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1.Paul is my best friend. I often practice running with ____after school.
  • A. me
  • B. us
  • C. him
  • D. them
2.The telephone was invented by Alexander Bell ____1876.
  • A. in
  • B. on
  • C. at
  • D. from
3.It's snowing outside. Put on your coat before leaving, ____ you may catch a cold.
  • A. so
  • B. or
  • C. but
  • D. and
4.—____ schoolbag is this, Li Ming?
—I am not sure. It might be Carla's.
  • A. Who
  • B. Whose
  • C. What
  • D. Which
5.—Mum, ____I go to the shopping center with Anna now?
—I'm afraid you can't. You should clean your room first.
  • A. should
  • B. must
  • C. can
  • D. need
6.The Great Wall is one of _______ man-made wonders in the world.
  • A. great
  • B. greater
  • C. greatest
  • D. the greatest
7.—Jason, I called you at 8:00 last night, but you didn't answer it.
—Oh, I ____to some loud music at that time.
  • A. listen
  • B. listened
  • C. am listening
  • D. was listening
8.—How is your reading project?
—I ____most of the books we are supposed to read since September.
  • A. have read
  • B. read
  • C. will read
  • D. am reading
9.The 2022 Winter Olympics ____ in Beijing this February.
  • A. held
  • B. were held
  • C. will hold
  • D. will be held
10.—Excuse me, could you tell me ____ on weekends?
—It closes at 10:30 pm.
  • A. when the school library closes
  • B. when the school library closed
  • C. when does the school library close
  • D. when did the school library close
11.  Jake was sitting all alone in the classroom during the break, thinking about the"C"he had received in his spelling test. "I knew I was getting it when I was taking the test, but I just can't help feeling unlucky to be bad at spellings, "thought Jake. He was good at other subjects, and he couldn't (1)       seeing a big "C"on his test paper.
  After the break, the spelling teacher Ms. Kaur came in and said that the Spelling Bee Contest was going to be held. Some students were excited because they were good at spellings, but others wore (2)       expressions. So did Jake. He certainly was not taking part in it. He was still worrying about his test. Jake wanted to score well in spelling tests too, but he couldn't focus on spellings. He sat there thinking about what to do. Finally, he got a good idea. It seemed the best thing to do was to (3)       something in spellings. He knew it took courage to take part in something he was bad at, but it was a window of opportunity.
  The next day, when he told Ms. Kaur about his decision, she was surprised. "I am proud of you, Jake. You set a/an (4)       for those who are bad at some subjects, but never work for them. "
  From that day on, Jake started working for the contest. He was buried in the spelling books, feeling sleepy now and then. He felt sure he would sleep with the boring spellings. But he went on working. Soon the day for the first (5)       of the contest came. It was his turn. He walked onto the stage. He was nervous. Ms. Kaur nodded her head encouragingly. She asked him the word. Jake wanted to (6)       right there. He knew the word!"E-N-O-R-M-I-T-Y," he answered.
  Unexpectedly, Jake entered the next round and worked even harder. In the final Jake felt his heart (7)       loudly. But when he heard his word, he was no more nervous. "C-O-U-N-C-I-L," he answered correctly. He made it for the subject in which he got bad grades!
  Opportunities come and go. The secret of success is to be (8)       when an opportunity comes. When it comes, you must take it and go on, and never give up.
12.   Are you looking for some fun ways to recycle waste materials?Here are some simple but enjoyable waste material school projects for almost every age group!
Dried Leaf animals Do you have too many dried leaves in front of your house that you need to keep sweeping into the bin?Why don't you use them to make something fun instead?Pick up fallen leaves and turn them into little animal cut-outs. Then you can use them as bookmarks or stick them on cards. This is a great activity for you when you're bored. 
Bottle Vases
Have you ever tried to turn old plastic or glass bottles into pretty little vases? You can use whatever you want for this. We suggest some paint, tape and even pieces of cloth. Get some fallen flowers and leaves to decorate (装饰) your bottles too! Now you have your very own vases to put some pretty flowers in. 
