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1.—Lily, is this blue pencil box Steve's?
—No, it isn't. _______ is black.
  • A. Mine
  • B. Hers
  • C. His
2.______ we continue to pull together, we'll keep winning the game.
  • A. As long as
  • B. Even though
  • C. As soon as
3.With the help of 5G technology, the apps on the smart phone can provide ______ functions for the users than before.
  • A. many
  • B. more
  • C. most
4.The spirit of ox (牛) ______ an important role for China's development this year.
  • A. is playing
  • B. was playing
  • C. played
5.Everyone needs to know _______ importance of rubbish sorting (分类).
  • A. an
  • B. 不填
  • C. the
6.Life _______ be easy or difficult, sometimes it depends on how you look at it.
  • A. can't
  • B. must
  • C. can
7.The Party's 100th birthday _______ on July 1st this year in our country.
  • A. will be celebrated
  • B. has been celebrated
  • C. will celebrate
8.Zhang Hong, a Chinese, is the first Asian blind climber ________ has reached the top of Qomolangma.
  • A. who
  • B. whose
  • C. which
9.—How wonderful the school concert is! I wonder ________ our school will hold it next year.
—Sure. It's our school tradition!
  • A. how
  • B. if
  • C. where
10.It is hard for people to move forward with a strong wind ______ hard.
  • A. blown
  • B. blowing
  • C. to blow
11.A: Alan
A: Oh, Tim. Look at this mess! What are you doing?
T: I am so angry! (1)      
A: It's wrong of him to do that. (2)      
T: I'm sorry. But I don't know how.
A: First, take a deep breath. (3)      
T: OK, let me have a try. Take a deep breath…
A: Does it work? (4)      
T: Really? That sounds fun.
A: Yes. Singing or running can help you let out your anger. (5)      
T: Sure. Let's go!
A. If not, you can sing or run.
B. This can help you cool down.
C. Tony just said bad words to me.
D. Would you like to run with me now?
E. But you should try to control your anger. 
12.  We all like honest people, but not all people are honest with us. So it must be great that there is a day to ask (1)       to be honest. M. Hirsh Goldberg, a writer, started Honesty Day. He (2)       the last day of April as Honesty Day because the first day is April Fool's Day.
  Be honest. That's all you have to do on Honesty Day. On this day, anyone can ask you any question and you should give a (3)       answer. Every Honesty Day, Mr. Goldberg gives (4)       to honest groups and people to praise their honesty.
  Mr. Goldberg wrote a book on telling lies. He said (5)       everyone tells lies. That is why he set up Honesty Day.
13.  Last summer vacation, I decided to visit Wolong in Sichuan Province. Before I started, my mom reminded me to take care of myself again and again. Because it was my first time to travel alone, I felt really (1)       at first.
  Wolong is a large nature reserve (自然保护区), which includes several panda bases for breeding (繁殖) and research. I stayed at a small hotel next to Wolong Panda Center (2)       I arrived. I was going to visit the center the next morning.
  Everything went (3)       at first the next day. I saw many (4)       playing in the trees. They looked so cute. I was not nervous anymore. I also tried to feed them with some bamboo. They were happy and even wanted to (5)       me. Later, I left the center happily.
  But while I was going back to the hotel, I lost my (6)      . I was so worried that I nearly cried. At that moment, a (7)       came up to me and asked if I needed any (8)      . Then he showed me the way and I arrived at the hotel (9)       in the end.
  The trip to Wolong not only allowed me to learn about pandas in a more satisfying way, but also to meet friendly people. This (10)       gives me the courage to travel alone again in the future.
  We did a survey about unpaid work among 300, 000 married couples in our city. One third of them have no children, another third have one or two and the last third have three or more. The unpaid work includes childcare and housework.
(The diagram (图表) below shows the result of the survey.)

