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1.Zhang Guimei is_____kind teacher.
  • A. the
  • B. a
  • C. an
  • D. /
2.John was busy_____his homework last night.
  • A. in
  • B. with
  • C. at
  • D. on
3.Doing sports for an hour every day is a good_____to relax yourself.
  • A. way
  • B. level
  • C. result
  • D. answer
4.—Which club have you joined, the art club or the football club?
—_____. I joined the basketball club.
  • A. Both
  • B. None
  • C. Either
  • D. Neither
5.—Look out! There is a cat on the road.
—Don't worry. I always drive very_____.
  • A. suddenly
  • B. quickly
  • C. carefully
  • D. quietly
6.—I don't know the meaning of "fetch".
—Let's_____the word in the dictionary.
  • A. look around
  • B. look up
  • C. look at
  • D. look after
7.—Can I swim in the lake, Mum?It's so hot.
—No, you_____. The sign says "No swimming".
  • A. mustn't
  • B. needn't
  • C. wouldn't
  • D. shouldn't
8.—Wow!The music sounds wonderful!
—Yes. Jessie_____the violin in the next room.
  • A. plays
  • B. played
  • C. is playing
  • D. was playing
9.—It will be_____this afternoon.
—Well, we'd better take an umbrella, or we will get wet.
  • A. rainy
  • B. cloudy
  • C. windy
  • D. sunny
10.—We picked apples on the farm and had fun yesterday.
—_____wonderful day it was!
  • A. How
  • B. How a
  • C. What
  • D. What a
11.Three Chinese astronauts_____into space on June 5th, 2022.
  • A. were taking
  • B. are taking
  • C. were taken
  • D. are taken
12.—Mr. Brown, could you tell me_____our Chinese exam?
—Sure. It will be in Room 201.
  • A. when will we have
  • B. where will we have
  • C. when we will have
  • D. where we will have
13.—Is everything ready for the party?
—Oh!I forgot to_____some delicious apple pies made by my mum.
  • A. bring
  • B. buy
  • C. give
  • D. order
14.In 2020, many doctors went to Wuhan to help the patients, _____they knew it was dangerous.
  • A. until
  • B. although
  • C. before
  • D. unless
15.—Thank you for opening the window.
  • A. Come on
  • B. No problem
  • C. You're welcome
  • D. Never mind
16.  I was the youngest of the three sons in my family. My (1)       were five and seven years older than me. They did most of the housework around the house. I rode my bike around our town, played basketball or walked in the woods. What I did was just (2)       fun during my childhood. But I had none of my responsibility (责任).
  By the time I entered my early teens, however, both of my brothers had moved out of our home. My dad was (3)       ill. He was too weak to work. I soon found myself doing more work than before. I sowed seeds (播种) in (4)       and watered them in summer. In autumn I (5)      wood to keep us warm in the winter months to come. And all year round I carried water from a mountain spring (泉水) back to our house so we had water to drink and cook with. Every day, I was so busy that I felt very (6)      .
  At (7)       , I complained to myself. But later, I began to find joy in helping my parents that I loved so much. I sang to myself while collecting wood, and I(8)       while carrying water. I even found myself (9)      my mum with the dinner dishes and cleaning. I started to realize something that I would carry with me the rest of my life: (10)       your work is done with love, it isn't work.
17.阅读短文, 根据短文内容判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)
  Xu Yuanchong, who is famous for translating Chinese, ancient poems into English and French, died in Beijing at the age of 100 on Thursday, June 17th, 2021.
  Xu was born on April 18th, 1921 in Jiangxi Province, China. He studied at the National Southwest Associated University in Kunming, Yunnan Province. He studied translation very hard during his college years. In 1939, he published (发表) an English translation of a poem, which was written by Lin Huiyin, Don't Cast Away. It is now known as his earliest work. Xu spent a few years in France studying French literature in the late 1940s. He then returned to China after graduation(毕业) and gave all his attention and effort to translation. And Xu was the first Chinese to translate Chinese poems into English and French in rhyme.
  Xu devoted his life to translation for more than 60 years. For him, translated literature is "a beautiful art for all the world".