Pencil Shaving Art Do you usually throw your pencil shavings into the bin? Now you can keep them instead! There are many art and craft activities for you. From fruits to animals to flowers, the question isn't what you can do with pencil shavings but rather what you cannot do! Let your imagination run wild and see what cool and creative ideas you'll come up with! 
Walnut Shell Turtles Have you ever thought of this? How creative this one is!Walnut shells (核桃壳) do look like turtle shells. Get some paint, a black marker, tape, glue, scissors, cardboard and your walnut shells and you're good to go. Enjoy yourselves as you sit and make cute little turtles that you can keep in any bedroom or the living room. We love this activity and we hope you do too! 
13.The Art of Singing
  When Alana first saw the musical Annie, she knew she wanted to try out for the lead role at some time in her life. She went home and sang the show tune (曲目) of Annie. She recorded her singing and listened back to it, but it didn't sound as good as she thought.
  "Your voice is like an instrument. You need to learn how to use it, "her mother suggested.
  So Alana joined a band and a singing club. She also learned how to read sheet music and other singing skills.
  Days later, Alana went to the library and took out some CDs of female artists to listen to. She ran through the female artists and tried very hard to emulate (模仿) their singing. First, Alana put on Aretha Franklin, who is known as the Queen of Soul. Then, she put on Billie Holiday. She learned to relax her neck and shoulders and breathed in from above her belly. Alana found that each singer had their own way of forming the notes. She was amazed to see that the human voice could stretch (伸展) in so many different ways. As Alana experimented with various ways of singing, she got more comfortable with what her own voice naturally sounded like.
  Around this time, it was announced that her school would produce their own performance of Annie. Alana wanted the lead!
  When she tried out for Annie, she sang very powerfully. "The sun'll come out. .tomorrow!" she belted out. "You're only …a dayyy…a..wayyyyy!
  Her music teacher applauded. "Alana, you've been working hard to become a better singer. Congratulations!You've got the lead role! You're our new Annie!"
  Alana's dream came true. But she knew her dream didn't just happen because she wished and hoped it would. She'd been taking lessons and working hard. She walked home whistling (用口哨吹奏) a happy little song.
14.  Everyone wants to be well-liked. As humans, we are born with the need to be valued and liked by others. Being part of a group has been necessary in a lot of ways. Connection is a basic human need.
  Many people feel as though they have to be a certain way to be well-liked. They think others will like them more if they put their best selves forward, don't make mistakes, and always know the right thing to say. However, some surprising science may be putting all this in question.
  The Pratfall Effect
  It turns out that people who never make mistakes are actually less likeable. According to an experiment by Elliot Aronson in the 1960s, people who made a small blunder, such as dropping coffee over their shirt, were considered more likeable than those who didn't. This was only true for people who were considered competent (有能力的) in the first place, though. This phenomenon (现象) was termed the Pratfall Effect.
  The Pratfall Effect shows that it's not only okay to make mistakes, but it can actually be helpful to us. Vulnerability(weakness)is endearing (讨人喜欢的). It helps us form connections with others. When we understand where someone is coming from and connect with them, we develop a deep emotional bond and like them more.
  Apply this to your own life
  You can use this information to your advantage. Firstly, it's important to know likeability depends on context. What someone finds endearing in one situation may not work in another, and different people might find different qualities more likeable. Sometimes the things we dislike the most about ourselves are the most endearing to others. The same can be true for the opposite. Just be your true self and people will find what they love most about you.
  Secondly, vulnerability is a good thing. Sharing the most inner, real parts of yourselves can create meaningful connections. Pretending (假装) to be perfect is not something that people find endearing. But opening up is something that people can easily connect with.
  Likeability is not as straightforward as you might think. What you think makes you more likeable might actually make you less likeable. Stop pretending you never make mistakes. It's the best path to true and meaningful human connection.
