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1.—How do you like Taiyuan?
—Wonderful! ______ there is really interesting!
  • A. Anything
  • B. Nothing
  • C. Everything
2.The ______ in Haidilao restaurant is good. We can even play board games when waiting!
  • A. menu
  • B. service
  • C. program
3.—Danny, you are good at English. I ______ how you make it.
—By using the app BaiCiZhan. It helps me learn many new words.
  • A. expect
  • B. wonder
  • C. decide
4.Bob is so ______ that he always shows new ideas when we work in groups.
  • A. serious
  • B. friendly
  • C. creative
5.—People can ______ see the great changes of Jiefang Road.
—Quite true. It is much wider and cleaner now.
  • A. clearly
  • B. carefully
  • C. comfortably
6.—Mom, I feel like eating something tonight, but I don't want to be fat.
—My dear, why not keep fit ______ exercise? It's better for your health.
  • A. with
  • B. through
  • C. from
7.—China is one of the most ______ countries in fighting against COVID-19.
—So it is. It always puts its people in the first place.
  • A. successful
  • B. exciting
  • C. simple
8.A good teacher can always ______ the best in students with different teaching skills.
  • A. care about
  • B. make up
  • C. bring out
9.—Taiyuan Botanical Garden has been open to public. I ______ go there this weekend.
—Don't forget to book the ticket on the Internet first.
  • A. am afraid to
  • B. am similar to
  • C. am ready to
10.—What do you think of the talk show Rock & Roast?
— ______. It can make us laugh and forget about our sadness.
  • A. I love it
  • B. I don't mind it
  • C. I can't stand it
11.选出恰当的句子, 使对话内容完整、通顺, 并将其代表的字母标号填入相应的横线上。
(Kelly and Anna are talking about their vacation.)
Kelly: Hi, Anna. (1)      
Anna: I went to Tian'anmen Square.
Kelly: Wow, did you see the flag-raising ceremony (升旗仪式)?
Anna: Of course! (2)       All the people around cheered when the flag got to the top.
Kelly: It must be quite different to watch there.
Anna: You are right! (3)       This one is for you!
Kelly: Really? You are so kind! Thank you! (4)      
Anna: My father. What about you? What did you do during the vacation?
Kelly: (5)      You know, I tried too hard in the sports meeting before National Day.
Anna: Ha—ha! You did!
A. Who did you go with?
B. I just stayed at home to rest.
C. I felt so excited at that moment.
D. We bought quite a few gifts.
E. Where did you go on National Day? 

12.  Frank and his brother Jack lived near the ocean. Frank was outgoing but Jack was (1)      . Frank liked playing games of beach volleyball, football and other (2)      , while Jack liked to draw, paint, or build sandcastles (沙堡).
  Frank thought Jack's hobbies were boring, but (3)       were interesting. He believed doing sports was (4)       than building sandcastles because children could play together. Jack didn't agree, and he decided to show Frank what doing things together looked like! After Jack finished (5)       a beautiful sandcastle, he took pictures of it. Then he used them to make colorful posters saying. "Can you top (超过) this?" He put up his posters (6)       in town. He expected people of all ages to come and (7)      .
  On a Saturday morning, Jack began digging in the sand on the beach. Later, four kids joined him. By noon, the kids became more. (8)       Frank came back from his ball game, he went to see his brother's sandcastles. He couldn't believe his eyes. At least 30 people were building sandcastles, and everyone was laughing and working (9)      ! It was the most beautiful thing he had seen on the beach. "I was (10)      ." Frank said. Jack gave him a shovel (铲子) with a smile, and they started digging together.
  No two leaves are alike in the world. We should always be able to sec things in others' places.
13.阅读下面电影简介, 将其与左面五张电影海报匹配,并将其字母标号填入相应的横线上。

A. Leap 
1. Jiang Ziya is given the task to stop the Nine-tailed Fox Demon. He is faced with a difficult decision:to follow the will of heaven or find his own path to righteousness (正义). 

B. Mulan 
2. In 1937, eight hundred Chinese soldiers fought in Shanghai. They were surrounded by the Japanese army. How would they fight to win? 

C. Vanguard 
3. Since there must be one man in each family to fight for the country. Hua Mulan, the daughter of an old father, decides to take her father's place to fight. 

D. The Eight Hundred 
4. Company Vanguard is the last hope to save Qin Guoli's life. He is a Chinese businessman working in England. It's a wonderful action, adventure and crime movie. 

E. Legend of Deification 
5. The film is about the China women's national volleyball team. Their stories have been spread for more than 40 years. It's a wonderful sports movie. 

