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1.Betty arrived ______ London ______ the evening of June 1st.
  • A. at; in
  • B. at; on
  • C. in; on
2.I didn't realize he was a famous scientist ______ you told me.
  • A. until
  • B. because
  • C. since
3.—Would you like some bread or cookies?
      , thanks. I don't have any food before going to bed.
  • A. None
  • B. Both
  • C. Neither
4.Oh, I forgot _______ my ruler with me. Can I use yours?
  • A. bring
  • B. brought
  • C. to bring
  • D. bringing
5.These books are nice. You can take ______ of them.
  • A. someone
  • B. everyone
  • C. anyone
  • D. any one
6.We need some more coffee. But there is ______ left.
  • A. little
  • B. few
  • C. a little
7.Because I got up very late this morning,       I was late for class.
  • A. but
  • B. /
  • C. so
  • D. or
8.Tare is ______ one of the two girls.
  • A. smarter
  • B. the smarter
  • C. the smartest
9.Susan ______ her friend's invitation because of an important meeting.
  • A. took down
  • B. put down
  • C. turned down
  • D. wrote down
10.      ?
—Well, everything there was really interesting.
  • A. How did you like it
  • B. How is it going
  • C. How do you do
11.(Mandy and Bob are talking about Mandy's problems. )
A: Hello, Mandy!(1)      
B: I want to do some reading in the library. But I don't have any weekends at all.
A: Why? It's a good time for outdoor activities. (2)      
B: You don't know I'm so worried.
B: My parents and I always have different ideas. We often argue (争吵)at home.
A: I see. (4)      Then you have chances to communicate with them well.
B : I have tried, but they still have too much pressure on me. In their eyes, my only task is to study.
A: Ha! All the parents are alike.
A: Don't worry. I think your teacher can help you work out the problem. Why not ask him for help ?
B:Sounds great! Thank you , Bob.
A. What happened to you?
B. We can play computer games to relax ourselves at home.
C . I always feel there are so many black clouds above my home.
D. In my opinion, you can leave them without saying anything.
E. How do you plan to spend your weekend?
F . I think you can take a walk or play sports with them .
G. We can go for a picnic near the river. 
12. Sometimes, my mom likes to cook breakfast food for dinner. I remember one night when she made pancakes, sausage (⾹肠) and biscuits in a hurry. Most of the food was great except the biscuits. They were not (1)      , and were very badly burned . They (2)       like pieces of black charcoal (⽊炭).
But my dad didn't seem to mind. I sat opposite my dad and watched him eat his biscuits (3)      , not seeming to care if they tasted bad. My mom said sorry for burning the biscuits , including other over-cooked things. (4)      , my dad said with a smile, "You know, I like eating burned biscuits every once in a while!"
Later that night, before I went to bed, I asked my dad if he really liked the burned biscuits. He explained that my mom worked hard all day, and that she was quite tired by the time she cooked our dinner. "To be honest, they tasted not so bad , " he (5)      .
It was then that I understood why he told Mom that be liked eating the burned biscuits. Everyone has faults (错误 ). They don't belong to a single person. (6)       can do everything right all the time. Feeling (7)       to accept others' faults is one of the keys to building healthy relationships. It is also one of the ways to protect others in some embarrassing (尴尬的)situations. If we don't (8)       these things, we'll never enjoy true love and understanding.
13. Do you know extreme sports? Extreme sports are often dangerous. But many people like them. A lot of people want to do them, even women. Do you know why? One said, " Because they can make me look very cool. " Do you think so? Read about them below. Then you can know a lot about them.
 Bungee Jumping
People on some South Pacific islands did bungee jumping for hundreds of years. In 1979, some people bungee jumped off a bridge in England and made the sport popular around the world. Bungee jumping came to China in 1996. 
At first, this sport was called "sidewalk surfing". Skateboarders often jump high into the air, go down steps or slide (滑动) down rails on their boards. They wear baggy trousers so that they can move more freely. 
This is probably the scariest (最惊险的) extreme sport. Skydivers jump out of airplanes about four kilometers up in the sky. They usually fall freely for a while and then open a parachute (降落伞) to slow down for a safe landing. 
This became a winter Olympic sport in 1998. People tied their feet to the board with special shoes. They don't use any skill sticks. Then they ride down hills , jump high and do tricks. 
14. When you want to invite friends to a party , you'd better send the invitations. This is a good way to show your respect . Here are some ways of inviting friends to your party.
Mailed Invitations
The most traditional way to invite your friends is to mail invitations. You need to write down all the information about the party, such as the party time, place, clothes to wear, things to bring and your phone number.
Online Invitations
You can also invite friends to a party through the Internet. You can make some online invitations, put pictures and videos in the online invitations and then e﹣mail them to your friends .
Phone Calls
If you want to save more time, you can just make a phone call. In this way, you can tell them more about your party. And you can hear if they are interested in the party.
In Person (亲⾃)
When you invite friends in person, you can talk to them about the party and know their interests. But when you talk to the friends, you may forget some important information. So, you'd better prepare an invitation for them, too.
15. All of us have different choices (选择) when we are at a decision﹣making point in our lives. And we live with the consequences (结果) of those desicions in our lives.
