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  • A. Chinese
  • B. enjoy
  • C. shine
  • D. friendly
  • A. want
  • B. many
  • C. change
  • D. flat
  • A. road
  • B. brown
  • C. young
  • D. horse
  • A. launched
  • B. jumped
  • C. called
  • D. attended
  • A. German
  • B. model
  • C. beauty
  • D. complete
  • A. camera
  • B. problem
  • C. another
  • D. energy
  • A. postcard
  • B. return
  • C. machine
  • D. across
[gɪˈtaː(r)] n.                          
[ˈrelətɪv] n.                          
[ˈnætʃrəl] adj.                         
11.Doar Nista:
  Moving is hard work! Mother and I (1)       to pack things just eight weeks before we left.
  (2)       new house is in a town called St. Cloud, Minnesota. It's very quiet. The weather in July is warm and sunny, and there are no (3)       seasons. My sister Sunil and I can play together, but we (4)       have any friends here. It isn't easy for us (5)       neighbours.
  Dad started his new job (6)       a doctor at the hospital here. He's happy working here, (7)       I am not happy. I just feel lonely.
  Winter is in the air. The weather is getting colder and colder. It snowed 30 centimeters last night. Today, Sunil and I threw snowballs with Emily. Emily is my neighbour and my classmate. We went (8)       last week on a lake. Someone made (9)       hole in the ice and was fishing. It was so cold.
  Tomorrow Emily and I (10)       one of my favourite movies. I miss you so much. Please write soon.
12.  Tenzing Norgay was a Sherpa (夏尔巴人). From his village, he could see a tall mountain. He dreamed of (1)       to the very top.
  "I could see the whole world from the (2)       ," he said to his mother.
  "The mountain is called Chomolungma," she told him. "It is so (3)       that even the birds cannot fly over."
  "But maybe I could climb it one day," Tenzing thought.
  One day a group of men from America came.
  "We want to climb Mount Chomolungma. We want Sherpas to help us," they said.
  "I' ll go with you," said Tenzing.
  "You are too (4)       to take care of yourself," Tening's mother stopped him. "Again and again, men have tried to reach the top of Chomolungma. Many of them (5)       in the snow and never came back."
  TEN YEARS passed! Another group from (6)       came. Tenzing said to his mother, "I know I can climb the mountain now."
  "You are mad," said his mother, "I won't let you go!" This time Tenzing followed his heart and ran away from home. He cut his long hair and arrived at the climbers' camp.
  "You look strong," the climbers said. "Please show us the way to the mountain and be our (7)      ."
  The men gave Tenzing special clothes they brought from London to wear. He ate strange food out of tin cans (罐头), but he was (8)      .
  Tenzing was going to Chomolungma with the climbers. After they walked for 100 miles, most of them gave up and returned to their camp. However, Tenzing and the rest climbed up and up through the snow and (9)       several times on the way. At last, after a lot of tries, they reached the top of Chomolungma (10)       .
13.A Juice Carton's Diary
January 16

