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1.— Whose camera is this?
— Oh, it's ______. Thank you!
  • A. me
  • B. my
  • C. mine
2.— Excuse me! ______ you show me your train tickets?
— Certainly! Here you are.
  • A. Can
  • B. May
  • C. Must
3.We usually celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival ______ May or June.
  • A. on
  • B. in
  • C. at
4.There ______ many little libraries in our town in the 1990s.
  • A. are
  • B. was
  • C. were
5.—Lily, who is your favorite writer?
—Mark Twain. I like him ______ he wrote many interesting stories.
  • A. but
  • B. because
  • C. or
6.—Henry, what did you do yesterday?
—I ______ a movie called Peter Rabbit 2.
  • A. watch
  • B. watched
  • C. will watch
7.I ______ a delicious meal for my parents tomorrow.
  • A. am going to cook
  • B. cook
  • C. cooked
8.—What a wonderful painting! ______ did you buy it?
—In the Palace Museum.
  • A. Why
  • B. When
  • C. Where
9.In the future, people ______ 4D printers to print anything they want.
  • A. will use
  • B. are using
  • C. use
10.______ litter into the right dustbin (垃圾桶), please.
  • A. Put
  • B. To put
  • C. Putting
11.As a fan of music, Jack often ______ the violin in his free time.
  • A. is playing
  • B. plays
  • C. will play
12.China's Tianwen-1 ______ back its first picture of Mars (火星) a few months ago.
  • A. will send
  • B. sends
  • C. sent
13.When Dad and Grandpa Were Children
  Do you think a child's life was different in the past? When my dad was a boy, he helped his mum with jobs in the house every weekend. She gave him $1 each time. When he had the money, he bought a football. It (1)       really cool.
  My grandpa's family was poor. To have some pocket money, he got a Saturday job at a restaurant. He (2)       the dishes (餐具) and the floor. Finally he bought a bicycle and went everywhere on it!
14.The Apple Pie
  One Saturday, Lily asked her mother if they could make an apple pie. "Yes," said her mother, "but we will need some apples."
  "I (1)       to Grandma's farm and pick some," said Lily. Soon Lily picked four red apples. On the way home, Lily (2)       a horse, a cow, and a pig in Grandma's field. She gave each animal an apple. When Lily got home, her mother looked in the basket and said, "One apple? We can't make a pie with one apple." Lily laughed.
successful (adj.); began (v.); board (n.); company (n.) 

  Eric Koston is a famous skateboarder (滑板运动员). He was born in Thailand. His family moved to the US when he was a baby. His love of skateboarding (1)             when his older brother gave him a skateboard. It was an old (2)            , but he learned how to skateboard by watching other kids and then he practiced by himself every day.
  Three years later, he was so good that a (3)             that made skateboards offered (提供) him a summer work. Since then, Eric has won many competitions (比赛) and made boarding videos. Now he has a (4)             company making sports shoes and clothes.
classical(adj.); singer (n.); wrote(v.); songs(n.); famous(adj.); studied(v.) 

Nina Simone
  Nina Simone was one of the best musicians of the 20th century.
  She sang folk (民谣), blues, and jazz music. Nina told stories with her (1)            . She also sang about ideas important to her.
  At a very young age, Nina showed interest in music. She started playing the piano when she was three years old. As a kid, she played the piano in her mother's church. She also (2)             classical music.
  She learned to play the music of great (3)             musicians, including Beethoven and Bach.
  As a (4)            , Nina became famous for her beautiful, powerful voice. She put folk, blues, and jazz together to write many well-known songs such as I Put A Spell On You and My Baby Just Cares For Me. Nina Simone also (5)             songs for African Americans' equality (平等). Today, she is (6)             as one of the key voices for African Americans.
sale (n.); problem (n.); get(v.); take (v.); safe (adj.); meaning (n.); easy (adj.) 