As children grow up, they begin to make their own decisions. However, they may often make wrong decisions when they don't have their parents to discuss with. (1)      
Teach children to know that what they do may affect(影响) others. It can help them make deisions. (2)      
Let children get clear that everyday desicions can have long﹣time results. (3)      Teach them how to improve themselves through right desicion-making.
Give them examples of how making a bad choice can lead to a criminal record (犯罪记录). (4)      Most children do not want any criminal record in their future life.
(5)       So it is also important to let children know how to learn something from
A. And the decisions will be good to themselves and others.
B. Then results can be more serious when they need to make desions.
C. These results can be good or terrible.
D. As parents, it is important for you to teach your children to think carefully especially when you are not around.
E. Children need to depend on themselves.
F. Mistakes can be a good way to learn lessons. 
16. A good breakfast is the best way to start your day. Do you like Chinese breakfast foods?
Breakfast dishes in China are different from area to area. Everything from history to environment, climate and culture can affect (影响) what is eaten.
Southern (南⽅的) China has grown rice for thousands of years, while the north has grown wheat (⼩⻨). Popular breakfast dishes in many southern provinces are made from rice. Northerners (北⽅⼈) , on the other hand, prefer (更喜欢) wheat for breakfast.
People in Hunan Province are famous for eating spicy(辣的) dishes. For breakfast, they like rice noodle best. The spicy soup is where the taste really comes from. Meanwhile, in the north, people make breakfast with wheat daugh (⾯团). The Jianbing guozi is one of the most popular dishes. It is said that people in Tianjin began to make it. The thin pancake is pan﹣fried and then rolled with spicy sauce.
However, some dishes seem to be common in both the south and the north. It seems easy for you to find porridge (粥), steamed buns (馒头), deep fried dough sticks (油条) and soybean milk (⾖浆) around the country. What breakfast dishes do you like?
There are many (1)            in breakfast dishes in different parts of China. Everything from history to environment, climate and culture ean affect what we are eating. Southerners prefer dishes made from rice. Northerners, on the other hand, (2)            wheat for breakfast better. For example, people in Hunan Province are famous for eating spicy dishes. Their (3)            breakfast dish is rice noodles with spicy soup. Meanwhile, the Jianbing guozi is one of the most popular dishes in the north. It is said that people in Tianjin were the (4)            to make it. However , some dishes such as porridge, steamed buns, deep fried dough sticks and soybean milk can be (5)             found both in the south and north. 

17. More and more people are traveling to China. Many first-time visitors to China often ask us the best way to plan trips to China. This article will give you some practical advice.
Percentage of inbound (⼊境) tourists in 2019
Plan your time well.
The best time to travel to China is between May and November. Because the winter months between December and March can be very cold, especially in Northern and Western China.
Avoid (避免)planning any kind of travel on the three golden weeks in China:
• Two weeks during Chinese New Year (late January or early February each year)
• The first week of May (May Day holidays)
• The first week of October(the National Day holidays)
Most hotels, restaurants and sights can be crowded on these weeks.
Plan your interests.
Ask yourself what you would like to see in China. Try to travel on a theme to make your trip more interesting. If you are interested in modern China, plan visits to places like Shanghai, Shenzhen, Xiamen, Hong Kong and Macao. There are also famous modern restaurants, buildings and shopping centers for visitors to experience.如果你对中国的历史和⽂化感兴趣, 可以计划去北京、⻄安和南京.
Plan your way of travel.
If you have time, plan a slow trip through China using local buses or trains and understand the true sight, sound and smell of China. Live with the Chinese, eat with the Chinese and even have parties with the Chinese.
1.Please translate the first underlined sentence into Chinese.
2.What percentage of foreigners travelled to China in 2019?
3.When is the best time to travel to China?
4. Please translate the second underlined sentence into English.
5. What did the writer advise foreigners to do in the last paragraph (段落)?
6. Which places of interest in China did you visit? What do you think of it?
appeared, culture, relaxing, expect, decide, together, famous,
educational, happening, reason, comfortably, surprised 

The television is an important part of many families. And watching TV is a kind of (1)             of today's life. I like watching TV, too. I don't know when the first TV (2)            but it's a really great thing. However, my mom doesn't (3)             me to watch too much TV. But when I watch my favorite TV program, she is often ready to watch it with me (4)            , The National Geographic.
The National Geographic is a (5)             documentary program. It tells something around the world, such as the animals, plants, mountains, rivers and people. Every time when I turn on the TV, the world is brought before me, for me to enjoy its amazing things. In fact, they often make me feel (6)            .
I like this program because it is (7)            . It is a window to the world. It helps me to learn what's (8)             around the world. It is interesting, and that's also the (9)             why I like it. I never thought that such an educational program could be so interesting. I just sit (10)             in my home, but I get a chance to enjoy the beautiful world.
19.你们班级准备召开以"我的梦想"为主题的班会.作为⼀名中学⽣应该有⾃⼰的梦想, 你梦想是什么呢? 请你以"My Dream"为题写⼀篇英语短⽂.
1. 描述⾃⼰的梦想以及将会如何实现这个梦想;
2. 语句通顺, 表达正确;
3. 词数 80 左右, 可适当发挥, 短⽂的开头和结尾已给出, 不计⼊总词数.
My Dream
Everyone has his dream.                                                                                .
I think my dream will come true one day.
期末试卷 最新试卷 山西试卷 朔州市试卷 2020年试卷 初中试卷 八年级上学期试卷 英语试卷
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