15.  Imagine you are ordering for your roommates. You remember Laura prefers banana ice cream to chocolate. It could be a fact for it was proved by observing her behavior. However, the ice cream preference could be an opinion that shows her personal choice. While it's nice to think the world is clearly divided into matters of fact and matters of opinion, it's not always the case.
  What we think are facts those things we think are true-can end up being wrong. Calling something a fact is not a promise of infallibility (无误). The famous writer, Asimov expressed this in his article The Relativity of Wrong. For him, the person who thinks the Earth is flat is wrong, and so is the person who thinks the Earth is a sphere. A fact is usually used to represent the best knowledge we have at a certain time.
  Then again, calling something an opinion doesn't mean an escape to the fairyland of wishful thinking. If we think of an opinion as one person's view on a subject, then many opinions can be solid. For example, it's my opinion that science provides us with a powerful tool to help understand our place in the universe. It's not a fact that science does so, but it works for me.
  But we can be much clearer in our meaning if we divide things into matters of fact and matters of opinion. Matters of fact are limited to empirical statements (实证表达), such as what the boiling point of water is. Matters of opinion are non﹣empirical statements, which include questions of value and of personal preference such as whether it's better to eat more vegetables than meat.
  Matters of opinion can be informed by matters of fact (for example, finding out that vegetables are rich in vitamins can change my food preference), but finally they are not answered by matters of fact (why does it matter to me that vegetables are rich in vitamins?).
  Opinions are not just pale shadows (影子) of facts. They are judgements and conclusions. They can be the result of careful consideration in areas for which empirical research is not enough or ill﹣suited.
  Facts and opinions shouldn't be put in opposition to each other, as they can both play a necessary role in our decision﹣making. But that's just my opinion, not a fact.

16.阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题.
  Science shows that there is a right way to build habits that last. Here are some tips to make exercise one of them.
  Start small
  A goal of exercising for 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week may sound good. But how likely are you to follow through?The bigger your goal is, the more likely you are to fail and give up. It's better to start with easy exercise goals you know you can achieve because you'll build self﹣confidence when you meet them. Then you can move on to bigger goals.
  Use triggers
  Triggers are simply reminders一activities, places, or objects一that kick off an automatic (自动的) reaction. They help you start exercising without thinking or making decisions. For example, the alarm clock goes off and you're out of the door for your walk. You spot your sports shoes right by the bed and you're up and running. Find ways to build triggers into your day to make exercise a no-brainer.
  Reward (奖励) yourself
  People who often exercise tend to do so because of the rewards it brings to their lives, such as more energy, better sleep and a greater sense of happiness. However, these can be long-term rewards. When you're starting an exercise program, it's important to give yourself immediate rewards if you successfully complete a workout. Choose something you look forward to, but don't allow yourself to do it until after exercise. It can be something as simple as having a hot bath or a favorite cup of coffee.
  Choose exercise that makes you feel happy and confident
  If your workout is unpleasant or makes you feel bad or unhappy, you're unlikely to stick with it. Don't choose exercise like running or lifting weights at the gym just because you think that's what you should do. Instead, pick activities that fit your lifestyle, abilities and taste.
17.假如你是李华, 冬奥将至, 你校将举办"一起向未来, 共燃冬奥梦"主题活动.你们班的交换生Peter对此很感兴趣, 给你发邮件询问相关信息.请用英语给他回复一封邮件,
提示词语:winter sports, speech, competition, encourage, proud
●What activities are you going to have?
●Why do you have these activities?

Dear Peter;
  I am very glad to know that you're interested in the activities we are going to have. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  If there is anything more that I can help with, please let me know.
Li Hua
18."青春需早为, 岂能长少年." 世间有很多美好的东西, 如生命、健康、时间、亲情友情……, 需要我们珍惜.
某英文网站正在开展以"珍惜"为主题的征文活动.假如你是李华, 请用英语写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈你最珍惜什么, 为什么最珍惜它, 以及你在日常生活中是怎么做的.
提示词语:friendship, health, warm, meaningful, respect
●What do you value most in your life?Why?
●How do you value it in your daily life?
  There are many things we should value in our life. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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