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bread, is, do, are, sock, have, on, you 

1. A: Is he Jack?
B: No, he isn't. His name              Mike.
2. A:Is this              pencil?
B:Yes, it is. It's mine.
3. A:Where             the keys?
B: They're under the chair.
4. A: Does Frank have a soccer ball?
B: No, he doesn't. He              two ping-pong bats.
5. A: Do you like              for breakfast, Cindy?
B: No, I don't. I like hamburgers.
6. A: How much are the             ?
B: Eight dollars.
7. A: When is Helen's birthday?
B: It's              April 20th.
8. A: Why              Eric like history?
B:Because it's interesting.
2.Friends Cheer Each Other Up
  Tony is badly ill in bed and has to stay a home for a few days. He feels very lonely (孤独的) because other children can't come near and play (1)       him.
  There isn't much to do at home. He just looks out of the window every day. At the moment, (2)       sees a penguin (企鹅) eating a sandwich. The penguin Says "good afternoon" to him and lies away quickly.
  Tony is surprised (惊奇的). He wants to (3)       out what is going on outside. Suddenly, he sees a monkey playing with a balloon (气球) outside his window. For the next days, Tony is (4)       to see more and more strange (奇怪的) animals. He has a good time when he watches them.
  Soon, he gets well (5)       goes back to school. He tells his friends about all the strange things outside his window. While he is talking to his friends, he sees something in his friend's (6)      . Tony asks what it is and his friend shows it to him.
  Inside the bag are many (7)       that look like animals. His friends wear them to cheer Tony up when he is ill!
  From that day on, Tony always does (8)       best to make sure his friends never feel sad or lonely.
3.An E-mail
From: Ben and Emma
To: Samira, Daisuke, Peter, Marisol
Subject: pen friends 
Hi, everybody,
We see your names on the Pen Friends list. You want to get e-mails from English children. So here we are! We live near Oxford (牛津), in the UK. We are 11 years old (Emma) and 10 years old (Ben). We go to school in Oxford. Our school has 400 boys and girls between 8 and 13. We have lessons from 9:00 a. m. to lunch time. After lunch, we usually have lessons or sport. We have lessons in English, math, science, history, geography, art, P. E. and a few other things. Emma's favorite subjects are math and geography. Ben's favorite subjects are art and music. He doesn't like math. There are three terms in a year, and we do different sports in each term. Autumn term:rugby for boys, netball for girls Winter term;football and hockey (曲棍球) Summer term:cricket (板球), swimming, tennis, and gymnastics (体操) like sports but were not good at any of them!At home we like playing computer games, cycling (Emma) and photography (Ben). Write and tell us about you and your schools in Egypt, Japan, Russia and Spain. Emma and Ben 
4.A Family Bakery
  It's 3:00 a. m. . Angela is ready to start the day at the family bakery (面包). She has three children, and they all help at the bakery. Vincent and his wife, Angela, are the owners (主人)of the family bakery.
  Everyone in the family works in the bakery. The oldest daughter, Claire, is good at making many of the special (特别的) cakes. Maria is the middle child. She works at the counter (柜台), and sometimes she makes cookies. Paul, the youngest, is 14, and he makes bread. Vincent says, "Paul has good hands for bread." The whole family works in the bakery, but the children only work there before or after school.
  The bakery is open from 6:30 a. m. to 3:00 p. m. every day except (除…之外) Monday. The bakery sells (卖) cookies, cakes, and bread. For special festivals, such as Easter and Christmas, Vincent keeps the bakery open until 6:00 p. m. , and Angela always makes fresh coffee for their customers (顾客).
  Mr. Martin is a regular customer. He goes to the bakery every morning. He always takes the round loaf of bread with no butter. He says that it's good. Mrs. Salemo is also an old customer. Every Friday, she buys two loaves of Italian bread and a large box of cookies. Her six-year-old daughter, Laura, always gets one free cookies. Mrs. Salemo says that Vincent's bakery is the best in the city.
5.On the Road
  There was a sign (标志) on the bridge (桥). It says: "Danger. Low bridge!". But the driver of this van (运货车) didn't see it. When he drove the van through the bridge, there was a terrible noise, and the van suddenly stopped just under the bridge.
