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1.句子"There will be robots in people's homes." 的重弱读标注正确的是      .
  • A. o o O O o O O
  • B. O o O O o O O
  • C. O O o O O o O
  • D. o o o O o O O
2.下面句子包含两处连读的是      .
  • A. Finally, don't forget to add some salt.
  • B. It's best not to run away from our problems.
  • C. We should always try to solve them.
  • D. You can talk to someone about it.
3.下面划线处哪一个选项与其它三个发音不同, 请选出:      .
  • A. hole
  • B. coach
  • C. hope
  • D. college
4.请选出划线部分的发音不是 /aɪ/ 的一项      .
  • A. pilot
  • B. might
  • C. simple
  • D. finally
5.音标/'dɔ:tə/ 的正确单词拼写形式是:      .
  • A. dancer
  • B. doctor
  • C. dentist
  • D. daughter
6.下面单词的词性不是"adj." 的是      .
  • A. hobby
  • B. possible
  • C. traditional
  • D. unlucky
7.What do you        the sports meeting in their school?
  • A. think
  • B. think of
  • C. think over
  • D. like
8.—I think English is as ______ as maths.
—I agree with you.
  • A. more interesting
  • B. most interesting
  • C. the most interesting
  • D. interesting
9.There        an NBA match on TV this weekend.
  • A. will play
  • B. is going to be
  • C. will have
  • D. is going to have
10.My sister promises        a big dinner for our parents on her birthday.
  • A. cook
  • B. cooks
  • C. to cook
  • D. cooking
11.—Are you going to buy a computer by yourself?
—Yes, so I have to        some money every month.
  • A. spend
  • B. give
  • C. save
  • D. ask
12.—My new iPhone was lost just now. So I am        it now.
—Oh, I think I can help you.
  • A. look for
  • B. find
  • C. looking for
  • D. finding
13.There are        people shopping in the new supermarket, because it is on sale.
  • A. four hundreds
  • B. four hundred of
  • C. hundred of
  • D. hundreds of
14.—You can cut up these vegetables at first, and then you have to       .
—Yeah, I see. Thanks.
  • A. mix they up
  • B. mix up they
  • C. mix them up
  • D. mix up them
15.—Kate, could you please        the radio? Your father is sleeping now.
—OK. I am going to do my homework.
  • A. turn down
  • B. turn off
  • C. turn up
  • D. turn on
16.  I like eating chicken hamburgers. They're my favorite. (1)       you like them, let me tell you how to make a (2)       hamburger.
  First, check you have all the ingredients (原料). You need two (3)       of bread, some chicken and lettuce. You (4)       need one spoon of cream and some relish. Next, put the chicken (5)       one piece of bread. Put the lettuce on the chicken. (6)       some relish and the cream to the lettuce. Put (7)       piece of bread on the top.
  Now the great chicken hamburger is (8)      . But you can't eat it. Put it into a paper bag. Then put the bag in the oven and turn on the oven. After about twenty seconds, (9)       the oven and take out your chicken hamburger. You can enjoy it now. But you shouldn't eat hamburgers (10)      , because they're not good for health.
17.  Mr. Depp is a famous scientist. He likes to make lots of predictions about the future. He says that in 100 years some things will be better than now. For example, we won't have to do the dishes or sweep the floor because we'll all have robots in our homes. Also, we won't need to use paper money. We'll all use credit cards to buy things. We'll have more free time, and traveling will be faster and cheaper than it is now. Maybe some people will spend their vacations on space stations. However, Mr. Depp says that more things will get worse in the next century. If more people use cars, there will be more pollution. Also, if there are fewer trees, the air will become dirtier. If pollution gets really bad, maybe people will have to live on Mars (火星). Mr. Deep says we'll be sorry if pollution becomes worse.
18. Many countries have special traditions at festivals. For example, people may eat all kinds of traditional foods to celebrate their festivals. New Year's Day is an important time in Japan. People eat traditional foods to show their good wishes for the coming new year.
Toshikoshi Soba is a very important food that people eat before New Year's Day. It is a kind of noodles. People usually eat it on New Year's Eve (前夜). They wish for a healthy long life by eating the noodles. 
Then there is Osechi Ryori. There are many kinds of foods in Osechi Ryori. Each kind of food has a special meaning. Usually they mean good health, happiness, long life and so on. People can make Osechi Ryori at home or buy it from stores. The stores usually sell it in beautiful boxes. 
And we shouldn't forget Mochi. Maybe it's the best Japanese dessert (甜点). It tastes sweet, but it's not the sweetness that you expect from a traditional western dessert. 
Ozoni is also popular in Japan. It is a kind of Japanese soup with rice cakes in it. People often eat it for dinner on New Year's Eve or breakfast on New Year's Day. They believe the soup will bring them good luck. 
19.  Everybody has different hobbies that they like to do for fun or just to relax. There are many kinds of activities like volleyball, basketball, swimming, or baseball. It all depends on each personality. For me, basketball is a part of my life and it means a lot to me.
  Since I was a little girl, I started to play basketball in the school team and also with my friends in the neighborhood. My mother told me that I liked kicking the ball around and had so much fun with it when I was only about two years old. Since then, playing basketball is my favorite sport. It is my hobby whenever I have free time.
  Playing basketball also helps me to relax and be confident. I often play basketball with my classmates in the playground. After doing my homework or when I come home from school, I play a little bit with my friends outside of my house or we go to the park to play it.