(1)______ According to the diagram, "more children" means "less unpaid work" for husbands.      
(2)______We can infer unpaid work done by wives with over 3 children will rise to over 50 hours a week.
(3)______The survey shows childcare usually falls on wives.
(4)______The diagram may explain why some wives want more children.
(5)______The survey is based on family life.
In the next three years, China plans to build 30 airports and 3 , 000 km of railways. Traveling will be more convenient. And more efforts will be made to improve roads in areas to make it easier for farm products to reach cities and industrial products to hit rural markets. China is also actively developing high-speed maglev (磁悬浮) trains. Many new technologies will be used in future projects. 
What's the fun of being an architect (建筑师)? For French Architects Lacaton and Vassal, it' s about rebuilding! The couple won the 2021 Prizker Architecture Prize, which is regarded as the Nobel Prize for architects. The couple always try to make an old building a more enjoyable place to live or work in. Their work is friendly to both people and the environment. 
China' s "Sky Eye" is open to the world since March 31. It can "see" objects about 13. 7 billion light years away. China is giving 10% of its observation (观察) time, around 450 hours a year, to scientists from other countries. 
Using mobile phones while driving is dangerous. That' s why the UK has introduced a new law this year. Now, making calls or sending messages while driving is not allowed. According to the new law, drivers using their phone to take a photo or play a game take the most punishment! 
16.  Tangchang, a town in Chengdu, is well-known for cloth shoes. With over 20 types, Tangchang cloth shoes are strong, comfortable, breathable and friendly to the environment. In 2018, they were added to Sichuan's intangible cultural heritage list (非物质文化遗产名录).
  63-year-old Lai Shufang has spent over 40 years making Tangchang cloth shoes. Now she is a master. She said there are 32 steps to make a pair, but the most important step is making the soles.
  Layers (层) of white cloth are glued together with flour paste (糨糊). "To make good paste, we make it at a temperature of 85℃. If it's too low or too high, the paste will not work, "Lai said. Then the pasted layers are dried and cut into different shapes. After this, the layered cloth is beaten again and again until it is tight (紧实的) enough to make soles and upper parts. The next step is to shape the two parts and glue them together. But still the soles' edges look fluffy. Through repeated polishing and trimming, the fluffy edges (毛边) will become smooth. Then the cloth shoes are ready.
  Lai's hard work touched her son Ai Peng. In 2015, Ai decided to leave his job and help his mother. He used Shu embroidery to make the shoes look more beautiful and opened a cloth shoe store online. He also set up shop windows to show the steps of making shoes, helping more people learn about the art of cloth shoes.
17.Being overweight i             the risk of having a heart problem. You'd better exercise more.
18.The outdoor terraces (露台) allow people to enjoy more n             light, lowering the need for electricity.
19.Yuan Longping spent his whole life doing research into rice and his a       will be remembered by us all forever.
20.A large ship broke down in the river, l             at least 100 big ships unable to pass.
21.After watching a news report about the first panda-themed tourist train from Chengdu to Zunyi, I am t             for an exciting trip on it.
R: Hi, David. Did you read the article by Mr. Smith?
D: Well, I read some of his articles. What's the topic of the article you mentioned?
R: It's about education.
D: Yes, I did read it. I've learned a lot from the article.
R: So have I. Mr. Smith says the purpose of education is to make all the students ready for the (1)             life.
D: I (2)             all students should become engineers, scientists, artists and so on through hard work.
R: I once had the (3)             incorrect idea. Now I know that common workers are also needed by our society.
D: Yes. If no people clean streets and take the rubbish away, terrible diseases(疾病)will soon appear and (4)             easily.
R: It's clear that we can't live without them. So, common workers are very important and they're considered the (5)             part of our society. We can't imagine how awful our world will be if they are all (6)             in our life.
D: Surely, each job has the (7)             of its own, no matter what kind of job it is.
R: Mr. Smith also says every job is different in (8)            of knowledge and skills. Different people can do different jobs. The society offers different kinds of (9)             chances to different people.
D: That's for sure. People are different in abilities. (10)             jobs they take, their abilities should match them. Then they can work happily and do good to the society.
R: I can't agree with you more.
argue, beautiful, care, far, for, good, heat, include, special, succeed, under, work  

