. According to an article, 86 percent of high school students have an after-school, weekend or summer job and students who work between 10 and 20 hours per week during the school year get higher grades than those who do not work at all. Instead of considering working after school a hindrance, it should be looked at as real-world education.
  Other people think that work adds too much stress (压力), which may be somewhat true, but whether having a job or not, there is always stress. Better to learn how to deal with busy schedules (日程表) in a controlled environment like high school than to be out on your own and alone in the future, experiencing stress for the first time. I personally would be worried about the teenager who has to become independent without having any experience of working.
  The biggest reason teens should work is that it is a healthy way of making money. There are many things teens need to pay for and they cannot do it if they don't have a job. Not all parents can pay for these activities. My dad told me, "Having a job is a good way to save up for things you are going to need or want to do. You get a lot more out of things if you pay for them yourself." The sooner kids make money, the sooner they can learn how to use money wisely. If they are not allowed to work in high school, they may have a hard time in the future. Teens should, without a doubt, be allowed to work on school nights.
17.  Researchers have recently discovered how to make families work, more successfully. A surprising idea has appeared:the single most important thing you can do for your family, it seems, is to develop a family story.
  I first heard this idea in the mid-1990s, from Marshall Duke, a professor at Emory University. Duke was studying stories in families when his wife, a children's learning specialist, made a discovery: "The students who know a lot about their families will do better when they face challenges (挑战)," Sara said.
  Interested, Duke set out to test her conclusion. He and Emory workmate Robyn Fivush developed a method called the "Do You Know?" degree that asked children to answer 20 questions such as: Do you know where your grandparents grew up? Do you know where your mum and dad went to high school? Do you know about an illness or something really terrible that happened in your family?
  Duke and Fivush asked those questions to members of four dozen families in 2001. They then compared the children's results with a group of psychological (心理学的) tests the children had taken and reached a conclusion that agreed to Sara's theory. The more children knew about their families' histories, the stronger their sense of control over their lives, the higher their self-respect, and the more successfully they believed their families worked from generation to generation (代代传承).
  "We were really surprised," Duke said. The researchers mentioned the children after the terrible events of September 11, 2001. "Once again," Duke said, "the ones who knew more about their families proved to be stronger."
  Why does knowing where her grandmother went to school help a child overcome something terrible and difficult? Duke said that children who have the most self-confidence have what he calls "a 'strong intergenerational self". They know that they come from something bigger than themselves.
  Duke suggested that parents do the same activities with their children again and again. Any kind of activities work to teach the sense of history:holidays, vacations, big family get-togethers, even a drive to the shop. "These traditions become part of your family," Duke said.
  Years of research have showed that most happy families also communicate successfully, but it's not simply a matter of talking through problems. Talking also means telling a positive (正面的) story about yourselves. When faced with a challenge, happy families, like happy people, just add a new chapter (章) to their life story that helps them overcome the difficulty. This skill is very important for children when they are growing up.
  The bottom lines: if you want a happier family, create, refine and retell the story of your family's best moments and your relations' ability to overcome difficulty. That act alone may prove the fact that your family will thrive (兴旺) for many generations to come.
18.The Super Bowl
  The Super Bowl is the championship game of the National Football League (联盟) in America every year. The champion of the National Football Conference (NFC) competes against the champion of the American Football Conference (AFC) to decide which is the best team in the country. Super Bowl is far more than a sporting event. The mix of America's biggest institutions (体系): sports, TV, food consumption, advertising and entertainment makes the Super Bowl an American cultural phenomenon.
  The Super Bowl is usually held on the last Sunday of January or the first Sunday of February. That day is called Super Bowl Sunday. For years, it has been the most watched one-day sporting event in the US and it gradually has become an unofficial national holiday. The average viewing rate of Super Bowl reached to 44. 9 percent in 2019.
  Super Bowl Sunday sees more parties than any other day during the year. Young people are no exception to the party spirit. They gather to watch the game on TV. The Super Bowl is the third biggest eating day in America — behind Christmas and Thanksgiving. Fans host Super Bowl parties by filling their living rooms with junk food and drinks. Guests may arrive dressed in their team's T-shirt and carrying beer to share.
  Knowing that the Super Bowl has the attention of millions of Americans, companies pay big money for game-time advertising. In 2019, the advertising cost set a record — $5. 3 million for 30 seconds. The Super Bowl has developed to a TV selling season sandwiched between after-Christmas sales and Valentine's Day.
  Another tradition of the Super Bowl is the Halftime Show, which presents at the halftime break between the second and third quarters. The Super Bowl Halftime Show is the most-watched musical event of the year. So it is also called the Americans' Spring Festival Gala. Non-football fans tune (调台) into the Super Bowl for the most famous musicians' performances during halftime. As the top performers, Maroon 5, Travis Scott and Big Boi gave impressive live show for the audience in the Super Bowl Halftime Show 2019. The show represents a link between American football and pop culture and helps broaden the television audience and nationwide interest.
  Americans view the Super Bowl as a National Day of revelry (狂欢). Although people may watch it for different reasons, there is one thing for sure they can find their own pleasure in it.

(1)What is the Super Bowl?
(2)When is the Super Bowl usually held?
(3)How do fans usually host Super Bowl parties?
(4)Why is the Halftime Show called as the —Americans' Spring Festival Gala?
(5)What makes the Super Bowl more than just sport?
我们在生活和学习中总会面临各种问题。假如你是李华。我校校刊《附中人Further》要举行主题为"My Problem"的英语征文活动。请你用英文介绍目前你在生活中或学习中遇到的一个问题,以及你会如何解决这个问题。
提示词语: argue with, parents, friends, fail, ask for advice, improve, work harder
提示问题: What is your problem?
What can you do to solve the problem?
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