17. Forest bathing began in Japan in the 1980s. It is a practice called shinrin-yoku, which can be translated as "taking in the medicine or air of the forest". It has recently grown more popular worldwide. When people take time in the natural green world to "be" in a fully present way, research shows many mind-body benefits.
One of the benefits of taking a walk in nature is getting away from screens. When we enjoy nature, we keep ourselves away from computers or mobile phones. We take a break and allow ourselves time to get strength and energy back. During forest bathing, we are heightening (增强) our senses, stopping making quick judgment, and focusing on the "now. "
In fact, forest bathing is also becoming an increasingly popular method of dealing with stress. Forest bathing has been proven to help those experiencing stressful situations. In one recent study, people who formed the habits of walking through forests had lowered blood pressure (血压) and got out of worries.
Meanwhile breathing in forest air increases the level of natural killer (NK) cells (细胞) in our blood. Our body uses these NK cells to fight illness. One Japanese study showed a rise in the number and activity of these NK cells by people who forest bathe. Plants and trees in forests can also send out something called phytoncides. This tree oil can not only protects plants and trees themselves, but also help people sleep well, lift mood and attention, and
boost creativity.
Forest bathing requires a promise to a repeated practice;it's not a one-and-done quick fix. Research in England on green spaces showed spending at least 120 minutes a week in nature is connected with good health and well﹣being. It doesn't matter whether you break up the two hours into shorter walks in a local park filled with lots of trees or an afternoon in a forest.
Taking a speedy walk through nature and rushing through the activity to get back to work, let's say, may not be as effective. Nor is it advised to play loud music as you walk.
Forest bathing shows a different way of life. You are walking through nature in a forest and taking your time. You are noticing your feelings and starting more of a relaxing and meaningful life.