  I'm not a shopaholic!
  I don't like shopping at all! I admit it. I hate (讨厌) shopping because it (1)             me lots of time, money and energy in the past.
  In fact, I hate it so much that I only go clothes shopping once a year. I wait for the (2)             to start, and then go into town to buy all my clothes for the year. I shop around for the cheapest things not the ones I like best. I try them on and, as long as they fit me, I buy them. I don't keep the receipt (收据), as I know I won't go back to the shop if there are (3)            . Also, I always pay cash, as I don't want to get a huge credit card bill (信用卡账单) at the end of the month. And if I really need something, I do online shopping. And I usually have a shopping list. It's very (4)            —you can look through it at home and make your decisions without a shop assistant around you trying (5)             you to buy something you don't want!
  So, in this way I can save much time to do something (6)             to me.
18.After-school clubs
  Do you want to make your after-school life more colorful? Here are some good choices for you.

Outdoors Club
Sitting in a classroom for eight hours a day can be tiring. How about joining an outdoor club? Activities like skiing, swimming and picnicking are possible choices. You can take part in some of them to enjoy the adventures (探险). 

Creative (创造性的) Writing Club
Want to write short stories and be the next J.K. Rowling? A writing club is a good choice for you. Your writing skills can really improve as you will be able to practice writing and get helpful advice (建议) from other club members. 

Robotics Club
Machine learning and AI are hot topics today. Do you want to know more about them? Join the club to see if you can find your interest in this field. It might even help you get a good job. 