The summer holiday is coming. Why not think about relaxing on the beach with a drink in your hand and sunshine on your body? Hawaii (夏威夷) is a perfect place for your holiday. The following islands in Hawaii are good choices for you.
If you go on holiday to experience local culture and history, then there is no place better thanthe island of Molokai. Take a tour of the Halawa Valley (山谷), and find out what Hawaii might have looked like hundreds of years ago.
★Price: $160 for a two-day trip for each person
half price for children under 12 years old

Do you prefer your holiday to be more exciting?There is a state park here. The park is full of beautiful scenery (风景) and nature trails (小路). You can try a hike along the coast on the 18-kilometer trail, or book a place at the Hanakoa campsite (营地) so you can rest under the stars.
★Price: $120 for a two-day trip for each person
free for children under 12 years old

The Island of Hawaii
The Island of Hawaii, it is also called "the Big Island". If you dream about leaving the city behind and spending all of your time with the local wildlife, this may be the place for you!Here you can swim with fish, and maybe you will see a dolphin or a whale by the coast.
★Price: $300 for a three-day trip for each person
only for adults between 18 and 50

Click here to get more information. 
19.  David Bennett, a 57-year-old man from the US, received the world's first pig heart transplant (移植) on January 7th, 2022. He died two months later on March 9th.
  It may sound like a failure, but it actually is a big step forward for xenotransplantation (异种器官移植).
  Xenotransplantation has been a hot topic in medical research for many years. Doctors and scientists look for ways to solve the big problem of organ (器官) transplant waiting lists. In the US alone, over 100, 000 patients are on a list waiting for new organs. Many of them will die before getting their chance to receive a heart, a kidney (肾) or other important organs. As a result, medical science has turned to animal organs.
  Doctors have experimented with xenotransplantation since the early 20th century. There are few success stories. Usually, patients' bodies reject (排斥) the animal organs. Bennet lived much longer than other xenotransplantation patients. That's because scientists removed pig genes (基因) that would cause fast rejection. Then they added human genes to help the body accept the organ.
  In fact, Bennett's case was not the only success. Doctors at New York University attached (连接) gene-edited pig kidneys to a human patient's blood vessels (血管) outside of the boody in 2021. Doctors at University of Alabama put the gene-edited pig kidneys inside a patient's body in the same year.
  Though these successes were short-lived, they show that there may be a way forward for xenotransplantation. "A lot of new information will come out. The development of this field will benefit from it and move forward at faster speed. "Muhammad Mohiuddin, director of the transplant program, told The Guardian.
20.  Holding conversations may not seem like a skill. After all, we talk to people every day. But many people feel nervous when making conversations. (1)      
  Use your body language. (2)       The way you stand and act tells people a lot about you. When you're talking with someone, stand straight and look him in the eye. When you're listening, look at the other person, and lean(倚靠) forward to show that you're interested in what he is saying.
  Try to interact (互动) with each other. A good conversation is not a speech. (3)       If you're doing all the talking, stop to give the other persons time to speak. If they don't say anything, try asking them a question. Maybe they'll say something you are also interested in and can reply to. People are excited to find others with similar interests.
  (4)       Don't worry if the conversation has quiet moments. Think of them as chances to change the topic to something you're interested in. (5)       Or once again, you can ask a question to the other persons.
  With any skill, you will improve on holding conversations with time.

A. Don't be afraid of silence.
B. It means that people should talk in the conversation.
C. As we all know, many conversations happen without any words.
D. You could also talk about something you've done recently.
E. Here are some ways to make a good conversation. 

21.These flowers are beautiful and       (闻起来) sweet.
22.I can't hear you       (清晰地).
23.Rose is a       (害羞的) girl.
24.I will be       (邀请)to Lily's birthday party.
25.Betty told me an exciting story last       (周末).
they, be, under, much, come, find, animal, difference, outside, and 

  The weather gets colder, days get shorter, and leaves fall off the tree. When winter (1)      , people live in warm houses and wear thick coats (2)      . But what happens to the animals?
  Some animals sleep for part or all of the winter. It is a special, very deep sleep called hibernation (冬眠). These (3)       body temperature drops, and their heartbeat (心跳) and breathing slow down. In autumn, they get ready for winter by eating (4)       food than in summer and storing it as body fat. This fat provides (5)       with enough energy while they are sleeping. Bears, snakes, frogs (6)       even some bugs (甲虫) hibernate.
  Some animals stay active in winter. It is hard for them (7)       food. Some of them, like mice, collect extra food in autumn and store it to eat later. Some other animals eat (8)       kinds of food as the seasons change. They may live in holes, in trees or (9)       the ground to stay warm. Some birds, like wild geese (大雁), fly to the south for the winter. We call this migration (迁徙).
  Nature (10)       full of magic. Aren't the ways that animals get through the winter amazing?
27.假如你是李华, 你的英国朋友 David很喜欢春联.正巧你市将于6月28日举行春联艺术展, 你想邀请他同去, 请你给他写一封电子邮件, 内容包括:
(1)文中必须包括以上内容, 可适当发挥, 增加细节, 以使行文连贯;
(3)词数不少于80(开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数).
参考词汇:the Spring Festival couplets 春联put up 粘贴 experience 体验
Dear David,
  How's it going? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
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