  Whenever I play basketball, I feel healthier and stronger. Besides, I meet new friends from the neighborhood. I not only like playing basketball, but I also enjoy watching basketball games on television.
20.Alibaba opens its first "future hotel" in eastern China
  In Hangzhou, China, Alibaba group opens its first future hotel — flyzoo hotel.
  The hotel, with 7 theme-rooms, offers the service with the latest leading technology, and guests can check into the hotel without talking to anyone. Robots can be found everywhere in the hotel, and they would guide the guests by providing recorded voice messages and serve them during their stay. The guests can also control indoor temperatures, lights through their voices.
Film star Chow Yun Fat to donate his US $714 million fortune (财富) to charity
  Hong Kong actor Chow Yun Fat is one of the world's most successful stars.
  This man is worth $997 million but spends just $143 a month. And he plans to do something crazy with the rest of his money. He has been in the movie business for many years. He told Jayne Stars earlier this month he plans to give his money away to charity. "The money's not mine. I'm only keeping it safe for the time being. My dream is to be a happy and normal person."
Come to Mickey Mouse's 90th birthday celebration
  It begins in Shanghai Disney. As 2018 marks 90 years since his first appearance in Steamboat Willie on 18th November 1928, we're celebrating the mouse that started it all with a celebration all over the world!
21.  Smashed cucumber (拍黄瓜) salad is one of the most popular cold dishes in China. You can find the green dish anywhere from restaurants to homes. 1.      
  According to The New York Times, smashed cucumber salad is "everywhere" in New York. Some restaurants have even added the dish to their menus. 2.       But American cooks are trying yogurt, honey, lemon and other common western ingredients.
  Why is this dish becoming so popular? 3.       Smashed cucumbers can hold onto tastes more than cucumbers which are cut into fixed shape and size. "Just changing the way you break down an ingredient... changes the way it feels and tastes. It's cool." said Danny Bowien, a cook at a New York restaurant.
  4.       The cook smashes fresh cucumbers with the flat side of a knife. 5.       Then other ingredients can be added. Also, it takes only five minutes to make the salad. Cook Julia Goldberg said it's really "satisfying".
  The success of smashed cucumber salad abroad shows that we should try to fit into local conditions when spreading Chinese culture across the world, said The Beijing News.
A. This Sumner, even Americans are trying it.
B. Most people like the special taste it produces.
C. The way the dish is prepared also draws people's attention.
D. The strong smash makes the cucumbers different shapes and sizes.
E. Americans have expressed their opinions on the taste of this salad.
F. In China, people use garlic (蒜), vinegar (醋) and oil to make the cucumber tastier. 
22.Don't play a j             on disabled people.
23.Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck is a c            .
24.It's d             to play with fire.
25.Old Henry didn't feel well, and the doctor asked him to take some m            .
26.Frank finished high school and went to a famous u             last year.
27.Let's have a              (讨论) about the time when we'll go to Beijing.
28.There will be less              (污染) in 100 years.
29.A              (西瓜) is red inside and green outside.
30.I don't know how to use this              /məˈʃiːn/.
31.What's the              /rɪˈleɪʃnʃɪp/ between the man and the woman?
begin; science; schoolwork; what; piano; hobby; education; write; pilot; grow 

  Now we all can get a good (1)             at school. At the (2)             of the new term, our teacher asks what we are going to be when we (3)             up.
  Jack says that he hopes to be a famous (4)             like Newton. But he isn't good at his (5)            . So he asks our teachers for help.
  Linda is a quiet girl. She likes listening to music and playing the piano in her free time. So she tells us that she wants to be a (6)              when she is older.
  Sandy's (7)             are very interesting. She likes (8)             down interesting and scary stories. She plans to be a writer, and writes a lot of scary stories.
  Can you guess (9)             my dream is? My dream is to be a (10)             . When I grow up, I hope to fly in the blue sky.
38.  Hi, dear boys and girls! Do you know how to be a healthy kid? Here are some rules you should follow.
  First, eat different foods, especially fruit and vegetables. You may have a favorite food, but you'd better eat something different. If you eat different foods, you will probably get more nutrients (营养物质) your body needs.
  Second, drink water and milk as often as possible. When you're really thirsty (口渴的), cold water is the No. 1 choice. Milk is a great drink that can give you more calcium (钙) your body needs to grow strong bone (骨头).
  ①________, listen to your body. How do you feel when you are full? When you are eating, notice how your body feels and when your stomach (胃) feels comfortably full. Eating too much will not make you feel comfortable and will make you fat.
  Fourth, limit (限制) screen time. Screen time is the time you watch TV, DVDs and videos, or using computers. It is good to take more exercise such as basketball, bike riding and swimming. You can't watch TV for more than two hours a day.
  Fifth, be active. One thing you'd like to do as a kid is to find out which activity you like best. Find ways to be active every day.
  Follow these rules and you can be a ②________ kid.
39.根据汉语提示及要求,以 "My Dream" 为题用英语写一篇短文。
1. 想成为一名记者(journalist);
2. 打算给报社、杂志社写文章;
3. 高中(senior high school)毕业后想去北京上大学;
4. 想在一家电视台工作并环游世界。
1. 条理清晰,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范;
2. 提示内容全部体现在文章中;
3. 不少于70词。
My Dream
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