  Xu Yuanchong is a famous Chinese modern translator. Born in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province in 1921, he studied (1)            Qian Zhongshu, Wu Mi and other Chinese masters at The National Southwest Associated University. He went to University of Paris for (2)            study after graduating from Tsinghua University.
  Over the course of a translation career (生涯) lasting more than seventy years, Xu has translated about 120 works, (3)             The Book of Songs, The Songs of Chu and The Red and the Black, with a (4)             focus on poetry (诗歌). Xu is also the only person in China who has (5)             translated poetry to and from Chinese, English and French, in a very precise (准确的) and beautiful way. His (6)             are often chosen as textbooks for foreign language learners.
  Xu pays much attention to the (7)             of image, sound and form. He will leave something out and add something to make the translated works more beautiful. During his translation career, he has been at the center of many (8)             debates (辩论) with other translators. But Xu said, "I am not afraid of (9)            because the truth becomes clearer with each debate."
  Now Xu is 100 years old. He has stopped his translation of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. He is writing more about his own life.
To everyone, he sends a wish: "Good, better, best. Never let it rest until your good is better and your better is (10)            . ”
24.  The invention of barcodes (条形码) is based on a very simple idea. We only need to give each product a specific number and print it. (1)      We could simply print the number itself. But this can cause problems. For example, an unclearly printed "seven" could look like a "one" to a computer. It's also true for "three" and "eight". (2)       We need a better way of printing numbers so that they can be read correctly at high speeds. That's the problem barcodes solve.
  Each number in a barcode is shown by seven blocks of the same size. (3)       For example, the number "one" is shown in turn by two white stripes(条), two black stripes, two white stripes, and one black stripe. (4)      
  A barcode includes different parts and each one provides a specific meaning. The first part of a barcode tells you the country where the product was made. For example, 690—692 is the barcode for China. (5)       . The final part is about the product itself. This is how barcodes work.
A. Then computers can read it directly.
B. All information can be shown by barcodes.
C. The next part tells you who produced the product.
D. And "nine" looks similar to "six" if you turn it upside down.
E. Even if you turn it upside down, it isn't similar to any other number.
F. These are colored either black or white to show the number zero to nine. 

25.  The Arctic is home to over 21,000 kinds of animals and plants. Two thirds of it is the Arctic Ocean. In winter, it is completely covered with sea ice. In summer, nearly 50 percent of the sea is ice.
  It's also home to about 4 million people, a group of whom are Inuit. Jim is an Inuit boy. At 6:30 am, he wakes up and gets ready to go to school in his fur coat. It keeps him warm in the freezing weather. Half an hour later, he gets to school on a ski or snowmobile. Some of his friends go by car instead. At 11:30 am, it's time for lunch. There's fish and other meat in his lunchbox. He sometimes eats them uncooked. These foods give him enough energy. Besides local food, some people eat Western food. At 5:00 pm, the snow outside makes everything bright, so he wears snow goggles on his way back home, or his eyes may be hurt badly by the strong light. From December to March, the sun never rises. However, it always shines in the sky during the summer. At 10:00 pm, he goes to bed. Sometimes he stays in an ice house called igloo. It looks cold but it's warm inside. Many local people live in houses made of wood.
  The Inuit mainly make a living by hunting and fishing. Now, their life is greatly influenced by climate(气候)change. For example, many animals they hunt for food are disappearing. There is less food for the reindeer they keep, too. They face more terrible weather, such as snowstorms. Hunting becomes more dangerous. Hunters may accidentally fall into water if the ice becomes too thin. Actually, the temperature in the Arctic is 18℃ higher than it was 125 years ago. All Arctic ice may disappear during the summer in less than 100 years.

(1)                                                                                ;
(2)                                                                                ;
(3)                                                                                ;
(4)                                                                                ;
26.你校英文校刊就 “过度养育”(Overparenting) 这一现象开辟专栏, 展开讨论. 请以 "Overparenting:Yes or No" 为题写一篇短文,向该栏目投稿。
Voices from (1)  Voices from (2)  

1. 简述该现象;
2. 陈述图表中不同观点及理由;
3. 表述你的观点及两点理由(须与图中不同)。
1. 请先在答题卡上填写表中空格;
2. 须全面反映图表信息, 但不能完全照抄;
3. 文中不能出现真实的学校和姓名;
4. 词数:100 左右。
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