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1.Jack's parents are teachers. ______ teach English in Beijing.
  • A. I
  • B. We
  • C. They
  • D. You
2.My sister likes reading. ______ favourite book is Harry Potter.
  • A. He
  • B. She
  • C. His
  • D. Her
3.— Tanya, the concert starts ______ 7 p.m. We are pretty late.
— OK, Mom. I'm coming.
  • A. on
  • B. at
  • C. in
  • D. for
4.— ______ do you usually go to the library, Justin?
— On Friday afternoon.
  • A. How
  • B. Why
  • C. When
  • D. What
5.My grandma likes animals. She ______ three dogs and two cats.
  • A. have
  • B. have got
  • C. has got
  • D. is having
6.— Does your uncle live in London?
— Yes, he ______.
  • A. does
  • B. do
  • C. is
  • D. are
7.John, Nick and I are friends. We ______ basketball after class every day.
  • A. is playing
  • B. are playing
  • C. plays
  • D. play
8.My cousin Mike ______ to me on WeChat almost every weekend.
  • A. talk
  • B. talks
  • C. is talking
  • D. are talking
9.It's nine o'clock. We ______ English class now.
  • A. has
  • B. have
  • C. am having
  • D. are having
10.— The phone ______. Can you answer it, Zoey?
— Sure, Mom.
  • A. is ringing
  • B. rings
  • C. Ring
  • D. will ring
chairs difficult help library on the computer science study subject 

  The library is a great place to visit. It can help you with your school work. When you go to your library, there is always a librarian (图书管理员). The librarian can (1)             you find what you want.
  You can ask your librarian to help you find books about the (2)             which you are interested in. Libraries have books about everything from sports to (3)            .
  If it is (4)             for you to find an answer to a question, ask your librarian to help you find the answer. Your librarian can help you look for information in magazines and (5)            .
  Libraries are also a great place to go if you want a quiet place to (6)            . They have tables and (7)             where you can work on school homework.
  Don't forget to visit your (8)            , and remember to thank your librarian for his/her help.
12.My family
  Hi! I'm Charlie. I'm nine years old and this is my family. We live in a big house in a town. My father's name is Aaron. He's a doctor and he works in a hospital in the centre of the town. He's 48 years old. My mother's name is Clare. She's a hotel manager. She's 45. My grandparents live with us. My grandma's name is Jade. She's my mother's mother. She's 73. My grandpa is in New York now. I have got a sister. Her name's Eva. She's 22 years old. She's a middle school art teacher. We haven't got a pet.
13.  Gregory is my brother. He is eight years old and I am ten. We always look forward to the first big snow of the year. We have a snow day from school.
  On a snow day, Mom often makes hot dogs for us and we bake cakes. It is always something special when we have the first snow. Mom likes to make vegetable soup for us to eat. She says it helps to keep us warm when we play in the snow.
  Gregory and I go outside early in the morning. We bundle up so we can stay warm. The first thing we do is to make snow angels (天使). Then we slide down the hill on boxes with our neighbours. Finally, we spend the whole afternoon making our first snowman of the year.
  The snowman is right out there in our front yard (院子). Mr Bowman is our neighbour across the street. He gives us an old black hat for the snowman to wear. Mom gives us a green scarf to put around the snowman's neck. We use sticks from the yard to make the arms. And we also use coal for the snowman's eyes and mouth and a carrot for his nose.
  Mom always takes our pictures with the snowman. Gregory is fun to play with when it snows. He is a good brother most of the time.
14.A baboon
  One night in December 2011, a bear came into the city of Vancouver (温哥华) in Canada. It found some food outside a restaurant and started eating. In the morning, someone saw the bear and called the police. The police took it to the mountains outside the city.
  Big animals usually come into cities to find food. In Cape Town in South Africa, baboons come into the city when they are hungry, They go into gardens and eat fruit from trees. They even go into houses and take food from fridges! The city can be dangerous for baboons. Sometimes, cars and buses kill them. Our food is bad for their teeth because it has a lot of sugar. Now, there are Baboon Monitors working in Cape Town. Their job is to find baboons in the city and return them to the countryside.
  In Berlin in Germany, pigs sometimes come into the city to look for food. They eat flowers, vegetables and plants in parks and gardens. Sometimes they walk in the street. Some people like the pigs and they give them food and water. Other people do not like the pigs and they want the police to stop them coming into the city.
  In Moscow (莫斯科) in Russia, there are 35,000 wild dogs. The dogs live in parks, old houses, markets and train stations. Many people in Moscow like the dogs. They give them food and water. Some people make small houses for the dogs in their gardens and this helps the dogs in winter.
  Many animals live in cities. But sometimes, it is dangerous when big animals come into cities to find food. So we need to find ways to keep them away from cities without hurting them.
  People use computers both at work and at home. They do maths, write, store (储存) information, buy tickets, listen to music or play games. What do you know about the history of computers?
  The first computers were very big. They were the size of a room! They were so big that people didn't have them at home. Early computers could also only do easy maths. In the 1930s, Alan Turing had the idea for a computer you could program to do different things.
  In 1958, Jack Kilby first made the microchip (微型芯片). Microchips were very small but could store lots of information. They helped make computers smaller. In the 1970s, computers were smaller and cheaper so people started to use them at home. In the 1980s, computer games were very popular. Lots of people had computers just to play games.
  In 1989, Tim Berners-Lee came up with the idea of the World Wide Web. Now people all over the world can look for and share information on websites.
  Today people can use smartphones as well as computers to go on the Internet. In the past a computer was the size of a room. Now you can hold a smartphone in your hand.
(1)Can people keep information in a computer?
(2)What helped make computers smaller?
(3)Why could people use computers at home in the 1970s?
(4)When did Tim Berners-Lee come up with the idea of the World Wide Web?
(5)What can people use to go on the Internet today?
17.Bell来自英国, 她今年14岁。
假如你是李华,你的英国笔友 Peter参加了 “School Lunch Program”,正在做关于校园午餐的调查,他希望能了解你校的午餐情况,请用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他你们的午餐在哪儿吃、午餐常吃些什么及你对你校午餐的评价。
提示词语:dining hall, meat, noodles, good
Where do you have your school lunch?
What do you often have for lunch?
What do you think of your school lunch?
Dear peter,
  How is it going? I'm glad to hear that you are in the "School Lunch Program". I'd like to tell you something about our school lunch. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
If there is anything that I can do, please let me know.
Li hua
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