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1.We're glad to see that Shenzhou-14 rose into the sky _____ June 5, 2022.
  • A. in
  • B. at
  • C. on
  • D. to
2.The self-service _______ makes it convenient for us to borrow books.
  • A. hotel
  • B. bank
  • C. library
  • D. hospital
3.Students should learn some living skills to take good care of _______.
  • A. herself
  • B. himself
  • C. yourselves
  • D. themselves
4.Before handing in your paper, check if your name and number are _______.
  • A. direct
  • B. correct
  • C. special
  • D. basic
5.Teenagers should do some housework ________ they finish their homework.
  • A. until
  • B. but
  • C. after
  • D. unless
6.The soup ______ a little salty. There is no need to add more salt.
  • A. looks
  • B. smells
  • C. sounds
  • D. tastes
7.—The paper cutting is pretty lively. Who made it?
—It _____ be Amy. None of us except her is able to do it.
  • A. would
  • B. need
  • C. must
  • D. can
8.—Now we can "plant trees" at the bottom of the sea.
—It's a new way to _____ the sea.
  • A. paint
  • B. protect
  • C. create
  • D. describe
9.Miss Ye is _______ us sometimes, but she truly cares about everyone.
  • A. hard on
  • B. thankful to
  • C. sure about
  • D. similar to
10.Please _____ the tall buildings if the wind blows hard.
  • A. run out of
  • B. catch up with
  • C. get on with
  • D. keep away from
11.The Olympic spirit tells us nobody can win _____, so just enjoy the games.
  • A. all the time
  • B. in time
  • C. at the same time
  • D. on time
12.—Why is Kate absent from class?
—Oh, she _____ the meeting.
  • A. was attending
  • B. attended
  • C. is attending
  • D. attends
13.Five more clubs _____ next week to make our school life rich and colorful.
  • A. set up
  • B. are set up
  • C. will be set up
  • D. were set up
14.—I wonder _____.
—It was wonderful! We had fun at the city park.
  • A. where you went last weekend
  • B. how your last weekend was
  • C. why you were busy last weekend
  • D. what you did last weekend
15.—What about joining the science club with me?
—_____. I'm looking forward to it.
  • A. Good idea
  • B. With pleasure
  • C. Never mind
  • D. It doesn't matter
16.A: Mum! Are you free this Sunday?
B: Nothing much. (1)      
A: Jeff's family is going to have a yard sale. Would you like to go with me?
B: Sure, I'd love to. (2)      
A: That's for sure, Mum. (3)      
B: That sounds good! By the way, where is Jeff's house?
A: It's on Bridge Street.
B: (4)      
A: We can take the bus there. It's about 10 minutes.
B: That's a deal.
A: (5)       Thank you, Mum.
B: That's all right.

A. What's up?
B. I can't wait.
C. You are playing a joke.
D. How can we get there?
E. I want to choose something useful.
F. How often do you go to a yard sale?
G. I believe they've collected many good things. 
17.  A bird went to look for happiness. On (1)       way, she saw a flower. The flower was short of water, but his face was full of (2)      .
  The bird asked the little flower, "You're going to die. Why are you still so happy?"
  "Because my dream will come true." said the little flower.
  "(3)       is it?" the bird asked.
  "To get sweet fruit."
  Then the bird got to know happiness is a (4)       in the heart.
  The little bird (5)       flying. Then she saw a disabled duck. The duck was singing a song happily. She asked the duck, "Life is so unfair for you. Why don't you feel (6)      ?"
  "Because just now I saw a little duck fall down. I helped him stand up again." said the duck.
  Then the bird (7)       learned happiness is a love in the heart.
  The bird went on flying. Next she saw a spider (蜘蛛) falling off a wet wall, but he didn't (8)      . The bird asked, "You failed again and again. Why is a joy still on your face?"
  "(9)       I stick to climbing, I will climb over the wall one day." said the spider.
  The bird (10)       happiness is a faith (信念) in the heart.
  So the bird no longer looked for happiness, because she finally knew that the true happiness is in her own heart.
18.  Hello! We're in 2042 now. Let's share our beautiful life together!
  I had a serious illness at the age of 7. From then on, I expected to be a doctor. Now I work in a hospital as a doctor. There are modern medical instruments and services. I can treat patients even when they're far away from me. This is because the Internet is faster now. 
  Through years of studying hard, I'm teaching Chinese in a middle school. Some of my students come from other countries. Since they like Chinese history and culture, they carefully listen to me explain Chinese poems and novels. They spread Chinese history and culture around the world. 
 China is much greener now because it has worked on protecting the environment. New energy is used without polluting Earth. I'm doing something common for our city. I keep our streets clean and tidy every day to make people live comfortably. I take pride in my job. Any job is a good job. 
 When I was young, I dreamed of being an astronaut (宇航员) and flying into space. Nowadays, my dream has come true. Traveling to the moon has got popular. People between the ages of 18 to 60 are able to travel to the moon. I'm going to travel to Mars (火星) soon. I'm so excited! 
19.  A report says that young people who were born between 1995 and 2009 have different ways of life. Here are some hot ways in 2022.

