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1. Last weekend I saw a movie (1)       Come Out First. I'm very excited and it's not easy to see a team get 11 straight wins (连胜) in a tournament (锦标赛). (2)       , the Chinese women's volleyball team has done it!
On Sept 29, 2019, China took the Women's Volleyball World Cup Trophy (奖杯) in Japan. The team didn't fail any game during the whole match. It was also the team's 10th world first place. The trophy is the best gift to celebrate the (3)       birthday of New China.
The Chinese women's volleyball team has been the (4)       of Chinese people. (5)       , the team (6)        five Women's Volleyball World Cup Trophy, and people's confidence was raised at (7)       same time. Since then, the Chinese women's volleyball team (8)       both the players and other people. (9)       was the key to the team's success. Never giving up, especially during difficult times, is also the key to becoming (10)        , according to head coach Lang Ping. Many of the team's members kept on playing even after being hurt.
2. In China, the 12th month of the lunar calendar (阴历) is called Layue (腊月). The month is full of interesting festivals and customs. Laba Festival falls on the eighth day of Layue. From this day on, people begin to get ready for the Chinese New Year. On Laba Festival, people eat hot Laba porridge (腊八粥). There are usually eight things in the porridge: rice, red beans, peas, dried lotus seeds (莲子), dates (红枣), and three different kinds of fruits and nuts. The porridge is not just good for your health, but a blessing (祝福) for the coming of Chinese New Year. Laba porridge is not the only tasty food in Layue. Laba garlic (腊八蒜) is popular in the north. People eat it with dumplings during the Chinese New Year. Don't forget to clean your home. This is also an important thing to do to prepare for the Chinese New Year. It means sweeping away bad luck of the old year and welcoming a fresh start. Now, the last thing for you to do is to wait for the coming Spring Festival.
3.My husband Jack got a call one evening, and then I knew I had lost my mobile phone.
We went to visit a friend in hospital last week. When Jack's mobile phone rang, it was my mother calling from my home. She asked if I had lost my mobile phone. I checked my bag. It was gone!
I used Jack's phone to call my number. A boy answered it. "I found your phone in the mall!" he said, excitedly. "I'm Rhys. I have been trying to find you, but because it was getting late, I decided to leave. " He gave me the address of a coffee shop near his home.
Later that evening, I went to meet him there. I was afraid to go alone, worrying he was a cheat (骗子). So Jack came along. After driving 10 km, we got to the coffee shop.
As soon as I saw him, my worries were gone. Rhys was just a young boy. "How did you tell my mom?" I asked. He explained that when he found my mobile phone by the roadside, he started calling people in my list of contacts (通讯录). But they only had my mobile phone number. That didn't help. He'd called many names, starting with the letter A. Finally he got Adam, one of my friends. Adam called my house.
I was happy to get my phone back with all the phone numbers, messages and photos in it. I thanked Rhys and offered him some money, but he refused. He's really an honest boy.
4. We can use many new ways to fight the novel coronavirus (新冠病毒). Let's meet these high-tech helpers in China.
Drones (无人机)
In some countryside, the police use drones to find people in groups. When they are found by the drones, the police will warn them through the loudspeaker (扬声器) on the drones.
Smart Robots
Time to eat! In some hospitals, smart robots help to send food to patients. The robots can also help to hand out medicine and show the way to people.
3D "Hospitals"
A company in Shanghai has produced 15 mobile rooms in 24 hours by 3D printing technology and sent them to different places for patients to live in.
AI System (人工智能系统)
At the Mudanyuan subway station in Beijing, an AI system can check people in crowds to see if they have fevers. About three hundred people can be checked by it in one minute.
5. All of us live in one world. While we are eating food, drinking water, wearing clothes, watching TV, using computers and so on, we are producing waste every moment. When we finish reading a newspaper, the paper will become waste. When TV sets or computers are broken, they will become electronic waste.
