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1.I have two little sisters. I love____very much.
  • A. she
  • B. them
  • C. they
  • D. their
2.My father often does exercise____the gym.
  • A. on
  • B. to
  • C. in
  • D. of
3.Work harder, ____ you won't pass the final exam easily.
  • A. or
  • B. and
  • C. but
  • D. so
4.—____ you play ice hockey?
—No, I can't.
  • A. Can
  • B. Must
  • C. May
  • D. Need
5.— ________ do you watch TV?
— Once a week.
  • A. How long
  • B. How soon
  • C. How often
  • D. How much
6.I think science is as ____ as art.
  • A. interesting
  • B. more interesting
  • C. most interesting
  • D. the most interesting
7.Mr. Li____to a new house last Sunday.
  • A. moves
  • B. moved
  • C. will move
  • D. is moving
8.一What will you do next weekend , Linda?
一I ____ camping with my friends.
  • A. go
  • B. will go
  • C. went
  • D. have gone
9.I____Kate since she studied abroad.
  • A. don't see
  • B. didn't see
  • C. haven't seen
  • D. won't see
10.My brother____TV when I got home yesterday.
  • A. watches
  • B. watched
  • C. is watching
  • D. was watching
11.After-school services____every day this term.
  • A. provide
  • B. are provided
  • C. will provide
  • D. were provided
12.—Could you tell me____to Shanghai ?
—Sure, next Tuesday.
  • A. when you will travel
  • B. when will you travel
  • C. when you travelled
  • D. when did you travel
13.  Volleyball is a sport. You hit a ball with a group of six people. It requires stamina (耐力) , reflexes (反应力) and strength. This was my first understanding.
  My start in volleyball was out of luck. My mother had trained me by herself, so I was full of (1)       that I could join senior school team and gave everyone a (2)      . However, my dream was broken the next day. Our coach said that I could only join junior school team because I was not able to work well with the other teammates. I was really (3)       and could not understand why. Was I not skilled enough?
  Last month, we had our first match with another school. Most of my junior teammates had no competing experience while the other team was filled with energy. I could already predict we would (4)      .
  Then, the ball went up. One" thump", a second "thump"and I jumped into the air with a shout. A final "thump" and the ball flew over the net. I was (5)       caught up in the competition. At that moment, I felt a special connection with my teammates. All tiredness (6)      . The sound of feet running across the court and loud cheers filled us with warmth. During the break, we excitedly (7)       our team strategy (策略). Finally we won the game.
  I still remember our coaches' words that encouraged all of us and our chants across the court.
  Volleyball helps me find my true self and teaches me how to work together with my (8)      . It helps me make friends, learn new things and experience moments of joy. I learn the beauty of teamwork and working together.
14.A Book I Like
 I'm from Australia. I've just read Nina's School by James Armitage, who's from Germany. There are some hard words in it so I had to use a dictionary , but I got to the end in just two days. The writer has written another book about Nina and because she has such an exciting life. I've decided to read that next. 
 I come from England. I read Dark by Karen Gates , my favorite writer. It's quite a sad story , but I thought it was even better than her last one. The story is not only about horses , but also about people. There are long words in the book, but I knew most of them, and I've read the story twice now ! 
 I'm from Canada. I'm reading Goodbye by Philip Tate. There is a great picture on the front. It's a strange story so I wanted to see what happened, but because it's quite long, I haven't finished it yet. My friend thinks the first book by Philip Tate is better. I might read that next but I'm not sure. 
15.  Willy was growing up. He didn't understand why all the wolves had to do everything together. It was tiring.
  Willy thought he could do things himself now, such as hunting(狩猎)a rabbit, hanging out, sleeping alone and so on. But his mom wouldn't let him try these by himself. She told him, "Packs(狼群)help us survive. "
  One day, the pack was walking through the woods. Willy knew that there was food down a path, but the pack didn't want to go that way!Finally, Willy went down the path without the pack's agreement.
  He ran for miles and got tired. He decided to find a cave to sleep in. But he hardly slept that night. He thought, ""Sleeping would be much easier with my pack all around me. If something comes , they will protect me. "
  In the morning, he decided to go back to find the pack. As he was running, he smelled a deer. He thought , "The pack would be happy if I brought a deer for them. "So he tried to hunt on his own.
  Willy followed the deer into an open air. Suddenly , something charged(猛冲) out of the trees at him!It was the deer, and those antlers were sharp!He ran from the deer as fast as he could!Finally , the deer stopped running after him.
  Willy rested. He started thinking how much easier this trip would have been with his pack by his side. He realized his mother was right, packs do help them survive. In the end , he found his pack and worked hard to help them as much as they helped him.