  The driver tried (尝试) to drive the van back, but he couldn't move it. The people passing by tried to help him move the van out of the bridge. They pushed and pushed, but they could not move it back.
  The driver telephoned a garage (修理厂) and, a few minutes later, a truck arrived here from the garage. The man from the truck tied (拴) the van to the truck. Then he tried to pull the van out. The truck pulled, and the men pushed, but the van did not move at all.
  The men got very tired and stopped pushing. Other people were angry because they could not wait to move their cars ahead. Nobody knew what to do. Then a little girl pulled the truck driver's arm and said something. The truck driver did not agree (同意), but the girl pulled his arm again. This time the truck driver listened, and the little girl said something in his ear.
  The truck driver smiled. He went to the van and he pressed (按压) the mouth on the van's tyres (轮胎). The air came out, and the van came down. Then the van's driver drove the van out easily.
6.  Some animals can be trained (训练) to help humans (人类). For example, Pecilly trained dogs help blind people (盲人) walk around the town safely. Some kinds of monkeys can learn how to help people who can't use their arms or legs too. The monkeys pick up the phone when it rings, carry shopping bags and do housework.
  In the wild (野外), animals and humans are not usually friends, but there are a few interesting examples where they can work together. In Africa, the honey guide birds work with humans to find food. The bird likes to eat the grubs in a beehive (蜂窝). It knows how to find beehives but it can't open them and get the grubs. People like to eat honey, but they aren't very good at finding beehives, so the bird and the people help each other. The bird flies to a beehive and people follow it. When the people open the beehive and take the honey, they give the grubs to the bird.
  In Laguna in the south of Brazil, fisherman and dolphins (海豚) work as a learn. The ocean (海洋) isn't very clean, so the fisherman can't see the fish. However dolphins can find them easily by using their sounds. When the dolphins find a large group of fish, they make a noise to tell the fisherman. Then the dolphins push the fish toward (朝向) the beach. The fishermen wait in the water near beach and catch a lot of fish in their nets. The fishermen's nets make it easier for the dolphins to catch fish too. In Laguna, fishermen and dolphins have been working for many years. The fishermen teach their children how to work with the dolphins. The dolphins must be happy to help because they teach their babies how to work with humans!
7.  Lisa is thirty years old. She works for the United States Forest Service (特勤) in the state of Oregon (俄勒冈州). When a fire is near a road, firefighters usually drive big fire engines (消防车) to the fire. But some forests in Oregon are very large. And they haven't got roads. Firefighters like Lisa Jones must fly over the fires in an airplane. They must jump out of the plane.
  They must use a parachute (降落伞) to reach the ground near the fire safely. Lisa is called a smoke jumper.
  Lisa Jones has just jumped out of a plane. She's dropping (落) towards the ground very quickly. Below her, she can see trees, smoke and flames (火焰). The trees are on fire. It's a forest (森林) fire! Is this a bad dream (梦)? No, it's just another day at work for Lisa Jones.
  "It's difficult. It's dangerous. But I love everything about the job." Lisa says. "I love working outdoors. I love working to save (保护) the forest."
  "My job is never boring!" says Lisa. "Every fire is different in some way. All fires are the same in one way: all fires are dangerous. Firefighters sometimes breathe (呼吸) smoke. This can make us have lung (肺部) problems."
  Smoke jumping isn't the right job for everyone. But if you are brave (勇敢的) and strong and you want to work outdoors, it might be for you.
1. Is Lisa a firefighter?
2. How does she go to the forest fire in Oregon?
3. What can she see from above?
4. Why does she work as a smoke jumper?
5. What do you think of Lisa?
8.根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于 50词的文段写作.文中已给出内容不计入总词数.所给提示词语仅供选用.请不要写出你的校名和姓名.
目前, 你们学校正在开展丰富多彩的学科实践活动, 分别开设了绘画(painting)、音乐、英语、舞蹈等拓展课程.请描述一下你参加所喜欢课程的时间, 在课上通常做什么, 并谈谈你的学习感受.
提示词语:like, come, class, teach, show, learn
提示问题:①When do you come to your favorite class?
②What do you do in class?
③How do you feel about the subject?
There are a few practical subjects at our school. .
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