Plastic bags (塑料袋)are often used in our everyday life. The number of used plastic is increasing day by day. We like to use plastic bags because they are convenient (方便的). When we get home, we throw the plastic away. These are called "white pollution" as most plastics are white. Rubber (橡胶) is also common in our daily life. Many of our products are made of rubber. It's true that rubber plays an important role (角色) in our life. However, it also brings us some trouble when it has been used for a long time. The old rubber pollutes the environment very badly because it can't break down easily in nature- it will not be changed for a long time. This is really a big problem all over the world.
Everyone should try to do something to save our world. For example, when we go shopping, we can bring cloth bags instead of plastic ones. And we should do something to recycle rubber. Our small actions can make a difference and lead to a better future.
6. Everyone wants to be successful in life. As a ninth-grade student, you must be thirsty for success at school. However, it's difficult to learn all the lessons well. Here is some advice.
First, be sure to make up your mind to work hard. (A)尽最大的努力去学习是明智的.In that way, you may have a chance to enjoy success that belongs to you. After all, where there is a will, there is a way.
Second, it's necessary for you to have a good study habit. While studying, make sure to pay attention to it. After you finish your study, don't forget to find some time for fun in order to help to relax.
Third, you should try to learn every subject well. If there is a subject that you are not good at, you need to try to do well in it. You should often reminded yourself why you need to study.
Finally, you had better take notes in class because you cannot remember everything. These notes will be helpful for you to review or remember what you have learned. If you forget some points, you can go over them.
As a saying(谚语) goes, (B)"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step". If you follow the advice above and take action right away, your success is just around the corner!
1. 将文中 (A)处划线的汉语句子译成英语.
2. Why should we find some time for fun after finishing our study?
3. 从文中找出与下面所给句子意思相同的句子.
The notes will help you review or remember the points you have learned.
4. What does the underlined word "it" refers to?
5. 将文中划线的(B)处英语句子译成汉语.
7. How to improve body and mind (精神)at home
To most Chinese people, the 2020 Lunar New Year has been quite different 1.             (介词)any previous (以往) Spring Festival. Because of the serious COVID-19 (2019冠状病毒) most people have to stay at home to stay away from the virus.
Here are six 2.             (activity) to improve your body and mind at home.
Read books, or at least listen to them
If you choose a good book, it can 3.             (help) you enjoy a whole day at home. And your vocabulary could be enlarged (扩大) as well.
Practice calligraphy (书法)
Everyone can pick up a brush and write something, even though it may look very ugly at first. It can help you calm down and focus (专注), as you must breathe deeply to stop your hands from 4.             (shake).
Draw a picture
Drawing is natural pleasure. Just draw something, either nearby or something you imagine.
Listen to classical music
Even though you prefer pop music, give classical music 5.             (冠词)chance. Just listen, and let your brain relax.
Practice yoga (瑜伽)or tai chi
While improving your mind, your body should not be 6.             (forget). Many Chinese people, especially women, 7.             (be) crazy about yoga. Now it is a good time to practice yoga every day. You can also try tai chi. It can improve both mind              (连词)body.
Cook good dishes
Because it is 8.             (safe) to cook by yourself than to buy outside, the time to improve your cooking skills has come. You can try cooking as many dishes as possible. But remember we should eat 9.              (healthy).
8.假如你是李琳, 马上年底了, 根据下面的提示写一篇年终总结, 不少于80词.
我喜欢和家人旅行, 已经参观了许多世界奇观. 我拍了很多照片, 还参加了摄影比赛. 我了解了白求恩(Bethune)医生是中国最著名的英雄之一, 他来中国帮助中国人民并为他们牺牲了. 我读了一本叫《The Adventures of Tom Sawyer》的名著, 它讲述的是关于一个有着许多冒险经历的男孩的一些令人激动的故事. 如今, 它仍被全世界的人阅读和喜爱. 父母出差时我学会了做饭和整理, 不过也意识到了一个人在家也不总是完美的.
我认为现在的生活比过去更好了. 作为一个中国人我很自豪.
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