Soup Kitchen Club
In this club, you can work at a food bank or soup kitchen. You would be spending just a few hours at a time and giving food to people who really need it. It's very helpful. 
19.Go for it!
  In eastern Africa, a volcano (火山) rises more than 19,000 feet into the sky. It's Mount Kilimanjaro, one of the world's tallest mountains. Every year, thousands of people try to climb to the top. Fewer than half succeed.
  Montannah Kenney of Texas was one of the few who succeeded. She climbed the mountain with her mom last year, when she was just 7! She was one of the youngest climbers ever to get to the top. "It felt great to reach my goal (实现目标)." Montannah said.
  Her adventure began about two years ago. Montannah found out her mom was planning to climb Kilimanjaro. She asked to go too. "I wanted to see what it was like above the clouds," she said.
  The Kenneys knew it was important to be prepared. They practiced climbing on hills near their home. And they did a study. They found that they had to be ready for all kinds of weather. The bottom of Kilimanjaro is warm, but the top is snowy and cold. The Kenneys also learned that climbers can get altitude sickness (高原反应) because of climbing very high too quickly. So they planned a route that would help them go slow.
  Montannah and her mom started in March, 2018. Guides showed them the way. On the six-day climb, they climbed for nine hours or more each day. And it rained or snowed almost the whole time.
  One day, Montannah felt sick to her stomach (恶心). She and her mom worried it might be altitude sickness. They thought about turning back. But after resting for a bit, Montannah felt better. She refused (拒绝) to give up. Two days later, she made to the top of the mountain. "I was finally above the clouds." she said.
20.  Some people think kindness (善行) is something completely selfless (无私的) that we do out of love and care, while others believe it is just a clever way to become more popular and get something good. However, a study shows that being kind to others can actually make us happy in different ways. In fact, even just thinking about our kindness in the past may make our mood (心情) better. But why and how does kindness make us so happy? Let's learn about it.
  ◇ Contagious (有感染力的) smiling
  Being kind can make someone smile and if you see that smile for yourself, it might be enjoyable. A study says that seeing someone else show a feeling naturally makes the same parts of our brains start to work, as if we have the same feeling. For example, you may find yourself laughing just because someone else is laughing.
  ◇ Righting a wrong
  Sadness can also be contagious. When someone else feels bad, it could also make us feel down. This is quite true for close friends and family. Doing a kind act (行为) can make someone sad feel better. This can also make us feel good because we are putting something right.
  ◇ _____________
  Being kind opens up many different ways to start a social connection with someone. Kind acts, like buying someone a thoughtful present or even just a coffee, build up friendships, and that in itself can better our mood. Volunteering (志愿服务) also opens up new groups of people to connect with both other volunteers and the people you are helping.
  ◇ Kindness comes back around
  A psychology study shows that being kind to others may give in return. Someone might remember that you helped them out last time, and they'll be more likely to help you in the future. Also, one person being kind can make others in the group kind, too. For example, if you make cakes for your co-workers, it will catch on, so someone does it each month. That is more days you're getting cakes than giving them.
  The story doesn't end there. Being kind may better your mood, but a study has also shown that being in a good mood can make you kind. This makes it a wonderful two-way street.
21.  Should I have ten more minutes in bed? Do I wear the new shirt or the old one? Decisions (决定), decisions; they take up a lot of our thinking time.
  It's easy to become lost in decisions and it's not surprising when you look at the numbers. While a child makes around 3,000 decisions a day, as you get older, you make about 35,000. More than two hundred of those decisions are about food. Besides that, our heads are filled with other choices about school, friends, and home. Sometimes, it seems that the easiest choice is to let someone else make the decisions for you whether you like it or not.
  But I'm beginning to realize that you can learn how to make good decisions. There are ways to filter (筛选) your decisions and center on the important ones. For example, someone always wears a grey T-shirt. Do you know why? Well, it means they can center on important decisions and not spend a lot of time deciding what to wear. Although it might be important for you to wear the right shirt, you could probably make it easier by deciding what's really important.
  There are times when we seem to have little control (控制) over the decisions we make. Picture this. You get a message from a friend that has upset (使烦恼) you. And you answer it without thinking it through which makes you feel good. However, you soon realize that you've been unkind and feel even more upset. A person reacting emotionally (情绪化地反应) often doesn't make good choices.
  So, how can you avoid (避免) making bad decisions? If possible, take time to "sleep on it" and consider the results. It's also good to ask yourself how you're feeling while you're making the decision. If you don't feel anything then be careful! That could be a sign that you aren't making the correct decision. And my final tip: don't make a decision on an empty stomach or when you've got "hunger". That is the angry feeling you get when you're hungry. After eating, you will be much more in control of your decision-making skill.
  Despite all the advice out there, there will be times when you make the wrong decision, but that shouldn't stop you from being natural and creative. The more decisions you make, the better you get at them, and then you probably won't make the same mistakes again!
22.Body language across the world
  It's well-known that we all send messages through body language, however, sometimes it can be easy to forget that each culture has its own body language. Understanding (理解) body language in other countries is key to successful communication (交流), especially when we know nothing about a foreign language.
  Eye contact (接触)
  In many countries such as in the USA, Australia or UK and in Western Europe, looking the person in the eyes when talking shows your respect (尊敬) for the speaker. It means that you are interested in and paying attention to what is said. However, in other cultures in Asia, too much eye contact is not polite and even disrespectful.
  Shaking hands is a usual way to greet in many cultures. In Romania, for example, only men usually shake hands. And they do it every time they meet, not just the first! In England, however, it's unusual to shake hands.
  The "V" sign
  In the United States, the "V" sign means "peace". However, it can be very rude in other places such as the UK, Australia and South Africa when the back of the hand is facing the other person.
  Head movements
  In many countries, nodding your head usually means that you agree to something. But for Bulgarians and Greeks, it means quite the opposite. And in India, people move their heads from side to side to show they are actively listening.
  Truly, each person is different and understands body language according to his or her culture and personal experience. So the best thing to do is to stay open-minded and learn more about other cultures.
23.I usually              [hʌg] my mother when she gets home.
24.The train will              [əˈraɪv] at the station in 20 minutes.
25.My first teacher was very              [strikt] but very nice.
26.There is a beautiful              ['rɪvə] going through our village.
27.为什么不看足球赛呢? (why not)
28.在新的学校,我将会结识许多朋友。 (make friends)
29.昨天我花了1个小时做家务。(take, housework)
30.请根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于40 词的文段写作。所给图片及提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。
每位同学都有一些旅行的经历,如春游、秋游、假期旅行等。某英文网站正在开展题为"A great trip"的征文活动,请你写一篇短文投稿。
● When and where did you go?
● What did you do during your trip?
● Why do you think it was great?

A great trip
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