16.  Reading is fun!In addition to reading for fun, though , we can also analyze (分析) texts to learn more from the texts and more about the texts. One way we can do this with story books , passages , or poems is by discovering what the theme is exactly.
  The theme of a book is the"big idea"that runs throughout the text, which connects the characters and events. Many times, it is related to what the main character learned over the course of the story. Most of the time , the theme of a book is not written out in the words, you have to use clues in the text to infer it. Themes can be ideas like friendship, bravery , love, honesty or family. 'The theme might not be able to be said in just one word though. It might be an idea such as, "Be careful what you wish for." There may also be more than one theme in a story.
  To start finding the theme, first you need to make sure you've read the whole text. Characters change throughout the story , so what you might think is the theme in the beginning might not be true at the end !
  After you read the text , summarize the plot. What important events happened during the story? What was the problem?How was the problem solved?How did the character(s)change? What did the character(s) learn?
  Use the answers from those questions to see if you can recognize a pattern (模式). Did a lot of the plot revolve (围绕) around friendship?Did many characters solve problems with their families?Did hard work pay off for the main character?Did the main character learn the importance of fairness ?
  Once you've discovered what the big idea is, go through the text to find evidence that supports this idea throughout the whole text. If there was only one small problem with a character's family, then family might not be the theme of the text. You might find more evidence for friendship or bravery.
  Now you are ready to find the theme of books, passages , and poems !Read them now and see if you can discover what the theme is exactly.

17.  "Click !"That's the sound of safety. That's the sound of survival. That's the sound of a seat belt locking in place. Seatbelts save lives and that's a fact. That's why l must wear the seat belt at once when I get into a car. It's a choice between life and death. Which one do you choose?
  Think about it. When you're driving in a car at the speed of 60 MPH or faster , then somebody ahead of you brakes (刹车). Your driver doesn't have time to stop. Now it has suddenly stopped. Your body , however, is still going 60 MPH. Will it be the windshield or your seat belt to stop your body?Every time that you get into a car, you make that choice. I choose the seat belt.
  Some people think that seat belts are uncool. They think that seat belts make them feel that they cannot behave in the way they want, or are uncomfortable. To them I say, what's more uncomfortable?Wearing a seat belt or flying through a car windshield?What's more uncool?Being safe in a car, or lying on the road?So wearing a seat belt is both cooler and more comfortable.
  Let's just take a closer look at your choices. If you are not wearing your seat belt, you can move around in the car easily. That sounds like a lot of fun. But , you are also more likely to die or suffer serious injuries. If you are wearing a seat belt , you have to stay in your seat. That's no fun. But, you are much more likely to walk away unharmed from a car accident. Hmmm. .. A small pleasure or a serious pain, l think I'll avoid the serious pain.
  Do you like to give your money away?Probably not. But when you don't have a seat belt on, you have to give money to the city , because the law requires people in car to wear seat belts.
  Wearing a seat belt does not make you invincible (坚不可摧的). You can still get hurt or killed while you're wearing your seat belt. But wearing them has proven to be safer than driving without them. So why not take the safer way?You do want to live, don't you?

18.  In ancient times , people depended on stars to guide them on a clear night. Today , we have navigational systems (导航系统) to help us find our way. The recent one is the Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS).
  The Chinese engineers built the BDS independently. With the launch of the last satellite from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center on June 23, 2021, the global (全球的) network of 59 satellites has been completed. On July 31 of the same year, Beidou started providing services to the world. It's difficult to imagine.
  When you unlock one of Hellobike's bicycles, you are using the BDS. Users can also find shared bikes more easily thanks to Beidou's positioning service.
  However, the BDS doesn't just work one way. As the country's largest space-based system and one of four global navigation networks, Beidou has a two-way communication system, including its ability to receive messages sent by people from areas with poor communication signals. Obviously, it isn't designed for users to chat online. Instead, it plays a role when disasters happen and communications are blocked.
  After the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 , all ground-based communication facilities (设施) were interrupted. Though the first generation of Beidou could only send 120 characters in a single message at that time, communication between affected areas and rescue centers was successful. Now, Beidou can send 1, 200 Chinese characters in a single message.
  As Sun Jiadong, former chief designer of the BDS said: "The application (应用) of Beidou is only limited by imagination."

19.岁月长河, 历史足迹终不磨灭.为了重温历史, 感受红色文化, 你校将在本周日上午8点组织全体师生参加线上"云游香山革命纪念馆"活动.假如你是李华, 你打算邀请你美国的笔友Peter参加.请你用英语写一封电子邮件, 告诉他参加活动的时间和方式, 举办这次活动的意义以及他可以做什么准备.
提示词语:download APP , enter, history , culture, search
When and how will Peter take part in the activity?
Why will your school hold this activity?
What do you advise Peter to prepare for the activity?
Dear Peter,
  I'm writing to invite you to take part in the online activity of visiting Xiangshan Revolutionary Memorial Hall organized by our school.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
20.作为初三毕业班学生, 你刚刚经历了第一次英语听说机考, 相信你对自己在英语听说方面的学习经历仍记忆犹新.
某英文网站正在开展以分享英语听说学习经历为主题的征文.假如你是李华, 请用英文投稿, 谈谈你在英语听说方面的学习经历.主要内容包括:起初你在英语听说方面的困难, 你是如何克服的以及今后的打算.
提示词语:mistake, follow , key , try , progress , improve, plan
提示问题:What problems did you have in English listening and speaking?
How did you solve them?
What will you do in the future?
  I took the English Listening and Speaking Online Test last month. Here I want to share my learning experience with you. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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