(1)      .
(2)      .
(3)      .
(4)      .
(5)      .
14. A Swedish couple on holiday were traveling around Italy, and they wanted to go to Capri. Capri is an island in the south of the country, famous for its beautiful beach. The couple put their destination into their car's GPS, but they made a spelling mistake (错误). They carelessly typed CARPI instead of CAPRI. There is a real place called Carpi in Italy, but it is a small town in the north of the country.
  The couple followed the GPS. Although they were traveling to an island, it didn't worry them that they never crossed a bridge or saw the sea. When they arrived in Carpi, they went to the tourist office. They asked how they could go to the Blue Grotto, a well-known place in Capri. Of course, the office worker couldn't understand them. He thought they wanted to go to a restaurant called the Blue Grotto for dinner.
  When the man realized that the couple thought they were in Capri, he explained their mistake. The couple got back into their car and started driving south. The office worker said, "They were surprised, but not angry."
  It was a spelling mistake that took the couple 600 kilometers from their destination.
15.阅读下面短文, 从所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 使短文意思通顺, 并将其字母标号填入相应的横线上.
  Too many people want others to be their friends, but they don't give friendship back. That is why some friendships don't last very long. (1)       You must learn to treat (对待) your friend the way you want your friend to treat you. Learning to be a good friend means learning three rules: be true; be generous (慷慨的); be understanding.
  Being true is where a good friendship starts. (2)       If you don't tell the truth, people usually find out. Then you may lose your friend's trust.
  Generosity means sharing. You don't have to give your lunch money or your clothes. But you have to learn how to share things you like — your hobbies and interests. (3)       These can be meaningful to a friend. They tell your friend what is important to you. Then your friend can know you better.
  Everyone needs help with a problem. Talking about the problem can make it easier to solve. (4)      You must try to put yourself in your friend's place so you can understand the problem better.
  (5)       But all true friendships have three things in common. If you plan to keep your friendships, you must practice being true, generous and understanding.
A. So you must listen and understand.
B. Good friends need to trust each other.
C. To have a friend, you must learn to be one.
D. No two friendships are ever exactly similar.
E.You will also want to share your ideas and feelings. 
16.阅读下面短文, 根据短文内容回答问题.

  Social media (社交媒体) is now a part of many people's everyday lives. It is reported that about 2, 800 million people often use social media. That's almost 40 percent of the world's population. But how much time do we really spend on social media?And what exactly do we spend that time doing?
  Research shows that, an average person spends 2.4 hours on social media each day in the world. Research also shows that women use social media more than men. In the United States, for example, women spend around 2 hours more a week than men on social media.
  What do most people do on social media? According to one survey, the most common social media activities are visiting friends' pages, reading their news, and commenting (评论) on their posts (帖子). The most popular social media site is Facebook. It has over 2,000 million users. In second place is the Chinese site Qzone, which has around 600 million users worldwide. That's more than Twitter and Instagram.
  Social media is still growing. Right now, there are 5 new Facebook users every second. This growth won't stop anytime soon.
(1)How many people often use social media according to the passage?
(2)Who spend more time on social media, Asians or Europeans?
(3)What are most people doing on social media?(One example is OK. )
(4)Which social media site is the second most popular according to the passage?
(5)As students, do you usually use social media on school days? Why?
17.用方框中所给的单词或短语填空, 使短文内容完整、通顺, 每个单词或短语只用一次.
first, seems, enjoyable, however, quite a few, culture, maybe, nothing, most famous, are different from 

  Beijing Opera is the most famous Chinese opera form. Having a history of about 200 years, it comes from (1)             drama forms (戏剧形式), mostly from the local drama "Huiban". It (2)             quite popular around the world now.
  In foreign dramas, actors don't dance, speak or sing in one drama. (3)            , Beijing Opera has all the three parts at the same time:speaking, singing and dancing. They (4)            each other.
  Beijing Opera has spread to many other places. It becomes one of the (5)             symbols of Chinese traditional art forms and many foreign people get interested in it.
  "(6)             you feel a little bored at first. But keep watching, and you will fall in love with it even if you know (7)             about the drama background. Listening to Beijing Opera is really an (8)            thing." This is what one American traveler said after he (9)             watched Beijing Opera in the theater. Beijing Opera is China's national opera and it is full of Chinese (10)            . Welcome to China and enjoy Beijing Opera!
I, one, talent, bird, hope, look, serious, happy, although, practice 

  Luo Wei was born in Guangzhou. He is a (1)             pianist in Shanghai. He likes expressing his love through his piano. His music is really fantastic (2)             it is just about common lives in Shanghai. He has written more than 100 "love letters" for his city. They are all piano pieces.
  Luo's musical journey started when he was a little child. His parents took his music career (3)            . "They did not believe in shortcuts (捷径), and so did I. When I was not having classes in school, I would spend most of the free time (4)             the piano," he said quietly.
  He wrote his first piano piece on a rainy day when he was feeling sad, lonely and helpless. "I just love riding on the streets (5)             for something interesting. I love watching (6)             singing in the trees in summer, and fallen leaves lying on the floor in autumn. All these are good for my piano pieces. People will find that Shanghai is a good place to live through (7)             music." he said.
  Many people began to love his music when they heard it for the (8)             time. "Your music is the sunshine in my life. It makes my life much (9)             and more beautiful," a listener wrote in a letter to Luo Wei.
  Luo Wei says he (10)             to write more good music for people. In this way, he can bring Shanghai to the world.
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  Healthy living habits benefit people a lot in their daily life. Last week, we asked our students about their living habits. Here are the results. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.
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