  I'm siting on a shelf in a big store! I am an orange juice carton (硬纸盒)! I'm made of hard paper. This morning, something great happened. A little girl looked at my shelf for a long time, and then she chose me! She's taking me to a picnic by the lake, so I hope she'll drink me.
January 17
  I'm in a lake. The little girl drank the juice, but left me in front of the lake. The wind blew me into the water. I don't like it here.
January 18
  I saw a man taking rubbish out of the lake with a net. He saw my bright orange colour, and he saved me. He caught me and a plastic (塑料的) bottle in his net. Now, we're in the boat, and we aren't waste anymore. We're happy.
January 19
  I'm at the recycling factory. I feel a little afraid here because there are large machines that make loud noises. My plastic bottle friend is across from me. I think this is a good place.
January 20
  I'm sitting on a shelf in a stationery store!
  Everything here is made of paper. Yes, they recycled me into a notebook. I'm very happy and excited, and I really want to see the recycling factory again. Maybe next I'll be a comic book!
14.  What time is it? That's a very good question! From morning to night, clocks help us to plan our day. They tell us when things begin and when they end.
  Before clock, people tell time by watching the sun move across the sky. They started work when the sun came up in the east. At noon, when the sun was very high, they ate and rested. When the sun disappeared in the west, they went to bed.
  Today, we know that the sun doesn't move around the Earth. As the Earth turns, the sun seems to be moving across the sky. It takes the Earth a day to make one complete turn.
  A day is divided into hours, minutes and seconds. There are 24 hours in a day. There are 60 minutes in an hour. How many minutes are there in a day? 24*60=1,440. There are 1,440 minutes in a day.
  We measure time by other movements, too. The Earth travels around the sun. It takes the Earth a year to go around the sun once. One year is 12 months, or just over 52 weeks. To be very accurate (准确的), it takes the Earth 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes and 12 seconds to go around the sun.
  We divide the Earth into 24 time zones. Each time zone is one hour apart from the next time zone. For example, when it is 10:00 a.m. in Beijing, it is 9:00 p.m. in New York.
  Because of the clocks and calendars (日历), we can measure time very easily. However, it is the movement of the Earth that really allows us to measure time.
15.How Music Makes Us Feel
People all around the world enjoy music. Some music is fast, and some music is slow. Some music is high and some music is low.
(1)       Slow music can make us feel sleepy, and fast music can make us feel excited. For example, Pedro listens to slow music at night so he can fall asleep. (2)        Also, the same music can make one person feel sad and another person feel happy. (3)      
Music can help us imagine (想象) things, like animals. (4)        When it's low and slow, we can imagine an animal that is in danger. (5)       Look at it a week later. Does it help you to remember the music?

A. When the music is fast, we can imagine an animal running.
B. Amanda listens to fast music in the morning so she can wake up.
C. When we listen to music, we feel different things.
D. Next time you listen to music, draw a picture of what you imagine.
E. There are no right feelings or wrong feeling about music. 
16.It's raining cats and dogs. I'm w             through.
17.There are f             fish in the lake because people are polluting it.
18.When the fire bells r            , we must run out of the building as soon as possible.
19.My h             is playing volleyball. I want to be a volleyball player in the future.
20.I don't like milk tea. I like Chinese tea w             anything in it.
21.Zhujiang New Town is in the c             of Guangzhou.
22.Tomorrow our music teacher will t             us the song My Motherland and Me.
23.In Guangzhou, you can see a lot of shared bikes e             on the road. You can get one to ride easily.
My brother              the military parade on National Day.
             is the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge.
—55 kilometers.
Li Lei        photos.
             important              the habit of garbage classification.
             I take a trip to Hangzhou, I              the West Lake.
She loves going on a picnic and always       .
30.  Last Sunday, my friends and I went on an adventure with the Hiking Club. The night before I was so excited that I could not sleep! I got up really early (1)            (介词) Sunday morning. After breakfast, I packed my lunch and left home (2)            (quick), (3)            (hurry) to school and met the other students and Mr Li, our trip leader. When we were all there, we left for Lucky Island.
  The boat ride to Lucky Island was really (4)            (excite)! We saw a lot of fish and colourful (5)             (bird). When we got to Lucky Island, we went on a long walk and saw some pretty flowers. After the hike, we (6)            (be) very hungry! We (7)             (sit) on the beach and ate our lunch. After that we played games and took pictures. We really enjoyed (8)            (we). Finally, it was time (9)            (go) home. I cannot wait for my next adventure with Mr. Li (10)             (连词) my friends!
31.假设在学校开放日,你负责向来宾 (guest) 介绍学校的四个俱乐部。请根据以下要点提示,写一篇60词以上的演讲稿。
NO. 1
Travelling Club

NO. 2
Collection Club

NO. 3
Movie Club

NO. 4

1. 词数60以上(文章头已给出, 不计入词数)
2. 不得透露学校,姓名会任何个人信息,否则不予评分。
  Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our school! It's my pleasure to introduce our school clubs to you. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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