Younger people are trying difficult dishes at home.
•One sixth expressed their wish to cook at home.
•More than a quarter of teenagers and young adults are trying new things, like making bread and cakes. 
Teenagers and young adults care more about their health of the mind.
•About one third will continue to take part in sports. They will exercise twice to three times a day.
•40% join in kinds of clubs and make many friends through exercise.
•About a quarter of them will depend on creative activities like drawing and writing music to stay happy. 

Online shopping will still be popular. But it will move away from big retailer (零售店) websites to social media (媒体) and secondhand websites.
•27% of teenagers and young adults are expecting to shop directly through social media websites.
•24% are expecting to shop through special in-app services.
•23% are expecting to shop through secondhand websites. 
20.  In Beijing Winter Olympics, the most popular design (设计) with kids and teenagers is Bing Dwen Dwen, a panda in an ice shell (壳). It looks like an astronaut in a space suit (太空服). It's a perfect design which puts winter sports and modern technology together.
  Bing Dwen Dwen puts up its left hand to say, "Hello!" It has two red hearts on its hands, showing kindness and love. The colorful lines around its head look like the tracks (赛道). They refer to (指代) Beijing's National Speed Skating Oval, known as the "Ice Ribbon" (冰丝带), and they also refer to 5G technology.
  According to the designer Cao Xue, Bing Dwen Dwen was chosen from 5816 designs around the world. The idea first came from the traditional Chinese snack (小吃), bingtanghulu. However, a simple snack can't stand for a country by itself. Cao's team then tried many plants and animals, finally going with a panda. "What can better stand for China than our national treasure?" said Cao. They once made three designs, and Cao asked his 9-year-old son to choose his favorite. "After his first glance, he chose Bing Dwen Dwen without thinking twice." Cao said.
  Now Bing Dwen Dwen has been made into many kinds of toys and plastic models. It is printed on notebooks, bags and so on. It brings lots of joy to the world.
21.  This is the word "family" written in Chinese "家". It's a pictographic character (象形文 字). The "宀" looks like the roof (屋顶) of a house, and the "豕" is a pictographic character for "pig", which is developed from a picture like this:

  The word "家" with a pig under the roof of a house may show the importance of domestic animals (家畜) to traditional Chinese families.
  There is a strong feeling between parents, children and other family members. The father is usually very strict with their children. Parents work very hard to set a good example for their children, while children study hard. Brothers and sisters in the family are very friendly and helpful to each other. All the family members make an effort to live a happy life.
  Our ancestors (祖先) will be part of our life and a warm memory forever. _______ We remember our ancestors, not for any advantages for ourselves but to make our feelings more active. Whenever we think of them, they make us stronger inside.
  Everyone values the idea of "making all the members of the family happy". We should all have this same idea as the great "China dream". There are thousands of families in China, just because every family goes well, China is getting better and better.
22.A: Hello! This is Sunny Store. (1)      ?
B: Hello! I'd like to buy a box of milk. (2)      ?
A: Let me have a look. Oh, it's 45 yuan.
B: OK, (3)      . Could you please deliver (递送) it to me now?
A: Sorry, my dad isn't here. But I can make it instead. And your address?
B: Room 306, the 12th building.
A: (4)      ?
B: That's all. It's late. Please deliver it when your father comes back.
A: (5)      . Thank you. Bye!
B: Bye!
The headmaster handed out the prizes to the students       .
The cooks        to make dumplings for the kids on the Dragon Boat Festival.
Luckily, a kind-hearted driver will       .
Lily is one of        girls in the class.
The volunteers        for nearly a month.
31.  As we know, when the students finish the middle school, they may throw away their textbooks, though most of them are still in good condition. It is really a great waste!
  I suggest that we should recycle these books. (1)On the one hand, we can save a lot of materials by recycling them. On the other hand, the students have made plenty of useful notes on the pages, which are very helpful to the following users.
  At present, the whole country is calling on us to build a saving society. (2)It is very meaningful to our country. In fact, in other countries, recycling textbooks is also popular.
easy mistake only before suggestion travel cover painful though stone changed nothing 

  Long long ago, people always walked barefooted (光脚的).
  A king happened to (1)       far into the countryside. He was greatly troubled because there were lots of broken (2)       on the road and they hurt his feet seriously. When he returned to his palace, he told his men (3)       all the roads with cattle hide (牛皮革). He hoped walking would no longer be a (4)       thing. But even if all cattle in the country were killed, there wouldn't be enough hide to get the work done.
  They could do (5)       but shake their heads. At this time, a clever general in the palace made a(n) (6)      , "My king, why don't you take an easy way? You don't need to kill so many cattle. You (7)       cover each of your feet with a piece of hide." The king was surprised and pleased, and he (8)       his mind at once and supported the plan.
  This is why people use hide to make shoes. (9)       it seems strange, it encourages us to think. It is usually (10)       to change oneself than to change the world. Try to put yourself in the position of the person you deal with. Then when you use another way of thinking, you will find it is not difficult for you to solve the problem.
  Chen Jinying who is called "Honest Lady" comes from Lishui, Zhejiang. She is 90 years old. She used to be a boss. After she retired (退休), she opened a clothes factory and it went very well. In 2011, her factory was in trouble and she was in debt (欠债), so she had to sell her apartment and her factory to pay back her debt.
  After ten years, she finally paid back all her debt. It's said that someone advised her to apply for bankruptcy (申请破产). Then she could avoid paying back her debt, but she refused. "I can't do that. When we're in debt, we must pay it back." The old lady sold most of her things to pay back the debt because of this faith. Some businessmen were so touched by this "Honest Lady" that they reached out to help her. When things became better, she gave away jackets worth more than 20,000 yuan to an old people's home and more than 140 persons received the warmth she passed.
  Chen shows us how to be an honest and trustworthy (可信赖的) person. When one person loses his honesty, he'll fail. The 90-year-old lady not only moves us, but also gives us a true lesson in honesty.
34.阅读下面短文, 完成表格.
  The Communist Youth League of China (CYLC中国共产主义青年团) was born in May 1922. It is 100 years old this year. Almost every year in May, hundreds of teenagers get together at Tuanyida Square in Guangzhou. It is the place which the CYLC was born in.
  In 1932, a special school opened in a small village of Ruijin, Jiangxi. It's the first school of the CYLC. Its first 124 students arrived in December. They were between 14 and 25 in age. They learned about history, politics (政治), geography and other skills. Every night, the students read books and newspapers. They not only learned knowledge, but also put what they learned into practice.
  At that time, the young people who wanted to join the CYLC made the application form (申请书) by themselves. They needed to write why they wanted to be a CYLC member and how they would do it. Now the application form is printed in a standard form. The form might be different over time. However, the spirit of the CYLC has never changed.
  Do you know the song of the CYLC? In 1987, Hu Hongwei wrote the lyrics (歌词). He sees young people as a sea of flowers in May and the rising sun. Later, Lei Yusheng composed (作曲) the song, it became the song of the CYLC in 2003.

Some information on the CYLC 
The birth ◆It was born at Tuanyida Square in Guangzhou (1)      
The first school ◆It opened in (2)       of Ruijin, Jiangxi in 1932.
◆The students were between 14 and 25. They connected what they learned with (3)      
The application form ◆The application form now might (4)       the one at that time, but the spirit is the same. 
The song of the CYLC ◆The song of the CYLC was made in 2003. Young people (5)       a sea of flowers in May and the rising sun in the song. 
Summer Book Store在暑假来临之际为学生推出系列图书售卖活动。活动内容有:所有故事书10元1本,一些字典5元1本,每人可以借一本名著。请你为该书店设计一则宣传广告。
提示词:名著:classic (可数名词)

Summer Book store
Sale for Students _____________________  

快乐阅读,健康成长。某校英语社团向同学们发出“爱读书、读好书、善读书” 的倡议。请根据以下要点提示,用英文写一份倡议书。
(1)What books do you want to read?
(2)What's your plan for reading?
(3)How are you going to do that?
(4)What can you get from reading?
Dear schoolmates,
  Books are our best friends. Reading books can provide us with rich knowledge. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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